Infinity Throne

Chapter 1098 Alchemy Doll



Hot summer day.

Pendragon Castle.

Little Mirion wore a bulging and white bandage on her chest and went into battle lightly.

She is carefully reviewing the "teacher's" teachings.

After receiving guidance, she realized that her hard training in the past had gone in the wrong direction, and now she was finally back on track.

Even under the high temperature, Great Mirien was still wearing black clothes and a mask. She didn't say any nonsense except pointing out Little Mirien's mistakes.

At this time.

Mirien turned her head and looked outside the house. Without hesitation, she jumped out of the castle by stepping on the high wall of the castle.

The girl who was sweating wiped the sweat from her forehead, looked back at the place where the teacher disappeared, and pursed her lips.

This teacher is good at everything, except that he is mysterious, weird, and occasionally exudes a nice smell. She couldn't tell what it smelled like, but she always felt that it smelled particularly fragrant and made her hungry very quickly.

Miriam came outside the castle. The castle was surrounded by a small forest. In the shade, under the shade of a tree, the cook waved to him expressionlessly, as if to say: Come here.

In front of the rice cooker, there was a pot in which the delicious food was cooking.

Miriam wiped her mouth and took two steps forward. But when she was about to walk to the pot, she frowned and swept out the sword at a speed that could not be seen clearly with the naked eye.

The "cooker" was beheaded.

Click, click, click.

The decapitated "Yi Lin" was lying on the ground twitching, but not even a drop of blood flowed out from the severed end of the neck. Under the skin were precise gears and metal structures.

"Alchemy doll?"

Mirien recognized the true form of "Decapitated Lin", pursed her lips and looked behind a nearby tree.

"Xiao Mi, you are very ruthless. Do you know that it took me several days to make this alchemy doll?"

Miriam sat sullenly in front of the pot.

He took the initiative to pick up the bowl and spoon that had been washed and placed next to him, and filled himself a full bowl.

In fact, what she didn't tell Yi Lin was that she didn't allow any "thing" to pretend to be a cook, not even an alchemy doll.

"17 days."

After Mirien ate ten bowls of fragrant beef stew in one go, she spoke a number stiffly.

Yi Lin scratched his head.

If he remembered correctly, it had been exactly 17 days since the last time he cooked for Miriam.

Mirien originally wanted to hold up the corresponding number of fingers and use body language to express how "long" it was, but then she thought that ten fingers were not enough to count, so she could only eat the stew angrily and talk to Yi Lin. There was no eye contact, as if she wanted to use this action to express Yi Lin's anger at "leaving her alone for 17 days".

"Am I not studying at Atlas Academy?"

Yi Lin didn't notice at all how shameful it was for him to confuse the two concepts of "sneaking in" and "further education". He used to secretly leave lunch boxes for Miriam when cooking, just like delivering takeout, but now The two finally had time to sit down and eat and drink together, and Yi Lin talked about what he had seen and heard at Atlas Academy.

Strictly speaking, Atlas Academy is located in the "Tower of Famine" zone server, which is equivalent to entering another zone.

Atlas College is located at the foot of the Atlas Mountains in Egypt. The mountain wall is hollowed out, and their college is built in a cave.

Inside the academy, there is no sunlight all year round, but magic equipment is used to provide lighting.

Yilin sneaked in and consulted many classics. One of them recorded in detail the "Seven Great Weapons" that Atlas Academy once had. However, according to legend, they had not been used since the Age of Gods, and not many of them could be passed down. The current Atlas Academy is more like a vegetable market for "alchemists" from all over the world to communicate. Different races and different languages ​​are chattering in the academy.

Alchemy is divided into many schools: academic school, data school, technical school, laboratory school, retro school, fantasy school and so on.

But the core idea of ​​alchemy is "transformation". They are committed to converting "one thing" into "another thing", but this conversion follows a certain pattern.

By the way, according to Yi Lin's current understanding, Xing Fei's school of alchemy, which can be made with both hands and making large and small gold anywhere, should be classified as a "fantasy alchemist" in a broad sense, but Xing Fei's skills are obviously obtained from the "other world" ", which is a bit different from the alchemy used in this world.

Different paths lead to the same goal. The ideal highest state of alchemy is to "create something out of nothing" or "to transform the whole into one thing". I don't know whether it is true or not. They have recorded some "conceptual weapons" in history, which are able to combine "life span" and "emotions". ", "spirit", "emotion" and other illusory things are transformed into substantial attack power.

