Infinity Throne

Chapter 115 Attacking Gentlemen (please vote for me)

Blasting is indeed a sophisticated art.

It has to be perfect, exciting, and dazzling, but also logical.

——It’s quite difficult.

It wasn't until Yi Lin took action herself that she felt a headache.

Fortunately, the Gotham Police Department has sufficient stocks of TNT bombs, so there is no such thing as saving or not.

Just blow it up a few times and you're done.

The Aparo Highway is a viaduct that crosses Port Miller.

Although the traffic flow on this bridge has been significantly reduced because Li Erpang and others are messing around in Gotham City, it can be roughly seen that it should be relatively congested at ordinary times.

Because there are many car prints on the bridge.

Sun marks left by vehicles parked for long periods of time.

This is... quite exaggerated.

Yi Lin carefully counted the remaining bombs in his hand... ah no, TNT bombs.

By the way, I briefly reviewed the location to be bombed next.

"Well, that's all."

Yi Lin used "psychokinesis" to attach the last "TNT bomb" to the bottom of the bridge near the bridge pillar.

Although Yi Lin is not a professional explosion expert, as long as such an explosion occurs, no matter how strong the bridge is, it cannot withstand it.

Furthermore, Yi Lin's purpose is not really to smash this viaduct to pieces...

It's just to complete a "crime".

Fortunately, "TNT bomb" is a card-based prop and does not have a very complicated usage process.

Just stick it on, just like setting an alarm clock, set the time and it will explode on time.

Moreover, there is also the use of remote control explosion.

After making all preparations, Yi Lin looked down at the time.


Still...ten minutes.

"about there."

Yi Lin lowered the brim of his hat and walked toward one end of the viaduct as if taking a leisurely stroll without anyone noticing.

A gentleman with charming and elegant manners walks forward in the dark night.


In the dark night.

The roar of an engine could be heard faintly in the distance.

Accompanied by the roar of the engine, there was also the dazzling red and blue light that kept flashing.

In the distance, it looks like a basket of two red stars, which are extremely dazzling.

Yi Rin has reached the end of the Aparo Highway.

He squinted and stared along the road, his expression slightly moved.

"The puzzle...has been solved? Ha, it's getting more and more interesting."

Yi Lin quickly came to a conclusion.


Yi Lin took out a gray card from the storage space.

Keep it close to your body in your tuxedo pocket.

At the end of the road, a line of police cars roared towards us.

Getting closer.

3 kilometers.

2 km.

1.8 kilometers.

1.5 kilometers.

Very close, very close.

Getting closer!

This car is quite fast!

It was clear that he was speeding.

It seems that Chief Gordon is also an old double-standard dog.

Yi Lin stood there.

One person blocked the entrance to the Aparo Highway.

Blocking the path of police car traffic!


James Gordon Jr. is racing like crazy.

He could already vaguely see the silent bridge not far away.

Because the criminals in Gotham City were raging tonight, it seemed that Gotham City had been completely rekindled, and the suburbs near Miller's Port had become desolate.

Tonight is the most serious crime that has occurred in Gotham City since the battle between "Batman and the Joker" twenty years ago!

"Damn Riddle Gentleman!"

"Hurry up!"

"Go, go, go!"

James Gordon Jr. hits the gas pedal.

It's like I can't wait to step on the accelerator.

But it's still not fast enough!

That's too late!

There are only a few minutes left.

Even if he managed to reach the Aparo Highway, there wouldn't be enough time to defuse the bomb!

That's too late!


Suddenly, little James Gordon saw a figure standing quietly in front of him in the range of the high beam.

An elegant figure.

A man wearing a black gentleman's hat and a pure black tuxedo, holding a dark umbrella in his hand, stood quietly at the end of the road.

It's like...

Wait for them to come!

"It's the Riddle Gentleman!"

James Gordon Jr. perked up instantly.

Even if the explosion on the Aparo Highway cannot be prevented, as long as the criminals can be punished, it is not a loss!

Bridges that have been bombed can be rebuilt.

People can be reborn after death, but as long as criminals are still in Gotham, Gotham will no longer be that perfect city with zero crime rate!

This is his Gotham!

Little James Gordon frantically stepped on the accelerator, blinded the opponent with his high beams, and planned to run the Riddle Gentleman to death with his car.

The speed is very fast.

The speedometer has reached 170 kilometers per hour and is about to explode.

Go, go, go!


