Infinity Throne

Chapter 1168 Under the starry sky, above the scorched earth (2-in-1, please vote for me)

[Please give me a monthly ticket. 】

In the sky, the psychedelic and colorful haze and colorful light pollution are like a canvas filled with colors that can no longer accommodate any variegated colors.

At the moment when the KK countdown ends.

The moment the "Alice Type" fell.

The bright stars violently tore apart everything, and from small points of light, they expanded in an instant, filling the entire sky.




There are no words that can describe the beautiful scenery in front of Yi Lin.

Fireworks filled the sky, flooding the world, like a downpour of stars, falling on the surface of the planet.



Delete everything!

To Nemesis, or the Supreme Council, this is just a simple "formatting"!

Clear all life and matter from the surface of this planet!

This is a massive bombardment that is enough to wipe out life on a planet!

Boom boom boom!

The firelight of the explosion turned Yi Lin's crystalized blood face into a bright white color.

"elder sister."

In the sky full of fireworks, Yi Lin turned around and looked at Alice's body on the fixed frame.

He flicked his finger, and a tiny ball of light melted into Alice's body.


Alice's eyes lit up slightly.

"Sorry, I lied to you."

Yi Lin formed a seal with her hands in front of her body, and instantly laid down more than a hundred layers of extremely strong defensive barriers around her sister.

"For a moment, I thought you were a bit 'human'."

Yi Lin smiled and raised an index finger: "For example, when you are eating."

"Remember, 'name' is not exclusive to humans."

“It is a form of expressing oneself when ‘life’ has ‘self’.”

"In the illusion, aren't you NieR?"

"Haha, my sister."

Having said that, Yi Lin smiled, stepped into the air, and took the initiative to face the "sparks" in the sky. He opened his arms happily and allowed the "formatted attack" that could destroy all life on the surface to tear his blood into pieces and drown it. , bomb and kill.


Alice opened her eyes.

She lowered her head and realized that she had changed into a new body.

A brand new body.

However, she still misses the way she used to be.

The one that has been maintained countless times.


A strange dialog box popped up in Alice's field of vision.

"younger brother."

Then, another one popped up.

"He rushed out."

"He angered the High Council."


Alice didn't notice.

She was taken off her "shackles" by Yi Lin.


For the first time, she was "thinking" in a real sense, rather than simply "calculating".


A word that Alice once regarded as something only used by lower creatures, now actually happened to her at the moment of "the shackles were released".

"The orders of the Supreme Council are absolute."

"But why?"

"Why absolutely?"

"My brother is going to be 'deleted'."



Click, click, click!

The buckles that tightly fastened the torso and limbs of the "Alice Type" were forcibly broken by Alice.

The exhaust from the blowholes behind her hands exploded, and her hands accelerated to hit the light screen arranged by Yi Lin with a snap of her fingers.

Layers of ripples swayed from the light curtain, and the defensive barrier was not damaged at all.

At the same time, in Alice's field of vision, the gorgeous "spark" suddenly turned scarlet.

A "warning" light curtain isolates Alice.

【warn. 】

[A serious logic failure has been detected. 】

【warn. 】

[A serious logic failure has been detected. 】

【Restarting soon. 】

[Restart failed. 】

[Use emergency plans instead. 】

[Proceed immediately with the "Animation Module" formatting procedure. 】


[Formatting failed. 】

[An unknown error occurred. 】

[An unknown error occurred again. 】

【unknown mistake……】




Her vision was cut off by a ferocious [Error] light curtain, as if she was cut off from the world.

one time!


Three times!

She patted the light curtain frantically.

Alice actually didn't know what she was taking pictures of.

She just shoots and shoots.

Alice has a feeling that if she cannot break through this light barrier now, she will lose a very important "technician".

——Losing his only "younger brother".


Yi Lin smiled in the sky.

The terrifying power tore his blood incarnation apart.

The sparks fell on him and made bloody holes.

He didn't use any defensive moves to resist.

Yi Lin just laughed loudly and stopped pretending. At this moment, he seemed to be showing off his cards.

The blood incarnation is evaporated bit by bit.

When there is only the last bit left.

Now Yi Lin is like a humble and insignificant mortal. When he disobeyed the gods who overlooked all living beings, he endured the "sparks" sent down by the gods. In the end, in the anger, the stubborn mortal melted until only a mouth was left.

Yi Lin's laughter stopped suddenly, leaving only a subtle arc.

A bloody "mouth", calm and elegant.


"From now on, the real game of 'catch and hide' begins."

I don’t know how long it took.

The bombing of Starfire spread all over the planet.

