Infinity Throne

Chapter 182

Rub your sister!

Beautiful thought!

Yi Lin shook his head. If he hadn't thought that this woman was very familiar with Tetuga Island and had a wide network of contacts, and might be useful, Yi Lin would have left long ago.

"I want to take leave!"

"Hiccup~" Ruth burped: "Sisters, can you please add some hot water?"

Yi Lin clenched her pink fists, resisting the urge to give this hateful woman a shot... of "disaster", and then silently walked out to boil water.

ten minutes later.

Yi Lin walked in with a bucket of hot water and skillfully poured it into Ruth's bathtub.

Ruth looked resentful: "Are you sure you don't want to rub your sister's back?"

Yi Lin: "..."

"Hey, sister, I am old and my memory is not very good. What did you just say you wanted to invite?"

"I want to take leave."

"What please?"

"I want to take leave."

"What please?"

"..., let me rub your back."

"Good boy~ How many days do you want to treat me? Also, don't forget, you signed the contract and had your fingerprints pressed. If you dare to run away, you will be wanted? Well... that's right there... be more forceful... um ~Acridine~"

Yi Lin silently used a towel to rub Ruth's back. Listening to Ruth's weird moans, Yi Lin felt no emotion in her heart.

There should be no problem with your own orientation, right?

Yi Lin mentally speculated about the impact of role-playing on herself, and casually replied: "Please take two days to do something."

"These two days are because... well, there will be more pirates on the island. Don't let those dirty guys... ah~"

Suddenly, Ruth's tone became high-pitched.

"Isn't it just a back rub? There's something wrong with you, boss lady..."

"Haha, you don't understand. Okay, it's only two days, and your salary will be deducted. But, if you take a bath with your sister, maybe she can give you a salary increase if she's in a good mood? Huh?"

Ruth turned around sharply and stood up from the barrel, water splashing.

There is no one behind.

"Fuc...kkk! Where are the people?"


After leaving the boss lady's boudoir.

Yi Lin washed her hands and thought of the weird boss lady. She couldn't help but sigh: "Why do women bother women?"

As for the so-called contract, Yi Lin felt no psychological burden when pressing her fingerprints.

Anyway, the person who signed the contract was "Elizabeth Rin". What does it have to do with Yi Rin?

Well, it doesn't matter.

Although there were usually no people wandering outside in the dark at night, to be on the safe side, Yi Lin activated "Following Like a Shadow", sneaked into the darkness, and quietly arrived at the port.

The port is filled with ships of various sizes.

Some ships have been weathered, some have experienced gunfire, some are in tatters, and some are swaying slightly in the waves...

Um? There are even more ships, and the clear and delicate calls of birds can be faintly heard from the cabin, with ups and downs, rippling on the sea surface, if there is no presence, it sounds very sweet.

——It turns out that there are also ships with built-in sound effects.

In short, various ship models have different characteristics. The only thing they have in common is that the masts of the ships docked in the port are all hung with black skull flags, fluttering in the wind.

Yi Lin was on the side, looking at the dense skull flags in front of her, and couldn't help but hesitate.

"There are so many ships, which one should I choose?"

In the darkness, Yi Lin squinted her eyes and observed carefully.

Yi Lin can't tell whether a ship is good or not, but it can still be seen whether it looks domineering enough and whether there are many traces of cannonballs on the hull.

After all, some pirate ships were riddled with potholes and the wooden planks were old and new. It didn’t take much guessing to know that this kind of ship couldn’t run fast enough, so it was bombarded one after another.


Yi Lin suddenly found the target.

It was a medium-sized three-masted sailboat, with a one-eyed pirate flag hanging on it. There was a faint light projected from the ship, which flickered on and off like a firefly in the dark night.

The figure on the bow is a lifelike beauty whose flesh is invisible and the flesh is visible. The name of the ship is engraved on the hull near the figure.



Yi Lin shook her finger: "Bingo, it's you."

Aboard the Queen.

Several smelly and drunken pirates were lying on the deck.

If it were normal, their lazy behavior would definitely be whipped to death by the captain and first mate with small leather whips.

But tonight was a little different. Most of the pirates on the ship took advantage of this rare opportunity to sneak away to Tetuga Island, known as the "Pirate Paradise", to seek their own happiness.

Of course, what is more important is to find one or several beauties whom you fall in love with at first sight, have a love affair that lasts only for one night, vigorous and lasting, and then leave a few silver coins freely and wave your hands in the way of a pirate. Say goodbye without taking away a cloud.

A true pirate always longs for the sea and freedom.

Of course, women, treasure, and rum are also important.

A pirate was holding several empty rum bottles, leaning against the barrel, talking nonsense.