500 meters!

100 metres!

The Riddle Gentleman has no action!

A crazy sneer curled up the corner of James Gordon Jr.'s lips.

He could even imagine the moment when the other party was hit by the police car, his internal organs suddenly squeezed into a ball, and even spit out from his mouth.

Maybe the scene will be a little disgusting?

Liver, intestines, kidneys, heart, lungs...

It was smashed into pieces, and then forcefully squeezed out from the upper and lower openings...

Ah, the picture... is so brutal!



Just when little James Gordon was daydreaming about the 360 ​​ways that damn Riddle Gentleman could die.

There was a sudden violent vibration under the buttocks.

Along with it comes a wave of heat.

The scenery in front of me suddenly became dizzy.

Even people and cars were spinning wildly, as if they were spiraling into the sky.

James Gordon Jr.: "???"

who I am?

Where am I?

What am I doing?

Why do cars fly?

Could it be that the speed of the car is too fast...can it really take off on the spot?

Yi Lin expressionlessly pressed the explosion button.

Enhanced TNT bombs can be used for more than just timed blasting.

Although he initially believed that with James Gordon Jr.'s IQ, there was an 85% chance that he would not be able to guess the time and place where he actually committed the "crime" through the puzzle.

But to be on the safe side, he still had a backup plan.

The moment the blast button is pressed.

James Gordon Jr.'s police car took off directly from the spot. Under the action of the law of inertia, it directly changed its flight direction and flew dozens of meters away.


It rolled many times in the distance, and then billows of smoke came out.

This time, the bomb that was laid in advance directly blocked the only route from downtown Gotham to the Aparo Highway.

Yi Lin looked down at the time.

Roads were blocked and a fleet of speeding police cars was forced to brake in front of the raging fire.


"Where's Chief Gordon?"

"There was an explosion!"


Amidst a burst of messy footsteps, dozens of Gotham police officers swarmed forward, and they soon saw the dark figure in the darkness.

100 meters away!

"That's...Riddle Gentleman!"

"Don't move! Hands up! Edward Rin!"

"Raise your legs! Do you want me to go whore? Shoot!"

After being prompted, others reacted.

Facing Gotham's criminals, what they need is not arrest, but...kill them on the spot!

Bang bang bang bang!

The standard pistol was spitting out tongues of flame crazily in the darkness, it was so dazzling!

In an instant, Yi Lin's eyes were shrouded in smoke and light.

But before they shot, Yi Lin opened the umbrella without any delay.

The other hand crushed an unknown card in his pocket.

I saw him standing in front of him with an umbrella, and all the bullets strangely landed in the air.

Boo hoo hoo hoo——

Chi chi chi chi——

In an instant, countless bullet holes were left around Yi Lin's feet and behind her.

After one round of shooting, the dozens of Gotham police officers emptied a magazine, and they didn't suddenly react until the pistol made a clicking sound of empty chamber.

Out of bullets!

"Where's the Riddle Gentleman?"

Even 100 meters is a bit far.

Even if their marksmanship is a bit poor.

But under such intensive firepower, he believed that no one could survive.

Together they fired hundreds of bullets.

Even a few hits are enough for the riddle gentleman!


"Oh cake seller, I think it must be the vodka that got me drunk-"

"Why the hell did you use an umbrella to block the bullet??"

"I must be dreaming!"

One police officer even foolishly pinched the butt of a female police officer next to him.

Plump and fleshy.

The feel is acceptable.

The policewoman ouched shyly and closed her legs.

Ah, it turned out I was not dreaming!

Yi Lin held up a dark umbrella.

Looking at the group of Gotham City police officers from a distance.

Behind them was a raging fire.

In front of them by the firelight was a strange and elegant gentleman.

Not to mention the hundreds of bullets that landed on the riddle gentleman, not even a single hole was left in the broken umbrella!

Where are the bullets?

Where are the bullets?

Where are the bullets?

Their hands are not watery toys!

That's a real... gun!


Right in front of everyone.

That damn, damn, elegant, charming riddle gentleman.

In front of everyone, he looked down at his watch.

That leisurely movement caused the policemen to lose their concentration for a few seconds and forget to switch magazines.

The scene fell into a strange silence!

At this moment——

The hateful yet charming criminal, the riddle gentleman, Edward Lin, suddenly raised his head, looked away from his watch, and smiled.





Edward Lin slowly stretched out a slap.

