Infinity Throne

Chapter 1053 A desperate gamble

After hearing "Twilight of the Gods", Yi Lin began to mourn for Gu Tianqing.

Who will die if you don't die?

The "Twilight of the Gods" difficulty is known as an unsolvable trial.

But Yi Lin also thought of a question.

After Gu Tianqing escaped from the Age of Gods, she introduced the supervisor.

Does this mean that Gu Tianqing, whom Yi Lin knew, was originally destined to die in the "Generation of Gods", but because Gu Tianqing ran away because of his lack of martial ethics, he deviated from his "destined fate". In the end, the supervisor appeared to bring order to the chaos?


The purpose is to allow Gu Tianqing to return to his "destined death", thus creating the undead soul named "Gu Tianqing" in front of him in hell.

The information brought by Gu Tianqing is very valuable.

Yi Lin confirmed the role of "supervisor" from the information given by Gu Tianqing.

If the trials of the undead and the apostles, the progress of the Revelation, and the birth of the Knights of the Apocalypse, all these disasters for the "pleasure of the gods" must follow an "established route", then the meaning of the existence of the monitor is equivalent to "Insurance".

She monitors the direction of the game and monitors every apostle. The apostles who are destined to die will die no matter what. Even if they escape once, the monitor will personally take action and personally send the apostles who want to escape their "destiny" to hell.


Yi Lin scratched his forehead.

There is one thing that Yi Lin still finds strange and cannot figure it out.

Especially after meeting the undead "Gu Tianqing of Tianqi Guild", Yi Lin was even more puzzled.

Why didn't any of the undead he met come from the "future" of his timeline?


Regardless of others, Yi Lin had never heard of the existence of the undead "Mo Rendi".

Or is it that no matter which timeline, Mo Rendi is unable to become an "apostle" due to various reasons?




There must be a reason for the abnormal results, but Yi Lin still can't figure it out yet.

After Gu Tianqing finished talking about his death experience, he looked at Yi Lin with a smile: "President, don't you have any interesting experiences to share with me? Well, maybe the president doesn't understand, but now I especially like to hear other people's death experiences. .”

"Oh, I entered the trial and died." Yi Lin said concisely.

The two were silent for a moment.

Gu Tianqing thought Yi Lin had something to add.

After three minutes of awkward silence, Gu Tianqing tilted her head: "Where's down there?"

"The bottom is gone." Yi Lin calmly spread his hands and said, "That's it."

"I understand." Gu Tianqing instantly forgave the president for his shameless behavior. After lowering his head and thinking for a moment, he immediately raised his head: "Do you... want to cooperate with me?"

"Are you sure?" Yi Lin smiled instead of being surprised. He didn't dare to say that he knew Gu Tianqing very well, but if he always looked at what he said with a skeptical attitude, he would definitely be right. So Yi Lin asked naturally: "Elaborate .”

Gu Tianqing put away the "Wheel of Fortune" tarot card in front of him, crossed his hands on his chin, and smiled slightly: "I have a... plan to leave here. It's me and you, both of whom can 'resurrect' and leave. Plans from hell.”

"I hope the president will consider my proposal carefully, considering the meager friendship we once had. But we are not in a hurry, we all still have time, don't we?" Gu Tianqing smiled, walking at a leisurely pace, Leaving "Scent of the Dead".

Yi Lin looked at Gu Tianqing's back.

He took a deep breath and frowned slightly, seemingly thinking about Gu Tianqing's tempting proposal.

But in fact, Yi Lin vaguely guessed the true meaning of Gu Tianqing's appearance in front of him.

"Is this a... game from above?"

Yi Lin closed her eyes for a moment, and when she opened them again, she already understood.

turn out to be,

Xiao Xi had told him the truth from the very beginning.

All of this is not a trial, nor a disaster, nor a game.

But...a gamble.

It's a desperate gamble.

It's a bet!

A super gambling game involving countless worlds, countless planes, and many gods!

Yi Lin couldn't imagine what kind of "profit" could induce a "dominator" level existence to continue to end.

Green didn't participate originally, but for some unknown reason, she got involved.

While Yi Lin was thinking, Wu Lulu came closer and said, "Would you like another drink?"

Under the education of his "best friend Rin", it seems to be getting better and better at doing business and has learned to "sell".


"Oh, are you sure? This lady of the dead seems to be waiting for you. Won't you treat the beautiful lady of the dead to a drink? My wise best friend."

"...Then let's have a drink."

Yi Lin looked at the back of Oda Wu sitting lonely on the bar. After coming out of the box, he came up to say hello: "Hi, Xiao Wu, what a coincidence."

Oda Mai didn't even look back: "I'm not that familiar with you."

Yi Lin sat down next to Oda Mai: "What a coincidence, in my timeline, you and I are really familiar with each other. I believe that even if people's experiences change, everyone else may change, but only As for Mai Oda, even if she smokes, perms her hair and drinks, she is still the innocent girl whose mind is filled with the idea of ​​'cutting the sky and cutting the earth'."

