Infinity Throne

Chapter 105 A hellish start (please vote for me!)

Yi Lin didn't move.

It’s not impossible.

——But don’t dare.

He jumped a little and then reached his waist, his legs numb.

It seems that the lumbar intervertebral disc protruded too much and pressed on the nerve, which also pulled the egg.

Just jumping around like this is not enough...

If he moves a few more times, won't he be paralyzed on the spot?

"First there's the 'Memory Maze', and then there's another one...?"

Yi Lin subconsciously touched his forehead and frowned slightly.

He lowered his head and found that he was completely naked.

It's all wrinkled skin, nothing interesting to look at.

Further down...

Forget it, you know the basics and are consistent, just don’t look at it.

There was still a layer of light green viscous liquid stuck to Yi Lin's body.

Don't know what the ingredients are.

Probably the nutrient solution type.

This is a secret room.

There are five eggs in the secret room.

Oh no, it's five nutrition and life-sustaining cabins.

Of these five nutrition cabins, for the time being, he was the only one to break out of the egg.

Yi Lin suddenly remembered the fleeting line of prompts on Jack's computer screen in the 'Memory Maze'.


Does the reminder that is too late to be conveyed to the memory refer to escaping from one's own memory and waking up from the 'memory maze'?

Yi Lin thought quietly for 4 seconds and overturned this guess.

If the mission prompt after "Escape..." refers to his own memory maze, then when Yi Lin breaks the egg and escapes, the mission should have been completed.

This conjecture cannot withstand scrutiny.

"In other words..."

Yi Lin's eyes narrowed.



In the corner of the secret room, in another life-saving cabin, an old lady who was also naked and dry opened her eyes silently, and a bunch of bubbles came out of her mouth.

I saw her punching the glass.

no response.

Another punch.

Finally, he smashed the glass of the life-saving cabin, and then saw Yi Lin standing slimy not far away. A trace of vigilance and surprise flashed in his eyes, but without saying anything, he jumped out of the half-meter-high broken life-saving cabin. Li jumped down.


Yi Lin didn't have time to remind her.

The next second, the old lady was covering her waist in pain.

Yi Lin only glanced at it and then turned away.

Not out of embarrassment.

Not because of love.

But... it's a bit eye-catching.

The old lady's expression changed slightly.

She soon discovered her awkward situation.

She quickly reached out and covered the top. Thinking that something seemed wrong, she covered the bottom again.

After a few more seconds, she moved one hand up and down, up and down.

His face seemed a little red.

But unfortunately, on that wrinkled face covered with age spots, it is really difficult to tell whether it is blushing or not.

A good while.

The old lady finally felt less embarrassed when she saw that Yi Lin seemed to have no interest in her at all.

After all, don’t people stand there openly and openly, without covering up?

If you think about it carefully, it seems that everyone is in the same situation and no one is losing.


The old lady suddenly asked.

Yi Lin chuckled and nodded.

When she made a sound, Yi Lin also found that she was really old from the outside to the inside, and even her voice was dry, without the magnetism of the past at all.


Yi Lin smiled and said, "Same."

"Then they..."

The old lady turned her head and looked at the other nutrition cabins that were still motionless, with a glint in her eyes.

He lowered his head and thought about the content of this mission.

The plot is now becoming clearer.

Five eggs, ah no, five cabins, five apostles.

Yi Lin and the old lady broke out of the egg one after another.

Are you waiting for others next?

It seems so.

"Why are we like this!"

The old lady suddenly gritted her teeth and uttered a harsh sentence from her mouth.

But then, she let out an ouch, covered her mouth, and all the wrinkles on her face turned into a lump.


"I don't know, maybe it's the plot."

Yi Lin did not express her guess.

Seeing that Yi Lin didn't seem interested in talking more, the old lady didn't continue to exchange her thoughts with Yi Lin.

After all, the relationship between the apostles is very complicated. In trials, there are no absolute friends and no absolute enemies.

Everyone is just trying to survive.

So the old lady continued to cover her key parts, and then quietly hid some more in the darkness.

Although she has become older, she still has a normal sense of shame as a woman, and no one wants to stand naked in front of strangers.

Yi Lin made no other moves to avoid inexplicably arousing the other party's hostility.

It is difficult to understand creatures like women. Maybe the other person may look smiling and welcoming on the outside, but behind the scenes they are madly hateful.

