Infinity Throne

Chapter 1158 Nemesis’ Super Flesh Ball (2 in 1)

Nemesis is the true god.

Within its body, there are complete worlds, and world ships are connected in the form of "fleets".

The plural collection of world ships is the "small universe".

Therefore, what Yi Lin entered was Nemesis's private universe.


The end of the endless black space.

A "white hole" as big as a finger hole suddenly opened up from an infinitesimal speck, and a blood-colored crystal as small as a dust particle was spit out by the "white hole".

In the vast deep space, such a tiny "blood crystal" would not be noticed by any being, not even Nemesis.

Compared with the world in front of us, a speck of dust is too small to be worth mentioning.

The blood crystal slowly made irregular and random turning movements at the end of deep space.


no light,

no air,

no life,

There is no sound.

Here, it is "universe" in a broad sense.

"Space" in the narrow sense.

In fact, it is the edge of "fleet space".

Because here, there is no need to spend any resources to create conditions that can allow "life" to survive. Here, it is "nothingness".

It's like a completely blank space in a beta game where no data, modeling, characters, volume clouds, or physical collision rules have been written.

The tiny blood crystals are still turning.

Gravity from all directions causes this dusty blood crystal to drift in this direction and that direction from time to time, drifting aimlessly.

One year.

Two years.

ten years.

In the edge of deep space where even the concept of "time" has become blurry, this blood crystal has spent a long time.

There are many strange garbage floating at the edge of deep space.

There's the tattered wreckage of a space station.

There are unmanned satellite constellations.

During the long years of drifting, blood crystals fell on these wrecks from time to time.

Every time it floats out from a wreckage, the blood crystal becomes stronger.


The powerful blood crystal squirmed at the end of the deep space and began to change its shape.

At the beginning, a pair of hands grew on the blood crystal.

Gradually, legs grew.

Finally, the squirming bloody crystal block stuck out its head.

One day.

The blood crystal appears to have become a "human" figure.


"Finally, it's grown out."

The "Blood Crystal Man" has long been accustomed to moving in the space environment. He does not need breathing, oxygen, or nutrients, because he does not have a "body" at this moment.

"The blood of the entropy beast is indeed my true body."

Yi Lin thought.

His voice cannot propagate in a vacuum environment, but when a person has been there for a long time, he will always open his mouth habitually to simulate the feeling of speaking.

"I wonder if Nemesis likes this little surprise?"

Yi Lin invaded here as a "blood incarnation" and spent so many years sucking in various debris and "sources" that escaped in the space, and finally grew into a form that can move freely.

He continued to drift, trying to strengthen his "body".

Recalling their failure in the water world many years ago, and their determination at that moment.

In the picture Zhili Shu saw, their Gaia Fortress had no chance of winning.

In the end, he resisted the "source energy cannon" and drained a world dry. He used "infinity" and "ultimate intention" to compete, but he could only barely deflect the orbit of the source energy cannon by thirteen angles.

When Yi Lin witnessed the "universe" inside the Nemesis World Fleet with her own eyes, Yi Lin was deeply moved by the wisdom of the strong man cutting his wrists at that time.

On the gambling table, the difference between the odds of the two is a hundred times, which is not unreasonable.

No matter how much Yi Lin cheated, no matter how confident she was, she could not defeat Nemesis, who had traversed the "Chaotic Channel" for many eras.

The reason is simple - foundation.

The background of the two is hugely different.

In the Caribbean Water World, no matter how Yi Lin operates, it is only the "quantity" of a world.

As far as the eye can see.

In the distance of deep space, a cloud-like galaxy surrounds a burning star in the center.

Layers of stars and space stations rotate at a constant speed like layers of spherical bodies around the star.

Between the galaxies, countless orbits can be vaguely seen, connecting the planets.

According to Green, Nemesis is the god of "omnics". They use living creatures as "batteries" and squeeze their computing power to build a perfect "universe."

Visible to the naked eye, the "nebula" in the center exudes a strong smell of "source".

It is very possible that Nemesis's "batteries" are all stored there.

"What the hell is a 'Super Flesh Ball'?"

Yi Lin complained secretly. He knew that his destination was probably the nebula.

The gap between him and Nemesis is too big.

Yi Lin can only control one world at most.

But what Nemesis controls is a "universe" that connects world ships together.

Nemesis' world-destroying source energy cannon can easily destroy a world.

There is no comparison.

This is why Zhili Shu cannot see a victorious future.


The message Yi Lin left for Mo Rendi clearly stated that there is one way that can lead to the future.

That is, take advantage of it when it is unprepared, attack its chrysanthemum, collapse internally, and kill two birds with one stone.

The collapse of a giant always starts from within.

Since Nemesis is indestructible when attacking from the front, Yi Lin plans to attack from the inside.

Therefore, after discussing with Green, Yi Lin now invaded here.

