Infinity Throne

Chapter 1101 The Birth of Error


July 8th.

It was an ordinary day in history.


This is the day when Yi Lin is truly "born" and truly "reborn".

Yi Lin sat on the roof of the Yiwu County Orphanage all night.

"Have you figured it out?"

The toolman’s mother hugged Xiao Xi and appeared behind Yi Lin.

The two of them seemed to be alone in the world. They stood on the roof. Many grandfathers and old ladies were playing in the yard, but they did not notice the existence of Yi Lin and Xiao Xi at all.

"you lied to me."

Yi Lin calmly told a fact.

Xiao Xi shook her head: "Actually, I didn't lie completely."

"I know, so I'm not very angry."

"What can you do when you're angry?" Xiao Xi puffed up her chest.

"Phew, can't."

Yi Lin hugged Xiao Xi from the arms of the tool mother: "I admit that if you told me the truth in advance, I would not be able to accept it. But now, I feel that there are no surprises that can make me feel 'surprised' ”

"As long as you understand~" Xiao Xi curled up in Yi Lin's arms and raised a finger: "I promise, this is the last time."

"you sure?"


Yi Lin is the administrator, and he knows the data on the administrator panel very well. So after thinking for a moment, Yi Lin guessed the reason why Xiao Xi said "of course". It wasn't that she didn't want to, but that she couldn't.

"The remaining sources are no longer enough to conduct a 'closed loop'?"

"No." Xiao Xi shook her head: "You will understand soon."

"We'll see."

Yi Lin no longer complained about Xiao Xi's riddles.

Now, he was looking forward to how many surprises it would bring him when the answer to the riddle was revealed.

Time passes by every second.

Yi Lin hugged Xiao Xi and quietly looked at the peaceful scene in front of her.

When the clock freezes at [12:00].

The world stood still for a moment.

The smiles of the old people suddenly became distorted.

No, it’s not just everyone in front of me who is distorted, but also the world.

Time, space, and all the "principles" that run the rules of the world are being distorted silently.

From the ground, the dancing numbers "1" and "0" converge into thin rays of light, like countercurrent rain, flowing straight from the ground to the sky.


Xiao Xi, who was quietly nestled in Yi Lin's arms, suddenly opened her eyes. Her eyes were filled with light. She was ignoring all the manifestations of the world and observing the changes in the core rules.

Countless streams of light gathered in one of the rooms in the orphanage. Gradually, all the streams of light converged into two human figures.

The light of two human figures intertwined with each other. I am in you, and you are in me. They are like the two strands of the DNA double-stranded structure, inseparable.

Yi Lin looked at this strange picture quietly.

His mood is very complicated now.

July 8, 2118.

That was the day he was "reborn".

At this moment, Yi Lin was witnessing her "birth" with her own eyes.

The stream of light dimmed, and when time started to move again, where the lights met, they precipitated into a boy and a girl.

The girl opened her eyes before the boy. The moment she opened her eyes, her eyes were emotionless and horribly white. But it was with these white eyes that when she was looking at the world, Yi Lin, as an administrator, felt cold all over her body, as if her own soul had been seen through, as if she had fallen into an ice cellar.

"Overseer! Her eyes-"

Yi Lin gritted her teeth, blood squeezing out from between her teeth.

He remembered everything.

He thought of Xia Ruxue's death, and at the end of that world, Ling Yiyi killed Chen Bei, Jian Nanchun, Hua Niang and the others one by one with a single blow.

Xiao Xi pressed Yi Lin's head hard: "Don't worry."

at this time.

A figure appeared in the sky.

It is the "Hope" of adulthood.

After the adult "Xi" appeared, her eyes looked in the direction of Yi Lin and Xiao Xi.

Luo Lixi and the young woman Xi looked at each other, as if forming some strange resonance, nodded at the same time, and said in unison:



The young woman Xi fell from the sky, and the world in front of Yi Lin shook violently.

The young woman Xi turned into a little bit of light and dissipated. The dissipated light entered the room and covered the eyes of the "Supervisor" that had not yet been fully opened.

Ling Yiyi's eyes turned from white to black, and then became lifeless again in the blink of an eye.

Yi Lin calmed down and watched this scene that could be called the "turning point of the world" quietly.

At the moment when "Error" and "Monitor" were born at the same time, the entire world was distorted.

Like a precision-operated machine, the young man raised his head dully and made an emotionless voice. Then, like a psycho, he muttered to himself at a very fast speed: "1010001010010101000..."

Yi Lin closed his eyes and simultaneously translated the string of "codes" that did not exist in his memory. After a moment, Yi Lin's eyes focused. The reborn "Yi Lin" used this method to compile the information of this world. Reconstruct the "memory" that he can understand.

beep beep beep——

A series of "principles" emanate from the boy's body to the world, and he is "connecting" to the world in this way.

