Infinity Throne

Chapter 180 Elizabeth Rin

I took a look at the score.

Yi Lin licked her plump lips and couldn't help laughing.

This chaos value...has a head start.

Yi Lin licked it a few times and soon realized that the taste was not right, so she immediately stopped this action that didn't seem right.

Tick ​​tock.

Tick ​​tock.

Rainwater and blood mixed together and seeped through the gaps in the wooden boards. Gradually, a faint smell of blood appeared in the humid air.


Yi Lin held Blood Jasmine tightly and summoned Bai Xiaoyi.

"Hey! Master, long time no see——???"

The moment Bai Xiaoyi appeared, he just wanted to behave like a good boy out of habit, but the tone of the last word was subconsciously raised to a very high pitch, and he typed a series of question marks.

Yi Lin had already expected Bai Xiaoyi's reaction after seeing her miserable appearance, and was not surprised. She pointed to her head expressionlessly: "Good boy, get up there and let me see what's going on. Also, if If you dare to complain even a word, you will be a 'rich' person from now on."

Bai Xiaoyi: "..."

In an instant, Bai Xiaoyi had countless complaints in her heart, but she didn't know where to start.

The corners of her mouth twitched twice. Although Yi Lin had turned into a look that made her jealous, there was no doubt that this tone and style was that of her hateful ghost hunter master!

Bai Xiaoyi's shoulders twitched slightly, as if he was having a hard time holding it in, but because of Yi Lin's threat, he did not dare to laugh in front of Yi Lin.

"Go quickly!"

Under Yi Lin's urging, Bai Xiaoyi suddenly got out of the deck.

In the gloomy sky, the dark clouds were filled with thunder and lightning, and the clouds seemed to be within reach.

The ship Yi Lin was currently on was surrounded by a group of advanced warships. From time to time, artillery shells were bombarded in this direction, leaving the sailing ship full of holes.

It seemed that the ship Yi Lin was on could not last long.


The vast sea, surrounded by battleships?

This start... is a bit difficult!

While Yi Lin used his "vision" to check the above situation, he also used telekinesis to check the "character" front and back, inside and out.

Fortunately, this "character" didn't have any problems that made Yi Lin feel uncomfortable, and it was intact.

For the sake of harmony, Yi Lin stopped checking. After thinking for a moment, she climbed up the rope ladder.

According to Yi Lin's experience, there are always some pitfalls in the role-playing mode.

At present, it seems that except for the "Dionysus factor" which cannot take effect, other skills and attributes are not affected.

He just hoped that he would not forcibly add attributes such as "weak water" to this "character" like he was preparing for the apostle trial, and then everything else would be easy to talk about.

When Yi Lin emerged from the deck, the heavy rain instantly soaked Yi Lin. Her wet clothes outlined uneven curves on her body. Yi Lin looked down and felt helpless. It seemed like it would take a lot of money. Only with time can I fully use this "role" to move freely.

On deck.

It was obvious that two parties were fighting hand to hand, and they were completely in chaos.

In the heavy rain, not many people noticed that Yi Lin suddenly came out of the cabin, even when Yi Lin didn't turn on her shadow.

Yi Lin also temporarily put away the blood jasmine.

Before the situation became clear, Yi Lin decided not to reveal his identity as an apostle.

After all, Yi Lin couldn't be sure that there were no other apostles on the same ship.

There were corpses all around her feet, some completely intact and some incomplete. The corpses were lying scattered on the deck. Yilin picked up a bright iron scimitar and spread his senses to see if he could find an escape. The path out.

One of the two fighting parties was wearing tatters, while the other was wearing red and white, extremely bright uniforms, and the weapons they were wielding were obviously much more sophisticated than the "tattered" side.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

"Son of a bitch! Abandon ship!"

"Where's the captain?"

"The captain just jumped overboard and ran away!"


"Negotiation! According to the Pirate Code, we require negotiation-"

call out.

Before the "Bad Fang" who had just shouted about negotiation had finished speaking, his head was cut off in an instant and flew high into the air.

"Bah! Dirty pirates dare to ask for negotiations? Huh? "Pirate Code"? Who still believes in this old-fashioned thing?"


"Quick! Quick! Find the Governor's fiancée!"

Yi Lin: "?"

The boat is not big.

Yi Lin shuttled across the deck without deliberately turning on the shadow-following skill.

After all, in this vast sea, one can hide for a while, but not for a lifetime. If the entire ship is sunk, Yi Lin will be of no use even if she hides at the bottom of the ship.


During the chaotic battle, people from both sides noticed Yi Lin's presence.

After all, among a group of men, Yi Lin's "role" presence is not weak.

Moreover, it is very flexible and full of visual impact. It is impossible to run in place without being noticed.

"Ah! It's that damn woman!"

"I told you that bringing a woman on board would bring bad luck!"

the other side.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry! She is the fiancée of the Governor!"