Analyzing the authority of [Omnic Machinery] is not just to enhance one's own strength, but to make necessary "preparations" for the current step.

In order not to let Nemesis notice it, Yi Lin even staged a "heroic sacrifice" in front of Nemesis's eyes, and even his friends believed it.

When Green, the Lord of Nightmares, went berserk, it looked like he was going berserk, but in fact, with that palm, he secretly broke through the barrier and sent a drop of Yi Lin's blood into Nemesis's universe.

Nemesis's dictionary lacked the words "sophistication" and "cunning", so it was natural that he would not have thought that Green, a stoic and petty person, would secretly do such exciting things as "cheating".

To be honest, when Yi Lin was discussing the size with Green, Green agreed as soon as he flapped his wings, his face flushed. Obviously, this shameless behavior gave the Lord of Nightmares a long-lost excitement. As the saying goes, light is worse than darkness, darkness is worse than stealing, and stealing is worse than stealing over and over again. How happy this is.

The special feature of the "entropy beast bloodline" allows Yi Lin to separate the body and blood alone, thereby transferring the "soul", that is, the core data, to that drop of blood, and invades Nemesis's small universe. Green used a small bottle to store his body properly, so that Apokolips would not shine here, let alone reveal his whereabouts.

In the Qi Refiner's worldview, this move is called "rebirth by dripping blood."


All these plans involve risks and narrow escapes, but as long as Green is involved, the risk is reduced by 99%.

"Well, it's really the right thing to have a good relationship with the stingy Green and go along with him."

Just as Yi Lin sighed, suddenly, he subconsciously trembled in the deep air, and his blood trembled a few times.

At the moment when she thought about Green being "stingy", Yi Lin suddenly had the illusion... of being licked.

Yi Lin gradually understood what Green had said before.

They spend a long time waiting in silence and looking for fun in boredom.

The speed of time passing inside the ship is different from that in the outside world.

Perhaps Yilin has been drifting in Nemesis's "small universe" for decades or hundreds of years.

The Mo Rendi and others who "escaped" to another world may have only experienced a few short months, or they may have experienced a period of more than a hundred years, exhausted their lifespan, and turned into corpses and bones.

However, the follow-up of the escaped Gaia Fortress family members is no longer what Yilin needs to worry about now.

Taking a step back, Mo Rendi can really live in another world, live calmly, and die of old age for hundreds of years. In a sense, it can be regarded as a "Happy Ending".

Yi Lin was relieved. Now that he existed as a "blood incarnation", he could theoretically shape his body into any shape.

He bent his legs, turned his hands into two bloody blades, and carved several simple circuits on the soles of his feet.

Over the years eating and drinking in Nemesis' territory, Yi Lin had accumulated a lot.

call out.

Yi Lin was like a human-shaped rocket, turning into a meteor-like light arrow and advancing forward.

The speed is not fast, and the forward speed is difficult to discern with the naked eye.

But Yi Lin was not in a hurry. He knew early on that it was not an easy task to beat a true god with a complete world ship to death at the gambling table.

Being impatient has no effect at all.

Fortunately, Yi Lin's memory contains many books that he has not yet fully understood.

Divination, alchemy, magic, crystal patterns, and alchemy.

Not to mention other things, he had read a lot of books in Tianjian Sect, but he didn't use them much.

Now, I have a lot of time to review this knowledge again, check for omissions and fill in the gaps, and further integrate it.

How are academic masters developed?

Without him, I can only learn the new by reviewing the past.

Thus, young Rin's interstellar drift began.

at the same time.

There was a flash of light.

Gaia's Fortress tears space apart.

The sun was scorching, and the high temperature burned the air. Under the sun, there were endless undulating sand dunes.


Gaia's Fortress crashes into the dunes.

Mo Rendi and others struggled to crawl out of the sand dunes, spitting the sand in their mouths.

Molly searched for his shadow in the sand for a long time, but couldn't find it. She sat on the hot sand like a lost soul and suddenly started crying sadly.


The rest of the crew were dejected. In that battle, they lost their captain and a great man.

"Dad, it's okay."

Xia Ruxue sat high up, her legs swinging alternately. She put an index finger under her sharp chin, closed her eyes, twitched her nose, and said something incredible.

When asked by others.

Xia Ruxue said firmly: "Daddy is not dead. Xueer can smell daddy's scent." Then she pointed in front of her: "Look, daddy's scent is here!"

Xueer's words are confusing.

How can you see the taste?

But Seol has always had a strange connection with Yi Rin.

Mo Rendi told the message Yi Lin left before leaving.

Others can only choose to believe it.


There is hope after all.

Gaia was very good at it. Mo Rendi shook his fist, and Gaia took the initiative to hand over the temporary command authority to Mo Rendi.

Gaia explained that the reason why their crew teleported ahead of the fortress was because in Captain Rin's eyes, the importance of the crew far exceeded his plan, so he made such a setting. This hindsight explanation made all the members shed tears and once again lamented the captain's greatness.

