Infinity Throne

Chapter 184 The first development of my captain (2-in-1 Fengyun Chapter)

Gouzi: "..."

Yi Lin: "..."

Gouzi suddenly tilted his head: "Woof?"

Yi Lin smiled and slipped back into the room.

Yi Lin was not surprised.

After all, "following like a shadow" is not a skill that makes one disappear completely. It is not as unnatural as imagined.

A dog's sense of smell is dozens of times that of humans, and its hearing is about 18 times that of ordinary humans. It is not surprising that a dog can detect Yi Lin's presence.

After Yi Lin left.

The dirty dog ​​lay on the ground again, gnawing on the dry bones with relish.

Just like last night, when Yi Lin silently slipped into the "Fiery Rose" from the back door, his senses were released, but he found something that made him dumbfounded.

The landlady Ruth actually slept naked on his bed.

Empty wine bottles were scattered around the bed. Even if Yi Lin only sensed them, he could imagine that there must be a strong smell of alcohol in his small room.

"There's something wrong with you, boss lady!"

Yi Lin suddenly felt the urge to drag Ruth's legs and throw her out.

But suddenly.

Yi Lin thought of what was going to happen soon, sighed softly, and dismissed the idea.

More and more pirate ships are docked at the port.

Various flags, various painting styles... including realism, abstraction, impressionism, wildism, blind style, etc., it is dazzling.

Yi Lin worked all night and finally completed 80% of the "preparation".

If everything goes well, we will be able to recruit a good group of people tonight.

Well, that's assuming nothing unexpected happens.

But it doesn't matter. If anything happens, Yi Lin has a prepared plan.

If she is really unlucky and something terrible happens, Yi Lin will have no choice but to give up this plan completely.

"Haha, maybe becoming a good person is also a good choice."

Yi Lin laughed to himself, with a meaning that no one could understand.

If the guess is correct, the landlady Ruth will not wake up for a while.

Yilin simply ran to Ruth's room and smelled Ruth's quilt. There seemed to be no peculiar smell, so she lay down directly on it.

Before going to bed, Yi Lin casually opened the apostle panel and took a look.

Apart from the slow recovery of psychic energy, nothing else has changed.

Yi Lin suddenly remembered that when he first became an apostle, after consuming his spiritual energy to the limit, his mental attributes actually improved a little.

But such good things are indeed rare.

Yilin spent these two nights frantically consuming spiritual energy, but she did not dare to consume it to the point of exhaustion, so her mental attributes did not improve at all.

Of course, even if it is exhausted, there is a high chance that it will not be improved.

It all depends on face and chance, you can’t force it.


Yi Lin just lay down, then got up again and locked the door.

"The landlady usually hardly closes the door. Now, she must not have a spare key to her room, right?"

When Yi Lin thought about it, she was able to sleep peacefully.

Otherwise, the thought of a lonely boss lady who covets her own beauty would make Yi Lin sleepless and uneasy.

"Why should women embarrass women?"

Yi Lin untied all the restraints and was finally able to breathe well. Then she lay directly on Ruth's bed and fell asleep.

Bang bang bang.

Bang bang bang bang.

Yi Lin, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened by a hasty knock on the door... to be precise, it should be a hammering on the door.


Yi Lin sat up and shook a few times, her shoulders were sore.

Looking down, Yi Lin could only shake her head helplessly.

"No matter how many times you do it, it's hard to get used to it. In other words, Mengmeng's body shape is actually"

Bang bang bang bang!

"I know you are in there! Get out of here! Believe it or not, I rushed in and raped you? Come out!"


It was the voice of the landlady.

It sounded a little bit angry.


Yi Lin opened the door expressionlessly.


The boss's wife's original majestic and high-spirited aura was shaken away in a very short period of time when Yi Lin opened the door. Her eyes were shining, and her dark complexion was actually flushed.

Yi Lin sighed: "Boss lady, something is wrong with you again."

The lady boss smiled, looked away, and skillfully changed the subject: "Well, are you awake? The sun is really white today, oh God, no, it's really sunny today."

