Infinity Throne

Chapter 1076

Yilin's lower limbs were bloody and bleeding.

"Xiao Xi..."

Yi Lin had thought countless times about what questions to ask when she met Xiao Xi again, but when the moment actually came, Yi Lin felt that her mind was blank and she didn't know where to start. There are so many puzzles she left behind, and she deserves the title of the ancestor of the Riddler.

"Can you heal me first?"

Yi Lin took a deep breath and pointed at the wounds on her body.

Xiao Xi shook her head: "You can't use 'backup' now."

Yi Lin's expression changed and he tore off his upper body clothes. Only then did he realize that even if he left hell alive, he had not returned to his identity as an "apostle". The brand of the apostle's unique ID was not re-printed on his body. On the body.

Helpless, Yi Lin could only let the wound bleed. Fortunately, he has a special bloodline and has strong self-healing ability... Forget it, Yi Lin felt that this posture was a bit embarrassing in front of Xiao Xi, so he activated the Free Technique.


The last of his psychic energy was squeezed out like toothpaste, and as the wounds on his body were quickly repaired, he really didn't have a drop left.

All the tubes were withdrawn from Xiaoxi's back into her body. The tubes were connected to unknown places. After being put into Xiaoxi's body, Xiaoxi stood in front of Yilin, as ordinary as a beautiful woman. The young woman next door is approachable. It was difficult to connect the Xiao Xi in front of him with such a tall and powerful being as "god".

One person and one god, sitting high in the sky.

Below is the neon city.

There seemed to be a transparent floor under Yi Lin's butt.

He sat very comfortably.

He thought for a moment and started to raise his hands.

"Excuse me."

Xiao Xi already knew that Yi Lin was full of questions, so she nodded and said with a smile.

"Where is this?"

"This is a very good question." Xiao Xi raised an index finger: "Countless artifacts have been born in this world, and all artifacts, without exception, eventually ushered in desperate destruction." Xiao Xi said as he said As he spoke, he sighed: "And the place where these countless 'time artifacts' are born is the 'only reality'."

It’s as if this was said but not said.

Yi Lin glared at Xiao Xi.

Xiao Xi tilted her head. She seemed to be thinking about a way to allow Yi Lin to "fully understand" the current situation. After all, the intelligence of humans and gods cannot be generalized. After a while, Xiao Xi waved her hand, and Yi Lin's eyes were dazzled. When he came to his senses again, he came to the center of the city from high altitude, and he was transferred here by Xiao Xi.

The beams of light reflected by the seven-color neon lights are like frozen frames, interspersed in the city night sky, and the mediocre pedestrians are frozen on the crowded road. Whether it is vehicles, pedestrians, or lights, the world in front of Yi Lin seems to be frozen in time. , still and silent, the expressions on everyone's faces seem to be frozen in the photo, and will not change with the passage of time.

Time here is frozen.


It’s not just the city that’s frozen.

From just now, Yi Lin heard no sound at all.

Even in a quiet place, there will be sounds. Breathing, heartbeat, wind, air movement, noise, traffic, conversation. But here, in this world, there is none. There was no sound or movement. Even Xiao Xi and Yi Lin didn't leave even a trace of footsteps as they shuttled through the still flow of people.

It was eerily quiet and terrifyingly silent.

"Time stopped?"

Yi Lin asked in surprise.

Xiao Xi shook her head: "No, it's 'here' time, and I haven't started walking yet."

Hear the words.

Yi Lin suddenly woke up and looked at Xiao Xi in shock. Xiao Xi seemed to understand what Yi Lin understood. She waved her hand again and took Yi Lin to the top floor of a building, overlooking from a high place.



Familiar scenery, not here!

Here, there are no four towers yet!

"What time is it now?"

Yi Lin changed the question.

"In a way you can understand, 'now' is 22:59 on November 11, 2111."

Xiao Xi is like a changeable clock puppet, accurately reporting the time.

"Am I back in the 'past'?"

"So, what is the past in your opinion?"

Yi Lin was silent, he himself didn't know how to explain what "past" was.

"You always think that everything you have experienced is the 'future', and when you return to this moment, it is the 'past'." Xiao Xi gently comforted Yi Lin's head, like a mother comforting her child: "But, you are wrong. Everything has not started yet. Everything you have experienced is just an 'artifact'."

