Infinity Throne

Chapter 1058 Henry Zhang, you are here again

Oda Mai shut her mouth.

Holding the two swords, he was about to rush out.

Yi Lin held down Mai Oda.

He put his index finger up to his mouth: "Shh."

Oda Mai: "...?"

Shuzi blocked her from killing people, which was a heinous crime.

But she was held down obediently.

do not know why.

in the dark,

Yi Lin showed a warm smile.

This smile seemed to be the white moonlight shining in the endless darkness.

He raised three fingers and began to count down silently.





When Yi Lin pressed down the last finger, there was a violent vibration and an explosion outside the house.

"Do it!"

Oda Mai looked at Yi Rin in surprise.

On the way here with Yi Lin, she didn't even notice that the man secretly planted the trap.

As expected of that military advisor.

Even though he seemed so powerless against the Knights of the Apocalypse, he was still the mainstay of the Legion of Order, insidious, cunning and unmatched.

It is said that although the "Fox" back then had weak frontal combat capabilities, it had full life-saving skills.

The two of them jumped out of the hole in the roof.

In front of the dilapidated hut, a flashing "formation" was triggered on the ground.

A fat man with a round body was standing in the center of the formation with a ferocious look, his limbs tied tightly by the "red whip" like electric current.

"Crimson Chain" is Yi Lin's common spell.

Improved from the "Supreme Style Spell".

It consumes little and has strong binding power. It can be used as a trigger trap or to draw people. It is extremely cost-effective.

The fat man struggled hard while being bound by the "dark red chain".

He looked at a masked man standing on the roof and a woman holding a knife, and his heart skipped a beat, secretly thinking that he was about to suffer.


Fallen into a trap.

"I'll fight you! Burn! Fat!"

Golden flames burned blazingly on the surface of the fat man's body, like an angry fire. His size was shrinking visibly to the naked eye, and his fat body turned into rock-hard muscles in an instant.

The fat man's long hair was like flames, twisting in the wind on the top of his head. His eyes were red and he let out a deafening roar like thunder.

The next second,

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The crimson chains that bound the fat man were broken. He crushed the ruins with one foot and rose into the sky with the force of the earthquake.

But his next step was not to fight for Yi Lin and Oda Mai. After breaking free from the chains, he ran back without looking back.

Oda Mai was about to chase after her, but Yi Lin held her back with a tired tone.

Oda Mai looked back.

Yi Lin shook his head slowly. Behind the mask, his eyes looked helpless.

"Forget it, don't chase after poor bandits."

It's not surprising to encounter "familiar" friends in the undead mission.

This is why Yi Rin deliberately wore a mask.

At least, when he really wants to kill someone, he won't show any mercy.

One of the reasons for letting Li Erpang go is what Yi Lin said, don't chase poor enemies.

Second, Yi Lin is relatively familiar with Li Erpang's ability, which is an extreme close combat type. He has two forms. The fat form can increase defense, and the fat-burning form can turn defense into attack. It is very difficult to fight in a duel. And since Li Erpang did not hesitate to start [Burn it! Fat! 】It is better to use it to escape. If it is wasted here, it will most likely attract other monsters in the ancient ruins.

The two of them continued walking forward.

Take a few steps.

Oda Mai suddenly asked: "Your friend?"

Yi Lin did not deny it: "It used to be."


Oda Mai curled her lips, but in the end, she didn't say much.

Everywhere in the ruins gradually became lively.

Many undead have begun to realize that the treasure chests that can unlock "ancient talismans" have been opened.

The rest are all "mimics".

Many people began to form teams like "Irin and Mai Oda" to look for the lone undead.

"Boss Xiao Yang, found the target. There are only two people."

High in the ruins.

There are more than ten undead people gathered illegally.

One of the undead has large eyes that protrude outward strangely, like a frog.

At this moment, his strange eyes were shining brightly like two light bulbs, staring down at Oda Mai and Yi Rin who were walking cautiously through the ruins a thousand meters away.

"Just two people."

