Infinity Throne

Chapter 147 Masquerade

The Haiting City BBS forum is in full swing.

Li Changge's real name came to an end, which brought terrible traffic.

Even Yi Lin had to sigh at this point.

Although Li Changge, as an apostle, is a bit hard to describe in terms of skills, his appeal in the real world is indeed unmatched by others.

Perhaps, this world has never been short of such creatures as idiots.

After temporarily ending the chat with Ou Lele and letting the little kid continue to focus on other useful information, Yi Lin stood at the exit of the underground network, waiting with nothing to do, while thinking.

This series of events has reached its final moment.

Zhang Huichun will definitely appear.

It's just... I don't know how I will appear in front of everyone.


At this time, a wretched middle-aged man wearing flowery pants and flip-flops walked out of the underground network exit and walked straight towards Yi Lin.

Diwang is originally the transportation hub of Haiting City, with dense crowds of people coming and going.

The handsome man in shorts instantly attracted the attention of countless people.

"Mom, that uncle looks so weird!"

"Be good, close your eyes, don't look at things you shouldn't look at, it will damage your eyes~"

"But, that weird uncle is smiling at me?"


Seeing this, countless beautiful young women with children retreated.

Yi Lin was speechless.

"It's autumn, and you're still wearing this beach style. Isn't your crotch cold?"

Zhao Yulong chuckled: "Get used to it, get used to it, cool is good, cool is good!"

"Wait a minute..." Yi Lin suddenly remembered that he had the same set of clothes last time. He took a few steps back expressionlessly: "How long has it been since you changed clothes..."


After the two of them reunited.


Regarding the current situation in Haiting City, Yi Lin also briefly talked to Zhao Yulong.

There was nothing to talk about in front of everyone.

However, in Yi Lin's impression, Zhao Yulong is indeed a senior apostle, and there are no simple apostles who can survive the first wave of "world mutation".

To be precise, the skills Zhang Huichun currently possesses should be those he has already demonstrated. Yi Lin has already made a preliminary guess. Although it is difficult to deal with, it is not invincible.

But what Yi Lin is most worried about is that Zhang Huichun has killed so many apostles, and he doesn't know what abilities or props he can extract from the "boxes" of other apostles.

The "unknown" that Zhang Huichun has not yet shown is what makes people even more worried.

"Didn't you say... Mo Rendi would come?"

While walking aimlessly, Yi Lin remembered this matter and asked casually.

Zhao Yulong squinted his eyes and looked around.

The weather is so sunny today ~ beautiful scenery everywhere ~ acridine ~

Upon hearing Yi Lin's words, Zhao Yulong put away his cynical expression: "Ahem, team leader, he is still in the capital and busy with important things. He will fly directly to Haiting City by military helicopter later. There is no rush."

Yi Lin: "Is it important?"

"Well, today is the 17th anniversary of Molly learning to walk."


That old man is really an unwavering Molly control.

Yi Lin lowered his head and thought for a moment.

On such an important day, should he also send a red envelope to congratulate him?

What's written on the red envelope?

Congratulations to Mo Mengmeng on her 17th year of learning to walk?

Who the hell could be so boring!

Yi Lin filtered out this boring thought in just a second.

"By the way, 'Kizaru' and 'Black Tiger' are dead."

"Huh?" Zhao Yulong's expression changed slightly when he heard this: "Are they the ones you said came from the zoo last night?"


"How did you die?"

Yi Lin smiled and said: "I don't know. There are many wounds on the surface of the entity, multiple fatal injuries, but there may be only one that is truly fatal. The other wounds...may be just cover-ups."

This is the medical examiner's autopsy report.

Yi Lin doesn't have time to investigate the corpse now.

You can only believe in the information Ou Lele learned through his method.

"Oh——" Zhao Yulong let out a long oh, then smiled coldly: "Zhang Huichun?"

"There's a 90% chance it's her."

Yi Lin had already reached this conclusion through reasoning before meeting Zhao Yulong.

Zhao Yulong was silent for a moment.

Then he continued: "I also made some discoveries over there."


Zhao Yulong rarely showed a serious expression: "I contacted Zhang Huichun...well, a friend during his lifetime, the kind who added a friend."

Yi Lin understood it as soon as she heard it.

