Infinity Throne

Chapter 189

Ruth announced that she was the biological brother of the proprietress of "Fiery Rose"... Louis.

Then most people believed it.

After all, Ruth's attitude did not look like that of a woman.

But not quite like a 100% man.

There were originally many vicious pirates who complained about a sissy becoming the first mate of the Queen. However, when Wang Tiandi lazily raised his paw and waved it twice, those so-called "criticisms" came to an end in the blink of an eye. All kinds of lame flattery and flattery.

Yi Lin really didn't expect that after he showed off in the tavern for a long time, it was this dog that inexplicably climbed onto the Queen that completely shocked the group of pirates.

"Is this considered a temporary team?"

If Wang Tiandi can be regarded as an apostle, their relationship in this trial can indeed be regarded as a temporary team relationship.

Yi Lin stood on the deck, squinting her eyes, thinking about all this.

And "Mate Louis" has entered the state at the fastest angle, commanding all sailors and preparing everything needed for the voyage.

Cannonballs, food, fresh water, rum and other supplies needed for ocean voyages.

"The time span for this trial in the other world will be very long."

Yi Lin secretly sighed and pulled at the tight corset without leaving any trace, wishing to pull it off and free the almost crushed White Tutu.

Being a woman... is so difficult!

It's already dawn.

In addition to Yi Lin's "Queen", there is another ship staying at the port.

——"Eight Claws".

This is a multi-masted sailing ship that is one level larger than the Queen.

From the Octopus, there seemed to be countless eyes full of hatred, which were transmitted to the Queen through the air, causing all the sailors on the Queen to work with a nervous expression on their faces.


Yi Lin smiled slightly.

"why are you laughing?"

When Yi Lin burst into inexplicable laughter.

Ruth stepped onto the high platform, coquettishly pulled up a strand of hair that was blown by the wind, and gave Yi Lin a white look.

Yi Lin was not surprised and did not answer Ruth's question.

"First Officer Lewis, your actions are not quite right."

"Hey hey hey——"

Ruth walked over to Yi Lin.

Shoulders to shoulders.

Yi Lin wanted to move away, but after hesitating for three seconds, she decided to let Ruth take advantage of her secretly.

Ruth whispered in a voice that only two people could hear: "So this is why you took two days off?"


"Haha, after making all preparations, then in my tavern, first show off your astonishing wealth, and then expose the 'black magic' to make those dirty pirates fear you, and then continue Come down and sink all other people’s ships at the best moment..."

"With wealth, strength, and a boat...even my sister, I can't help but want to climb into your bed!"

Yi Lin corrected Ruth's speech error: "It's a boat."

In the distance, the dog quietly pricked up his ears.


In a few words, Ruth roughly summarized Yi Lin's little plan.

He spent two days and spent a lot of spiritual energy to sneak onto every pirate ship and convert something in the pirate ship into a time bomb using [unstable explosives].

If it is converted into other things, even a 10KG weight on the peak may not be able to achieve the effect of sinking a ship with one shot. a pirate ship, all other materials can be scarce, but there is only one thing, which is stored in piles and boxes.


The specifications of cannonballs commonly used by pirates include "14-pound bullets" and "8-pound bullets."

Yi Lin only needs to place the whole box of shells in a suitable position for blasting, and then stuff one of the explosives into the whole box of shells. On the surface, there is no difference at all.

Moreover, pirates are naturally creatures that like disorder and laziness. Let alone moving the cannon box, it is estimated that even if a few boxes are missing, no one will notice it for a while.

The longest timed blast limit for [unstable explosives] is "48 hours", so during those two nights, Yi Lin was very pressed for time and had almost no rest.

In addition, most of the ships that Yi Lin bombed were pirate ships that were converted into pirate ships after robbing merchant ships. They had no emotions at all, let alone lost their lives because of a ship.

Due to various factors, Yi Lin could be said to have exhausted the techniques of "coercion, inducement, and cutting off escape routes" and finally succeeded in obtaining the first ship.

—and this boatload of people and dogs.


