Infinity Throne

Chapter 1112: Open the bloody wound hundreds of millions of times


I don't know if it was because of the dream, but Green's laughter was particularly hellish.

Yi Lin suddenly missed the old bat.

Green is everywhere.

The end of the dream must be a nightmare, and deep in the nightmare lives Green.

The Lord of Nightmares is so terrifying.

Xiao Yilin in this timeline has just left Green Town. Although he has not yet obtained the [Nightmare Mark], if his guess is correct, with Green's ability, he will definitely be able to pick up vines, climb ants on trees, and root old trees, and take advantage of the opportunity of Green Town to sneak into "the only one" 's reality".

A long time ago, Green seemed to know about "illusion and reality" and mentioned it in front of "Lin Yi".

Finding Green is easy.

Just find a cool place to sleep and don't cover yourself with a quilt.

When the wind blows, you will have nightmares.

Yi Lin stood in front of the huge nightmare smiling face: "I want to make a deal with you."

"But you still owe me a lot."

"The debt in the artifact is fake and does not count."

"Huh?" The face in front of Yi Lin suddenly swelled hundreds of times, and the boundless pressure made Yi Lin unable to breathe.

"...Don't get me wrong, I mean, pay it back together now."

Yi Lin had a strong desire to survive and immediately came to Yuan.

Nightmare's smiling face shrank back to a mere dozen meters, and the corners of its smiling face cracked: "It was almost a misunderstanding. What a pity."

"No, no, no, it's nothing." Yi Lin shook her head without blushing or out of breath.

"When does that start?"


"But it's more painful than hell."

"It doesn't matter."

Green stopped talking, and the thick fog dispersed. The warm sunshine reflected on Yi Lin's face. Under the tree, sitting a quiet girl. She was wearing headphones, with her eyes closed, and a faint smile on her face. Her temperament was ethereal and elegant, not like she was in the human world.

Yi Lin had a knife in her hand.

The contact between his palm and the knife was covered with wet and sticky blood.

Whose blood?

Yi Lin walked towards Ling Yiyi numbly.

Once is not enough.

That's twice.

If two times are not enough, then ten times.

If it's not enough, then do it a hundred times, a thousand times, or ten thousand times.

Billions of times.

This is hell.

"This is not enough." Yi Lin stopped and took a deep breath: "It's not enough."

A little bat tapped on a crispy slice with twisted and twisted human faces printed on it.

Click, click, click.

Hearing this, Little Bat sighed: "You can increase the gear, but if it breaks, I won't be responsible."

The scene in front of Yi Lin changed again.

The dark sky and the cracked earth.

Ling Yiyi, holding the dagger of truth, stabbed Xia Ruxue, Jian Nanchun, Chen Bei, Hua Niang, and everyone he knew to death one by one.

Some wounds can heal naturally.

Some wounds cannot.

Since this bloody wound cannot be healed, it will be torn open again and again, and the wound will bleed like a stream of blood until you get used to this heartbreaking pain.

This nightmare will last...billions of times, or more.

Greene gnawed delicious "Nightmare Potato Chips" in his mouth and bowed gracefully:

"Have a wonderful night."

I do not know how long it has been.

When Yi Lin bounced off the ice bed, it was as if she had had a long dream.

His robe was soaked with cold sweat and frozen.

When Yi Lin sat up, the ice shards on her robe fell down, salty and hard.


Yi Lin's steps faltered and she fell onto the ice wall.

He gritted his teeth and stood up.

Fall again.

Stand up again.

The body was not damaged, but his "spirit" was damaged.

He took the time to take a look inside the hub. It was full of patches, fragmented and miserable, but it still managed to retain its shape.

The shape of the body is determined by the soul, and once the spirit is broken, it will be broken as well.

"As expected of...the Lord of Nightmares."

Yi Lin rubbed his eyes and opened his palms to see that they were all covered with light blood. Yi Lin clenched his fists and let the color solidify between the lines of his palms.

He left the snow mountain cave silently.

Yi Lin checked the time and suddenly realized that he had been asleep for nearly half a month. In other words, he was tortured in a nightmare for half a month. Green was six cents full after eating this meal, but he was very tired.

He knows very well that it is a difficult and long process to establish a cognition that "theoretically does not exist". Yi Lin has already seen hell with her own eyes. Even though Green's nightmare is more terrifying than hell, Yi Lin still moves forward fearlessly.

The more she comes into contact with a big boss like Green, the deeper Yi Lin's understanding of "divine nature" becomes. Although he and Green are quite familiar now, Yi Lin can be sure that to Green, she is just a "more fun toy than other toys", which makes Green cherish him a little bit, but if it is true, Even if he messed up Yi Lin, Green wouldn't feel too bad.

To put it simply: there are too many, too many, too many Green toys. Countless and vast.