The "reason" in the girl was only connected to the boy after her "eyes" were sealed by the young woman Xi.

The boy got out of bed.

He takes a step forward.

Fell to the ground.

He was like a babbling baby. Under Yi Lin's gaze, he was turning into... a "person" at a terrifying speed.

"It is now 12 o'clock sharp on July 8, 2118."

"I am "10". "

"I am reborn."

"I survived."

He is generating "memories".

He quickly mastered the "language".

He came to understand "behaviour".

He establishes "logic."

He learned to "think."

He dealt with "relationships."

He blends into “the world.”

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, Yi Lin wouldn't have believed that it would be so easy and simple to create a living person out of thin air!

He is me!

I am him!

We are the same person!

At this moment, Yi Lin witnessed the birth of "herself" with her own eyes.

Many mysteries from the past were solved in an instant.

I see!

It turns out I was literally born out of thin air.

No parents.


It just comes out of the air.

Yi Lin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he was strangely calm at this time, observing "himself".

"I die with the Conquering Knight."

"I went back in time."

"My purpose is to kill the Knight of the Apocalypse."

He ran out of the house.

Grandpas and grandmas greeted the "young man" one after another.

"Xiao Lin, didn't you say you were going to take a nap?"

"Little Rinzi, are you hungry again after just eating?"

"Go and deliver food to your Xiaoyi! Stay away!"

They didn't notice at all that the boy "appeared out of thin air". It's like boys and girls have grown up here since childhood.

"Yi Lin" walked around, became familiar with the "world", and returned to the room.

The girl was leaning quietly by the window, staring at the world.


"Hello, Rin."

Ling Yiyi smiled.

"It's good that you are alive, Yiyi."

"Yi Lin" took a deep breath, twitched the corners of his mouth, and smiled dryly.

"What are you talking about? You haven't woken up yet?" The girl obviously turned into a living person faster than the boy. She covered her mouth and secretly laughed.

"Believe me, one day, I will restore the sight to your eyes."

"Okay, I'll wait."

Ling Yiyi smiled softly, her eyes were like crescent moons, curved and beautiful.

When a girl interacts with a boy.

at the same time.

"What are you doing?"

Yi Lin watched in surprise as Xiao Xi left his arms and floated into the air.

Xiao Xi raised an index finger. On the tip of her small finger, a white card was slowly rotating: "I'm betting on... the future."

Yi Lin recognized the card and frowned: "Apocalypse Knight module?"

Xiao Xi smiled and shook her head: "No, this is..."Xi Paradise". "


Xiaoxi flicked the card towards "Yi Lin" in the room.

After doing all this.

Xiao Xi returned to Yi Lin's arms.

Her body became translucent, looming, as if she would disappear at any moment.

Yi Lin hugged the Cricket Goddess distressedly: "Are you going to die?"

"Bah, it's early."

Xiao Xi opened her eyes weakly: "It was you who made me choose you."

"So, mistakes were born out of thin air." Yi Lin closed his eyes, trying to hide his current complicated mood.

He is not human.

From beginning to end, he was not a person born normally.

He was a mistake.

He is a "mistake" that was born out of thin air.

A "BUG" was born after countless artifact runs.

Xiaoxi: "I hope you can understand this truth for yourself."

"How many times?" Yi Lin asked.

"10." Xiao Xi said weakly: "After countless artifact runs, you, the 'error', were born. But the supervisor discovered this loophole, and she used herself to fill it. In short , my vulnerability was compromised."

"I am the virus, and she is the anti-virus software, right?"

"...You can understand it that way."

"So, Ling Yiyi and I are truly a 'match made in heaven'."

"Sadly, yes."

Xiao Xi tilted her head and thought about it. This way of understanding seemed to be correct.

"So, no matter what I do, in the end, Ling Yiyi will act as a 'supervisor' to correct all the 'mistakes', kill me, and lead the world with bugs to the correct ending."

"My authority sequence is only 'C-002', while the supervisor's authority sequence is 'B'. In this bet, as long as there are supervisors, we... can never win." Xiao Xi sighed: "In repeated attempts, I failed, and the world became a closed loop with no solution."

"In the tenth calculation, I summarized the reasons for the previous nine failures." Xiao Xi said tiredly: "For the first nine times, I tried every means to make you evolve to the point where you are close to a 'god', but no matter which time, I failed miserably, and you were wiped out by the supervisor every time at the critical moment."

"So, for the tenth time, I gave up trying to control you and achieve you, but let you truly become...a human being. Live happily as a human being. I made you fall in love with me. Now... It’s because of race.”

After Xiao Xi finished speaking, she raised her index finger as usual: "This is the 'only' way."

Yi Lin was silent for a moment, and under Xiao Xi's expectant eyes, she said:

"The only way is... to kill the Overseer."

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