"Ah, my Mary, Emma, ​​Angelina, Angelina, baby... burp~"

In another corner of the deck.

The pirates lay in a circle and fell into a deep sleep.

Only in the captain's cabin on the deck was there a faint light, which seemed to reflect some strange overlapping patterns on the windows.

Sometimes it is folded into the word "大", sometimes it is folded into the word "work", and sometimes it is folded into the word "H", which is very strange.

No one noticed that in the darkness, a slightly short figure wearing a neat black tuxedo silently stepped onto the deck and walked quietly on the deck.

"Excuse me, is your captain here?"


"Excuse me, is your captain here?"


"Excuse me, is your captain here?"

"Hiccup~ Stop making trouble! I'm busy dating Mary!"

The drunken pirate didn't even open his eyelids and just responded vaguely.

"Huh? Very good, it's you."

Yi Lin searched around and finally found a pirate who was not completely drunk and could still barely communicate.

So he gathered his telekinesis and slapped a certain pirate on the face.

With her greasy and dirty skin, Yi Lin was afraid of getting her hands dirty if she did it herself.

Snap, snap, snap.

"Uh huh..."

Snap, snap, snap.



Before being beaten to death, a certain pirate opened his eyes in confusion. He didn't know if he had drunk too much wine. He felt a burning pain on his face, and a strange figure appeared in front of him.

He shook the wine bottle in his hand in confusion before he could let go, but it was empty.

"Hey! I drank a little too much today! This wine is really delicious!"


A cold knife was pressed gently against his neck.

The strange figure in front of him said calmly in an unarguable tone: "Now, rob, I want to rob this ship."


In an instant, the male pirate was sober. He looked down at the knife on his neck and smiled coldly: "How dare you steal our Queen? Do you know how many people on this ship - "




The pirate, who had sobered up a bit, had experienced hundreds of battles and was rich in experience. He instantly formulated a perfect counterattack plan in his mind.

He could say a few cruel words first, and the other party would be distracted for a moment. Then, using his experience in many battles, he would suddenly use the sea monster's tail swing, then the angry turtle's head move, and then pull out The knife in the belt can complete this earth-shattering counterattack.

And right now.


One after another, spherical objects rolled out of the darkness strangely.






The pirate did not continue counting, because starting from the fifth one, he had already figured out what those spherical objects were.

Those were...the heads of the brothers who drank rum with him not long ago!

"Talk, negotiate!"

The pirate instantly understood the situation, and his desire to fight back disappeared. He smiled and raised his hands high.

five minutes later.

Charlie, who is currently the only survivor on the deck of the Queen, after a few minutes of friendly communication with Yi Lin, unreservedly shared all the information about their respected captain’s birth date, height, weight, body measurements, hobbies, etc. Shake it all out, not daring to hide anything.

In this world, since there is a "curse", it should not be as simple as it seems on the surface.

After Yi Lin asked for detailed information about the captain of the Queen, she ignored Charlie for the time being and walked to the captain's cabin silently.

The silhouettes revealed in the captain's cabin were still changing into various difficult shapes. Yilin pushed the door open without saying a word.


A figure with a body shape similar to that of Su Xiaosu had a terrifying murderous intention all over his body. It was obvious at a glance that he was not a kind person.

"Oh? How dare you sneak in after seeing my Andre's flag... Haha, the mice are so courageous nowadays..."

The man who claimed to be the awesome Andre was aware of Yi Lin's presence the moment she pushed the door open. He stopped moving between his legs without hesitation and quickly pulled out a ferocious gun from his side. Here comes the ghost-headed sword.

"Ha...the attributes are not weak."

Before entering, Yi Lin had already carefully sensed the layout of the room. Although he did not deliberately turn on Shadow Follower, he was indeed not a weakling who could distract himself from the danger in such a fierce situation.

"Damn pirate! I'm going to hang your skinny body on the bow of the ship to feed the seagulls!"

Andre suddenly roared, skillfully rolling up the sheet with one hand to cover his bare buttocks, and wielding the ghost head sword with the other hand to slash at Yi Lin.

"Let the world feel the pain from this moment on."

After Yi Lin skillfully said a line that made Andre's face confused, Blood Jasmine turned into countless sharp blood threads with her backhand and strangled Andre's head.

[Get chaos value +88! 】

At the moment of Andre's death, an auspicious number popped up in front of Yi Lin.

Yi Lin incidentally activated the "Bloodthirsty Disaster" to absorb Andre's life into "Blood Will" and store it.

When he saw the value of Andre's "life" clearly on the apostle's panel, the expression behind the mask could not help but solidify slightly.