Ruth's expression was a little more worried, and she pointed to the "Octopus" in another part of the port.

"Sister, I don't know how you managed to make other ships explode, but that ship... did not sink. If I guessed correctly, that ship must be afraid of your 'black magic', so it We don’t dare to attack us in the port, but once we sail out of Tetuga Island, I’m afraid…”

Yi Lin took out her pocket watch and calculated the time.

"Ruth, ah no, First Officer Louis, let me know, we will sail on time in half an hour!"

"half an hour?"

Ruth looked at the sun that had not yet risen in the sky and the thick fog that had not completely dissipated on the sea: "Don't you wait until dawn before setting sail? If you are attacked when the vision is not good..."

Yi Lin shook his head. Under the mask, there was a confident smile on his delicate face, but unfortunately no one could see it.

"It's the captain's responsibility to decide when to sail, and how to sail is up to your first mate."

Ruth: "???"

Are you the captain or am I the captain? ? ?

Regarding Yi Lin's behavior of clearly being a skipper, Ruth had a lot of thoughts in her heart that she wanted to express, but she didn't know where to express them.

So she could only silently raise her middle finger in the direction Yi Lin left.


"Young ladies! Hurry up! Give me all the strength you plan to use on women's bellies. Oh no, I'll use it! Bring up the barrel of 'Fiery Rose' quickly! Unless you don't want rum anymore. !”

"Gunners, hurry up! Load all the barrels with cannonballs! Be ready for war at any time!"

"All idle sailors should be tied to their posts! Anyone who dares to run around will never get on the Queen again!"

"Don't forget! This is the territory of the skeleton gentleman captain who possesses 'black magic'!"


As Ruth used the title of "Skeleton Gentleman" to issue orders in a pretentious manner, all the pirate sailors worked even more quickly. Boxes of rum were shipped out of the tavern and then moved to the Queen's wine cellar. Lock it up.

Ruth used the binoculars to look in the direction of the Octopus.

His expression gradually became serious.

Half an hour later.

Yilin bubbles again.

No one knew when this mysterious captain appeared. It seemed that when they came to their senses, the mysterious skeleton gentleman captain was already standing on the deck.

Standing next to their first mate Louis.

"Time's up, let's set sail on time."

Ruth was slightly startled: "But, there are still people who haven't boarded the boat..."

Yi Lin changed to another unquestionable tone: "I don't want to say it a third time, let's set sail on time."

Okay, you are the captain and you have the final say.

Ruth imagined in her mind that she would strip this mysteriously dressed sister Rin naked and ravage her thousands of times, but her expression was very serious and she waved her hand: "Weigh anchor!"

Click, click, click, click—

Under the hard shouts of the sailors, the huge man-made gears rotated, and the huge anchor was slowly pulled up.

Ruth discerned which way the wind was blowing.



set sail! ! !

Before the Queen had time to bathe in the morning light, she took advantage of the wind and gradually moved away from the port of Tetuga Island.

And on the other side of the port.

"Ship, Captain! The Queen! The Queen is sailing!"

"Haha? The naive skeleton gentleman is just as I expected. He wants to sail before dawn, thinking that my great Captain Brady of Stormy Waves can't react? HiaHiaHia——"

Brady laughed unscrupulously. No one knew that in the tavern, Brady eagerly handed out a "cover letter" to the skeleton gentleman, but was ruthlessly rejected by the damn pirate skeleton gentleman. One scene.

That's a naked humiliation!

humiliation! ! !

If it hadn't been discovered later that his "Ectopus" was only lightly blown with a small hole, and did not sink the ship, he would have almost hugged a group of brothers and drank rum and cried until dawn.

And's time for Stormy Brady's revenge!

He must let that damn pirate die at the bottom of the sea!

"Hey, hey, kids! Let's get up-"

Boom boom boom boom——

Stormy Brady: "?"

Octopus: "?"

Youngsters: "?"

"Captain! It's not good! It exploded again and again... again!"

"Somewhere it exploded!"

