Infinity Throne

Chapter 191 Ship Grave

After the lookout shouted a reminder.

Aboard the Queen.

Everyone stopped moving.

Whether they were munching on brown bread, secretly drinking a few sips of rum to quench their thirst, or lying on the deck and taking a nap, or flatteringly helping Wang Tiandi comb his messy hair... everyone stopped. The actions of his men.

Wang Tiandi opened his eyes dissatisfied.

"Woof woof!"

But after the dog opened his eyes, he didn't unreasonably give the "dog hair grooming specialist" a paw. With a bit of curiosity, he stepped forward and rushed to Yi Lin's side in a blink of an eye, stretched out the dog's head, Looking out over the ship.

Well, he is just a dog, not a real dog, so he is still very reasonable.

Yi Lin felt that the atmosphere was strangely solemn, so she whispered to the experienced Ruth around her: "What is a ship tomb?"

As they asked, the two approached the bow of the ship.

Ruth also had a solemn expression, and could no longer care about secretly ogling Elizabeth Lin. She quickly came to the fence, took out the monocular telescope from her body, and then held her breath and observed carefully.


Yi Lin remembered that she seemed to have such a gadget.

So Yi Lin also secretly crushed the card and took out one of the props found on Tetuga Island.

——[Exquisite military monocular telescope].

It has no special properties, it's just a telescope.

Yi Lin squinted her eyes and looked into the distance.

I saw the remains of countless ships floating on the sea like corpses in the distance.

The original appearance of the shipwrecks could no longer be recognized. They were all in pieces. Some of the shipwrecks even had the hardest keel broken into pieces. It was unknown what force caused it. It looked very scary.

"It's the pirate flag! No... there's also the navy's flag!"

Ruth's pupils narrowed slightly. Above several of the shipwrecks, she used the incomplete flags to roughly identify the possible origins of these ships before they were intact.


After a general observation, Ruth identified the wind direction and realized that Yi Lin didn't know anything about navigation and didn't bother to get Yi Lin's consent, so she quickly issued instructions one after another.

"Attention, kids! Keep your spirits up! We are about to pass the 'Ship Grave'!"

"Lower the sail! Slow down! Slow down!"

"All sailors... please stay in your position and don't run around! Be prepared for emergency evasion at any time!"

"All gunners in position! Get ready to load!"


Following Ruth's instructions, all the sailors did not dare to be lazy when they learned that the Queen was about to pass the "Ship Grave". Even the tipsy pirates sobered up in an instant. According to their respective positions, they were on the deck and cabin. It's busy here.

It has to be said that although Yilin's method of recruiting crew members is somewhat unique, through the crew panel, although the loyalty of the pirates recruited by Yilin on the ship is not high, except for floor Charlie, most pirates are not mediocre. They are all skilled pirates who have experienced many battles.

At the very least, if killed, the chaos value is not low.

After lowering the sail, the Queen's speed suddenly slowed down.

Ruth's plan was obvious. She would follow the established course and sneak through the ship graveyard.

Because after identifying the direction and intensity of the surrounding currents, Ruth discovered that even if the rapids retreated at this time, it was already too late. The waves caused by the sharp turn would actually cause too much noise.

five minutes later.

The slow-moving Queen is about to enter the "ship graveyard" range.

Ruth doesn't need to remind her that all sailors who specialize in combat have the standard combat equipment of a flintlock gun and a scimitar in one hand to be alert to their surroundings.

But compared to their previous experience of passing through the ship tomb, they felt more confident now.

After all, the captain of this ship is a skeleton gentleman who knows "black magic"!

Not just any pirate!

Even if something emerges from the bottom of the sea, I believe that the skeleton gentleman captain who masters "black magic" will be able to push anything back into the sea.

Seeing that the atmosphere was tense, Yi Lin did not dare to neglect and let go of her senses.

Well, there's nothing wrong with the "safety measure" of the barrels being tied together.

Yi Lin was relieved.

The Queen was cautious.

The sailors were also cautious.

The atmosphere on the entire ship became eerily quiet.

Click click click.

Around the hull, there was the sound of waves lapping against the hull from time to time, as well as the sound of the hull hitting the wreckage.

The sea area where the Queen is located has long been far away from the land. The experienced pirates are not naive enough to think that this vast expanse of shipwrecks just ran aground on the rocks.

Ruth took a deep breath, and seeing that nothing had happened for the time being, she explained to Yi Lin.

However, before Ruth explained, Yilin understood the meaning of "Ship Grave" as the name suggests.

——The ship's graveyard.

But for some reason, everyone's expressions, including Ruth's, were so tense, and the atmosphere was so solemn.

"If I guess correctly, these ships should be left behind by something unexpected happened when a group of navy warships were exterminating pirates."

"Only dense shipwrecks will form 'ship graves', and after a long period of sea erosion, these shipwrecks will be washed away to all corners of the sea, and most of them will be washed ashore with the tide, or It’s a shipwreck of such a large scale that sank to the bottom of the sea. In other words, the disaster just happened here.”

"If I guess correctly, it will take no more than three days for a disaster to occur here."

Yi Lin gave Ruth a strange look: "Aren't you a tavern owner? How come you are so proficient in these things?"

Ruth rolled her eyes and did not explain why she was so proficient. Instead, she continued to explain on the topic of "Ship Grave".