Although Henry Zhang has gathered a group of friends, this group of people is not gathered randomly. They each have their own specialties. They are not good at fighting alone, but if they form a team, they can work together to form a good fighting force.

"Quickly, share your vision with me."

Henry Zhang sneered, and his teammates gently pressed their hands on Henry Zhang's temples. In an instant, Henry Zhang got his teammates' super long-distance vision and took the faces of the two people into his eyes.

Seeing this, Xiao Yang shrank and cursed: "Fuck! It's him!"

"Brother Yang, have you met an enemy?"

Another undead man carrying an ax sneered.

"Don't ask questions that you shouldn't ask." Henry Zhang turned around and glared at the other party, and the undead man carrying the ax immediately closed his mouth.


It is true that life is full of narrow roads, and we must meet each other when we should meet.

Although after the 80th floor, the resurrection coins are useless. But in the Xinxiang Bar of the Dead, after Henry Zhang drank a glass of "rest in peace", he sent it where he was, and the relationship was finally settled.

Henry Zhang has never lost such a big person in his life.

Revenge must be avenged and kindness forgotten. This is Henry Zhang's consistent code of conduct.

He clearly remembered that a long time ago, he had a brother who died.

They survived the most difficult years together.

But one day, his brother was drunk and revealed that he wet the bed as a child as a joke at the wine table.

Henry Zhang smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, we are brothers."

Then a month later, Henry Zhang found an opportunity, stabbed his brother in the back, and sprinkled hot urine on his shocked face.


Even if he drank that glass of wine and lost a mere resurrection coin, it was no big deal, but Henry Zhang just couldn't swallow this breath.

After the four towers descended and the four Knights of the Apocalypse wreaked havoc on the world, bringing war and disaster to the world, Henry Zhang gritted his teeth and fought all the way to the later stages. He always felt that he should be the protagonist of this world.

Even if he dies now and enters the world of the dead, he is still confident that he is the "only one" who can leave hell alive and be resurrected.

In this case,

As the protagonist,

What's wrong with being arrogant?

So what if I'm a little domineering?

Which protagonist in the novel is not willing to take revenge, be both good and evil, and be chaotic and neutral?

This is the kind of persona that a "protagonist halo" should have.

Marquis Lu, who claims to be the commander of the "Legion of Order", is full of benevolence and morality, and acts aboveboard. He is eager to tell others that he has upright views. The more Xiao Yang sees this kind of person, the more he dislikes him, and he has long wanted to find an excuse. Instead.

"Brother Yang, can't we get up?"

Henry Zhang slapped the face of the undead who said such stupid words with such force that several bloody teeth were knocked out in the ruins.

"Are you stupid? There are two out of ten and you still ask me if I can make it? I'm just saying this to you. You will be the last to score the 'talisman' that I will grab later."

The undead was knocked to the ground, blood was pouring from his mouth, but he did not dare to say anything.

Yi Lin and Mai Oda are waiting in the ruins.

The danger in the ruins not only comes from the ruins themselves, but also from the undead that survive in the ruins.

"It seems like we're being targeted."

Yi Lin moved a little closer to Oda Mai, and her cold breath blew into Oda Mai's earlobe.

Oda Mai suppressed the urge to draw the sword and asked, "Where?"

"Don't look around. Just listen to me quietly and act like you don't know." Yi Lin kept walking, squatting down from time to time, touching here and there, then returned to Oda Mai and continued the previous topic: "I After a little confirmation, the opponent should be a group, with teammates with abilities such as 'visual specialization', which is currently beyond the range of my perception."

Oda Mai nodded.

"From now on, you follow me and only step on the places I have stepped on. Don't step on the places I haven't stepped on. Otherwise, you accidentally touch a place you shouldn't touch. Don't blame me for not notifying you in advance. You Don’t worry, you’ll be able to cut it later.”


Oda Mai agreed enthusiastically.

Yi Lin crushed the cards, hid the [Destruction and Redemption] in her sleeves, and silently began to accumulate power.

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