Hearing the word "explosion", Brady was shocked and his eyes suddenly widened, as if he would fall to the deck at any time.

"Bomb bay!"

"Fuc...kkkk! Get the bucket quickly! Pour the water out!"

A group of pirates cried bitterly: "It's too late, Captain! It's already sinking! Wuwuwu——"


Eight-claw number, died.

Age... doesn't matter.

[Sink the "Eight Claws" and gain pirate reputation +2333! 】

[Get chaos value +1! 】

[Get chaos value +1! 】

[Get chaos value +2! 】


Yi Lin's eyes were filled with joy as a series of prompts flooded her screen.

Aboard the Queen.

All the pirates who were in a state of preparation for war were stunned and fell into silence when they witnessed the whole process of the "Octopus" exploding inexplicably and then slowly sinking.

I don’t know how much time passed.

The loyal Charlie was the first to react and shouted in a hysterical voice: "Skeleton Gentleman Captain is awesome——"

The pirates shouted in unison: "Awesome——"

Charlie: "Captain is awesome!"

The pirates shouted in unison: "Awesome——"

Charlie lowered his head and hesitated for a few seconds, thinking that only by flattering him in pairs would he be perfect.

So Charlie made a loud noise again: "First mate Louis is awesome!"

The pirates shouted in unison: "Awesome——"

Ruth: "..."

Yi Lin opened the captain's panel.

【Captain Panel】

【Name】Skeleton Gentleman

【Flag】Gentleman’s Flag


【Level】Rise in fame

[Skill] Captain’s Insight

【Crew】Ruth Emily, Saxe Sparrow...(click to view details)

[Curse] "Bringing a woman on board will bring bad luck"


After blowing up the "Octopus", his reputation level rose another level.

Yi Lin was in a happy mood.

Ruth came closer: "Baby, did you already know the result?"

"Call me captain." Yi Lin moved half a step away, carefully corrected Ruth's speech errors, and kept smiling: "What do you think?"

"Tell me~"

While everyone downstairs was cheering, Ruth wrapped around her like an octopus.


not far away.

Wang Tiandi rolled his eyes, silently covered the dog's head with his paws, and closed the dog's eyes.

The wind picked up, and the Queen sailed smoothly out of Tetuga Island, bathed in the morning light.

It's sunny and sunny today.

When the Queen finally successfully sailed out to sea, a reminder that the mission was completed finally appeared in front of Yi Lin's eyes.

[Main mission 1: Successfully join the "Pirates" or "Navy" camp and sail into the Caribbean by ship. Current faction: Pirates. mission completed! 】

【Get "bloody gorgeous earrings"! 】


Looking back again.

A card that looked nothing special had appeared in Yi Lin's hand.

on the card.

It was a single-ear gold earring. The style was very gorgeous, but upon closer inspection, there was a pool of blood that had dried up and turned black on the edge of the earring. It was unknown whose blood it belonged to.

Yi Lin frowned. This earring, which was either a prop or equipment, always made Yi Lin feel a little weird. However, because Ruth was around, Yi Lin didn't have time to study the rewards of this main mission, so she conveniently It was stored in the storage space and placed in the corner.


The next tip comes right after.

[Main Mission 2: As one of the "Nine Pirate Kings", participate in the "Pirate Conference" held again in Shipwreck Bay three months later. Current faction: Pirates. 】

[Task time limit: before the "Pirate Conference" is held. Penalty for mission failure: Suffering one or two random "curses". Mission reward: unknown. 】

According to the custom among the apostles.

Yi Lin read the mission description three times, up and down, left and right.

Not a single word was left out, just in case there were any traps hidden in it.

The time is...three months.

Seems like a lot.

But in fact, according to Yi Lin's preliminary understanding of the world, three months is nothing to a ship's voyage.

If he told Ruth, who was familiar with the world of pirates, that Elizabeth Lin wanted to become one of the nine "Pirate Kings" within three months, Ruth would definitely shake her head crazily and say that Elizabeth Lin had big breasts and no brains.

