Infinity Throne

Chapter 1062 Deliberate loopholes in the rules

It seemed that Mai Oda only swung one sword, but in an instant, dense knife marks crisscrossed and formed a grid, passing behind Yi Lin.

Behind Yi Lin, the undulating sand dunes were cut into pieces, and the quicksand passed away. Due to the destructive power of Oda Mai, "rivers of quicksand" seemed to appear on the desert, flowing at high speed in different directions.

Yi Lin's body was also cut into pieces.

But Oda Mai didn't feel happy about it.

Because she knew very well that this man was not so easy to deal with.


The moment after Oda waved his sword, "Irin" appeared strangely on the desert one by one.

"Freedom of Law·Mirage."

Countless phantoms, standing, lying, or walking.

Different phantoms, some are pensive, some are hesitant, some are melancholy, some are rippling, some are smiling.

Thousands of phantoms walked towards Oda Mai step by step at the same time.

"I think we can talk."

Different voices converged into one, Yi Lin was making her final struggle.


Oda Mai was obviously determined to kill him. She kicked her foot, suddenly exerted her strength, and struck out with both swords at the same time.

The light of the sword in the sky was more dazzling than the blue sky and white clouds and the scorching sun. Oda Mai's sword was not confused at all, and it was a killing move as soon as it was struck.

The phantoms were shattered one after another, but immediately after, more "mirages" stood up from different places, in an endless stream, and endlessly killing them.

"Are you sure you want to delay time in this way?" Mai Oda chopped the hundreds of phantoms in front of her into pieces with a knife, and sneered: "If you think that just like this, you can exhaust my physical strength, you are too young. It’s up to me.”

"Really?" Suddenly, the light and shadow around Oda Mai were distorted. Yilin came to Oda Mai silently. He gently pressed the handle of Oda Mai's knife with his hand and smiled: "But your knife, No murderous intent."


Oda Mai slashed at Yi Lin's hateful smiling face.

The smile shattered, but I didn’t expect that this was also a phantom.

Oda Mai's face darkened, she pointed her swords at the ground, and she was seriously thinking about the next countermeasures.

As an opponent, Yi Lin's slippery mental side is obviously the type that Oda Mai hates the most - he can't be cut, he can't be killed by chopping, and he also likes to taunt his opponents by jumping around.

But Mai Oda did not give up. Like a tireless machine, she swung her sword at the phantom of Yilin who kept standing up and "giving away people's heads". But Yilin had no other tricks except this "mirage" move. More offensive moves.

One was cutting and the other was hiding. The two of them chased and chopped in the desert for nearly two hours like hide-and-seek.

Two hours later.

The desert scene is already in pieces. Under Mai Oda's knife, there are cut marks all over the place. The cut sand dunes surge into the cracks, forming patches of "quicksand valleys" with uneven pits.

The anger in Oda Mai's heart grew stronger and stronger.

Perhaps Oda Mai herself couldn't tell the difference. At first, due to "various reasons", she really couldn't kill Yi Lin, but as these two hours of useless work passed, Oda Mai was now really aroused. Huo wanted to find this man out and chop him into pieces to vent his hatred.

Yi Lin, who was bowing his head... was hacked to death.

Sit-ups in the desert... hacked to death.

Those running in the desert... hacked to death.

Oda Mai couldn't even remember how many "styles" of Yi Lin she had chopped off. She wielded the knife numbly for two hours, which made her mentally exhausted, but also angry.


Is that apparition yawning?

Oda Wu was stunned for a moment, and then without saying a word, she came to Yi Lin who was "yawning" with a knife in hand and sneered.


Oda Mai knew that her smile at this moment must be very underworld and not in line with her usual character...but she just couldn't help it.

Yi Lin looked at Mai Oda, who was approaching with a knife in a sneer, and her heart skipped a beat.

He knew that he shouldn't yawn, because none of the other phantoms yawned, only he was yawning, and he was obviously different from the other phantoms.



But I can't blame him. Watching Oda Mai chase the phantom in the desert for two hours, it was too boring.

"Well, I think we can still talk."

Yi Lin spread her hands.

The smile on Mai Oda's face faded, and she raised the sword expressionlessly.


Just when Oda Mai was about to unleash the evil fire on damn Yi Lin.

The door in the distance opened with a shrill sound.

The door is open.

A tall man pushed open the door and entered.


The moment he stepped into the room, the door behind him was locked neatly and firmly.

Yi Lin: "..."

Oda Mai: "..."


After a moment of embarrassment, Yi Lin activated his skills on the new undead without saying a word.

"Let the world feel pain from now on!"