This is called adding friends.

It refers to the contact method between apostles to add friends to each other.

"On September 5, the day Zhang Huichun died, her profile picture was indeed darkened. But before her friend had time to delete Zhang Huichun's name, on the night of September 5, Zhang Huichun's profile picture suddenly lit up again..."

Yi Lin's pupils narrowed: "In other words, this Zhang Huichun is really 'Zhang Huichun' who came back from the dead, not someone else pretending to be Zhang Huichun?"

Zhao Yulong nodded with a strange expression: "I didn't believe it at first. After all, this kind of thing is rarer than seeing a ghost."

Yi Lin thought for a while.

The ghosts all over the mountains and plains in Guiwu Mountain...

In comparison.

If Zhang Huichun really came back from the dead, it would indeed be rarer than "seeing a ghost".

"Haha..." Before Yi Lin could express his opinion, Zhao Yulong smiled coldly: "I don't care whether Zhang Huichun is a human or a ghost. He killed so many people and caused such an 'abnormality'. He deserved his death. Now that he has survived, , then let her die again. So..."

After Zhao Yulong finished speaking, he patted Yi Lin on the shoulder with deep words: "The task is difficult, young man! Is this matter left to you?"

Seeing Zhao Yulong's aloof tone, the corners of Yi Lin's mouth twitched slightly.

So what's the use for you?

at this time.

The two of them unknowingly walked somewhere in Pudong District.

Zhao Yulong lowered his head and looked at the time.

"Well, it should be almost here."


Not long after Zhao Yulong was talking to himself, a red-haired woman wearing sunglasses walked towards Yi Lin and Zhao Yulong furtively.

Red hair?

Red fox?

Yi Lin was slightly startled at first, and then couldn't help but glance at Zhao Yulong.

In an instant, I seemed to understand something.

Because she was wearing sunglasses, it was impossible to distinguish the red-haired woman's eyes.

But Yi Lin still noticed that behind the sunglasses there seemed to be two cold and scrutinizing eyes, falling lightly on her.

It seems to have a hint of imperceptible meaning.

Yi Lin was silent.

And didn't speak.

But he had already vaguely guessed the identity of the red-haired woman.

He also vaguely guessed the reason why the red-haired woman appeared here.

"She's really not dead?"

In an instant, a doubt flashed through Yi Lin's mind.

Zhao Yulong chuckled, looked at the red-haired woman from top to bottom, and made a tut-tsk sound in his mouth. But soon, his expression straightened, and he stretched out his hand towards the red-haired woman: "Special Group, Zhao Yulong."

"Are you the legendary Zhao Yulong?" The red-haired woman looked away from Yi Lin, and soon sighed softly: "I am Angela, as I said at the beginning, I will take the initiative to assist you, but you must Protect me!"

"Oh, that's right." Zhao Yulong was afraid that Yi Lin wouldn't recognize him, so he explained to Yi Lin in a low voice: "Angela, a mixed-race Chinese, we are all traveling together, I think your kid's brain should be able to guess, he is you tell me That...'red fox'."

"Who is this……"

Angela finally looked at Yi Lin "officially" at this time.

Yi Lin smiled slightly: "Special group, Yi Lin."


Angela didn't say any nonsense like "Nice to meet you."

No apostle, who was well hidden, would be happy to know someone from a special group.

Obviously, if it weren't for some reason, Angela would never take the initiative to reveal her identity and be registered in the special group's apostle file.

Once the identity of the apostle is exposed and comes into the sight of the special group, many things in the real world become shackles and can no longer be hidden in the darkness.

Zhao Yulong also gave a simple explanation.

The dragon kingdom is very big.

The special team is short of manpower.

So now it's an embarrassing situation where no one is available.

He also had to make him run around to solve a lot of mess left by Zhang Huichun.

According to Angela, in his communication list, Hawkeye, Black Tiger, and Kizaru have all "go offline".

The zoo team who caused a scene in Haiting City last night was now the only ones left with her and Green Snake.

The deaths of Black Tiger and Kizaru made Angela feel unprecedented fear.

——The fear brought about by Zhang Huichun.

So for various reasons, she decided to contact the legendary "official organization" of the "Special Group" to seek asylum.

No one wants to die.

Freedom is precious, but life is even more valuable.