As the "Queen" gradually moved away from the coast.

The entire ship seemed to be isolated by the sea, surrounded by blue waves, and the land gradually disappeared beyond the horizon.

Yi Lin felt relieved for the time being.

"Perhaps the lucky attributes of other people have really neutralized the 'curse' of the two women a little?"

"But it's hard to say. After Elizabeth Lin landed on Nolando's fleet, it took most of her time to attract vortexes and thunderstorms... Could it be said that it was random?"

Yi Lin lowered his head and thought silently.

But anyway, so far, everything seems to be going well.

Ruth is indeed an excellent choice for the first mate. In terms of commanding the navigation, Yi Lin does not need to worry at all, and she directs all the sailors in an orderly manner.

In addition, Wang Tiandi was lying on the deck basking in the sun, scratching his itch with his paws from time to time. This action of showing off his paws intentionally or unintentionally made every pirate who witnessed the dog's power not dare to be lazy and start doing it. He worked very hard and shed tears and sweat.

Yi Lin was originally a little curious as to whether Wang Tiandi, as a dog, received the same mission as him.

But whether it is a private chat or a face-to-face chat, Wang Tiandi's language always has only one word. The language composed of the word "Wang" combined with various intonations and symbols is obviously not something Yi Lin can understand.

It is estimated that if you want to communicate normally with Emperor Wang Tian, ​​you must at least have the skill of [Dog Whispering Level 10].

As a result, Yi Lin also gave up the idea of ​​communicating feelings with Gouzi.

Anyway, since Wang Tiandi can become an apostle, his IQ should be high, otherwise he would not have boarded the "Queen" himself and show his presence in that way.

Or, Wang Tiandi, who is the "crew member", and Yi Lin, who is the "captain", have completely different main tasks.


When Yi Lin was thinking about everything related to the main mission and this world.

A soft little hand quietly pressed on Yi Lin's shoulder.

"Look, you've been standing for so long. Are your shoulders sore? My sister's massage skills are very good!"

Ruth came closer again.

Yi Lin was helpless: "You have a beautiful idea."

Ruth: "..."

But having said that, I don’t know if it was because of carrying too much weight, but Yi Lin always felt sore in her shoulders. Unexpectedly, Ruth also noticed this.

ten minutes later.

In the sealed captain's cabin.

"Hmm~ That's right there~ Press harder~ Ouch~ Huh——"

Yi Lin lay on the bedside and shouted comfortably in a lazy voice.

[Your crew member "Ruth Emily" is skilled in techniques and skills. After giving you a full massage, you feel refreshed, more powerful, calmer, and gain temporary gain "enrichment"! 】

[Enriched: Strength +0.5, Agility +0.5, Spirit +0.5, duration 24 hours. 】

Massage completed.

Yi Lin looked at the prompts that appeared in front of her in surprise.

Then I silently opened the apostle panel and saw that there was indeed a weird BUFF in the upper right corner that looked like a fitness man doing a pose.

This is Ruth's skill... [Massage (Top Level)]!

How terrifying!

Although it is only a temporary buff, it lasts for a full 24 hours, and the sum of the three attributes of strength, sensitivity, and essence is increased by up to 1.5.

This is already a very scary increase.

Yi Rin lies on the bed.

It started to smell a bit fragrant.

Although this time the world does not seem to rely on personal ability, but if something happens, a buff first... wouldn't it be very nice?

However, I don’t know if there are any limitations to Ruth’s miraculous technique.

"Can your...massage skills be used every day?"

Yi Lin originally wanted to ask where he learned this technique from, but after thinking about it carefully, the question seemed a bit boring, so he went straight to the topic.

Ruth wiped the sweat from her forehead with a silk scarf and said with a smile: "Once a day at most. If you come here often, my physical strength will not be able to bear it, sister!"

once a day?

In other words, you can only buff one person every day?

This is reasonable.

With such a terrifying attribute bonus, if each crew member is given one shot, the combat effectiveness of the entire ship can be said to instantly increase by an order of magnitude.