Oda Mai couldn't hold it any longer and looked at Yi Lin in shock.

After a while,

Oda Mai glared at Yi Lin: "I didn't smoke and perm my hair."

"It's just a metaphor."

Oda Mai stared at this thick-skinned and familiar weirdo, feeling a little unhappy. But this kind of discomfort is not because of Yilin's "self-reliance" itself, but because every time she sees him, Oda Mai can't help but feel an inexplicable feeling of intimacy in her heart.

But Oda Mai is very sure that in her world, the intersection between her and Yi Lin is limited to "a preliminary understanding after hearing the name", and there is no deep friendship. Therefore, that strange feeling of intimacy made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

It's like...the discomfort of having another soul living in your body.

Wu Lulu's wine was delivered at the right time, and she pointed at Yi Lin: "My dear friend invited you to drink it, please use it as you please." After saying that, Wu Lulu winked at Yi Lin and disappeared.

Oda Mai rolled her eyes, but still picked up the glass.


Yi Lin suddenly laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" Oda Mai asked.

"I just remembered that many years ago, I was with a good friend... By the way, you should have heard of her, her name was Molly."

Oda Mai nodded: "I heard that she is dead."

"As expected of you, you ruined the good atmosphere as soon as you opened your mouth." Yi Lin gave a thumbs up to Oda Mai: "But compared to the Xiao Wu I know, you have made too much progress. 'Speaking' and ' The proportion of people going under the knife is not at the same level."

Oda Mai raised her head and drank the strange glass of wine in one gulp. In the next second, her face flashed through various color changes, including blue, purple, pink and black, which were wonderful.

Yi Lin looked away and continued: "That's not the point. The point is that many years ago, I discussed a topic with her about 'déjà vu'. Do you want to know more about it?"

"Not interested in."

"Okay," Yi Lin nodded: "She said that it is assumed that all 'information' in the past, present, and future is actually composed of fragment-like signals in a waveband that is not understood by humans. exist scattered and irregularly,"

"Under certain special circumstances, human beings will inadvertently receive this fragment of information and reconstruct it into a picture in their minds. This is the 'sense of déjà vu'."

Oda Mai was stunned and subconsciously tightened the knife at her waist.

She stayed because...she clearly said "not interested" just now, right?

Or did you say it wrong?

Oda Mai's thoughts began to get confused.

Yi Lin looked at the confused Oda Mai and smiled slightly: "I know you may not understand, but I will summarize and correct it. Assuming that there are countless Xiao Mai in countless parallel time and space, then these Xiao Wu Wu, is it possible that under some special circumstances, part of the memory 'overlaps'?" As she spoke, Yi Lin pointed hard at her face: "So now, after listening to my analysis, do you think I look particularly special? Do you feel a sense of intimacy? And you desperately want to join forces with me to kill the enemy in the next mission? Remember back then, we worked together perfectly, both in the trial and in reality..."


Oda Mai's expression suddenly changed, and she interrupted Yi Lin's words. With a swish, a sword flashed through, and the bar was neatly split into two halves. After she picked up the knife, she felt comfortable all over. She held the knife and left the first crime scene without looking back.

Yi Lin was stunned.

He has never seen such an arrogant "criminal".

After Oda Mai leaves, Wu Lulu appears. Its purple face rarely allows people to clearly read an emotion called "mourning."

"My dear friend, please pay 1,200 points for damage to public property."

It stretched out its hand towards Yi Lin.

Yi Lin was dumbfounded: "As a creature of a much higher level than humans, you can't set all the facilities in the bar to be 'indestructible'?"

Wu Lulu shook her head solemnly: "Wululu must earn enough points as soon as possible to end her service."

The implication is clearly that compensation for vandalism is also part of the "salary".

Damn... Yi Lin honestly paid the compensation.

Favors are favors, and accounts must be kept clear.

Sure enough, when Yi Lin settled the accounts honestly, Wu Lulu's face changed from soy sauce purple to pink purple. She put her arm around Yi Lin's shoulders affectionately and said, "My dear friend, your behavior just now will be used by you." In a mere human way, is this called... striking up a conversation?"

Yi Lin corrected: "First of all, using 'mere' to describe human beings is incorrect. Also, my behavior is not called chatting. I am just...further testing what an 'undead' is."

"Oh, I wish you success."

The upright Wu Lulu happily sent her blessings.

The next second, with a swish, the bar that was split in half was repaired as new in the blink of an eye.

Farewell to Wu Lulu, Yi Lin returned to the realm of the dead.

For the rest of the time, he will be waiting for the next mission.

Mission, killing, return, shopping, waiting, mission.

This endless cycle has become a part of daily life.


This cycle was broken after Yi Lin met Gu Tianqing and Oda Mai respectively from the town of the dead.

In front of the dark beam of light, on the gray ground, lay a letter quietly.

The envelope was as black as ink, and there was a skull-shaped "sealing wax" mark on the seal.

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