"Half a month."

Yi Lin changed her clothes and counted with her fingers. After pondering for a moment, he crossed thousands of mountains and returned to Xiao Xi's place. But what surprised Yi Lin was that Xiao Xi had some sort of convulsion today and was not sleeping soundly at home.

[Find the boss. 】

It was impossible for Yi Lin to read the "reason" in Xiao Xi's body. Her authority was still the highest, so Yi Lin directly asked the navigator for help.

After automatically accessing the second-level database of Xi Paradise and tampering with Henry Zhang's core data, the navigator and administrator's common superior, [Goddess Xi], did not hold anyone responsible afterwards. This made the navigator silently add a piece of logic to his calculation: the boss is the biggest, and if the boss is not there, then the administrator has the final say.

Therefore, this time, the administrator once again overstepped his authority, and the navigator did not refuse and readily gave the coordinates of Xiaoxi's current location.

[See Chapter 320 Anchor Point for details]

When Yi Lin came, Xiao Xi was rolling up her sleeves and waving them hard in front of her.


She seemed to be taking pictures of something.

After Xiao Xi finished taking the picture, she sat down again and licked the ice cream.

"Someone accidentally touched the 'anchor'." She shook her head: "But now, it's not the time, it's too early, it's too early."

"Should I not be violating the rules if I do this? As long as no one finds out, it won't be considered a violation!"

Xiaoxi's mother patted Xiaoxi's head lovingly.

The scene is filled with deep maternal love.

Yi Lin arrived at the scene at the right time: "So it was you who slapped me on the back of the head?"

"Otherwise? I'm just slapping you awake."

Yi Lin thought about it for a while, too lazy to pursue old matters.

"Gu Tianqing... I originally wanted to ask you something, but now it seems there are more important things."

Yi Lin gave the goddess a simple hug perfunctorily and hurried away.

Xiao Xi pouted, a little depressed. She felt that the administrator was no longer playing with her.

Itai City.

"Xiao Yilin" rode the Chimera and rushed all the way to the ruins of the unfinished building, ready to start a team battle.

When the administrator arrived, the Chimera from outside the world was being brutally beaten by a group of people.

He watched from the side from beginning to end, and he soon understood the reason why this chimera was summoned here.

What made Yi Lin a little bit dumbfounded was that after that year, he casually made up a "big friend" and inadvertently echoed the image of "GM". This was really a pure coincidence.

"Xiao Yilin", Gouzi, Yu Meng, Li Erpang and others left the ruins of the unfinished building after the battle.

The staff of the special team are preparing to find a way to transport Chimera's mutilated body back to the capital.

A person wearing a peaked cap and work clothes silently dug into the Chimera's belly. Chimera's blood has the effect of corroding the human body, but the staff did not take any protection and took out something from Chimera's body with bare hands.


The staff member raised his head, frowned, and then chuckled: "You intervened so openly, are you really not afraid of being discovered by the superiors?"

"To each other. Don't think that I won't recognize you just because you changed your vest, Gu Tianqing."

Everything around was silent, and everyone was frozen in place, motionless.

In the silent world, only black and white remain.

They entered the warp.

Yi Lin and the staff became the only colors in the black and white world. He took out a scroll and stuffed the object into the scroll. The scroll twisted, as if it came to life, tearing open the subspace and drilling into the scroll. in the gap.


Yi Lin stretched out her hand, ready to stop, but after Gu Tianqing sent the "object" away, she stood calmly watching the administrator take action, stroking her hair: "I am honoring the deal between you and me. I suggest you don't Intervene, otherwise, there will be consequences at your own risk.”

Hearing this, Yi Lin made a move and watched the scroll disappear.

Gu Tianqing smiled: "You know me, although you don't believe me, but now we have common interests. After all, once we know your authority, who dares to mess with you easily?"

Yi Lin closed her eyes to hide the light flowing in her pupils.

Gu Tianqing guessed Yi Lin's plan, smiled and shook her head: "Don't waste your energy, you can't deduce it. Because he sent me a courier, but..." Gu Tianqing pointed to the night sky above her head.

Yi Lin opened her eyes and found that she couldn't figure it out. All clues have been erased, and Gu Tianqing used the "ritual" to smuggle an unknown thing in from outside the world. Gu Tianqing also seemed to know that Yi Lin still had concerns about whether to kill herself. So now he seems a bit arrogant.


Gu Tianqing lowered the brim of his hat and threw a card towards Yi Lin.

Yi Lin caught it.

Surprisingly, this was not a tarot card, but an ordinary cardboard card.

Three words were scrawled on it: [Cangyang City].

The words were followed by a smiling face that deserved a beating.

"For now, I might as well give you Tarot cards."

Yi Lin curled her lips, expressing disgust.

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