"Attention everyone! We have discovered the Governor's fiancée! Everyone protects the safety of the Governor's fiancée at all costs!"

"The whole army attacks!"

Yi Lin: "???"

Think about it.

In heavy rain.

Yi Lin made a wise decision.

He moistened his throat.

Then Qi Luck Dantian, using the usual trick, shouted loudly: "Help~~~~~"

ten minutes later.

The well-equipped troops finally killed everyone else on the ship like chopping melons and vegetables.

A man wearing a white curly wig, gorgeous clothes, and a gold-encrusted sword hung from his waist, respectfully knelt down on one knee in front of Yi Lin: "Ms. Elizabeth Lin, Viscount Nolando has frightened the distinguished lady, I hope Elizabeth... Ms. Rin, please forgive me for my mistake."

Elizabeth...Rin? ? ?

The abbreviation is...Yirin?

Yi Lin suddenly seemed to understand why she had put on such a weird vest.

Yi Lin used the shortest time to extract information about this trial in the other world from Nolando.

This is a sea area called the "Caribbean Sea".

In the Caribbean, there are complex forces. There are naval fleets from coastal countries, and there is also a certain kind of professional gang called "pirates" that rides on the sea.

The name pirate, in Yi Lin's real world, is a historical remnant that is only mentioned in textbooks.

Seeing Nolando's gritted expression when he mentioned "pirates", Yi Lin could roughly guess what kind of status the pirates in the Caribbean belonged to.



Caribbean Sea?

Yi Lin was taking a shower while thinking about everything related to this trial.

At present, the tower has not officially released an "official statement", and everything can only be speculated.

"The main mission has not been released yet..."

Wash and brush.

"That is to say, I haven't yet reached a certain condition to trigger the main mission... Or maybe... it requires an indefinite number of apostles, and the conditions must be met at the same time to trigger it?"

Rub, rub, rub.

"The most annoying thing about this plot mode that combines role-playing is that when I assume the role, I only have the identity of the role and no corresponding memory. In other words, if I don't play the role, If it’s good, it will make others feel a strong sense of disobedience, and maybe something will happen?”

Yi Lin groaned comfortably and rinsed the bubbles from her body.


Yi Lin found that something seemed wrong with herself.

Is it because of the "role"?

He always felt that his thinking patterns and certain behaviors were weird.

"Is it because... of the side effects of being inserted into a female body?"

Yi Lin quickly calmed down and ended the bath.

"Haha, it seems that body hormones affect thinking to a certain extent. This is not unreasonable."

Yi Lin smiled and shook his head helplessly.

At this time.

He looked down at the pile of clothes in the basket with extremely complicated ways of wearing them... and began to feel a headache again.

It is estimated... that for a long time to come, dressing will become a difficult problem that he must adapt to as soon as possible.

--none of them.

The vast sea.

on deck.



Yi Lin walked onto the deck dressed in gorgeous women's clothing.

No one knows what he went through to finally put on those damn clothes.


Yi Lin took a deep breath, feeling a little suffocated.

"Ms. Elizabeth seems like there's a little time..."

Nolando looked at Yi Lin strangely.

Although the hot beauty in front of him was the governor's fiancée, and he shouldn't ask more questions, the whole hour of bathing and changing clothes really made Nolando unable to understand what he had to do in order to waste his time. A full hour long.

Yi Lin thought for a while.

There is currently too little information about this "character".

In order to avoid revealing her secret, Yi Lin simply did not find any lame excuses and just smiled slightly: "Your Excellency Nolando, I felt a little unwell, so I accidentally fell asleep in the bathtub."

Nolando suddenly realized.

I see.

As a qualified gentleman, Nolando would not bother a lady by raising excessive questions, especially the fiancée of the Governor.

On the deck, a sumptuous lunch has been prepared.

It has to be said that the style of the regular army is completely different from that of pirates.

The exquisite silver tableware, the neatly spread tablecloth, the well-proportioned dishes, and the end of the chicken leg was neatly tied with a bow pattern with a ribbon.

After a quick glance, Yi Lin sat down unceremoniously.

Tsk, tsk, tsk... Yi Lin moved her index finger in an instant, and decisively tore off a fragrant chicken drumstick with sauce, put it into her mouth and started chewing.

After taking a few bites, Yi Lin suddenly felt that this behavior might be inconsistent with the character's personality, so he explained: "Sorry, I was on a pirate ship and was hungry for too long."

Nolando originally saw that the legendary lady Elizabeth Lin looked so... fierce. He was stunned at the table for a long time and could not recover. After Yi Lin explained this, he suddenly remembered that this poor beauty spent time on a pirate ship. It was a tragic time, and I felt my deepest sympathy.

"Ah, thank God, God bless you, my lady. It's all those damn pirates."

Yi Lin chuckled: "Well, damn pirates."

Click click click.

Chicken delicious.

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