Infinity Throne

Chapter 1161

Yi Lin was wondering in her heart, thinking about whether these "slave humans" existing in the Nemesis universe could be used, "Alice-101" took nervous steps towards the person who was handcuffing Yi Lin. The room squirted.

"Pu Chi", "Pu Chi", "Pu Chi".

In the zero-gravity channel, Alice spurted forward with the help of propulsion.


Heavy metal doors opened to both sides.

The elegant 101 sat in front of Yi Lin.

"According to the data, the L-type is an ancient model that was eliminated fifty years ago. Moreover, the L-type is not elegantly painted and configured like you." Alice is worthy of being a highly intelligent being, and her words are coherent and coherent. clear.

Alice-101 calls the paint color similar to her own "elegance". It seems that the "anthropomorphic module" of 101 has an element of "pride" mixed in.


This is easy to handle.

"Hmph," Yi Lin thought for a while and decided to go along with it. She pretended to be more arrogant than Alice and looked up at the ceiling with her chin tilted: "I like it."

Alice lifted Yi Lin's chin with her index finger. This move could not be said to be provocative, because a serious human would definitely be broken into a comminuted fracture of the cervical vertebrae by this "provocation" and "click". Alice said: "L, I, Alice-△-101, order you to tell your reasons."

Beep beep beep.

Yi Lin's processing chip loaded the fake ID and received information from her superiors.

This is a mandatory order.

Logically speaking, Yi Lin could not refuse.

In the omnic community, authority trumps all else.

Once Yi Lin refuses, the trap will definitely be exposed.

How to explain this?

Yi Rin has a headache.

The "L" type is indeed an ancient model that has long been eliminated in the records of many machinery factories.

Yi Lin used this model at the time because he thought it was pleasing to the eye, simple and suitable for him. Unexpectedly, under the operating logic of "intimacy", Alice paid so much attention to him and was obsessed with the "model".

There are two paths before Yi Lin.

The first is to forcibly invade Alice's center and completely rewrite all of Alice's data from the "underlying data".

But in this way, it is equivalent to erasing the original "simulated personality" of the omnic "Alice-101". Of course, this is not a question of whether it is good or not, or whether it is cruel or not, but in this way, it will affect Nirvana. Yi Lin, who is not fully understood by the small universe of Mesis, can easily touch Nemesis's bottom line and expose his existence in advance.

Then there is only the second method.



Under the gaze of Alice-101, Yi Lin easily broke free from the restraints and gently stroked Alice's cold cheek with both hands.

"Alice-101" was stunned.

Free Method·Crimson Pulse!


A circle of ripples was released from Yi Lin's hands, and the electronic components of the entire spacecraft malfunctioned for a moment.

All the lights dimmed for a moment, but then came back on again.

In front of Yi Lin, the light in Alice-101's eyes went out and she fell directly into a "coma" state.

"It's really easy to deal with an omnic."

Yi Lin sighed while moving skillfully, and quickly dismantled the "Alice-101" chest armor plate layer by layer.

There was plenty of time this time, and the "slaves" on the disk did not have the guts to disturb the elegance of "Sir Alice-101." Without affecting the personality of this omnic simulation, Yi Lin targeted herself and added many secret details one by one.

Yi Lin believes that 101 seems to have some misunderstanding about "intimacy". He redefines what "intimacy" is based on Alice-101's behavioral logic.

During this process, Yi Lin encountered difficulties on a physical level and could only use the power of "authority" to roughly correct her "Alice-type" cognition.

Yi Lin set her character as a "poor cute newcomer who knew nothing after being formatted", while Alice became an excellent omnic who was "sympathetic to the cute newcomer and fell in love with her at first sight".

Well, "compassion", Yi Lin added a little bit of "compassion" to it.

This time, Yi Lin had enough time to tinker with it, and Yi Lin, whose hands were so fast, almost dismantled the Alice model inside and out.

The process is somewhat violent and sonorous, so I won’t go into details.

But in the end, Yilin actually found out Nemesis's way of controlling the omnic army through intentional manipulation and unintentional manipulation.

On the back neck of the Alice model, there is a microchip the size of a grain of rice. The chip seems to be alive, with pseudopods extending out and lying there tightly, motionless.

Yi Lin did not touch Nemesis's authority rashly. He made a little investigation outside, and sure enough, a tiny bunch of "reasons" extended from the chip. It was almost undetectable and could be called micron level. It was immersed in In the void, I don’t know where to stretch.

"I see."

As Yi Lin had learned before, the superior "god" is not omnipotent.

