Infinity Throne

Chapter 113 I, Joker! (asking for monthly ticket)

James Gordon, Jr., quietly paid the price.


Slightly expensive.

But that's not important.

After shooing the mailman away with a wave of his hand, James Gordon Jr. turned over the new teaser card.

Needless to say, it's that damn "Riddle Gentleman" again.

He was almost certain that this mysterious "Riddle Gentleman" must be related to the former Riddler.

Whether it's his style of conduct or his mysterious riddles.

But it seems to be a little different from the Riddler.

The Riddle Gentleman did not commit many crimes, so James Gordon Jr. could not explain why for a while.

The teaser letter said a brand new puzzle.

[I will split the world in two, and I will welcome the midnight bell and walk towards the first ray of dawn in Gotham. A half-man, half-animal god has arrived, and I will twist off the god's horned head and use it to carry Gotham's second fireworks, igniting the torrent from winter to summer. 】


[Yours sincerely, the fiery "Riddle Gentleman", Edward Ring]

Little James Gordon's eyes were cold and he almost tore up the card in his hand in anger.

He clenched the card tightly in his right hand.

After the card became crumpled, James Gordon Jr. slowly straightened the cardboard card again.

Fortunately, the card was of good quality, otherwise the handwriting would have been hard to read after just rubbing it.


"Fuc...kkkk! Who blew up our Gotham Police Department!"

At this time, Gotham police officers who saw the explosion and flames drove their police cars back to the police station.

When they saw the famous Gotham landmark of the past, the Gotham Police Station, which had been blown into ruins, their eyes widened in shock, and they could not recover for a long time.

This, this, this, was blown up?

Okay, just say no and it will be gone?

Gradually, dozens of Gotham police officers returned to the "former" Gotham Police Department.


James Gordon Jr. checked the time.

According to the notice letter, the crime should have been committed after midnight.

It seems that the riddle gentleman is preparing something.

before committing the next crime.

It is now more than 5 hours before midnight, which is 0:00 in the morning.

There is plenty of time!


A cold smile gradually appeared on the corner of little James Gordon's mouth.

to be honest.

Yi Lin is really not good at playing riddles.

Things that can be said in one sentence have to be divided into several paragraphs, and it takes a lot of breath to finish, and even if you say it, others may not be able to understand it.

In Yi Lin's opinion, this kind of behavior is a bit boring.

But there was nothing Yi Lin could do.

Who told Gotham City to like this tone in the book?

It seems that the book "Legend of the Riddler" has become the third best-selling book in the bookstore series after "Legend of the Joker" and "Legend of Harley Quinn".

Night falls.

The entire Gotham City is no longer as silent as it was at night.

On the contrary, it became more and more lively.

The sound of gunfire, the noise, the blast of cannon, the sound was sweet.

It came from all over the city, coming from time to time, and almost never completely subsided.

"It seems that the others are working hard too."

The whole city was ablaze with lights.

A series of dazzling beams of light intertwined over the city, falling on the dark clouds above Gotham City, looking particularly stylish.

Yi Lin wore a pure black gentleman's tuxedo and came slowly from the darkness.

Night is his world.

Especially now that he is wearing black clothes.

When the shadow-following skill is activated, no one can detect his existence as long as he hides in the darkness.

At least, not until now.


This is the sound of the question mark scepter tapping gently on the bluestone.

The smell of gunpowder smoke gradually filled the air throughout Gotham City.

Come with the wind.

Yi Lin held the brim of her hat and raised her head.

In front of him was an ancient bell tower.

Above the clock tower, the two huge hands moved with a certain rhythm. Yi Lin could even faintly distinguish the crisp sound of gears behind the clock tower.

Yilin silently checked the "Baida Cuili" watch in her hand.


Plenty of time.

A wicked smile suddenly appeared on Yi Lin's lips.


Yi Lin quickly changed her smile to another one, a calm one.

Almost acted out.

He suddenly thought of the best actor Li Changge.

This kind of weird Gotham City, if that guy were to play it, it would probably be more realistic.

The Gotham Clock Tower is also an iconic building.

Twenty years ago, when villains were most rampant in Gotham City, it was said that the clock tower was blown up countless times by that group of people.

After years of tinkering, the Gotham Clock Tower finally managed to survive the era of bombardment.