Yi Lin: "..."

With Ruth's help, Yi Lin once again restrained her figure into Molly's shape.

Ah, it hurts.

Seeing that Elizabeth Lin was about to go out, Ruth stopped messing around and said with a serious expression: "You promised me that you would only take two days off. I heard some bad rumors. There will be more dirty people gathering on the island these days. Pirates, well, more than usual.”


Yi Lin smiled sweetly.

Ah no, smile slightly.

The sense of immersion in this role-playing is really strong.

"So, remember not to go out and wander around tonight!"

A faint smile twitched the corners of Ruth's lips.

Anyway, after tricking Ruth out, Yi Lin looked at the gloomy sky outside through the window and murmured to himself: "It looks like I have to work overtime during the day today."

After changing into krypton gold appearance equipment, Yi Lin came out of the tavern.

It's raining lightly.

The ground was mottled and greasy, and there were piles of rum bottles scattered around. There were even rums that had not yet dried up mixed with rainwater, and there was a weird smell in the air that was mixed with various smells.

The sea in the distance is filled with a layer of thick fog. In this weather, no pirate ship sets sail. From time to time, a scarred ship will sail out of the thick fog, with a dilapidated skull and crossbones flag flying above it.

When Yi Lin left the tavern, she found the dog still lying lazily at the door of the tavern, its hair stained with rainwater, and the whole dog looked quite pitiful.

When Yi Lin appeared in the posture of "Skeleton Gentleman", Gouzi, who was squinting in the rain, suddenly had hair all over his body. He sat up and stared at Yi Lin, his eyes filled with an inexplicable meaning. .



The dog barked at Yi Lin from a distance.

Yi Lin: "..."

"Woof woof!"


"Woof woof woof?"


Yilin silently took out a piece of dry black bread from the storage space and threw it towards Gouzi.

In an instant, the dog took hold of the black bread and became quiet, no longer barking blindly.

Yi Lin couldn't help feeling that even a dog on Tegatu Island had a pirate style.

The weather was gloomy, the sea was foggy, and even the air seemed to be filled with stickiness. If Yi Lin hadn't been wearing a mask, she might have damaged the smooth skin on her face by walking around twice.

"Huh? Wait, this is Elizabeth Lin's face. What does it have to do with me, Yi Lin?"

Yi Lin almost forgot again that she was just playing this role.

While walking through the alleys and heading towards the port, Yilin took out the small piece of equipment that Molly had asked him to make in the real world from the storage space.

It was a faux leather belt, nice style and very sturdy.

On the belt, a long metal box made of alloy is fixed with rivets. Inside the box, there are ten grooves of equal size. If you look carefully, there is a simple spring structure at the bottom of the groove. Just go to Press down, and the spring in the groove will slightly bounce the object in the groove for easy access.

The grooves are numbered from "1" to "10" in the order specified by Yi Lin.

Before making this small object, Yi Lin had already told Molly to use only the simplest mechanical structure and never add any high-tech electronic components.

Otherwise, once the "threshold" allowed by the storage space is exceeded, it will not be able to be put into the storage space.

"Tower" seems to have its own criteria for judging the things in the storage space.

I remember that someone once tried to make a side kick and tried to reproduce an original "flintlock gun" in an attempt to bring it into the other world, but failed.

Since someone tried this, Yi Lin has no intention of making anything too complicated from reality and bringing it into the other world.

This small piece of equipment made by Molitor seems to have not yet reached the "forbidden" threshold of the tower.

"Hmm..." Yi Lin hesitated for a few seconds: "Explosive bead box? Well, it's up to you."

A name was given to the "little equipment" in an instant.

Elizabeth Lin is very satisfied with her naming taste.

Yi Lin wrapped the explosive bead box around her waist. In fact, without the box, it would be no different from an ordinary belt.

With a flip of her palm, Yi Lin took out another "exploding bead" from the storage space.

Then, he held the explosive bead in his hand for a moment and activated the skill.

——[Unstable Explosives].

After rolling the beads, Yi Lin carefully placed the "explosives" in the groove "1" in order.

