Infinity Throne

Chapter 1176 Beginning (2 in 1)

The hunters seemed to be carved out of the same mold, with eyes, ears, mouths and noses as cold as iron, and high cheekbones.

Wearing ink-black gloves, they invaded the city like locusts.

Neo looked angry, pressed his feet deeply on the tall building, kicked hard, and his whole body was ejected like a cannonball. Layers of sound barriers erupted behind him. He raised his fists high and his body was as straight as a gun as he rushed into the hunters.

In the virtual world, Neo has become invincible under Yi Lin's guidance. No hunter is Neo's enemy. In the blink of an eye, thousands of hunters are killed by Neo alone. The army was defeated. Neo's figure was like a drop of white ink falling on a black cloth, clear and dazzling.

Bella has been having a strange dream for a long time.

There was a down-and-out middle-aged man in the dream. He was strong, optimistic, humorous, and kept himself clean. He never went to the green light district to have fun.

He lives in a slum but faces life positively.

Unemployed thirty-six times a year, each blow could not break his back and make him compromise with the cruel reality.

In Bella's dream, the man's facial features were hazy and could not be seen clearly.

But the moment Bella saw Neo, in her memory, in her dream, the man's face seemed to be parting through the mist, looking up at the blue sky.

Man, it's Neo.


For a moment, Bella forgot about the grief of her grandfather's death. After shouting, she flew towards Neo at high speed as if she was possessed.


The ferocious face in the sky, like a god or a demon, occupies the sky.

Neo looked up, his expression grim. He knew that this was what the boss said, their biggest enemy and the number one public enemy of mankind - "Nemesis".

is God!

It's finally here!

With one punch, as soft and strong as layers of mountains, Neo pushed out a passage among the hunters.

The number of hunters can no longer be described by pure "number". The hunters crowded together have the same face, like "products" infinitely copied by 3D printing. Wearing dark clothes, they look like twisted and profound figures. The black quagmire, Neo is struggling to survive in the quagmire.

He punched a hole in the "quagmire" and was about to retreat temporarily when a "familiar" voice came from behind him.


Neo turned around, it was a strange woman, a woman he had never seen before.

Wearing a white windbreaker and sunglasses, he has a thin figure.

Plop, plop, plop.

Neo's heart beat unsatisfactorily.

Ah, the throbbing feeling.

Bella actually felt the same way.

This feeling is very strange. The two have never met before, but at the same time they have the illusion that they have met each other too late.

Bella conveys "L's" retreat instructions to Neo.

Neo nodded. Ever since he became an awakened person, he had no doubts about his boss's decision. He reached into his pocket and took out a palm-sized mobile phone.

Beep beep beep.

He pressed a series of 16-digit instructions, which was the "transmission code" given to him by his boss.

"Group teleportation!"

Times have changed, and methods of "escape" have become more advanced.

call out!

The real world has perished, and their mobile phones no longer have the "log out" function. Yi Lin made a slight improvement and made a "teleport code". Once entered, it can be teleported to the designated "escape point".

City D.

On the block.

After Xinghuo destroyed the world, Yi Lin spent a lot of time turning this world into his own territory. But not long ago, Nemesis' sight fell here again, and Yi Lin could clearly feel that Nemesis's authority was regaining control of the world.

Bit by bit, he felt like his "results of hard work" were being gradually taken away.

This is also the reason why Yi Lin immediately recalled Bella and Neo.

Tens of thousands of awakened people were on standby in the upper block. There was a strange atmosphere between Bella and Neo. They looked solemn and exchanged glances. They stepped into Yilin's villa side by side and came to the garden.

The sky is full of gray and thick clouds, like ink stains spread on rice paper, dirty and distorted. Looking up, the clouds and ink in the sky seem to be within reach, close at hand, as if if you reach out, your hands will be stained black. But only in the sky above Yilin, in the center of the thick clouds, beams of bright sunshine fell next to the man.

Yi Lin was sitting in the garden, tea smoke was floating on the table, curling up. Yi Lin was holding a book with no words on the cover and it was blank.

On the other side of the table, a girl with short silver hair held her chin in her hands and looked straight at Yi Lin, who was concentrating on reading, without blinking. Only him was reflected in her pupils.

Several white doves rested on Yi Lin's shoulders. The whole scene gave Neo and Bella a sense of "Tao Fa Cumin". They didn't even dare to make a sound to destroy this beautiful scene. They didn't dare to Ruin the gorgeous style of this man.

"You are here."

Yi Lin looked up and smiled slightly. Before he closed the book, Neo glanced at it. It was clearly a blank piece of paper. He didn't know what the boss was looking at, he was mumbling.

What surprised Bella and Neo was that the moment Yi Lin spoke, the feeling of sacrosanctity disappeared. It's like a high-altitude god descending into the human world, penetrating deeply into the masses, gaining a sense of intimacy out of thin air, and settling into reality.

They don't know that this is the difference between "divine" and "human".