The lock on the bell tower is already rusty.

In Gotham City, a city with simple folk customs, no one has ever dared to take the risk of "crime" to break into the "forbidden" bell tower, so it seems that the lock has never been changed.

A full twenty years.

The renovated and repaired bell tower, after twenty years of rest and recuperation, finally has a bit more of a "historic site" feel.

Yi Lin held the rusty lock and stared at it for a few seconds.

Suddenly smiled.


Then, he took out the blood jasmine, raised the knife with his hand, and cut the lock head directly.

There is no difficulty at all.

Inside the bell tower, there was no one.

Of course.

Some people call it weird.

Of course, it's not necessarily surprising.

Yi Lin took out a pen and paper from his pocket, the kind he had snatched back.

There are no lights in the bell tower.

Yi Lin was a little helpless, so she could only walk out of the bell tower door and silently wrote a small card.

After I finished writing it, I read it three times from beginning to end and carefully blacked out the question marks at the back. I was finally satisfied.

After making all preparations, Yi Lin started to step onto the bell tower.

When we are about to reach the top of the bell tower.


Yi Lin paused in her steps.

Think for a moment.

To be on the safe side, I temporarily put away the "Question Mark Scepter" and took out another card from the storage space.

After crushing it, the gray card turned into a brand new black umbrella with a British style in Yi Lin's hands.

Along the way, Yi Lin passed by the maintenance room of the bell tower.

There are many complex and huge gears running inside.

Driven by the clockwork, it makes a rhythmic sound.

Walking further up, you reach the top of the bell tower.

It was an empty rooftop.

I don’t know what kind of ghostly setting this bell tower was based on, but there was actually an empty platform above the bell tower.

It is said that the structure was added by the designer himself during the last renovation.

Is this because the villain doesn’t run fast enough or gracefully enough?

Although Yi Lin also felt that this setting was a bit strange.

But if you think about it carefully, this is Gotham City, and it doesn’t feel weird to refer to the short stories in those best-selling books.

Gotham City is a city with simple folk customs. Maybe the designer who repaired the clock tower also created such a platform to facilitate the villains' escape from the clock tower.

After all, in the history of Gotham City, too many stories have happened in Gotham Clock Tower.

Looking down from the platform, although the entire Gotham City is technologically advanced, it still has a weird Gothic style everywhere. The tracks, trains, water pipes, thick smoke, and sewers give people a feeling of prosperity but depression. .

Chu tu tu tu——

Suddenly, on the street about two kilometers away from the clock tower.

A large fire broke out.


There are also grenades.

Immediately afterwards, a round figure flew silently into the air.

Then it fell back onto the street.

"Oh, it turns out to be Fatty!"

Yi Lin is sure.

It seems that Li Erpang is still struggling hard.


At this moment——

Suddenly, the sound of a bullet being loaded came from behind Yi Lin.

"Riddle gentleman, put your hands up!"

Yi Lin admired the unique night view of Gotham.

"Edward Rin! Hands up!"

Yi Lin turned around and smiled slightly.

There was no surprise in his expression.

"The current Gotham Police Chief, James Gordon Jr., it's an honor to meet you."

Yi Lin bowed slightly and performed standard gentlemanly etiquette to James Gordon Jr. in an elegant manner.

"Are you the riddle gentleman?"

Little James Gordon held the gun steadily, pointing it at Yi Lin's head, his finger on the trigger.

Although the light at the top of the clock tower was dim, he could tell through the interweaving beams of light over the city that Edward Lin, the self-proclaimed "Riddle Gentleman" in front of him, looked so young.

But what about that unhurried and leisurely attitude?

James Gordon Jr. could clearly tell that there was no weapon in Yi Lin's hand.

Except...a black umbrella.



James Gordon Jr. suddenly remembered another name that resounded throughout Gotham twenty years ago.


His weapon is also a black umbrella.


As we all know, the Penguin and the Riddler have a bad relationship. Even if the Riddler has a relationship with the former Riddler, there is no way he can get the umbrella from the Penguin.

This could be a copycat crime.

Chief Gordon had a guess in his mind.

"I've solved your riddle!"

Chief Gordon smiled coldly: "You clumsy criminal, do you think you are really the Riddler? The crimes you have committed, according to Gotham City law, are enough to sentence you to death ten thousand times!"