In the last trial, Li Changge almost suffered a big loss because of a woman.

If Li Changge hadn't decided to become a scumbag in the end and shouldered everything by himself, he might have been tricked by Wen Manni so much that not even a scumbag would be left.


Yi Lin squinted her eyes slightly. Her eyes seemed a little presbyopic, or they might have cataracts, so she couldn't see clearly.

There seemed to be a cabinet on one of the walls of the secret room.

Yi Lin walked over slowly.

Avoid letting your lumbar discs bulge too far.

The slower the better.

After dozens of seconds, he finally moved to the wall with difficulty.

Sure enough, there was a cabinet where the presbyopic eye had just noticed.

The workmanship of the cabinet is quite good. The gap between the cabinet door and the wall is very thin. If it weren't for the recessed handle, no one would notice it at all.

Yi Lin opened the cabinet and took a look.


——No surprises.

When the old lady was covering her hands up and down, a black shadow was thrown towards her.

She subconsciously stepped aside.


What the hell, it reached the waist again.


The old lady was about to get angry, when a fierce murderous intent flashed in her cloudy eyes.

But the next second, the black shadow fell one meter in front of her.

"Sorry, I'm old and don't have enough strength."

Yi Lin's tone was calm.

Only then did the old lady realize that there was a piece of clothing not far away from her.


She was surprised and moved towards the dress step by step.

Picking it up and looking at it, the properties of the clothes appeared in front of my eyes.

【Patient Uniform】



[Explanation] Don't think too much, this is really just a piece of clothing, it can be worn.

The clothes are very new, have no peculiar smell, are covered with blue and white horizontal stripes, and the style... is hard to describe.

But the old lady still put it on happily.

After she put on this dress, she even felt happier than any high-end clothes she could buy from a designer clothing store.

Yi Lin also put on a patient uniform.

To be honest, there's really nothing to be picky about.

Moreover, Yi Rin also passed through the "Memory Maze".

The styles are exactly the same.


There seems to be something different.

Yi Lin looked down and saw a line of words printed on her chest.


It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand bird language, “Tower” quickly gave the official translation——


There is also a number under "Arkham".

But luckily it's not 9527, it's just a random number.

As for why his number in the "Memory Maze" is 9527, Yi Lin has already made a reasonable guess.

Everything that happens in the "Memory Maze" is reading Yi Lin's shallow memory.

But perhaps it is the "defense mechanism" of memory. In the psychiatric records in the memory maze, there is no mention of anything related to "Tower", "Apostle", etc.

It's messy and illogical, that's why it has flaws.


Yi Lin didn't remember where this place was for a while.

Maybe it's just like Gui Wushan.

It's a strange world.


Just after Yi Lin and the old lady put on their clothes in their respective ways, another nutritional and life-support capsule also shattered.

Then...jump down.

Not surprisingly……


Another flash of old waist.

A look of "Sure enough" appeared on the faces of Yi Lin and the old lady at the same time.

The third person who came out of the life-support cabin was an old man with a big belly.

The eyes are a bit small.

- very small.

Narrowed into a crack.

I don’t know if it’s because he’s so small in the first place, or if he narrows his eyes deliberately to look serious.

After looking around for a while.

His eyes finally fell on Yi Lin and the old lady.

He smiled coquettishly and covered his lower body: "Two...fellow Taoists?"

Before he could ask in detail, Yi Lin slowly pointed in the direction of the cabinet: "Where are the clothes."

"Hey! Thanks!"

The pot-bellied man ran forward a few steps, ouched a few times, and finally managed to get his clothes before breaking his bones.

The moment he touched the clothes, he seemed to see the "properties" of the clothes. After hesitating for a moment, he put on the clothes quietly.


Another sound.

As the four nutrition cabins were shattered, a shallow layer of light green mucus was spread in the secret chamber.

Just below the soles of the feet.

A little slippery.

Very easy to fall.

Yi Lin even reasonably speculated that if they were not careful, even if they were apostles, they would most likely suffer a cerebral hemorrhage while being "aged".

Then... pawn.

The fourth apostle was a tall...old woman.

She raised her head and silently checked her surroundings.

When she saw Yi Lin and the other three people in neat clothes, she looked down at herself again, her shriveled and sagging... body.

Then he walked down cautiously.