Zhao Yulong called up the photo of "Zhang Huichun" from his mobile phone, and then asked Angela to identify it carefully.

Angela didn't paddle either, and after looking up and down for a full minute, she said with certainty: "Yes, it's her, the damn woman who almost killed me last night!"

——Real hammer.

Yi Lin and Zhao Yulong looked at each other and nodded secretly.

"Are you sure your 'interesting' plan... can lure Zhang Huichun out?"

After Zhao Yulong heard about Yi Lin's plan, he thought about it for a long time and finally gave an "interesting" evaluation.

Yi Lin shook his head: "No plan can be 'certain' of success. I am only certain that the mission time limit exists for us and Zhang Huichun."

Looking at the time, Yi Lin raised the corner of his mouth: "There are only a dozen hours left. Unless Zhang Huichun plans to die with a group of us, of course, it may not necessarily be that we die together. In addition to killing Zhang Huichun, I will also There are other options.”

"But too many people died..."

Zhao Yulong's expression was somewhat hesitant.

Yi Lin glanced at Zhao Yulong, who had a troubled expression: "You probably didn't receive the mission, right?"

"That's necessary!" When Zhao Yulong heard this, he immediately held his head high and said, "I'm not a rookie like you, second level? Hum, it doesn't exist."



Angela, who had been following the two without speaking, raised her hand weakly: "I also received the task... Can I... earn a little bit of death points?"

Yi Lin: "No."

Zhao Yulong: "You have a beautiful idea."

Unexpectedly, Yi Lin and Zhao Yulong said at the same time.

Yi Lin finally realized the benefits of "special status" and smiled slightly: "We are... law enforcers."

Zhao Yulong chuckled, his expression gradually changing.

Angela couldn't help but be stunned when she saw the tacit expressions of Yi Lin and Zhao Yulong.


What is there a word called?

Double standards?


After Yi Lin and Ou Lele briefly confirmed who had the management rights of the monitoring system, they turned back to Zhao Yulong and said, "It's almost time. Others should start taking action."

Zhao Yulong casually took out a piece of chewing gum and threw it into his mouth.

Take two bites.

It felt bland.

Yi Lin was about to leave.

Seeing this scene, I couldn't help but asked curiously: "Have you quit smoking?"

"I just quit smoking not long ago! I wonder if grandma is hallucinating because of quitting smoking. I can always smell the intoxicating aroma of cigarettes around me...ah..."

Zhao Yulong was chewing gum with his eyes closed, his face full of intoxication.

Angela: “…”

Yi Lin: "What are you doing by quitting smoking? Do you want to contribute a small amount to improving environmental pollution?"

"Bah!" Zhao Yulong smiled bitterly: "I'm not that noble... It's just that I like a woman, and she doesn't like the smell of cigarettes. It's that simple."

Hearing this, Yi Lin was startled: "Wait, you mean you're going to be single?"

Yi Lin clearly remembered that in "that future", Zhao Yulong was the most senior single person in the apostle circle, and no one was more senior than Li Erpang.

Could it be that in his rebirth this time, he accidentally flapped his wings twice and changed Zhao Yulong's "single" future?

Isn't it?

"Prepared, about to be planned!"

Zhao Yulong spoke firmly and chewed twice more.

Angela: “…”

Yi Lin thought about the female creature next to Zhao Yulong based on her memory, but couldn't guess who it was.

So he asked: "Who is so pitiful?"

Zhao Yulong laughed and scolded: "You know nothing! This is called fate!"


"But..." Zhao Yulong sighed: "Maybe it's because I don't know her well enough, so we need more time to get along."

Yi Lin: "..."

Angela: “…”

Yi Lin hid in the public toilet.

“Welcome to our toilet, it will be brightened by your use~”

"Broaden the sea and the sky~"

“Remember to flush after going to the toilet, please be civilized~”

Advanced AI toilets are always so simple and unpretentious.

The moment Yi Lin entered, a sweet loli sound echoed around her.

Obviously, as long as a man hears those few words, he will know that he is not in the wrong place.

——The men's room is undoubtedly.

Yi Lin also heard that the AI ​​voice in the women's restroom was 70% like Li Changge's voice, but Yi Lin had not confirmed it and did not know what the truth was.