As he spoke, Chief Gordon twitched his fingers slightly.

Like pulling the trigger!


In fact, Yi Lin already knew that someone had stepped onto the bell tower before him.

According to the Gotham City travel guide, if the description of James Gordon Jr. is correct, it should be this person who "solved" the puzzle he set and came here beforehand.

The lock showed signs of being opened.


This little James Gordon was very thoughtful. In order to prevent Yi Lin from discovering that someone was ambushing the bell tower, he actually asked others to lock the bell tower again after climbing to the bell tower, creating an illusion that no one had been there.

Yi Lin's sudden laughter made little James Gordon's pupils shrink.

"why are you laughing?"

"Are you sure you solved my riddle?"

In the darkness, Yi Lin stared into little Gordon's eyes, sparkling.

Like two stars in the darkness.

"At the stroke of midnight, doesn't it mean the bell tower? Your presence here is proof that I have solved the riddle."

Yi Lin smiled slightly and gently rubbed the umbrella handle with her fingers.

"My riddle is more than just this sentence, isn't it?"

"Besides, it's not midnight yet."


Little Gordon was speechless, but soon he regained his composure and aimed his gun at Yi Lin.

"No matter what the answer to the riddle is, you, botched Gotham criminal, you are going to die here!"

"Want to know the answer?"

Gordon was stunned.

He nodded almost subconsciously.

In the past few hours, he had almost racked his brains to think of the answer to this riddle.

But except for the first two sentences, everything else made him feel confused.

It's impossible to guess why.

My heart felt hot and itchy.

There is a feeling that if you don’t know the answer to a riddle, you can’t stop itching.

Yi Lin seems to have already understood the psychology of Chief Gordon, even if he is pointed at a gun, he will not move.

Besides, Yi Lin's senses had already spread, so even if he had signs of shooting, Yi Lin didn't panic.

——There are preparation plans.

Yi Lin's expression suddenly gave Chief Gordon the illusion that he was the one being pointed at by the gun.

But...that's not important!

He has the upper hand!

He is the one with the gun now!

No one can commit crime in Gotham!

The criminal must die!

This... is his Gotham!

And not anyone else’s Gotham.

Yi Lin laughed again.

"Here's a hint for you."

James Gordon Jr.: "?"

Yi Lin suddenly said loudly: "The prompt is...let the world feel pain from now on."

James Gordon Jr.: "??"

In an instant.

Yi Lin finished speaking.

There seemed to be a loud bang in little James Gordon's head, his vision went dark, and he fell straight behind him.


Flowers bloom in the back of the head.

I don’t know how much time passed.

Little James Gordon opened his eyes again.

The damn criminal is no longer in sight!

He quickly got up from the ground and looked down from the top of the bell tower.

Below the clock tower, police cars were surrounded.


Or was he run away?


From this clock tower, it is impossible for the riddle gentleman to jump from here and survive unharmed, right?

Even the famous Riddler twenty years ago would never be able to achieve this level.

It's not the Batman who goes to heaven and earth!

Thinking of the name he once had, little James Gordon's expression turned cold.

Only then did he feel a sudden sharp pain in the back of his head.

My head feels a little dizzy.

Little Gordon stretched out his hand and touched it, and blood dripped from the back of his head.

He gritted his teeth and ignored it.

Suddenly, he found this small white card standing upright in the corner of the platform.


Little Gordon didn't even care about the wound on his head. He picked up the small card and looked at it, and his eyes widened immediately.

I saw only one line written on the card.

Still a mystery.

But this time, it is a well-known puzzle, and anyone who has read the best-selling book "The Legend of the Riddler" knows the answer!

[I exist in reality, I am absurd in reality, you can interpret me, you can create me, who am I? 】


[Friendly Gotham City neighbor, a warm reminder, yours truly, the riddle gentleman Edward Rin. 】

James Gordon Jr. tore up the card with a deadpan expression.

The card is quite stiff.

It's a bit hard to tear.

But the card still shattered.

Flowing down from the top of the bell tower.

Like fine snow.


——This is the answer.

The answer everyone in Gotham knows.

After all, it's too classic.

It's all written in the book.

James Gordon Jr. also read it when he was a child, and was obsessed with it for a while.

Ahem... Anyway, this is a warm reminder from the "Riddle Gentleman".