The tall old woman didn't seem to mind her current state. She didn't need anyone else to explain. She had already seen the half-open cabinet door——

The pot-bellied man took off his clothes and didn't close them tightly.


There was an awkward silence in the secret room.

It's just an awkward atmosphere.

None of the apostles looked embarrassed.

All waiting.

Anyone who can become an apostle is not a fool.

Well... at least, he's not too stupid.

Now everyone can see that it seems that only the gathering of the five apostles can start the next stage of the plot.

Four apostles, two men and two women.

Relatively average.

Yi Lin, like everyone else, looked towards the last nutritional cabin that had not yet cracked open.


Maybe it's because I'm dazzled and my eyesight is not very good.

Yi Lin inexplicably felt that the person in the nutrition cabin seemed familiar.


The man finally opened his eyes.

An inscrutable sneer curled up at the corner of his mouth.

Except for Yi Lin, everyone else's faces were slightly moved when they saw this.

Being able to wake up with such an expression is definitely unusual.

The last apostle didn't know what switch he had turned on.

The hatch opened slowly.

The moment the cabin door opened, the light green nutrient solution in the cabin poured down like a waterfall.


The apostle who appeared last gave a cold smile and used his fingers to push back his sparse and messy white hair, forming a slicked-back hairstyle.

——Extremely cool.

I saw him slowly walking down from the cabin and looking around. There seemed to be some kind of light flashing in the dark in his cold eyes.

"Old friends, I haven't seen you for many years. I wonder if your skills have improved? Hehe, I am as lonely as snow in this world..."

All the old people: "!"

Yi Lin: "..."

Yilin suddenly felt sad.

Because he discovered that the familiarity just now was really not an illusion, nor was he presbyopia.

It turned out to be Pan Zhengyi!

No wonder it looks familiar!


The number of apostles registered in the Tower of Death is at least four figures.

Although the random combination is related to the apostle level.

But the chance of being randomly assigned to the same trial as Pan Zhengyi again should not be high.

Yi Lin sighed.

After a brief moment of shock, he quickly calmed down.

If you think about it carefully, it's not all bad.

At the very least, Yi Lin can draw up a backup plan in case of emergencies.

Pan Zhengyi's appearance shocked several other old people.

They couldn't see through Pan Zhengyi's reality for a while.

Yi Lin silently threw the patient's uniform towards Pan Zhengyi.

Such behavior did not make others suspicious.

Pan Zhengyi didn't know if he didn't recognize Yi Lin, so he didn't say as usual: "Hey! Young man."

At the very least, Yi Lin doesn't want to expose the fact that she and Pan Zhengyi know each other yet.

Although Pan Zhengyi's thinking is chaotic, he can still do the instinct of putting on clothes.

He got dressed quickly and smoothly.

There was a snapping sound in the joints of his limbs, which even made other people's teeth ache when they heard it. Pan Zhengyi's face remained expressionless, as if the pain was not for him but for others.

Within a moment, Pan Zhengyi was dressed.

The pot-bellied man narrowed his eyes, smiled, and opened his mouth slightly. Just when he was about to say something, Yi Lin suddenly made a silencing gesture.

The potbelly was slightly startled.

He quickly realized something and shut his mouth.

Not long after Pan Zhengyi broke the egg, to be precise, it was 3 minutes and 23 seconds later.


On the wall where the clothes cabinet is located, a rectangular circle of light shines through.


After a crisp sound, the door opened.

A kind old man with a thin face, white hair, and a white coat stood outside the door.

It turned out to be——


Dr. Jack.

The doctor in charge of the mental young man Yi Lin.

The Dr. Jack who was casually killed by Yi Lin in the "Memory Maze".

Yi Lin's pupils shrank slightly, but they soon returned to their original state.

There was no change in his expression.

Yi Lin has already analyzed the current situation.

Under this old body, even if he can use skills, it is difficult to do anything much.

Although the start of this copy is weird, it shouldn't be unsolvable.

With this attitude, let alone this trial, even the lower-level Oniwu Mountain trial cannot be cut through.

Because...the body is too fragile.

Yi Lin had already confirmed through the "human skin" on her forehead that this trial was not a "role-playing mode" at all.

His current aged posture is truly his own body.

He is not playing a character in the plot.

In other words.

This old posture is very dangerous.

The kind that's so dangerous that you'll die if you touch it.

