Infinity Throne

Chapter 171

Ling Yiyi's hearing was eerily sharp.

Maybe Ling Yiyi didn't notice it herself, but Yi Lin noticed something unnatural through comparison.

Maybe this is... an ability?


Yi Lin helped Ling Yiyi simply pack her luggage.

Ling Yiyi sat aside, listening to the rustling sounds, and seemed to be able to feel Yi Lin's every move through the subtle sounds.

Although neither of them spoke, neither Ling Yiyi nor Yi Lin found the atmosphere awkward.

On the contrary, it makes people feel like...that's how it should be.


After finishing packing, Yi Lin easily lifted the seemingly heavy box, naturally supported Ling Yiyi, and slowly stepped out of the gate of the welfare home in the eyes of the elderly people who happily blessed her.

Of course, before leaving, Yi Lin did not forget to tell the dean not to mention his and Ling Yiyi's names again.

He was not sure whether he would make other enemies in the real world in the future. To be on the safe side, it would be better to completely erase all traces of his and Ling Yiyi's existence in this orphanage.

Yi Lin cannot let these lonely old people lose their most precious daily life.

Before all that... came.

Even the slightly dazzling sunlight in front of her eyes made Yi Lin feel precious.

Ling Yiyi gently tugged on Yi Lin's sleeve.

She has not left the orphanage for a long time.

The sounds outside, everything in the outside world, even the slightest smell, made Ling Yiyi feel extremely novel.

It's like stepping into another world.


Yi Lin suddenly remembered something.

He decided it would be safer to ask.

"Yiyi, do you still remember...when did you find that your hearing had improved?"

"About...two months ago."

Two months ago?

Yi Lin was slightly startled: "Do you still remember which day it was?"

"Who would remember..." Ling Yiyi rolled her eyes at Yi Lin, seeming to be thinking about Yi Lin's expression at the moment, and said with a smile: "I don't have as good a memory as you."

Yi Lin narrowed her eyes slightly.

Is it a coincidence?

He killed Henry Zhang and forcibly took away Henry Zhang's apostle qualification. He has been an apostle for about two months.

Next, the whole journey was speechless.

Although Ling Yiyi seemed very calm, when she arrived inside the crowded underground network, Ling Yiyi obviously exerted a little more force on Yi Lin's sleeves.

It seems that while being nervous, there is also a bit of excitement about being exposed to a new world.

Shortly after.

Yi Lin re-entered the capital.

The difference from before was that this time there was Ling Yiyi around.


Yilin is connected to the capital's network.

He suddenly felt a little headache.

Now it seems that this means that Ling Yiyi will also meet Mo Mengmeng in advance?


Anyway, sooner or later we have to get to know each other.

Anyway, Ling Yiyi's trajectory has changed. shouldn't be a big problem, right?

Since Mo Mengmeng can get along well with Ling Yiyi in the future, if they get to know each other a little earlier, it should, maybe, or... it won't be a big problem.

Yilin breathed a sigh of relief when he thought about this.


Molly: "Huh?"

Yi Lin: "Ahem, there is one thing..."

Molly: "???"

Half an hour later.

Molly's lab.

To be precise, it is a laboratory named "K·A·M·M·X·W".


Yi Lin: "..."

Ling Yiyi: "..."


Yi Lin took a sip of coffee and looked calm.

Ling Yiyi just smiled slightly.

The reaction of the two people actually made Molly a little unnatural.

She finally couldn't help but break the silence.

"your friend?"

Yi Lin took another sip of coffee, and it felt a bit hot to her mouth.

"Well, just friends."

Ling Yiyi chuckled: "Well, they are just ordinary friends."

Molly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then look more carefully, Ling Yiyi's tight clothes...


Molly suddenly remembered what Yi Lin had said before.

Could it be...?

Molly couldn't help but take a second look, and was inadvertently stunned.

Even the patterns on the clothes have been squeezed out of shape!

How could it be so unscientific?

How old are you?

Because Molly was wearing cooler clothes, when she lowered her head, she could actually see her delicate belly button.


Molly grabbed her messy hair, feeling inexplicably unhappy.


Seeing that Molly was having a convulsion and her expression was rich, Yi Lin couldn't help but ask a question mark slowly.


Molly calmed down instantly.

At the very least, his expression calmed down.

"The eyes you are talking about...ah, I'm sorry, that's her, right?" Although Molly didn't have a high emotional intelligence, but after she said the words, she suddenly realized that it seemed a little bad to talk about her eyes in front of Ling Yiyi.

"It doesn't matter. In fact, it doesn't matter. My name is Ling Yiyi. Nice to meet you."

Ling Yiyi stretched out her hand forward.

Molly pouted slightly, but still stretched out her hand to shake Ling Yiyi's hand.

After handing Ling Yiyi to Molly, Molly took Ling Yiyi for examination.

Although Molly's laboratory does not specialize in the medical field, Mo Rendi used funds to equip Molly with a lot of high-tech scanning equipment just in case.

——It’s not expensive anyway.