[First level of blood] (+1.9)

Calculated based on the fact that [Bloodthirsty Catastrophe] currently only absorbs 20% of the total strength, agility, and spiritual value, Captain Andre's measurements during his lifetime were as high as 9.5.

It was only slightly lower than before Henry Zhang died.

"Are ordinary captains in this world able to touch the apostle's floor..."

Yi Lin lowered his head and thought.

At this moment, the three naked figures on the bed, two white and one black, reacted and let out a high-pitched scream at the right time.

"Ah - ah! Oh -"

"If you scream again, I'll kill you."

Yi Lin, who was wearing a "smiling face" mask, strangled Captain Andre's head into a lump. In the eyes of the three women, he was a more terrifying villain than Andre. They were immediately frightened and their eyes widened, and they moved. Don't dare to move either.

The three of them filled their mouths with their hands, and the gag was very firm, and no sound of even half a decibel was leaked out. It seemed that they had been trained for a long time and were extraordinary.

"very good."

The cabin instantly became quiet. Yi Lin nodded with satisfaction and began to deal with the follow-up matters.

It is a good habit to kill people without leaving their names.

[Excellent Ghost Sword]



[Effect] Strength +0.3

[Instructions] Click to view details.


It's really bluffing.

At first, Yi Lin thought it was at least rare or above, but she didn't expect it to be so... ordinary.

Yi Lin did not card the equipment in front of the three black and white partners.

In fact.

He did not relax his vigilance towards the black and white team members, and his telekinetic tentacles were always on alert around them.

After all, in this role-playing plot mode, anyone could be played by the "Apostle".

If there is some old man hidden among these three black and white partners, it will really turn the boat over in the gutter.

"It seems like there's something missing... If the landlady is right... yo! It's there!"

Yi Lin lowered his head and found an old hat from under the messy pile of hollow lace clothes on the ground.

The hat was made of leather. The leather had long been faded and weathered. It was obvious at first glance that it was a relic of a certain era.

The moment he got the hat, attributes appeared in front of Yi Lin's eyes.

[shabby captain's hat]


[Instructions] Click to view details.


When Yi Lin was working in the proprietress's tavern, she overheard some pirates mentioning that they wanted to join forces to kill people and seize the captain's identity.

At that time, Yi Lin wondered whether the identity of the captain was the key to triggering the plot.

After all, after entering this world for so long, Yi Lin has never received a mission prompt from the "Tower".

In other words, this trial in the inner world cannot wait. A certain step must be taken before it can proceed.

Otherwise, it is very likely that you will be consumed and die in this world in the end.

Yi Lin used telekinesis to search the cabin three times inside and out.

He didn't even put it in the pocket of his clothes on the floor.

After confirming that nothing was missing, Yi Lin looked at the black and white pair on the bed.

"You guys aren't leaving yet?"

Yi Lin's words shocked the three of them with surprised expressions.

After all, in their hearts, a person who can easily kill a murderous pirate like Captain Andre must be more terrifying than Captain Andre.

"Haha, quickly grab your clothes and get out...before I regret it."

The black and white trio just woke up from a dream. They didn't even bother to put on their clothes carefully. They hurriedly covered their figures and rushed out of the door. They were afraid that the terrible pirate in front of them would be unhappy and change their minds and attack them.

Andre's death was so unprepared for anyone, and the way he died was so miserable that they couldn't help but think of Yi Lin as a more terrifying existence than Andre.

As for why they didn't get dressed before leaving...

Yi Rin sympathizes deeply.

In this world, women have one set of clothes after another, and there are many ways to wear them. Yilin feels the same pain.

After the three people left.

Yi Lin casually turned the [Exquisite Ghost Sword] into a card and stuffed it into the storage space.

"This hat... is a bit ugly, and it doesn't match the clothes I'm wearing at all. Do I have to get a pirate outfit?"

"Furthermore, this tattered captain's hat does not have the inherent appearance of a gentleman's hat that will not fall off. If you are wearing a captain's hat, if the wind blows, it is very likely that the troublesome long hair will be exposed...otherwise Shave your hair short?”

"If I shave my head, there will probably be less choices in plot lines in the future."

Yi Lin said to himself, looking down at the pile of tattered clothes on the ground that Andre took off happily but never had the chance to put on again, and gave up this stupid idea in an instant.

——I won’t wear it even if I beat myself to death.

"Hey, wait a minute."

Yi Lin suddenly remembered something.

There are no restrictions on krypton gold appearance equipment. Anyway, it is just for improving your performance. If you guessed correctly...

Yi Lin took advantage of the fact that there was no one around, so she silently took off the [gentleman hat that wouldn't fall off] on her head and exposed her hair.

But that's not important.

"Oh, only children make choices."