Although the health bar still shows "100%" on the panel, it is clear to everyone that 10/10 is 100%, and 100000/100000 is also 100%, but the difference between these two percentages is equivalent to A sea.

To be on the safe side, don't move yet.

——Don't move.

Dr. Jack smiled at the five lonely elderly people: "Congratulations, today's treatment is over! Next, you can move freely!"

"Free to move around?"

The gap between the pot-bellied eyes opened a little, and he couldn't help but repeat it.

"Haha, now is the happy post-treatment time, you can move around freely."

After saying that, Dr. Jack happily left the place with his hands behind his back.

There were only five lonely old people left looking at each other.

What is this?

Such a weird way to open it.

Unheard of.

Yi Lin, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked the others: "Have you received...that one?"

Except for Pan Zhengyi, everyone else reacted.

Yi Lin is talking about... the main mission.

After escaping from the "Memory Maze", no one forgot that this was a trial scene.

As long as there is a trial, there will be a task.

No matter how embarrassing a mission is, it is still a mission.

If not...that would be strange.

"Did you get it?"

The old lady suddenly realized what she was doing and asked a question.

Yi Lin did not hesitate and shook her head: "I asked you just because I didn't receive it."


She nodded slightly to Yi Lin, as if conveying a friendly meaning, but she didn't talk much and walked out of the door first.

"Then let's develop separately. I wish you good luck."

The potbelly also smiled, and no one could read his inner thoughts from his eyes.

After all, the eyes are too small to see the eyes.

The tall woman glanced at Yi Lin and also chose to leave.

"It's so cold at high places and so lonely as snow!"

Pan Zhengyi still had his hands behind his back, his head raised, looking at the ceiling.


Yi Lin didn't know what inexplicable role Pan Zhengyi played in COS, but in this state, if Pan Zhengyi continued to toss so ungratefully, he would have a cerebral hemorrhage or high paraplegia in minutes.

Thinking of this, Yi Lin took out "NT-046" from the storage space.

The technical term is...cerebral palsy film.

He had already taken advantage of others not paying attention and used his mental touch to explore the surrounding area quietly.

A camera hidden in the dark was also discovered.

However, I don't know if it is because of his aging body, or maybe because of brain atrophy due to old age, but his telekinesis has been suppressed to the extreme, and the range is only about 5 meters... This is quite uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the secret room is not big, 5 meters... is enough for the time being.

Yi Lin carried the surveillance equipment on her back and put "NT-046" into Pan Zhengyi's mouth.

Pan Zhengyi's "lonely as snow" expression suddenly froze.

Pan Zhengyi fell asleep.

Pan Xiaozheng... is here.

"What the hell?"

As soon as Pan Xiaozheng appeared, he noticed something was wrong.

Yi Lin quickly used the "communication function" to send a series of private messages.

Pan Xiaozheng's expression changed slightly.

His first reaction was...

It's over.

As soon as he mastered the "body", he felt the malice from this world.

Isn’t this just playing with him?

The mentally ill Pan Zhengyi does not know how to write the word "death", but the "sub-personality" Pan Xiaozheng is able to write the word "death" in various ways.

"keep in touch."

The duration of the cerebral palsy film is only 1 hour.

Pan Xiaozheng did not dare to waste time, dragging Chi Chi's painful waist and moved out step by step.

"OK, ready."

Yi Lin also left the secret room.

There is a lighted sign hanging at the door of the secret room.

The official translation is…

【Treatment Room 2B】.

Are you really undergoing treatment?

Patient uniforms…


Is it still the same disease?

Yi Lin remembered her own medical records in the "Memory Maze".

He thought as he walked towards the door.

Outside the door is a corridor.

On both sides of the corridor, there are many rooms with open doors, and each room is unlocked.

From time to time there were sounds coming from various rooms.

When Yi Lin and Pan Zhengyi were whispering in the secret room, the others had disappeared.

Everyone is exploring the plot in their own way.

Yi Lin was still thinking about the half-text that appeared on Jack's computer screen in the memory maze.

No one else received the mission?

Or... is someone lying?

Right now.

Yi Rin takes a leisurely walk.

Passing by a ward with a door ajar.

A cheerful voice came from behind the door.

"Hehehe...who am I?"

It’s the beginning of the month! Tsundere Bai Daring asks for a monthly ticket! Please, please!

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