The inside of the groove can just accommodate one explosive bead, no more, no less, which prevents the explosive bead from colliding inside the box during violent movements and accidentally exploding.


Yi Lin could not help but let out a sigh of relief as she watched a portion of her spiritual energy drop off.

Plus...the chest is too tight.

[Unstable Explosive] This skill, if used well, can indeed be used in many tricks. It is indeed an A-level attack skill.

It just consumes too much spiritual energy.

If Yilin hadn't still wanted to save the chaos value and reactivate the legendary "Apocalypse Mount", this [unstable explosive] would have been the first choice to add the "module" first.

"Forget it, use it first."

Yi Lin hid the explosive bead box under her clothes.

He casually opened the captain's panel.

On the captain's panel, there are currently no changes to any data.

There is only one subordinate crew member.


Yi Lin clicked on [Charlie]'s attributes.

Charlie's combat power is still "E".

There are no other special changes, except for the "Loyalty" column, which dropped from "-10" to "-20".

The subsequent description was also upgraded from "rebellion at any time" to "imminent rebellion".

Yi Lin closed the captain panel and couldn't help laughing.

"Pirates truly deserve to be pirates. It made me understand that there is only an upper limit to this profession... and no lower limit."

"It seems that there is a saying that goes well: first make peace with the inside and then fight with the outside."

While talking to himself.

Not long after.

Yi Lin has stepped onto the deck of the "Queen" again.


Aboard the Queen.

The atmosphere is peaceful.

Everything seemed orderly and unhurried.

A dozen employees were timidly cleaning the decks with wet mops.

——Among them seems to be Charlie who is [proficient in mops].

There was a muscular man wearing a hat, his upper body was bare, and his skin was covered with criss-crossed old knife scars, as well as scars left by bullets. He could tell at a glance that he had experienced many battles.

I saw the man in the hat standing high up, shouting at the crew from time to time.

"Brand! Are you not full? Don't you want today's rum?"

"Hmph! And you! One-eyed dog! Did you waste all your energy on a woman's belly last night? Why don't you give me something to do!"

"Listen to me! I am the great captain Dudin Wade. Have you forgotten who is the master of this 'Queen'?"

"Charlie! What are you doing standing there? Huh? Did you get bird shit in your damn eyes? Or were you blinded by a woman last night? Blink your relatives, blink??"



Everyone's movements stopped.

Ta, tap.

A crisp footsteps fell on the deck of the Queen without warning, and also fell in the ears of every crew member.

In an instant, for some unknown reason, the messy Queen suddenly became quiet, too quiet.

Only "Captain" Dudin Wade, who was standing high up, was still pointing at Charlie's nose and chattering.

Charlie's eyes were full of fear, looking behind Dudin Wade, ogling crazily.

Ta, tap, tap.

"Shh, shh, shh-"

Charlie winked desperately behind Dudin Wade, his eyes almost bleeding.

My respected Lord Dudin Wade, why are you so inconspicuous!

The humble Charlie was so scared that he almost peed!

Right now.

Dudin Wade, who calls himself the captain of the Queen, also feels something is wrong.

How could those scumbags who were lazy and idle all day suddenly become so quiet?

"Quiet" never appears in a pirate's lexicon.

An elegant and clean figure slowly shuttled through a group of dirty pirates.

One step, two steps, three steps.

The sound of those jet-black and smooth black leather shoes stepping on the deck sounded crisp and sweet in the silence, as if it were some kind of moving musical instrument, and people couldn't bear to interrupt the rhythm.

Yi Rin wears a mask.

——"Smiley face".

Although it is just an ordinary mask from the real world, its workmanship is exquisite. In this era, it is undoubtedly a gadget that only nobles in the palace are qualified to play with.

"Haha, my loyal Charlie, didn't you tell me these damn and despicable crew members, who is the master of this 'Queen'?"

He lowered his voice, which was a bit magnetic, and through the mask, there was an additional hint of androgynous neutrality.

In addition, he worked hard to restrain his body into the shape of Molly, so for a while, no one realized that Yi Lin was actually a "woman".