After Yi Lin re-carded the [Gentleman's Hat that Will Not Fall Off], and the two cards of the [Shabby Captain's Hat], they lightly touched each other.

A prompt quickly appeared in front of my eyes.

[It has been detected that there are prop cards that can be fused, "gentleman's hat that won't fall off", "shabby captain's hat"... The fusion result is unknown, and the fusion process cannot be reversed. Do you want to fuse? 】

【YES/NO? 】

Yi Lin smiled sweetly.


No, I almost got the painting style wrong.

Yi Lin put away her smile and thought for a moment. This kind of fusion of krypton gold appearance and equipment should not have any weird consequences. It is just appearance anyway. No matter how bad it is, it should not be dirtier or uglier than this hat. .

Thinking of this, Yi Lin decisively pressed "YES".

Haha, he won't make the same mistake as Mo Rendi.

In a burst of faint light, the two prop cards fell apart in Yi Lin's hands, the light spots scattered, and then reassembled into a brand new card in front of Yi Lin.

On the front of the card is a pitch-black gentleman's hat. Above the gentleman's hat, there is a scarlet skull pattern. The skull's pupils seem to have some kind of magic power, faintly revealing an evil light.

In the blink of an eye, the skull pattern on the card became an ordinary skull again, seemingly nothing special.

[Skeleton gentleman hat that won’t fall off]


[Soul Binding] Yilin

[Instructions] Click to view details.

Want to save face?

Like to show off?

I didn’t expect you to be such an Andre.

Yi Lin turned over the new card and admired it for a while, then crushed it and slowly put a gentleman's hat as black as ink on his head.

The moment he put on the skull gentleman's hat, Yi Lin suddenly felt that somewhere in this world, or somewhere in this space, there seemed to be an invisible gaze that fell on him without warning.

Perhaps it fell on the scarlet skull on his hat.


This feeling of being spied on made Yi Lin frowned after putting on the hat. At the same time, she expanded her telekinesis perception to the extreme, but unfortunately she didn't find anything special.

"Is it an illusion?"

Probably not a peek from the tower.

After all, as an apostle, you shouldn't be unfamiliar with "the will of the tower".

Or is it some kind of power that exists in this world?

This is a cursed world.

Yi Lin didn't have time to think more.

Because, within a few seconds after putting on the skull gentleman hat, a warm reminder from the "Tower" appeared in front of his eyes.

In order to avoid being cheated, Yi Lin read the prompts word for word and never missed any text trap. Yi Lin was very skilled at this.

【Welcome to this magical Caribbean. 】

[Congratulations, you have finally become a rookie captain. 】

[However, this is just the beginning. 】

[On this magical sea, there are navy, pirates, treasures, mysteries, undead, and...]


[Their existence may be beyond your imagination. 】

[But don’t be afraid. Generally speaking, as a brave pirate or heroic navy, you will not die easily on this magical sea. 】

【Um? Maybe maybe? 】


[This is a game, a game you can’t imagine. 】

[Gather your crew to conquer this ocean, conquer...]


The text was stuck for a while.

Yi Lin feels that the plot description of the tower is a bit weird this time.

It always gives Yi Lin a feeling of being unable to speak.

It seemed that Yazi wanted to say something but couldn't, which made Yilin keep an eye on her.

But there was nothing he could do. Yi Lin couldn't pinch "Ta"'s neck to make the will speak out for the reminder that Ta couldn't say.


[Main mission one released: Successfully join the "Pirates" or "Navy" camp and sail into the Caribbean by ship. Note: The choice of camp affects subsequent main missions, so please choose carefully. Mission reward: unknown. Time limit: unknown. 】

【Unlock the "Captain Panel"! 】

[Acquire the career "Pirate Captain" and unlock the temporary career talent skill "Captain's Eyes". Note: This skill disappears when the captain's identity is taken away. 】

"Huh? There are actually two camps?"

Yi Lin was a little surprised.

First, role play…

Story mode...

Divided into camps again?

Yi Lin has memorized the plot hints of the tower word for word.

"In other words, just putting on the hat and becoming a captain is not enough. You have to sail the ship into the Caribbean Sea to complete the first main mission?"

Yi Lin lowered his head and thought.

"The technology of this world is backward, and there is no AI assistance, no automatic navigation, or even chart positioning. One person cannot drive a pirate ship. It seems that as expected at the beginning, a whole ship of people must be gathered to sail this pirate ship. The 'Queen'."

"Forget it, as the first main mission, it shouldn't be too difficult."

Yi Lin felt relieved.

It seems that after accepting the main mission just now, a captain's panel was unlocked.

Yi Lin smiled, thinking silently in her mind, and skillfully summoned the captain's panel in front of her.


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