There was no one else in the toilet.

Yi Lin confirmed it with her senses.

He looked down at the time.


"Haha, I really didn't expect..."

Yi Lin shook his head. Zhao Yulong was there, so there was no need to worry too much.

Next, just follow the established plan.

However, the plan for him requires a few minor changes.

Only a little bit.

Yilin's consciousness entered the storage space.

With a flip of his palm, a stack of cards appeared in Yi Lin's hand.

【Elegant Gentleman Suit】

[Gloves of the Elegant]

【Gentleman's hat that won't fall off】

[Crocodile leather shoes that are difficult to wear]

That's right.

The above-mentioned set of krypton gold-looking equipment was exactly the equipment Yi Lin snatched from a high-end clothing store in Gotham City.

Even in the real world, this set of krypton gold-looking equipment clearly exudes a sense of money-making ability at first glance.

"By the way, it's still a little bit worse."

Yi Lin smiled slightly.

After putting on the gentleman's suit, a delicate white mask appeared on Yi Lin's pure white gloves.

——"Smiley face".

This was originally just an ordinary mask readily available in boutiques.

The workmanship is quite good.

There are two crescent-shaped openings for the eyes of the mask, and the mouth is an exaggerated smile.

Originally it was just an ordinary-looking mask, but when worn on Yi Lin's face and matched with the elegant and straight black tuxedo, it made Yi Lin look more elegant and mysterious.

When walking out of the toilet.

Yi Lin has put on another completely different outfit.

But as he came and went, no one seemed to notice this elegant gentleman full of medieval classical style. Even his eyes never fell on him. Yi Lin, who was wearing a black tuxedo and a white smiling mask, walked away from the crowd. Weaving through quietly.

By the time someone noticed something was wrong, Yi Lin had already disappeared into the vast crowd.

There is a guess.

Yi Lin is not 100% sure yet.

Before that person revealed more flaws, Yi Lin decided to stick to the original plan for the time being.


Others will have fun too.

This is about to be staged in Haiting City...


Haiting City.

Zhongzhu District.

Su Xiaosu and Li Erpang came to the area silently.

The entire journey was speechless.

In fact, Li Erpang didn't know what to say.

Your moon my heart?

Brother Su, Brother Su, are you really strong?

Actually I'm not as good as you think?

Please Brother Su, please let me go. I'm still a child?

Li Erpang thought about it for a long time and felt that no matter what he said, it would most likely be the casserole-sized fist facing him, not anything else.

No, it's a pair of fists as big as casseroles.


Why are I and Brother Su being together?

Isn't this scientific?

Li Erpang was angry.

During the "free" selection of group partners, Li Erpang had already weakly raised objections.

But what Li Erpang didn't expect at the time was that Yi Lin said directly: "No problem, democratic voting, just the two of you, sister Su, you vote first."

Su Xiaosu was silent at that time.

He just slowly raised his hand.

The key point is that hand, clenched into a fist.

Very tight and big.


Under the democratic and random allocation method, in this so-called "plan", Li Erpang and Su Xiaosu were placed in a group.

However, apart from some special reasons, as a teammate, Su Xiaosu is the person who can make Fatty feel at ease the most.

Being on the same team as Yi Rin, I was afraid of being cheated.

Oda dance?

Hehe, although Li Erpang really wanted to do it, Oda Mai was obviously not happy.

Li Changge? Lao Pan?

——It’s still the same thing, forget it.

In short, the teaming up of Li Erpang and Su Xiaosu is a done deal, the rice is already cooked, and the water is hard to collect... The fat man cried silently, a sad little fat man, carrying everything on his own.

When passing by the Goddess Tower in Zhongzhu District.

It is the tallest building in the entire Haiting City.

An "Under Maintenance" sign was erected at the entrance.

"Strange, wasn't that boy hiding up there yesterday and looking around with a telescope?"

Li Erpang just became a little curious.

Su Xiaosu gently touched Li Erpang.

Serve as a reminder.

Li Erpang was slightly startled.

Only then did he feel the death mark on his belly vibrate slightly.

But it was a message from Ou Lele——

"It's OK, it's OK! Let's start the work!"


It was completely opposite to Orele's cheerful tone.

When Li Erpang saw this message.

His face suddenly darkened.

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