To the ears of the pirates, this voice seemed to be indistinguishable from male to female and seemed relatively young.

Dudin Wade suddenly turned around.

His eyes were as cold as poisonous snakes, and you could tell at a glance that he was not a good person.

Ah, that's right, there are no good guys among pirates.

Therefore, Yi Lin also plans to learn to be a qualified bad guy.

Thinking of this, Yi Lin felt confident and her chest puffed up.

The loyal Charlie saw the "captain" looking towards him and secretly glanced at the tall, strong and murderous Dudin Wade. He couldn't help but take a few steps back, his eyes flickered, and his tone was hesitant: "My respected captain. Sir...this...that..."

"Are you the 'Skeleton Gentleman'?"

Dudin Wade smiled coldly, glanced at Charlie, the wallflower, with disdain, and ignored him. He just looked at the short and pretentious figure not far away with disdain.

Yi Lin corrected: "It's the 'Skeleton Gentleman Captain'."

"Just you? Hehehe!" Dudin Wade grinned, showing the row of scarce and disordered yellow teeth in his mouth: "Just you, a brat like you? Are you an adult? Can you drink rum? ?Have you ever seen a white woman?"

"Hey! Boy, you are too naive. The world of pirates is not as simple as you think! Don't think that you used tricks to kill our former captain Andre and think that you are the master of this Queen!"

A fair woman?

Yi Lin looked down at "himself".

He quickly raised his head again.

Then he smiled and said, "Open your mouth."

Dudin Wade: "?"

"open mouth."


"Can't you understand people? Open your mouth."

Dudin Wade couldn't help laughing: "Is there something wrong with your brain? Do you really think that my great captain Dudin Wade is a fool? I will open my mouth if you ask me to? Hahahaha——"

Dudin Wade raised his head and laughed, while slowly pulling out the scimitar from his waist.


No one heard, a crisp popping sound suddenly came from Yi Lin's waist. Between the electric light and flint, Yi Lin flicked his index finger, and a silver light flew out secretly, and shot into Dudin Wade's smiling face. In the mouth.

call out--

"Ha-ah? Ooooh-ahem!"

Dudin Wade, who was shot in the mouth, suddenly felt a sharp pain in his mouth, which seemed to have a strange chill.

Dare you shoot in my mouth? !

Dudin Wade was furious and was about to spit out the small ball that had been inexplicably brought in by BIU in his mouth. Then he waved his big knife and chopped the hateful brat into several pieces and threw them into the sea to feed the fish.



The furious Dudin Wade's mouth full of yellow teeth made an explosion, and it suddenly exploded in broad daylight, with blood and flesh flying everywhere. Before Dudin Wade could even scream, he was there. In the sudden explosion, he rolled his eyes and fell backward.

A mouth of yellow teeth was like a peacock spreading its tail, with fresh blood foam flying out of Dudin Wade's mouth and flying everywhere on the deck.


A certain bald pirate who was standing ten meters away from Dudin Wade suddenly coughed and coughed for a long time before vomiting out a big yellow tooth stained with blood from his mouth.

——The tooth that was originally in Dudin Wade's mouth.

"Blow up, blow up, blow up!"

All the pirates stared at the dog belt.

Such a good person, he exploded no matter how hard he said it!

All the pirates who witnessed this terrifying scene subconsciously clamped their legs and covered their mouths, fearing that the next explosion would explode in their own mouths.

Yi Lin silently rolled another ball, and while everyone's attention was attracted to poor Dudin Wade, she quietly stuffed it into the "1" groove on her waist.

There was dead silence on the deck.

Only the billowing black smoke came out of the mouth of Dudin Wade, who was lying on his back.

Oh, and it smells like damn blood.

Da da da.

Yi Lin walked towards Dudin Wade step by step.

This time, no one dared to look down upon this "captain" who looked extremely thin.

Ten steps.

Five steps.

Two steps.

Yi Lin walked to Dudin Wade's feet.


Dudin Wade's two pale dead fish eyes suddenly regained their vitality. He suddenly bounced up from the ground, and without anyone else expecting it, with a whirring sound, he punched Yi Lin's damn face. The mask was smashed.