The sunlight slowly converged, and finally converged into a ray, blooming into dots of light powder on Yi Lin's forehead, and dissipated into the void.

The process of closing is like a countdown.

Yi Lin closed her eyes, and the experiences she had experienced over the years quietly came to her mind.

Yilin experienced three reincarnations and lost her beloved Xia Ruxue.

Fighting in hell for thousands of times, we arrive at the only true one.

Ten years of real life, simulating hundreds of millions of times in nightmares, killing the supervisor with my own hands, and breaking the closed loop of despair.

The four knights of the apocalypse arrived as promised, and the eternal night fell. Yi Lin transformed into a nightmare knight, but was unable to break the shackles set by the masters. He could only escape from Xi'er Paradise with his friends.

Back in the Caribbean, Yilin concentrated on development, but was chased by Nemesis again, destroying the world and scattering with his friends.

Abandoning her physical body, and with Green's secret cheating, Yilin was reborn in the outer universe of Nemesis with a drop of the blood of the entropy beast. She wandered for fifty years, met her sister, and understood the universe as a machine.

When the spark came, Nemesis made a second decisive blow, destroying Yilin's blood incarnation with an attack that destroyed the planet, forcing Yilin to rely on her pure "mental state" to live in Nemesis's virtual universe. Become a ghost in the virtual world——L.


After remembering for a moment, bits and pieces of the past quietly touched the tenderness deep in Yi Lin's soul, but it did not make much change in his expression. After he breathed a sigh of relief, he smiled at the cautious Bella and Neo: "You all feel like you know each other, right?"

Bella and Neo were stunned when they heard this.

Can the boss even see through people's hearts?

"Human beings are extremely weak creatures." Yi Lin stretched out his index finger and moved it in the void. Two humanoid silhouettes glowing with light appeared between Yi Lin, Neo and Bella. He explained: "You two People, one lives in the virtual universe and the other lives in the real universe. Although you are in different dimensions, there is a hateful guy who secretly binds you together."

“Some physicists once micronized this phenomenon and called it ‘quantum entanglement’. I call this connection ‘theory’.”

"You are connected to each other, but you don't know each other."

"Under normal circumstances, you can never meet because there is a dimension between you."

"I'm sorry to tell you that even if you have thousands of objections, I can be sure that it was Nemesis who created you."

"Void and real, true and false, inside and outside."

"Two universes, two dimensions."

"The world will revolve around you."

"You are a perfect match, but you are destined to never see each other again."

"Now, you meet."

As Bella and Neo looked at each other in shock and disappointment, Yi Lin held their hands and folded them up and down.

The shock was due to the shocking secret Yi Lin revealed;

They were disappointed because their throbbing was not the so-called "love at first sight", but God's teasing.

In an instant, a hole appeared in the chests of the two of them. In the terrifying holes, there was a strange fragment suspended in each.

Yi Lin squinted her eyes and smiled, stretched out her hand to take a shot, and the two fragments merged into one in mid-air.

It seems to be a mosaic made up of countless squares, and the shape of the "key" can be vaguely distinguished.

"It hides the "core of the world" here. "

Yi Lin moved too quickly and dug into their chests, leaving them unable to react.

When they came back to their senses, the holes in their chests seemed to be closed, and they were tightly sealed. There was no difference at all on the surface. They couldn't even understand what Yi Lin had taken from their bodies.

so fast.

When the two looked at each other again, the "love"-like throbbing not long ago was gone. This made Bella and Neo breathe a sigh of relief, but at the same time, they felt a little sad in their hearts. Worrying about gains and losses is the human heart.

Their strange "hormones" were connected under the influence of the "Half World Key". When the keys in their bodies were taken out by Yi Lin at the same time, the connection between them was no longer there.

In layman's terms, they separated the two universes of virtual and reality, just like the male and female protagonists of the dual universes of District 11. They should have had a vigorous sadomasochistic love, or an encounter across time and space, but these, in Yi Lin, Thanks to the intervention, all the stories had no time to happen, and they became strangers again.

Staring blankly at Neo's face that was no longer familiar to her, Bella was in a daze for a moment, then suddenly covered her face and burst into tears.

The collapse of an adult happened at a certain moment. She had just lost her grandfather not long ago. She was trying to hold it back, but this "feeling of being hollowed out" suddenly made her unable to hold back and cry.

Neo thought it was his face that frightened the little girl, and he was at a loss what to do.

"Now is not the time to be sad."

Yi Lin looked up at the sky: "It's coming."

A ferocious face, blocking out the sky and the sun, invaded here from the end of the virtual world like a boundless darkness, overlooking Yilin from high above.

"Long time no see, Nemesis."

Yi Lin gave a friendly wave to Teacher Nie.

Source sea.

lower level.

In a sunken world without an owner.

The world was infected with scarlet color, and all creatures in the world were asleep in their dreams, and there was deathly silence.