But if Yi Lin's guess is correct, even if Ruth's "massage technique" does not consume any physical strength, Ruth will not massage other people.

——No one else dared either.

If the pirates knew that their first mate was the legendary Black Widow Ruth, who was "whoever she killed, she would die", they would probably be so frightened that they would jump into the sea immediately. They would rather float back to Tetuga Island with their barrels in their arms and survive rather than die on the island. In the hands of this terrible woman.

Yi Lin's lingering lingering feeling lingered, so she simply lay down on the bed to rest.

"How did you recognize me?"


Ruth chuckled, with a hint of cunning in her tone: "It's simple, no pirate can be as clean as you. Those damn dirty pirates won't have the scent of shower gel on their bodies."


"Also, hee hee, do you really think I can't recognize your voice, sister?"


Yi Lin turned her head expressionlessly: "What the hell...are you taking off your clothes for?"


Ruth's small movement caused her to freeze in place instantly.

After kicking Ruth out of the captain's cabin with evil intentions and coveting the beauty of "Elizabeth Rin", Yi Rin was alone in the room with nothing to do. By the way, she took out the reward from the main mission one not long ago and checked its attributes.

【Bloody gorgeous earrings】

[Grade] Rare



[Effect] Charm +4.0, Luck -1.0

[Instructions] Click to view details.

The restriction is women?

This is not a restriction for him now.

As for the equipment turns out to be equipment that greatly increases the charm value and then slightly reduces luck?

Yi Lin does the math.

Currently, his two attributes are -



If I wear this piece of equipment, can my charm value exceed 5?

Yi Lin was a little surprised.

After thinking about it, Yi Lin smiled slightly and slowly put on the earrings.

When this earring is fastened to the ear, it looks more like an ancient earring. It does not make Yilin more feminine because of it, but makes it a little more wild and evil.

Yi Lin looked over and over in front of the mirror for a while, and was very satisfied with the style of the earrings.


Yi Lin frowned.

But a few seconds later, Yi Lin's brows widened again and she called Ruth in again. With Ruth's help, Yi Lin finally transformed into Molly again and appeared on the deck as a "skeleton gentleman" .

When Ruth saw Elizabeth Rin wearing "earrings", she also noticed something was wrong. She couldn't help but clamp her legs, suppressing her inner impulse, and secretly cursing herself for being too impulsive. .

"Is it because of the rum?"

Ruth was very suspicious that the rum brought from the tavern to the ship must have undergone some kind of change after being stored in the cellar for a long time, so it was so easy to get alcoholic.

Half an hour later.

on deck.

Yi Lin checked the time.

Now, at a glance, the coastline has completely disappeared from sight.

The Queen was completely surrounded by water.

This feeling of being alone and helpless with no escape route always made Yi Lin feel a little uneasy.

If something happened, the ship would most likely turn into a grave for everyone.

After all, he hasn't had time to verify whether the character "Elizabeth Rin" has any other weaknesses.

——For example, "weak water" or something like that.

Although Yi Lin thinks it is unlikely.

After all, in this kind of map, it would be too confusing if the character you play would drown as soon as you touch the water.

Ruth moved skillfully and took out an ancient parchment chart from her clothes.

"Rin, we are probably in this sea area now, which direction should we go next?"

Yilin snapped the metal cover of her pocket watch shut.

Looking at the criss-crossing ancient routes, islands, and place names on the chart, I felt a slight headache.

Although driven by the main mission, he had to become an honorable captain and threw himself into the embrace of the sea.

But on how to become one of the "Nine Pirate Kings" next, Yi Lin has no further understanding of the world and has not yet made a detailed plan.

Ruth looked at Elizabeth Lin longingly, with a somewhat strange look in her eyes, and her legs twisted slightly involuntarily.

Yi Lin didn't notice Ruth's little movement and stared at the navigation chart on the table.


Yi Lin remembered something.

"Take that guy playing with the rope... ah no..." Yi Lin didn't remember his name for a moment. After opening the crew panel, he added: "Call Sachs over!"

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