Infinity Throne

Chapter 1039

Show that you are paralyzed.

Yi Lin raised her middle finger, with a smile on her face that was as warm as a friendly greeting to "God's Mother", but she cursed fiercely in her heart.

After scolding, Yi Lin felt much better, and he returned his attention to the "task" in front of him.

While thinking about the task prompts, he randomly selected one of the four doors, put his hand on the handle, and prepared to turn it open.

Anyway, I will give away "Heart-warming Resurrection Coins" a hundred times...


Yi Lin was stunned.

He picked his forehead.


I used too much force, and the blood vessels in my scalp were torn, and blood spurted out.

But he doesn't care about these details.

The moment he opened the door, he noticed something.

"Why do you want to give away one hundred 'Heart-warming Resurrection Coins'?"

He vaguely felt that giving away a hundred "Heart-warming Resurrection Coins" seemed to be contrary to the original intention of the Resurrection of the Dead.

Is the Resurrection Tournament really a chance for the dead to resurrect?


Just looking for fun for them who are above me.

Therefore, after thinking about these one hundred heart-warming resurrection coins, Yi Lin found that this was simply unnecessary.

"The only one..." Yi Lin let go of the doorknob, sat down, lowered his head and pondered. After a moment, Yi Lin couldn't laugh or cry: "Isn't it really that simple?"

In his past trial experiences, he was accustomed to looking for loopholes in the rules and getting in and out of the rules.

This time, it's no exception.

He noticed a detail in the mission prompt.

Among a hundred surprise rooms, there is only one "safe house".

only one.


Is the room he is in now considered a safe house?

Yi Lin sat down on the spot.

In the room with its pale walls, there was no sound, no entertainment, no clock.

A place where even the "passage of time" seems to be deprived. Just staying in such a place is a very painful thing.

Yi Lin silently counted ten thousand seconds in his mind, but there was still no change in the environment around him.

But because of this, Yi Lin is more certain of her own thoughts.

Funny mentality, right?

There is no time limit for this mission, which means that no matter how long he stays here, he will not "violate the rules" and there will be no punishment.

So Yilin simply lay down, changed from a sitting position to a sleeping position, and fell asleep.

In a daze.

There was a "ding" in his ear.

When he opened his eyes again, he had returned to the "Boundary of the Dead".


Yi Lin smiled happily and walked towards the black light pillar.

In the light beam, a clearance evaluation emerged.

This means that Yi Lin won and passed the level.

Easy and simple.

Playing with the rules with him?


I play with the rules.

【return! 】

[Welcome back to "The Land of the Dead". 】

[There are a total of 100 'Heart-warming Resurrection Coins' remaining, 0 coins are consumed, and the points gained are +30 points. The current total points are: 33 points. 】

[Remaining resurrection coins: 99. 】

[Current level: Level 1. 】

[Performance evaluation grade for this task: E. 】

[Get additional rating: boring wisdom. 】

[Attention: 0.01%]

[There are still 24 hours until the next mandatory mission. 】

[Please increase the number of layers as much as possible. 】

[Looking forward to your next performance. 】

Yi Lin's evaluation of clearance once again showed that "evaluation" and "benefit" were diametrically opposed.

His clearance income was perfect, but in terms of "performance evaluation", he received the lowest "E" grade.

"Bland wisdom?"

Yi Lin's eyes were as cold as iron. He stared coldly at the green flames in the black beam of light, which gradually turned into ashes and dissipated in his field of vision. He took a long breath and quickly extinguished the anger and hatred that was burning like a flame in his heart. .

Before there is no strength and no opportunity for revenge, unnecessary anger and hatred will only affect one's own reason.

In this cruel game, if he wants to escape from hell alive and return to his world, he can only use reason, extreme reason, to make every step.

never mind.

Yi Lin rolled her eyes, raised her middle finger, smiled, and greeted the god cordially.

Boredom makes you numb.

The level of attention seems to have increased slightly.

A breakthrough of zero was achieved.

Yi Lin's goal now is clear.

No matter what, you must save enough points to redeem [Apostle Core Data Fragments] in the "mission" before entering the 10th floor or above.

The level promotion of the undead seems to be similar to that of the apostles.

It's probably just like in the game, where apostles and undead of similar levels are matched with each other and fight each other under some kind of "fair, just and open" rules.

Or a fight between apostles, or a fight between undead, or even a fight between undead and apostles.

This world is like a huge Colosseum. Whether they are apostles or undead, they are just trapped in the Colosseum. Huskies who have had their claws and sharp teeth removed are left with pure stupidity, just for the entertainment of the gods. .

Let’s talk about this mission again.

Why did he get a performance rating of "boring intelligence"?

The reason is simple.