Could it be that there was a lie hidden in the first puzzle?

Is that why he came to the bell tower?

Is he the one who was deceived?

Just a poor imitator?

"What did the riddle gentleman do just now? Why did I suddenly faint?"

Chief Gordon frowned, his face getting colder.

There was a hint of hatred mixed in with it.

"But why didn't he kill me?"

"Am I not worthy of his action?"


A low growl came from Sheriff Gordon's mouth.

But he did not forget his duty.

He quickly walked down the bell tower, took out the flashlight from his waist, and carefully searched the inside of the entire bell tower.

It is very possible that the "Riddle Gentleman" is still in the bell tower and has not escaped.

Sheriff Gordon won't let any possibility pass him by.

No one noticed.

In the dark night.

The other side of the bell tower.

A dark figure wearing a black tuxedo, a black gentleman's hat, and spotless white gloves, holding an umbrella in one hand, slowly fell from the air.

Elegant and evil, that figure was like a nobleman dancing in the dark night.

Night is his dance floor.

It's a pity that there is no dance partner.

Yi Lin landed smoothly on the ground and put away her umbrella.

Not far away, piercing sirens continued, flashing red and blue lights.

Yi Lin smiled slightly and continued to follow him like a shadow, hiding silently in the darkness.

"Sure enough...can't the 'riddle' copied from the book be triggered?"

Yi Lin, who was gradually moving away from the bell tower, whispered in the darkness.

But it's normal. Yi Lin had expected it a long time ago, but he just did a test on a whim.

After turning another corner, Yi Lin suddenly felt his whole body sinking.

In the upper right corner of the apostle panel, a BUFF icon with wings suddenly disappeared.

The time is just right.

Ah no, there's a little more.

It was indeed an accident that Yi Lin met little James Gordon tonight at the top of the bell tower, but it was not entirely an accident.

The puzzle he set up was two-fold.

The most stupid one, and the second one hidden deep in lies.

Yi Lin's original plan A was to leave a card at the location pointed to by the first lie puzzle.

If someone comes to the bell tower at midnight and sees the card deliberately left behind, it may add a bit of mystery and legend to the name "Riddle Gentleman".

Even if it's just a little bit, it's not a loss.

As for what’s written on the card?

Is the riddle gentleman here for a visit?

Do I want to be unable to cover my eyes again today?

My riddle to your heart?

None of this is important. Anyway, Yi Lin finally adopted Plan B.

There were a total of 9 options from A1 to A9. The moment Yi Lin saw the rusty lock, she gave up on them all.

Made a series of plans again.

On the mental side, the mind just spins so fast and is so willful.

"Haha, now, a seed must have been planted in Chief Gordon's heart, right?"

"Next, it's time for certain people to appear, right?"

Yi Lin knew that the journey to restore Gotham City's glory had just begun.

Hiding in the dark.

Yi Lin took out... a handful of cards from the storage space.

All in one hand.

Like thirteen cards in one hand.

If you look carefully, they are all of the same color, ah no, the same pattern.

[Enhanced TNT bomb]


[Effect] Besides explosions, what else do you want to use it for?

[Explanation] Well, explosions are the real art!

Yi Lin looked at the hand of cards.

Some headaches.

Is the next one going to be a king bomb? Or king fried plus king fried plus king fried?

This is Gotham City’s arms accumulation accumulated from 20 years of zero crime!


At this moment——

The sky above Gotham City's head suddenly became brighter.

As if controlled by someone, countless spotlights gathered in the center of Gotham City.

All the beams of light converged together, as if they were waiting for the arrival of some kind of existence.

“Cough cough cough cough——”

A cough echoed through the night sky from Gotham City's radio.

Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared in the center of the light pillar.

The figure was wearing a tight and ill-fitting purple suit, with a weird clown paint on his face, and the corners of his mouth looked a little weird and unpredictable against the paint.

This is--

Stereoscopic projection?


Yi Lin suddenly frowned.

This man seemed a bit familiar.


"Ladies And Gentlemen——Jiejiejie——"

The man in the suit suddenly let out a sharp and strange sound, with a bit of madness, and laughed.

Accompanied by the Gotham City PA system, the laughter seemed extremely harsh.

"I, Joker, am back!"

Yi Lin was slightly startled.

This voice——

It’s clearly Pan Zhengyi!

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