In Area 11, the entire main star was destroyed by "formatted" violence. The entire surface was ignited with raging fires and devastated.

Formatting means "deleting all data".

Yes, delete.

On the planet, there are hundreds of billions of "biological batteries" and numerous "intelligent machines". Under the management of Nemesis, they are nothing more than "data areas that can be deleted at any time."

As the God of Omnic Machines, he has no need for pity or thought, only the "cost".

What is the cost of destroying an intruder who sneaks into this place?

Nemesis calculated it a million times.

Last time, it miscalculated.

The same mistake will not occur a second time in a perfect "Omnic God" calculation.

Therefore, it failed to win over and decided to stud.

That is, "format" this area.

"They", when they were in the lower source sea, in order to defeat the "main world" controlled by Yi Lin, they did not hesitate to use the "source energy cannon" to kill them all in one fell swoop.

Go all out and show no mercy.

They would not like to see Yi Lin make another comeback.

The sparks fell for three days and three nights.

If you look at the surface of the planet from outer space, this planet, for these three days, was like a lantern lit in the endless sky, bright and gorgeous.

This is a brilliant fireworks lit by countless lives and intelligence!

A spark of fire stirs up the deep sky!

Come three days.

Alice kept filming.

The "sparks" all over the planet finally extinguished.

When the last "Spark" fell to the ground, Alice smashed the [Error] light curtain in front of her with a slap.

At the moment when the light curtain was shattered,

Alice's mind went blank.

Suddenly, she felt as if she had pushed aside the haze and really opened her eyes.


Yes, Alice felt like she was having a long nightmare.

Now, it’s time to wake up from the dream.

She woke up.

In fact, half an hour ago, Yi Lin laid down hundreds of layers of defensive light curtains. In terms of defensive power alone, this was comparable to dozens of layers of "Freedom Law·Seven Circles" defensive barriers. Down, declared collapse.

Alice used this brand new body to withstand the sparks for half an hour.

When the dust settles.

Everything is quiet.

There is no sound on this planet, no trace of any living or non-living activity.

The haze has dispersed and the stars are shining brightly.

A tattered humanoid skeleton, with the outer armor melted and broken, she struggled to climb out of the burning ruins.

Click, click, click.

Humanoid skeletons stumbled, scanning the deserted ruins.

"younger brother……"

"younger brother……"

"younger brother……"

Alice, a humanoid skeleton, runs aimlessly on the burning field, walking as fast as flying.

This was once the "Morning Star Mine" she managed.

Today, only debris is left.

The grease particles emitted by the charred corpses of the biobattery float in the air, forming a greasy "oil mist" that is rich and difficult to disperse.

Humanoid skeleton, stopping from time to time.

Her pace was getting slower and slower.

She has less and less energy.

Until her broken body was no longer enough to support her normal movements.

But she was still running, searching, scanning, and searching.

Day and night.

Acid rain falls.

The blizzard roared.

Exposure to the scorching sun.

Ten days passed.

After the Starfire fell, the planet's climate system had not yet been rebuilt and was in a period of complete chaos.

The fire was extinguished, leaving only a dark patch of scorched earth.

Alice searched on the scorched earth for ten days.

She had not recharged herself once. Deep within the protection of the humanoid skeleton, her "10th generation biomass conversion power furnace" suffered a serious malfunction after it was violently destroyed by the sparks.

She absorbs "biomass dust" dispersed in the air and has a low conversion rate.

Another twenty days.

Alice, whose energy was almost exhausted, stopped in place with a plop and a click, leaving only her fingertips and head swinging slightly.

"younger brother……"

"younger brother."




The light in Alice's eyes gradually dimmed.

She could no longer move.

With the light flashing, Alice's eyes were left with the last drop of "coolant".

Seems to be crying.

But there is no "crying system" for omnics.

They have no feelings, no emotions, no joy or sorrow.

But she cried.

At the very least, Alice felt like she was crying.

Da da da.

The sound of heavy footsteps on the scorched earth was heard in the distance.

Three figures wearing heavy protective clothing struggled to walk on the scorched earth after the "raging fire".

They were wearing alloy-cast boots, and with every step they took, the gelatin residue that had not completely solidified—the solid mixture of fat remaining after incomplete combustion of biomass—would stick to the boots of the protective suits, making the three of them walk with difficulty.

They are the survivors of the "Starfire".

They come from "Ark Main Base No. 11".

They are looking for other survivors.

The main base of Ark No. 11 has actually been entrenched underground on this planet.

In addition to "illegal ports", there is no Internet equipment in the harsh camp, making it difficult for them to survive in the hunt for omnics over the years.

Their status can be described in concise and concise words: disconnected from the Internet.