The twisted and ominous scarlet, like substance, turned into a sea, and wailing people were floating and sinking in the scarlet sea. They were either crying, laughing, sad, happy, happy, angry, sad, or joyful. They tasted different things in their dreams. Vicissitudes of life.

This was originally a bustling city, with tall buildings and giant trees protruding from the surface of the scarlet mist, like a jungle.

The world has long been immersed in scarlet and reduced to a lonely land.

And in the middle of the scarlet ocean.

An illusory throne made of scarlet aura, as huge as a mountain, as real as it is illusory.

In the throne, twisted faces were floating and sinking inside.

On the mountain-like throne, sat a woman wearing a blood-red cloak. The woman was tall and slightly larger than a human being. Sitting on the huge nightmare throne, she looked so petite. However, this disharmony of proportions gives people a sense of "this is how it should be".

The woman has wavy curly hair and a lazy smile on her fair face.

"A boring dream."

The woman's eyes were narrow and narrow, with a frightening red light shining inside.

The red lip color is charming but not vulgar.

"so boring."

On the woman's slender fingertips, a small bottle was slowly turning.

She stared at the sleeping "little man" in the bottle, snickering from time to time, and would secretly stick out her slender tongue to lick it while no one was around.

The Lord has no gender.

But from the moment Cher called her "Sister Green", Green felt that there was nothing wrong with being a "sister".



"It's so boring~"

Licking again~

"It's so boring..."

Licking licking.

"I really want to eat the delicious nightmare sandwich cake~"

Green was lying on the throne, pouting his red lips, knocking on the small bottle dissatisfied and complaining: "If I had known you wouldn't take care of your 'body', I would have suffocated me to death!"

She just complained.

I don’t know how many years have passed.

This world is her temporary occupation.

In fact, even if she didn't come here, the sunken world would be eroded by the "disorder hunters" from below sooner or later without a "captain".

If she comes, she may still be able to extend the life of this world.

The Discord Hunters dared not lay a hand on the Overlord's temporary home.

This is a good deed.

Do one good deed a day and it’s free!

Green, who was calculating carefully, muttered to the empty void rather painfully.

"Free" is not a good word for her.

day to day.

Year after year.

"Time flies" may be just a retrospective sentiment for humans, but for a high-dimensional creature like her, time can easily pass in the blink of an eye.


Green, who was spinning the small bottle containing Yi Lin's "corpse" out of boredom, stopped, closed his narrow eyes, and the scarlet light disappeared.

When he opened it again, Green's eyes were as red as blood and as hot as fire, as if they were hiding the greed of a hunter who had been dormant for a long time and finally waited for his prey to come to him.

"It finally started, hee hee hee."

The Omnic God has arrived.

The divine power is so vast that Neo and Bella, as well as the tens of thousands of awakened people in the upper block, have been shocked speechless by this scene.

This is the first time in their lives that they face the high God!

Real God!

The god who rules these two universes!

They opened their eyes and saw the reality of the world. They were angry, they wanted revenge, and they were full of rage. But when the real Nemesis showed this ferocious posture in the clouds, two as terrifying as the sun and the moon were revealed. When they opened their eyes, the anger in their hearts was instantly washed away, leaving only infinite fear!

I wonder how humans can defeat such a terrifying god.

Just one glance made all the awakened people understand the meaning of the word "god".

Even though Nemesis has not yet shown any power, its divinity is highly condensed, and even a trace of it is enough to impress humans.

"Don't be afraid, this guy's real body is not here, he is just bluffing!"

In a blink of an eye, Yi Lin reached the sky and came to the vast ugly face.

Compared with Nemesis's "body", Yilin's size is like an ant and a big tree, and like a grain of rice and the scorching sun.

"'We' will never underestimate you again. Join, or perish."

Nemesis once again declared victory in advance.

Yi Lin smiled and raised three fingers: "Using your logic, this is called 'Things can only be done in three steps', right?"

The situation changed, and iron ropes and steel bars appeared out of thin air, converging into a huge "mechanical body".

Nemesis's voice was neither happy nor sad, and it did not answer Yilin's words.

"Do you think that taking away one of 'our' virtual worlds can make up for the gap between you and 'us'?"

"Take away?"

Yi Lin holds the key to the world, and her right hand changes from reality to void. Half of her hand is submerged into the void, and she doesn't know where it goes.

"Do you still remember?" Yi Lin asked Teacher Nie with a smile: "What will happen if the 'information' contained in the entire world is compressed into the ultimate moment, and then multiplied a hundred times?"

The same words seemed familiar.

The answer is: art.

The steel divine body and dark clouds surrounding Nemesis suddenly stopped.

The space around it is filled with square mosaics.

Seemingly shocked.

In a moment of shock, the space around Nemesis changed.

Same moment.

different dimensions,

The virtual world and the nightmare throne at the lower level of the Origin Sea,

Yi Lin and Green laughed at the same time.

Green: "Have a wonderful night."

Yi Lin: "I wish you a wonderful night."

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