"I can't understand." Yi Lin gritted his teeth: "According to what you said, everything I have experienced has been in vain? Their deaths, everyone's suffering, everyone's pain, are all phantoms? Hahahaha! I You worked so hard to get here, and now you’re telling me that it’s all a lie?”

Being held gently by Xiao Xi, Yi Lin let out a low growl, the sound was like a big child who had lost his beloved toy.

His voice made no echo.

In this static world, even "echo" has become a luxury.

Another crazy one.

Yi Lin couldn't accept it.

He couldn't understand either.

Everything he has experienced, everything he has experienced, in Xiao Xi's words, is just "a possibility of the future". He has gone through all kinds of sufferings, Xia Ruxue died, everyone died, and when he When he was struggling to crawl out of hell, Xiaoxi told him that everything was in vain?


Smiling and laughing, Yi Rin burst into tears.

At the end of the smile, there is only boundless despair.

Xiao Xi hugged Yi Lin. In this still and dead "real world", one person and one god cuddled up to each other. Xiao Xi patted Yi Lin's back gently. Yi Lin was like her child, in pain and helplessness. When helping others, he needs a mother-like figure.

"You're wrong, "10". "

Xiao Xi smiled slightly: "Everything you have experienced will not become an phantom, nor will it be in vain."

Yi Lin looked up blankly and looked into Xiao Xi's eyes full of energy.

"There is only one way to change the hopeless future. Your presence here is the only way. Half a century ago, you participated in that war as a 'heroic spirit'. It was you who told me this The thing is, it's because of you that I...choose you."

After a moment of silence,

Xiao Xi let go of Yi Lin, with a hint of helplessness and exhaustion on her face. Under Yi Lin's astonished eyes, she told the truth: "This is the 'only reality' for you, and for me In general, it is the core area of ​​'Xi Paradise'. Everything that happens here will be faithfully recorded in Xi Paradise. Once this place is taken away, everything will be over, my will will go back, and you will die. , I have spent countless years of 'time', exhausted the 'source', and built the 'Xi Paradise', but it will also be divided up by the greedy 'them'."

Yi Rin calmed down.

At this time.

Xiao Xi's expression changed slightly, she looked up into the sky, and then sighed.

"Sure enough, 'here' was discovered."

Yi Lin took a deep breath. Sure enough, human beings' ability to accept is very strong. At least, after experiencing many things, Yi Lin's psychological endurance was beyond his imagination. His emotional fluctuations caused by "reality" quickly calmed down.

He looked at Xiao Xi: "What can I do."

"Have you recovered?" Xiao Xi's eyes were as gentle as water. Yi Lin had never seen such a down-to-earth "god". At this moment, Xiao Xi's eyebrows looked a bit like a flower girl, like... a kind mother.

Yes, after thinking about it, Yi Lin felt relieved. Xiao Xi has lived for a long, long time. Strictly speaking, everyone in the world is her child.

"Before we begin," Xiao Xi stretched out her white palms. Between her palms, there lay a diamond-shaped crystal that seemed to be made of ice. The crystal was perfect. In Xiao Xi's palm, there was a slight chill. Xi smiled and said: "This was given to me in the clone left by the 'β-1010' artifact. I want to return it to you."

With trembling hands, Yi Lin carefully held the ice crystal.

For some reason, the moment his palm came into contact with the ice crystal, waves of inexplicable pain surged out of his chest.

He forgot to ask questions, and he also forgot to have doubts. At this moment, Yi Lin could only feel the coldness in his palms, and his heart ached inexplicably.

"I'll send you the data."

Xiao Xi stretched out her index finger and tapped Yi Lin's forehead lightly.

Blue light was like sparks, bursting out on Yi Lin's forehead, and the "crystallized" data was transmitted to Yi Lin's memory in this form.


[Data is being transferred...]

【please wait with patience. 】

[Transmission completed. 】

【Xia Xue's Heart】


[Durable] Never wear out

[Effect] When the holder is about to suffer "fatal damage", an "ice cliff" will be automatically generated for the holder to resist a fatal damage. Cooling time: 240 hours.

[Explanation] An infatuated woman did not hesitate to sacrifice her own life. In order to protect her beloved senior brother, she used the "absolute ice" that could freeze the principles of all things, and transformed into a woman who flew snow for thirty thousand miles. In the end, only this was left. An ever-lasting 'Xia Xue's Heart' seems to be saying: Even if there is a cliff of time and space, no matter where she is, she will protect you at all costs... Senior Brother.

Don't forget...Xia Ruxue.

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