"And this kind of disaster that completely destroyed the fleets of both sides, in addition to natural shipwrecks, may be some kind of sea monster from the deep sea...or maybe..."

Ruth's voice gradually became quieter, and finally she seemed to be worried about something. She looked around a few times and quickly lowered her voice: "Anyway, no matter what, it's okay if it's a hurricane or something like that, but if it's a sea monster or something else... It's very possible that 'that thing' hasn't left this sea yet, so we have to be careful."

Yi Lin thought for a moment and asked the skilled student Ruth: "Why don't we turn around and sail away from here?"

Ruth knew that her darling Elizabeth Lin was a sailing idiot, so it was no surprise that Yi Lin would ask this question.

Then he explained with a smile: "Haha, you don't understand. If it is really a sea monster, our current course is following the current and wind direction. If we forcibly sail against the current, it is possible that even the smallest currents and tides will disturb 'it' …”


After hearing Ruth's explanation, Yi Lin roughly understood.

In other words, once you encounter a "Ship Grave", it means that the sea area around the Ship Grave is very likely to hide some kind of monster such as a sea monster, and it is more likely that it is not full and is still wandering nearby.

Generally speaking, if such a small boat passes by quietly, the sea monster may not care. If it causes too much noise and disturbs the big sea monster to rest, the Queen is very likely to join this "ship graveyard" in the next second. extended family".

It's no wonder that the experienced pirate sailors immediately reduced their movements after approaching the ship's grave, and they didn't dare to breathe out. That's why.

It’s not Yi Lin’s fault.

In terms of sailing experience, maybe even Charlie, who is the "combat floor" of the Queen, can surpass Yi Lin by dozens of blocks.

On this ship, Captain Yi Lin deserves to be ranked second to last in terms of sailing experience.

The last one should undoubtedly be Wang Tiandi.

Wang Tiandi leaned his head forward and took a few glances. After seeing nothing of interest, he simply lay down at Yi Lin's feet, shook his hair, and basked in the sun.

Yilin glanced at the dog at her feet speechlessly.

Do you really think of yourself as the ship's mascot?

Yi Lin was really curious about how this dog passed the previous trials in the other world.

I remember that in another timeline, Yi Lin had never heard of Emperor Wang Tian and had never met him in a trial.


There are three possibilities.

1. In another timeline, Emperor Wang Tian died early.

2. Because of some kind of butterfly effect after Yilin's rebirth, a dog became an apostle.

3. If Emperor Wang Tian's trajectory does not change... then in another timeline, Emperor Wang's level is far beyond Yi Lin's imagination.

Don’t think too much about the dog for now.

The scope of this ship tomb is beyond everyone’s imagination.

Amidst all the ulterior motives, the Queen carefully passed through this ship graveyard.

A few drops of sweat broke out on Ruth's forehead. She kept looking ahead with a monocular telescope and calculated the scope of the ship grave on the nautical chart.

Half an hour later.

Finally, there was a sea area without shipwrecks ahead.

And the sea monster that everyone imagined did not appear.

Super Plus enjoy.

No one wants to witness the horror of a sea monster.

Even if some people have never seen it in their lives, they don't want to spend their lives to have such experience.

No one found it.

On the bow.

Sachs was trembling slightly, staring straight at the various shipwrecks floating around the Queen with a complicated expression.


Yi Lin noticed that there were some strange marks on these shipwrecks.

Some shipwrecks actually had an arc-shaped gap with sharp edges, as if they had been burned by something, and were as black as coke.

In Yi Lin's impression, it seems that there is only...

Yi Lin's face darkened, and his intuition told him that it was unlikely.


When the Queen completely sailed away from the "Ship Grave", and until the spectacular shipwreck gradually disappeared on the sea level, all the pirates on the Queen breathed a sigh of relief and poured a lot of wolfberry into their mouths. Rum.

For pirates, rum is a constant companion.

Drink when you are happy, drink when you are happy, drink when your wife dies, drink when you find treasure... In short, women can live a life at sea, but they must not stop drinking rum.

After a false alarm.

Yilin silently returned to the cabin.

Emperor Wang Tian was basking in the sun outside, and there were lookouts on the mast. Generally speaking, life at sea was boring and boring. Unless something unexpected happened, it would be very boring.

Yi Lin silently marked another cross on the calendar.

- He's recording the date.

If we don't make detailed records, we will probably forget the concept of time in this vast sea.

Just when Yi Lin was about to untie the little white rabbit, Ruth quietly opened the door and walked in.

In the eyes of others, the "First Mate" and the "Skeleton Gentleman Captain" have a close relationship. They are almost "good brothers" covered with the same quilt, so no one feels strange about the behavior of "First Mate Louis".

Anyway, everyone who understands understands.

The sea surface is sparkling and full of moonlight, as if it is covered with a layer of golden gold.

When Ruth slipped in, she was a little disappointed to see that Yi Lin was still awake, but soon she laughed like a gangster, stretched out her hand towards Yi Lin, and moved her fingers: "My dear captain, I need a little help. Do you want to massage your sore shoulders?"

Yi Lin originally wanted to refuse.

But when I think of that very practical BUFF, I can't help but nod.

Just when Ruth was about to take action.

In silence, Yi Lin suddenly asked: "What are you really afraid of when passing by the ship graveyard?"


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