When reaching the 80th floor and up, the level of the undead at worst is "extraordinary". When encountering an undead with extremely high will attribute, the "quick reading" version of [Disaster-ridden] is likely to be resisted, so Yi Lin doesn't say anything. He said that he would use twice the amount of spiritual power to give the unlucky newcomer a head-on blow before he even had time to ask his name.

Skill hits.

The strong man's brows were full of spring, and his autumn waves were rippling as he walked slowly towards Yi Lin.

"Do it!"

Although triggering "Charm" at this time was extremely inappropriate, Yilin still pointed at the other party and shouted at Mai Oda.

Oda Mai gritted her teeth and crossed hundreds of meters in a few steps. The sand dune behind her raised sand pillars tens of meters high under Oda Mai's explosive power.

Bottomless sand pits appeared behind Oda Mai.

"The Secret of One-Sword Style! Death Song!"

"The Secret of Two Sword Styles! All directions will be destroyed!"

"One-sword style..."


"The Secret of the Two Sword Style——"

"Two-sword style--"

"Two swords..."




She had been stimulated by Yi Rin for a full two hours, and the anger in her heart had already exploded. She could not kill Yi Rin, so the new unlucky guy became Oda Mai's only channel to vent her anger. Oda Mai drew the sword so fast that she was in the awkward situation of not being able to keep up with the "move name".

Yi Rin came closer with lingering fear. Oda Mai stood panting in the middle of a messy sand pit. The undead soul that had been ogling Yi Rin just now didn't even have time to scream under Oda Mai's knife. , and became minced meat all over the place.


Oda Mai held the knife and took a long breath.

Because she exhaled too hard, there were whirlpools in front of her.

Yi Lin stood ten meters away from Oda Mai.

"Uh...are you comfortable?"

Yi Rin asked cautiously.

Oda Mai turned her head, her facial features softened a lot.

"Did you already know this?"

Yi Lin nodded: "I guessed it."

"You guessed it, didn't you tell me earlier?"

Oda Mai had a sullen face. Although she was feeling happy now, it was hard for her to laugh.

"I already said we could talk, didn't you give me a chance?"

The surrounding environment changed.

As the undead soul was chopped to death by Oda Mai Lingchi, they returned to the small room of more than ten square meters.

It was surrounded by walls and nothing.

Oda Mai gritted her teeth and stared at Yi Lin's innocent face.

"One day I will chop you to death."

Oda Mai looked away and said something.

"Now, let's cooperate first."


Oda Mai didn't answer.

But she sheathed the knife.

That's the answer.

"Actually, it's very obvious." Yi Lin said while being wary of Oda Mai drawing a knife to hurt someone: "I just think that this kind of random small room, two-by-two grabbing one-on-one mode is a bit boring. Since even I If everyone finds it boring, then the 'higher people' will probably find it even more boring."

"Have you noticed that we have experienced so many missions, but there has never been a mission that was as serious as a ring, one-on-one, absolutely not. Because although many things are not necessarily certain, the 'win rate' It is most likely linked to the 'panel attribute'."

There was one sentence Yi Lin didn't say.

Since it is a gambling game, an arena battle in which the "win rate" can obviously be guessed does not fit the "gamble" model.

Even the underground gambling bureaus in the fighting arena are trying their best to play dirty tricks? Try every means to influence the fighters on the field, bribe them, throw hammers off the field, insult them, deliberately expose them, and other methods, just to manipulate the results.

Ever since Yi Lin knew that all this was a "gamble" and started to think about problems with "banker thinking", many logical problems could be solved easily without any difficulty.

"So, since this is not a one-on-one duel, it is a melee. If it is a melee, then there is something to play. Of course, the ideal situation is to wait until most of the undead react and figure out the 'hidden' Before the rules, we could kill enough people as quickly as possible and then leave here."

Oda Mai nodded.

Yes, yes, you are right.

But I'm still angry.

Oda Mai thought silently.

At this time,

The door opened behind Mai Oda.

The surrounding scene changed.


The sound of waves crashing on the shore came and went.

Rows of snow-white seagulls fly neatly in the blue sky.

One moment it was arranged into the character "人", another moment it was arranged into the character "大", and another moment it was arranged into the character "太".


Yi Lin's face lit up and she stretched out her hand to catch the seagull.

The seagulls screamed and were sucked by invisible hands, struggling to float towards Yilin.

They are on an isolated island.

The island is bare, without woods or hills, just a bare island.

A female undead came. When she opened the door, she was dumbfounded when she saw two people squatting in the room.

While Yi Lin was happily catching the bird, Oda Mai could no longer hold back and raised her knife to kill the opponent.

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