After a brief analysis of the environment here, the Gaia Fortress team decided to stay in place and open up a defensive canopy.

A week passes in the blink of an eye.

The sky is full of yellow sand, and the hot climate makes it impossible for any grass to grow here. At a glance, this is a world without any life.

Mo Rendi and others spent a week on the sand dunes. With the rapid consumption of food and fresh water stored in the fortress, how to survive in the harsh environment became a problem they would face.

"Gaia, can you teleport again?"

Molly raised the kettle, moistened her dry lips a little, and asked after waking up from the nightmare again.

Gaia replied: "The remaining sources can carry out two random transmissions, or one designated transmission at locked coordinates. Do you want to carry out the transmission?"

Molly shook her head quickly.

When Yi Lin was here, she was always careful about the remaining sources. Molly could understand how precious "sources" are to a world.

If they rashly waste the number of teleports, once they are at the end of their rope, they will be greeted by the real end.

"I went to look for food."

Mo Rendi, who had not spoken much, suddenly frowned, looked in a certain direction, swung his sleeves, and stepped on the yellow sand, like an arrow leaving the string, drifting away. In the blink of an eye, Mo Rendi's tiny figure appeared. The figure was several kilometers away.


The sand dunes shook violently, and huge objects rushed out from under the yellow sand.

It was a... huge sandworm.

After opening its mouth, the sandworm's mouth full of sharp teeth is like a bottomless black hole.

"No, the food is here."

Mo Rendi's eyes were shining, he was laughing, his body was ignited with white flames, he was gearing up, he was extremely excited.

A giant sandworm with a diameter of 1.3 kilometers, a length of dozens of kilometers, and 90% of its body buried under the dunes. In a daze, it lacked brain cells. In front of this "little food" that was not even enough to fit between its teeth, it gave birth to a kind of The illusion that "I turned into food".

Yi Lin drifted for a long, long time.

The difficulty of drifting in space in this posture is beyond expectation.

But barely acceptable.

He forgot about time and concentrated on drifting in the empty space.

Gradually, Yi Lin entered the nebula.

Planets move in unscientific trajectories, and countless steel tracks connect the planets.

In the center of the nebula, there are huge rings of stars arranged axially, like a huge gun barrel, extending to the end of the starry sky.

"Source energy cannon?"

Yi Lin looked at this scene in surprise and secretly thought that it was no wonder that Nemesis' energy cannon was so terrifying because it borrowed the power of this super fleshy ball.

Observing from a distance, Yi Lin carefully memorized the trajectory and arrangement of the nebulae, maybe using them one day.

When it comes to knowledge, Yi Lin never has too much.

Yilin is now very close to the outer reaches of Nemesis' inner universe. So far, Nemesis has not noticed that a "little bug" has sneaked into his fleet.

On each planet, the red light is full of life and death, as if something is moving on the planet.

The twenty-four main planets rotate in complex circular orbits. Outside the orbit of the main star, there are also satellite groups operating in their own orbits. These celestial bodies are the main components of the "super fleshy sphere".

Within the orbits between planets are transportation channels, with many materials and flowing light moving at high speed in the orbits.

Yi Lin silently counted the days and counted on her fingers. After another three years, Yi Lin chose one of the planets and prepared to land.

Layers of free-flowing rays of light wrapped around the body. Yilin transformed her body into a shuttle shape. After approaching one of the planets, she allowed the terrifying gravity to pull her. Yilin turned into a bloody meteor, falling to the surface of the planet like a meteorite from the sky. .

call out……

The faint blood-colored light was particularly hidden among the red light.

Yi Lin breaks through the atmosphere.

The fierce air friction made Yi Lin burn at high temperature. But with advance arrangements, Yi Lin easily carried the flames around her, passed through the clouds, and fell to the ground.


The moment he broke through the clouds, Yi Lin's eyes suddenly felt enlightened.

The gloomy sky was filled with haze, and fleets of aircraft patrolled the sky. A transport-type omnimachine with a strong mechanical arm is carrying heavy objects according to a predetermined trajectory. The ground is covered with steel facilities covered with oil. The flat surface, seen from a high altitude, looks like a complete steel body without any gaps.

Among them, below Yilin's landing point is a facility that looks like a "stadium", surrounded by a high wall with a sunken center. There are many thick pipes outside the facility, rumbling and vibrating, as if they are constantly transporting some kind of object to the "stadium" in a fully automated manner.

That's it.

At first glance it looks like a safe landing spot.

Yi Lin made an instant decision and adjusted her posture in the air.


Yi Lin was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, he hit a small raised surface inside the building and on the edge of the high wall, creating a dent about ten meters in diameter.

The sudden movement alerted the nearby omnics. In just ten seconds, several teams of omnics of different types of work came to Yi Lin's landing point to check.

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