Those spotless pure white gloves were as dazzling as Li Changge in the dark night.

In front of everyone, Edward Lin's pure white palm retracted one finger.

Five fingers turned into four.

Suddenly someone reacted.

This seems to be counting down.


Someone among the police said it subconsciously.

Yi Lin smiled slightly and put down another finger.




Yi Lin suddenly lowered the brim of his hat: "Happy holidays."


At the moment the countdown ends.

The land suddenly shook violently.

The source of vibration is...the viaduct!

The police officers raised their heads in shock, looking at the dazzling fire rising into the sky not far away.

Amidst the explosion, the fire was like fireworks igniting the night sky of Gotham City, completely reflecting the dark clouds over Gotham City red, like the sunset!

Rumble, rumble——

In the horrific fire, the entire spectacular viaduct exploded violently from different piers at the same time. In the blink of an eye, the Aparo Expressway, one of Gotham City's famous tourist landmarks, collapsed!

In the blink of an eye, only a few bare steel bars of the Aparo Viaduct were left hanging in the air, and the bridge had already turned into countless rubbles, falling into the Port Miller Bay, causing waves of turbulent waves!

The Gotham City police officers looked at the spectacular scene in front of them, which was simply more exciting than any disaster movie.

After all... you are there.

Everyone was stunned, and it wasn't until the firelight in front of them gradually dimmed that someone finally reacted.

"Shit! Where's the damn Riddle Gentleman?"

And where the dark figure stood...

Is there anyone else there?

Where are the gentlemen?

The police officers quickly changed their magazines and rushed towards the place where the Riddle Gentleman was standing not long ago.

There...only bullet holes were left on the ground!


In place, only a group of Gotham City's "excellent" police officers were left, looking at each other in bewilderment.

"Huh? By the way, where is Chief Gordon?"

Suddenly, someone reacted.

It seems that their respected Gotham City Sheriff, James Gordon Jr., who is skilled in driving and is driving at the front, is missing.

A light flashed in Yi Lin's hand.

He silently put a ball into the storage space.

In the upper right corner of the apostle panel, a BUFF that looked like a "polyline" icon disappeared instantly.

The time is just right again.

After everyone was attracted by the explosion on the Aparo Highway, Yilin skillfully used a black umbrella to cover everyone's sight, activated "Shadow Follower" to dive into the darkness again, and became one with the shadow.

Now he has already mastered this skill.

Both the timing and technique of skill release are extremely skillful.

After all, this is his most commonly used skill.

They are all veteran drivers.

Needless to say.

In the distance, the shaking from Miller Harbor gradually subsided, and the fire began to dim.

Yi Lin wandered into the shadows again and left the place as quickly as possible.

Originally, he "borrowed" a car and drove to Aparo Highway.

But with this explosion of artistry, it’s probably very difficult to return that car.

As a result, the elegant and charming Riddle Gentleman added another touch to his criminal record——

Steal a car.

However, this is not important.

As sinful as mosquito legs.

Yi Lin doesn't even bother to look now.

[In the name of "Riddle Gentleman", destroy Gotham's famous building "Apalo Highway" and obtain a crime value of +60,000! 】

There were also a bunch of chaos points and sin points. Yi Lin took a cursory glance at them but did not count them in detail.

The total amount of sin points can be reflected on the "Sin List".

As for the "chaos value", although it is very important to Yi Lin, in this trial, the value of human life is too weak, so Yi Lin can only use it casually.

He can't massacre the entire Gotham City just to increase the chaos value.

Let’s not talk about whether it can be done...the price/performance ratio is too low.

It's better to concentrate on conquering the trials and get the highest clearance rating, that's the way to go.

Attributes...are the foundation of an apostle.

The power of almost all skills is based on attributes to achieve the most perfect effect.

Yi Lin suddenly raised his head.

Looking at the tallest building in Gotham City.

That's Wayne Tower.

It has a flashing red neon "W" icon.

It's big and conspicuous.

Especially at night, it's really conspicuous.

Half an hour later.

An ambulance from Gotham City General Hospital finally arrived on the scene.

And the fire brigade.

When they finally pulled poor little James Gordon out of the nearly scrapped police car, little James Gordon had already passed out.

After the doctor's examination, the other police officers finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The cause of the coma is most likely a concussion, but whether there is intracranial damage or not will not be determined until he is sent to Gotham General Hospital for a CT examination.