Yi Lin felt that Molly's reaction was a bit strange, so she acted like a master and drove Yi Lin away, saying that certain places were forbidden to non-professionals.

But seeing that Molly was very friendly towards Ling Yiyi, Yi Lin was not worried and could wait for the results of Molly's examination with peace of mind.

By the way, Molly also invited several familiar medical experts to diagnose the cause of Ling Yiyi's optic atrophy.

Among them were Yi Lin's acquaintances.

Hmm...actually not too familiar.

Dr. Han Bingbing was in the same team as Yi Lin during the recent "trip to no man's land".

I don't know if it's a coincidence, but one of Han Bingbing's doctorate degrees is in neurobiology, which has a lot to do with Ling Yiyi's current situation.

Yi Lin felt even more relieved when she saw Han Bingbing.

What's more, the next trial in the inner world is coming soon, and Yi Lin has other plans.

Elsewhere in the laboratory, a group of experts were still discussing Ling Yiyi's condition.

Yi Lin didn't understand either, so she was busy with her own business while waiting for the results of the experts' discussion.

Although... Yi Lin doesn't have high hopes.

But Yi Lin doesn't mind doing this risk-free attempt a few more times.

What if, what if, what if...what good butterfly effect will be produced?

There is always hope.

At this moment.

Yi Rin is alone.

Hide in a completely sealed room.

This was originally used to create some "dangerous" secret rooms.

Although this room is equipped with high-definition surveillance equipment, Yi Lin has told Molly in advance that Molly has also directly canceled other people's permission to monitor the secret room. Only Molly can know everything that happens in the secret room.

Of course, Molly didn't have time to peep now.

After all, she is still busy over there.

It won't be solved for a while.

Yi Lin was seen sitting cross-legged on the ground.

Close your eyes.

I kept thinking about everything I experienced in the "Duel Space".

The battle with "Zhang Huichun" almost exhausted Yi Lin's trump cards.

In the end, Yi Lin even used the "life-saving props" obtained from the little fat man... ah no, they were exchanged for fair transactions and were photographed into the body, but they were not used in the end.

After killing "Zhang Huichun", what did not surprise Yi Lin was that in addition to the usual death points and chaos points, Yi Lin gained.

He also received another chaos value benefit from killing "C-level undead".

——A full 3200 points of chaos value.

Yi Lin didn't understand the hierarchy of the "undead".

In fact, even in the future timeline, no one knows everything about the "undead".

Where do the undead come from?

Where to go?

Why stand against the "apostles"?

And this time, why do the "undead" that can only appear in the other world appear in the real world...and still in the form of resurrected corpses?

And why, that undead turned out to be... "Zhao Yulong"?

Yi Lin has been thinking about all the mysteries for a long time, but can't come up with an answer.

What kind of existence is there in that place where the undead are?

Zhao Yulong is obviously still alive, but why does another undead "Zhao Yulong" appear?

Something similar to the "Zhao Yulong clone"?

Because there are too many doubts.

So Yi Lin decided to hide this matter completely.

"Forget it, I can't come up with an answer no matter how much I think about it." Yi Lin sighed softly and opened the apostle panel to check the current attributes.

This is also a habit Yi Lin has developed. Before entering the next world, he should sort out his current abilities.

【Ilin】(ID: 1010)

【Title】Riddle Gentleman


[Psychic energy value] 690

【Module】Apocalypse Knight (Damaged)

[Level] LV12 (second-level apostle)







[Skills] Follow you like a shadow (MAX), plagued by disaster (3 stars), bloodthirsty disaster (2 stars), unstable explosives (A level), run fast (D level)

[Enhancement] Killing skills (A-level), Dionysus factor (disabled) (A-level)

Yi Lin stared at the newly acquired skill.

——The new skill found in the "Zhang Huichun" box.

When Yi Lin took out an A-level skill, she couldn't help but stand still for a few seconds.

Because as his luck value continued to decline, he almost forgot when was the last time he got a skill from the "Relic Box".

It seems a bit long.

But that's not important.

The important thing is that it seems that my luck has started to improve again.

Yi Lin happily observed the properties of [Unstable Explosives] again.

[Unstable Explosives]

【Grade】A grade

[Consumption] 200 spiritual energy points

[Effect] Objects with a maximum mass of no more than 10KG can be converted into "unstable explosives". "Unstable explosives" have different powers depending on the blasting method, the mass of the explosives, and the blasting time.

[Explanation] You know, explosion is the real art, but if you are not careful, you may die for art. Note: The transformed "unstable explosives" cannot enter the storage space, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences.

At that time, Yi Lin was only in charge in a hurry.

Because the attribute description seemed a bit complicated, Yi Lin didn't think about it carefully.

Now calm down and take a look.

The results show that there is not much difference between having and not having it?

It really deserves to be... an A-level output skill!

Yi Lin complained at first, and then couldn't help laughing.

If it is upgraded to a module skill...

Thinking of this, Yi Lin immediately entered the "module space" without saying a word.

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