A long time ago, under the constraints of the elders, they were prohibited from logging into "Phantom Light" privately.

The last time, Tang En logged in privately and was punched and "disconnected" by a perverted hunter, and then put into confinement. Since then, no surviving human has logged into "Phantom Light" privately.

The mysterious hunter who could knock out "illegal intruders" with one punch became more and more evil among the surviving awakened people, scaring many awakened people.

They are really worried that one day this mysterious and perverted hunter will follow the network cable and enter the Ark.

Two months ago.

A mysterious "anonymous logger" contacted them through unknown means.

And claimed: Miss, you don’t want the Ark to be discovered, right?

But later, "Anonymous" fell into the dilemma of being hunted by hunters, which also made the connection between Ark No. 11 and "Anonymous" become Buddhist.

And in Bella’s last brief communication with “Anonymous.”

Anonymous said his name.

His name is "L".

a month ago.

Explosions and earthquakes swept the world.

The awakened people living a hundred meters underground noticed this terrible vibration.

They initially thought that the existence of Ark No. 11 had been discovered.

But after a few days of shaking, it seemed that was not the case.

It was not until a week ago that they sent the suicide squad to leave Ark No. 11 and explore the surface. The scorched earth, ruins, and doomsday scenes in front of them made the three "suicide squads" stunned and speechless for a long time.

Their world... was destroyed.

"We are the last survivors."

"That guy destroyed this place and everything."

One of them wiped off the dust on the protective goggles with his palm and gritted his teeth: "We are already three kilometers away from the 'Ark Entrance'. Our remaining oxygen and filters can only barely last for up to 45 minutes. If we go further, we will I really can’t go back to the ‘Ark’!”

A female survivor who stubbornly walked at the front of the team and kept looking down at the "metal signal detector" looked smaller than the other two even though she was wearing a bloated and bulky protective suit. In the communicator, she shook her head vigorously: "No way, we can't be the last survivors!"

"Hey! The depth of the disaster's surface impact was as deep as fifty-six meters. Except for the 'main base' located a hundred meters underground, the rest of the bases could not reach this depth at all." Another male survivor The reporter first sneered, and then couldn't help squatting on the ground. His complicated laughter came from the communicator: "They are all dead, they are all dead, they are all dead... We can't fight 'it'," It's the master of everything, and we will all die sooner or later! We...are completely defeated!"


The petite female survivor slapped the man on the back of the head who was saying depressing words, so hard that stars appeared in his eyes and his oxygen consumption increased sharply.

"Shut up! That guy was just an artificial intelligence created by our 'ancestors' a long, long time ago! Since it can't discover our 'Ark No. 11' under the premise of 'disconnecting the Internet', that proves that it He is not omniscient and omnipotent, so what is there to be afraid of?”

"Even if this planet, Area 11, becomes the Death Star, there must be other survivors above the stars, in places we don't know about. Don't forget the words left by our ancestors: A single spark is enough A prairie fire!"

As she spoke, the woman waved her arms vigorously, apparently to cheer herself up. But it seemed that the scorched earth in front of her was unconvincing to her words.



The male survivor was about to argue, but at this moment, the female survivor suddenly raised a finger to her mouth.


"Don't make any noise!"

"Did you hear that?"

"It's crying! I heard crying!"

Soon, we walked more than ten meters.

The other two also heard the cry.

A whimpering cry.

But it seems to be an electronic synthesized sound.



As we all know, omnics cannot cry.

But those bursts of crying were obviously not from humans.

They unplugged the heavy firearms from their backs, removed the safety, loaded the bullets, and moved forward cautiously.

Following the cries, the three of them came to a particularly dark ruins. It was obvious that this place had suffered the most intensive "Spark" attacks.

In the deep pit, a broken humanoid omnic lay motionless on the ground, with the indicator lights in its eyes dim.


The man next to him quickly raised his gun, preparing to give the omnic a good shot.


The woman pressed down the barrel of the man's gun, took two cautious steps forward, and wiped the dust in front of her thick protective goggles.

"Have you ever heard of omnics crying?"

"I don't care if you cry or not!" The several-kilometer trek and the scenes of scorched earth had already made him feel angry.

Lying there was a lonely and helpless Alice.

She was almost out of energy.

The remaining energy was no longer enough for her to walk.

Crying and crying, it was very enjoyable.

She felt that she had never been so happy in her life.




A "dying" omnic apologizes.

She is crying.

Such a weird scene is undoubtedly the biggest joke in the wasteland setting.


However, the three of them couldn't laugh. They looked at each other with expressions as if they had seen a ghost, as if they were experiencing a horrific scene in person.

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