Seeing that Dudin Wade did not die in the inexplicable explosion, all the pirates subconsciously cheered.


Yi Lin laughed loudly and mysteriously on purpose.

Dudin Wade's expression suddenly changed.

Although the change in his face was completely obscured by the billowing smoke and the tattered flesh and blood, no one could see it, but in fact, at the moment of punching, Dudin Wade's face did change drastically.

Even though Dudin Wade didn't know what trick the damn "skeleton gentleman" in front of him was playing.

But not important!

I'm a pirate!

There's nothing the great Dudin Wade can't fix with one punch!

If there is... then two punches!

In his opinion, although the small characters were a bit weird, looking at his small body, he couldn't withstand his punch.

But what Dudin Wade didn't expect was that when he punched, the small casserole-like fist was about to fall on Yi Lin's mask, as if it hit an invisible barrier, making the menacing fist The fist suddenly slowed down.

In the eyes of others, Dudin Wade's fist was originally very fast, with the sound of whistling wind, but suddenly slowed down, as if playing in slow motion.

All the pirates: "?"

Queen: "?"

Yi Lin smiled slightly, and after using the telekinesis shield to slow down Dudin Wade's fist, he released his telekinesis perception, aimed... at the "telepathy needle" that was already prepared on his fingertips, and swung it towards Dudin Wade's fist. It was pierced somewhere on the forehead.


Dudin Wade was about to curse, but suddenly, his legs refused to obey him and twisted violently.

Everyone only heard a click, and Dudin Wade's waist twisted very flexibly in a half circle, and then his legs carried his upper body and ran towards the side of the boat.

The legs are very fast!



Dudin Wade looked confused and hit the railing on the side of the ship. After rotating 720 degrees in mid-air, he fell directly into the sea with a pop under the watchful eyes of everyone.



Among the crowd, someone's legs gave way and he knelt on the ground. He stretched out his fingers tremblingly, and his whole body almost turned into a mess.

"Black, black, black, it's black magic!!!"

"Dark magic?"

"Our captain actually knows black magic?"


Including the loyal Charlie, the moment someone said the three words "black magic", there seemed to be a loud bang in everyone's mind, and their faces turned pale with fear.

The eyes of everyone looking at the "Skeleton Gentleman" were full of fear, as if they were looking at a terrifying monster.


Yi Lin habitually lowered the brim of his hat and said slowly: "Now, is there a loyal crew member as the 'Skeleton Gentleman Captain' who will pick up the damn Dudin Wade and hang it on the mainmast?"

The words just fell.

Plop! Plop! Plop! …

A dozen clever pirates rolled up their sleeves and jumped into the sea without saying a word.

The other crew members who had not had time to jump into the sea to recover the body looked at each other.

Three seconds later.

Everyone cheered: "Long live Captain Skeleton Gentleman!"

A bunch of messages flooded the screen in front of Yi Lin.

【Get crew member "Brand"! 】

【Get crew member "Bob"! 】

【Get crew member "Stow Norton"! 】

[Crew "Wang Tiandi" joins the "Queen"! 】

【Get crew member "Barrett"! 】

【Get crew member "Johnson Meek"! 】


Yi Lin opened the captain's panel.

Looking at the mess of data on the panel, I felt a dull pain in my temples.

This kind of strategic game doesn't seem to be what he's good at.

That bunch of "crew" are all undecided people who haven't been assigned positions yet.

Click on the Queen again.

A virtual anatomy diagram of the Queen appeared in front of Yi Lin.

Every cabin, every cannon, the caliber of the cannon... and other various structures and configurations.

Rum, grain, bread, fresh water, vegetables, olive oil, lemons...all kinds of supplies.

There are also spare first mates, second mates, lookouts, cooks, helmsmen, sailors, combatants, cleaners, gunners... and other positions.

"too difficult!"

Yi Lin's expression was serious and she couldn't help but spit out three words.

What Elizabeth Rin actually wants to say is.

——"It's so hard to be a captain."

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