For example, there is a lost weapon called [Yaoshou], which can convert lifespan into deadly toxins. The more lifespans converted, the stronger the toxin will be, and ultimately the effect will be death.

In the past, Yi Lin would have thought it was quite mysterious, but looking at his current state of mind, their ideal concepts and weapons are not unachievable "utopias". No, many of the apostles' special skills or props can achieve similar results. Effect.

Studying secretly for half a year at Atlas College made Yi Lin more convinced of the truth: different paths lead to the same destination. As long as he can understand "all the principles of the world", then his existence will become a "universal converter", and his "Infinite Throne" can evolve any form of power.

Yi Lin will not doubt whether she is on the right path. He has no time to think about whether the path of "infinity" can allow him to become a "god" level existence, because if he can't survive this time, everything will be empty talk.

"Once you lose, everything will come back again." This is Yi Lin's thought at the moment.

In addition, what interests Yi Lin the most in Atlas Academy is the "alchemy doll". The alchemy doll can be said to be the most interesting branch of alchemy. Some alchemists even carry alchemy maids with them, which look just like ordinary people on the surface and are practical and practical.

The "alchemy doll" he finally made was cut off by Miriam's sword when he saw it.

Yi Lin looked at the wreckage of the once named "Yi Lin Doll No. 1" and secretly felt pain.

When parting, Yi Lin gave a very high evaluation of the talent of "Little Mirien" in front of Great Mirien, which was a different way of praising Mirien's awesomeness.

Mirien readily accepted Yi Lin's statement: "Well, she is really smart."

After bidding farewell to Miriam, half an hour later, Yi Lin arrived at the vast sea without stopping.

There are no clouds in the sky, and the blue sea is sometimes calm and sometimes rough.

As far as the eye can see, there are several lonely islands sitting on the sea.

Yi Lin took out a small notebook and started recording.

【July 14, 2113】

I started looking for Wandering Sea in the Nordic waters.

The Wandering Sea is known as the "moving stone coffin" in the industry. There is a record in the clock tower about the appearance of the "Wandering Sea". It is a "mountain moving on the sea."

Legend has it that the founder of Hesitant Sea was a "vampire".

I do not believe.

Forget it, let’s look for it first.

To find a moving mountain in the vast Nordic sea, as far as the Arctic Sea, in such a large area, for Yilin at this moment, the difficulty is not only to find a needle in a haystack, but at least to follow a thousand horses. About the same as a donkey.

After searching for half an hour, Yi Lin gave up the serious search method.

He slapped his thigh: "Why did I forget my identity!"

He is the administrator!

What can an administrator do?

Take advantage of the permissions!

"Because I am too upright, I will inadvertently leave my identity as a dog behind."

He still looks for the "light spots" in his field of vision.


Enhance again.

A circle of "1" and "0" data streams emerged from the depths of Yi Lin's pupils.

Ten seconds later.

Yi Lin found it.

In the vast sea, there is a point.

That is the "apostolic" light.


After the "National Recruitment", Yi Lin remembered clearly that in the guild rankings of the Tower of War server, there was the name "Wandering Sea".

Being able to establish a guild and gather a group of senior apostles in a short period of time, Yi Lin did not believe that there were no senior apostles in Wandering Sea.

Just simple probability.

Following the light spot, Yilin headed north.

As the latitude changes, the surrounding temperature drops sharply, and the visibility in front of Yi Lin drops rapidly.

There was thick mist floating around.

The small islands in the distance became magical lights and shadows.


Yi Lin kept changing her position. After moving her position again, the light spots in her eyes disappeared.

Yi Lin was stunned for a moment, but he quickly took a few steps back and noticed something strange.


Yi Lin moved little by little. Finally, he moved to where the fog was thickest and stretched out his hand forward.

He touched the barrier.

"The Law of Freedom·Deconstruction."

He did not rush to trigger the defense of the barrier, but analyzed the structure of the Wandering Sea barrier through "deconstruction".


After spending a little effort, Yi Lin solved it, easily passed through the barrier, and slipped in. It's as easy as a fish entering water.

It not only passes through the membrane, but also ensures the integrity of the membrane.

Well, not difficult.

After crossing the barrier, there was still thick fog in front of us, but at the end of the thick fog, a majestic mountain peak like a natural moat was looming.

After the barrier, there are mountains and seas that are connected together in the fog.

"Bingo, found it."

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