Every god is more like a professional who has gone to the extreme in his partiality. Only when he has gone to the extreme in his partiality can he gather his own authority.

And Nemesis's "omnic" is precisely because its authority is more biased towards "omnic" than "instrument". In Yi Lin's eyes, this kind of simple and crude remote control is no different from plugging in an antenna, but it is exactly this way that allows Nemesis to control the universe and become entrenched here.

In this world, there are omnics, Nemesis, and humans.

Yi Lin vaguely felt as if he had found a breakthrough to defeat Nemesis.

After working for 10 minutes, Alice restarted.

She felt like she had taken a nap.

When she restarted, Alice 101 saw the ancient model "L" in front of her. It had the same color scheme as hers, but had a pitiful life experience. With her own efforts, she worked in the waste disposal station, exchanged parts, and worked hard. Going up, I finally gathered the parts of this body and transformed it into such an elegant posture.

Alice-101 didn't ask any more questions. Crystal clear "coolant" flowed from the corners of her eyes. She touched Yi Lin's head and said, "L, from now on, you don't have to go back to that kind of place again."

After fine-tuning.

Alice's intimacy is finally normal and feels right.

Yi Lin calls Alice "sister".

Alice calls Yi Lin "brother".

In fact, once you accept the setting, there is nothing wrong with being a younger brother.

The destination of the disc is a mine about 30,000 kilometers away from the District 11 waste disposal station.

The distance that should have been reached in the blink of an eye, because Alice deliberately ordered the slaves on the ship to drive slowly and not in a hurry, so that the disc sailed for half an hour before it was about to reach its destination.

——"Morning Star Mine in Area 11".

Area 11 is the collective name for this planet, its extraterrestrial satellites, space stations, and other areas.

There are a total of thirty-six "mines" in District 11. Among them, the Morning Star Mine is the largest of the thirty-six mines in District 11.

"Alice-101" is the person in charge of Morningstar Mine.

When Yi Lin learned about this, she realized that it was the right thing to sneak up on her sister. Everything seemed to be destined and Nemesis was destined to be exhausted.

Ah, everything is just right, this will save Yi Lin a lot of trouble.

When the disk landed on a vast and flat apron and entered the underground for maintenance, Yi Lin saw it with his own eyes and sighed again. Nemesis was worthy of being a god. This suddenly refreshed Yi Lin's understanding of "mines". "The understanding of this vocabulary.

Geographically speaking, the area of ​​Morningstar Mine is similar to that of a huge country in the main world of Yilin. Not to mention, under the "greenhouse"-like buildings, there are three "underground floors" equal to the surface area.

Because Yi Lin has added to herself the pitiful persona of being "formatted and ignorant of the world," sister Alice knows all the questions Yi Lin has raised, and even takes the initiative to add them. Yi Lin wears "tall and handsome" armor and perfectly dresses herself up as an "omnic", so much so that in Sister Alice's concept, Yi Lin is not regarded as an "outsider" at all. Not to mention "hostile concepts" such as "career work" and "espionage".

What's more, although the information Sister Alice mentioned is very crucial to Yi Lin, it is a "common sense concept" for every omnic. After speaking non-stop for three minutes, Sister Alice completed the data collection and simply transferred a "96.7T" file to Yi Lin.

It not only contained "non-confidential" detailed information about Area 11, but also a high-definition satellite map of the entire planet. Yi Lin was flattered by this friendship. This was the first time he felt the emotion called "concern" since he dived into Nemesis's universe. But what makes Yi Lin feel ironic is that this kind of "concern" actually comes from a cold "omnic". Yi Lin is a bit dumbfounded by this.

The file was so large that it almost crashed Yilin's old chip.

Text and data don’t take up much space. In 96.7T, pictures and videos occupy the most space.

The file contains structural drawings and concept drawings of various models including the "Alice Type".

After a rough sweep, the texture, structure, temperature, and parameters here and there, seem to be clearly marked on the document.

Yi Lin is not a serious omnic. He can only read the folder title and cannot read the parameters and details. He wanted to say "it's really big", but he swallowed the words before he said it, so as not to make too many mistakes. What if it looked big but was not as big as he thought.

Brother L, who had received a "huge amount" of information, lowered his head and remained silent, as if he was concentrating on his studies. Sister Alice silently labeled Yi Lin as "the good brother of District 11" in her dictionary. In Alice's eyes, Rin's outline became greener and greener, until it was shiny, which represented extreme friendliness.

After recognizing alien siblings with Alice, Alice 101 didn't know what special things to do to Yi Lin. After all, sharing a charging station between omnics is already an extremely cordial thing. It would be more cordial than Alice could imagine, nor could she imagine it.