Other heartbeat, pulse, respiration, and vital signs were stable.


The unconscious little James Gordon closed his eyes tightly and cursed vaguely through gritted teeth.

"Damn Riddle Gentleman!"

On the list of sins.

Even without looking, Yi Lin knew that her guilt value was at the top of the list, far ahead.


Yi Lin found a comfortable place.

There was no intention to continue committing crimes.

Tonight, let's do this for now.

He sensed something was not quite right.

Find a place to take a good stroll.

Moreover, James Gordon Jr. is probably injured now. Without an "audience", the performance of "The Riddle Gentleman" will be greatly reduced.

For the rest of the night, let Li Erpang and the others mess around.

By the way, divert the attention of the police.

After all, a trial is not a trial for one person.

If the limelight is too loud and completely overshadows other people, something may happen.

It's also good to be prudent.

Before going to bed, Yi Lin took out the blood jasmine and took a look at the experience value column.

With a thought in his mind, he summoned Bai Xiaoyi.

The moment Bai Xiaoyi appeared, before he could flatter the "master" a few times, Yi Lin said dryly.

"Xiao Bai, come and watch the night."

"Why do you always order others around!"

Bai Xiaoyi pouted angrily, feeling a little unhappy.

Why don't you call Nie Hongxiu?

This is not partiality. Who is partial?


One day I want to make you look good.

Bai Xiaoyi stared at Yi Lin's face that gradually became quieter, silent.

Bai Xiaoyi didn't take the initiative to return to the spirit-enchanted weapon until the spiritual energy value was almost exhausted.

A night of silence.

The second day after arriving in Gotham City.

Yi Lin opened her eyes on time.

After he committed another crime of "trespassing into a private house" last night, his crime value was "+5" before going to bed.

It seems like this is also a capital offense in Gotham.

The owner of this house did not return home all night, and it is not known whether he died in the turmoil last night.

"I don't know what's going on with those guys?"

Yi Lin washed his face slowly and searched the house for some brand new towels and toothbrushes. After washing, he found some frozen food from the refrigerator, heated it in the microwave, then sat at the dining table and waited while turning on the TV. .

"Surprise! A mysterious criminal disguised as 'Joker' broke into the GBC radio station and committed a robbery. The crime is unforgivable. Unfortunately, he failed to kill the criminal in the end and let him escape——"

"Shocked! Shocked! A nimble, obese criminal actually had the audacity to rob the chain fast food restaurant 'Ken Lai', causing panic among the general public -"

"Terrible! A 'humanoid tank' suddenly appeared in Burnley. It is suspected to be the latest experimental product of S.T.A.R. Labs. However, the STAR Research Institute strongly denies it. What is the truth? Our GBC Broadcasting Company will conduct the next follow-up report for you. .”

"A mysterious oriental man robbed a gas station with strange weapons——"

"Headlines! Headlines! 'The Riddle Gentleman' Edward Lin appeared out of nowhere, destroying the Gotham Police Department and the Aparo Expressway overnight. 'Crime Busters' Chief Gordon is said to have suddenly exploded in the early morning because of the appearance of the Riddle Gentleman. He suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and was admitted to the intensive care unit of Gotham General Hospital——"

"Headline! Headline! Gotham, a simple city with zero crime rate, has many criminals appear overnight. Is this a loss of morality or a distortion of human nature? When Chief Gordon wakes up, our GBC broadcasting company will be the first to report Interview Chief Gordon and make the next follow-up report for you!”

"This morning, the richest man in Gotham City, Bruce Wayne, publicly stated that if he were Batman, Bruce Wayne would not hesitate to join in the annihilation of criminals. This may be the biggest joke in Gotham City in the past twenty years!"

"But because of Bruce Wayne's joke, Wayne Enterprises' stock price rose by 13%! The market value of Wayne Enterprises soared by more than one billion overnight! His money-making ability is terrible!"

"Crez Beverage Co., Ltd. plans to hold a press conference this morning to announce the latest 'happy drink'..."



Yi Rin turned off the TV.

Because breakfast is already hot.

When Yi Lin was about to open the sin list, she suddenly remembered that she had set a "do not disturb" function for a certain fat man last night.

After thinking about it, Yi Lin couldn't do anything too harshly, so Yi Lin turned off the Do Not Disturb status.

Not long after Yi Lin finished setting the status.

Li Erpang's profile picture began to vibrate crazily.

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