Yi Lin figured it out.

If this is a game, it is very likely that there are many gods watching in the dimension of this world.

They were laughing, they were drinking tea, they were bragging.

If you brag about someone you like, you will definitely not survive the next time.

As for Yi Lin's last mission, according to common sense, the undead would open the door under the temptation of "100 heart-warming resurrection coins", and then be tortured to death by various traps and "surprise rooms", and continue to die miserably.

Various ways of death can bring different pleasures to "the above".

The conventional way to clear the level is to return to this room while constantly dying and exploring, and then clear the level.

"100 temporary resurrections", "four doors", "one hundred" rooms, these elements secretly contain insidious psychological hints, forcing the undead to put down their vigilance, in the spirit of "it's not bad to give it a try", "Anyway, I gave you a hundred temporary resurrection coins", "It should be fine", "It won't hurt", "I'm just stuck at the door and can't get in" and other thoughts, so I opened the door and explored everything behind it.

If he really went to open the door, according to Yi Lin's estimation, a mere 100 temporary resurrections would definitely not be enough.

Boring tasks.

Yi Lin lay down again and waited for the next mission.

There is actually a hut on the deserted junction.

There wasn't even a bed in the hut.

So there is no big difference between lying on the floor and lying in the house. The house is just like a decoration.

After several mandatory tasks have passed.

Yi Lin is becoming more and more familiar with the rules of the "Resurrection Tournament".

He discovered something.

Not every mission is a trial of invading apostles and fighting each other with apostles.

The aloof gods seemed to be looking for fun in different ways.

Yi Lin's last mission was very interesting.

As soon as he appeared, he landed in a narrow passage. The passage was a downward slope with an angle of about 30 degrees. The passage could barely accommodate a normal-sized human lying down. It was less than two meters wide and there were abyss on both sides of the passage.

Yi Lin didn't have time to observe, and a big iron ball hit him behind him. He could only run forward with his head buried in it. As he ran, a pit appeared with spikes in it. He started to jump, and the iron ball behind him continued. As he chases and chases, there are more and more traps in various styles. As he jumps and jumps, he feels like a plumber wearing a red hat, playing a real-life "escape" game, which is particularly exciting.

This mission alone cost Yi Lin three resurrection coins.

There was nothing that could be done about it. After dying three times, Yi Lin discovered that this type of mission was purely about throwing the undead into torture, without any opportunistic methods.

Yi Lin died three times, two times because she was crushed to pieces by the big iron ball "PIA Zi" because she didn't run fast enough;

Once he fell into a deep pit and was stabbed by thousands of thorns and died.

The pain could not bring any pain to Yilin.

These are nothing compared to the pain they experienced.

Yi Lin even began to enjoy the process of "death".

When the process of "death" is no longer painful, then the "death" itself can also bring him insignificant pleasure.

In the cruel missions again and again, Yi Lin earned a lot of points.

He bought a few prop cards that were better than nothing and filled the card slots as backup. He spent a total of 90 points to buy nine [Upper Level Passes], raising his level to the ninth level.


Whether it is the 1st level or the 9th level, Yi Lin's intuitive experience has not changed much.

The place where the dead meet is still so hellish, desolate and cold.

The difficulty of the task has been slightly increased, but the degree of increase is still within Yilin's acceptable range.

He planned to earn enough points to exchange for [Apostle Core Data Fragments] and then enter the 10th level.

" would be great if there were books to read. I don't mind even if they are boring novels."

Yi Lin lay on the ground bored, her expression numb and empty.

He even wished that his precious "rest time" could be compressed from 24 hours to 1 hour, which was just right.

After finally running out of time, the scene before Yi Lin's eyes changed and he was forcibly teleported to the next mission again.

A gray-brown haze enveloped the manor.

Yi Lin opened her eyes.

The field of vision in front of me is very narrow, with only two medium-sized holes providing a barren field of vision.

As he breathed, the pungent and disgusting smell of rust hit his nostrils. He used to pick his forehead, but he hit it with a "thud" on the thick iron head.


As he moved, his limbs made the sound of chains clashing against each other.

The sound echoed in the darkness, and combined with the smell of rust in Yilin's iron head, it seemed particularly eerie and eerie.

The vision in front of him was strange. Yi Lin felt as if he was wearing a pair of polarized glasses, and everything in front of his eyes was red.

"Role-playing mode again?"

Yi Lin was looking at her body curiously.

"His" hands were very big and powerful, and his arms were wrapped with blood-stained gauze. The blood on the gauze had long since dried up. Yilin couldn't tell for a while whether the blood on the gauze belonged to him.


In the distance, across layers of walls, there was the sound of a rotten wooden door being pushed open forcefully.

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