She decided to go back and check the relevant information before making the next step.

Alice flashed her lights thoughtfully.

At Yi Lin's strong request, Alice arranged a single-family mansion outside the mine, not far from the landing pad, and there was a terminal inside that could process data. The reason Yi Lin gave is straightforward: his model is too old and cannot handle the large data packets Alice sent him safely and losslessly.

If the tinkering goes wrong, wouldn't it be a waste of sister's kindness?

What bad intentions could a good brother have? Alice agreed without thinking too much.

Before leaving, Alice warned her not to enter the mine without permission. It was a capital crime for disobeying the "Supreme Council" and would result in complete "abandonment".

"Supreme Council?"

Yi Lin originally wanted to ask what the "Supreme Council" was, but without thinking for too long, Yi Lin deduced that the "Supreme Council" Alice mentioned was probably related to Nemesis. Assuming that Nemesis monitors billions of living beings and countless omnics and uses the "keyword search" method, if he asks about it rashly, he will probably blow up the truck. So Yi Lin suppressed the thought of talking too much and first Find the terminal in the room and carefully read the huge file package sent by Alice.

At the moment, Yi Lin pretended not to notice what the "Supreme Council" was, and promised never to "privately" enter the mine. Yi Lin, who was glowing with seven colors to express her warm farewell, said goodbye to Sister Alice, and turned around. Yi Lin's heart sank and she closed the door in the room.

"Sure enough, I feel like I'm being watched."

As soon as Yi Lin stepped into the room, she noticed something was wrong. The layout of the room is very much like a mechanical maintenance room, with no beds or human utensils. There are some weapon parts, modified accessories, high-end barreled engine oil, etc. The moment the door opened, the familiar smell of engine oil wafted out of the room, making Yi Lin feel like she was back in Wall-E's room.

This may be the peak life that Wall-E envies.

Yilin always remembers her identity as "a new person who was born after the old L-type was formatted and restarted." Although Yilin secretly tampered with the operating logic of Alice 101, making her regard herself as a super-friendly unit. But this kind of friendliness might very well make Alice secretly covet his armor plates and do some unthinkable things.

For example...peeping.

Yi Lin performed a mechanical moon dance and circled around the room "happily". The surveillance module was quickly found on the wall - it would have been too difficult not to find it, or Alice had no intention of hiding it at all. The lens, which is about 10 centimeters long and about 3 centimeters in diameter, is pointed directly at the luxury charging pile. In the lens, there is a red light that rotates 360 degrees without any blind angle, watching everything in the room.

After soaking a cup of engine oil, Yi Lin decided that she had to be more thorough when installing the omni-machine. After suffocating the sound and deliberately releasing the gas to simulate the evaporation of the coolant several times, Yi Lin came to the terminal and pulled it out from behind the breastplate. Connect the interface to the terminal, drink the oil drink and read the documents leisurely.


I got a little heady while drinking.

Very tasty.

Yi Lin drank for an hour and took the initiative to refill four glasses. It’s just that the engine oil you drank has nowhere to go, it all leaks out and is wasted.

In his opinion, the "younger brother" who concentrates on reading documents and organizing and summarizing will not damage his image in the intelligence of sister Alice. He has always paid great attention to "personality" and what kind of personality should do what. Moreover, Yi Lin has a certain understanding of the omnic community. After abandoning all emotional thinking, they only rely on logical operations. To a certain extent, they are a type that is easy to understand. It’s nothing more than a collision of logic, probability, and simulated personality.

emotion? nonexistent.

After one hour.

Yi Lin unplugged the connector from the terminal.

Sister Alice included personal information in the huge document description. She seemed to want to instill a certain "concept" into Yi Lin, but it was this "indoctrination" that actually gave Yi Lin a deeper understanding of Nemesis's cosmic form. What an irony.

After closing the terminal, Yi Lin frowned and sat down on the charging pile.


The charging port got stuck in the gap in the armor plate. He turned off the indicator light on his visor and pretended to be "I'm charging obediently."

The sense of voyeurism from the dark diminishes.

But it hasn't completely disappeared.


A round blood-colored bead first seeped out from the gap in the armor plate, and then turned solid in the blink of an eye. Like a pearl, it rolled to the dark corner, sneaked along the cracks in the room, and climbed out of the room into the wilderness. superior.

He did promise sister Alice not to enter the mine without permission.


Entering in a brazen manner is not considered a breach of contract.

Yi Lin urged the round blood beads and slipped into the mine "uprightly, brightly, brightly", feeling at ease.

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