Infinity Throne

Chapter 193 Ancient tactics recorded in naval textbooks

Emperor Wang Tian seemed to understand Yi Lin's words.

He barked non-stop and suddenly became excited.

The two shining dog eyes were like two green light bulbs on the Queen in the dark night.

"Hit the navy?"

Among the pirates, someone suddenly whispered something.

"Are we going to beat up the Navy?"

"Aren't you going to run away?"

"We are pirates!"

"But the captain is right. Isn't it natural for pirates to beat up the navy? Oh? Wait, what does it mean? Oh, damn, can you drink this?"


Ruth's eyes widened.

Finally, she realized that Yi Lin was not joking.


This logic is clear and coherent, without any flaws.

As a pirate, you should fight the navy!

Yi Lin nodded affirmatively.

"What magnification is your telescope?"

Ruth: "???"

Yi Lin didn't waste any time and directly put the military-grade telescope in her hand into Ruth's hand.

Ruth raised the telescope and took a look. Yi Lin's telescope was much higher definition than her own cheap telescope, and it was not coded. With just one glance, Ruth could judge all the movements of the warship in the distance.

The being targeted!

The navy warship is chasing this way at full speed!

Ruth's expression was solemn. In her mind, she quickly calculated the sea currents, wind direction, and visually measured the tonnage of the opponent's warship... Various data gradually converged into a terrifying answer in Ruth's calculations through the [Navigation] skill.

Even if you turn around now, you will be caught up sooner or later!

Unless...the Queen can be protected by the sea!

But is this possible?

There are two women on board the Queen.

It is very possible that the warship in the distance is also the "bad luck" brought by the two women.

Thinking of this, Ruth no longer hesitated. Like a woman in the wind, she put down her telescope and decisively issued instructions.

"Listen to the captain's orders! The Queen is ready to attack!"


All the pirates cheered instantly.

The element of adventure already flows in the blood of pirates. Although the pirates are greedy for life and afraid of death, at this moment, they have inexplicably gained confidence in the ship and their captain.

Maybe it's because of what Yilin did on Tetuga Island, or maybe it's the mysterious "black magic" he displayed.

If it were this kind of mystery, standing opposite the pirates, these pirates would definitely turn around and run away without hesitation.

However, now, the skeleton gentleman with the mysterious power of "black magic" is the captain of this ship!

And that dog that slaps people to death!

All of this is a source of confidence for the pirates.

In an instant, all the pirates on the Queen, as if they were on fire, began to move neatly under Ruth's command.

In the dark night.

The other side of the Queen.

It is a heavy warship reinforced by armor.

——"The Brave".

It is said that the origin of the name of this ship is to commemorate the "Intrepid" that was sunk by those damn pirates through machinations many years ago.

Known as the "Fearless" sister version.

On board the Brave, a man in gorgeous clothes and an officer's wig, with a calm face and as resolute as a knife, was holding a telescope and staring at the sailboat flying the skull flag in the dark night without saying a word.

"Haha... Did you really turn around? These damn pirates really don't dare to fight us head-on."

"Report to Lieutenant General Pope! The pirate ship has turned around! Should we continue to pursue it?"

Lieutenant General Pope: "Humph! Move forward at full speed! As long as it is a pirate, we will never let it go!"

The adjutant standing next to Lieutenant General Pope hesitated for a moment: "Lieutenant General, do you think the Governor's fiancée will be on that ship?"

"Haha, how is that possible?" Lieutenant General Pope shook his head: "Half a month ago, that idiot Nolando's fleet encountered a shipwreck and the entire army was wiped out. Nolando drifted to a desert island. If he hadn't happened to meet him passing by, On the merchant ship, Nolando had died a long time ago. Even Nolando, who had gone through rigorous training, could barely survive that shipwreck..."

"Do you think that the Governor's fiancée can do better than Nolando? Don't forget...she is a woman, haha, women are never favored by the sea."

The adjutant couldn't help but ask: "Does Lieutenant General Pope also believe in those illusory 'curses'?"

Pope smiled coldly: "How could I believe it? Those are all old legends! As the Royal Navy, you must believe in science."

"Of course -" Lieutenant General Pope changed his tone: "If I were Nolando, for the sake of safety, after picking up the Governor's fiancée on the ship, I would definitely sail along the coastal sea, drop the woman off after arriving at the Royal Port, and then pass through Land transportation to return Ms. Elizabeth to the Governor."

The adjutant smiled and said: "As expected of Lieutenant General Pope, he is really prudent in his actions."


Lieutenant General Pope suddenly frowned.

in the telescope.

The pirate ship with a strange skull and crossbones flag actually had a white thing erected on its stern.

Very bright in the dark night.

If you look closer, you will see a pair of dirty white underwear.

When Pope saw this scene, he was speechless.

Seeing Lieutenant General Pope's strange expression, the adjutant also raised his binoculars.

A few seconds later, the adjutant's expression was exactly the same as Lieutenant General Pope's.

"Ah this? Those damn pirates are raising the white... flag? Do they want to surrender?"

Lieutenant General Pope was silent for a moment, then suddenly laughed.

"My foolish lieutenant, do you remember the first lesson we learned at the Naval Academy?"

The adjutant nodded.

Because on the title page of every Naval Academy textbook, there are three sentences neatly printed -

【Pirates must die! 】

[Pirates never have a true word! 】

【Beware of every pirate's rope! 】

Every qualified navy has memorized these three sentences of naval military training over and over again and knows them by heart.

Lieutenant General Pope: "Remember, what we are facing are despicable and hateful damn pirates. They can rob ships, rob banks, destroy execution sites, and pretend to be judges. They do all kinds of evil... They surrender? It must be a conspiracy. !”

"My subordinate understands!"

"Everyone! Load the cannons! Move forward at full speed! Once the pirates enter the firing range, follow my instructions and be ready to fire at any time!"

A series of instructions were issued.

Pope twisted the telescope in his hand.


He looked into the widest view and saw an elegant and mysterious black figure.

Is that...a tuxedo? ? ?


Pop couldn't help but raise a big question mark.

Across the sea, on the other side.


Yi Lin put down the telescope.

As the two ships approached one after another, Yi Lin actually looked at each other for a while with a man on the enemy ship holding a telescope.

"The other party's commander?"

Yi Lin smiled slightly.

Ruth looked nervous.

She also looked through the telescope and roughly guessed the cannon equipment on the enemy warship.

It seems to be just a mid-level warship, almost the same tonnage as the Queen.

But obviously, judging from the opponent's hull, which was obviously reinforced with steel plates, if the two sides were to fire guns at each other, the Queen would undoubtedly suffer.

People who wear JIO are definitely afraid of wearing shoes. After all, if they step on each other, JIO will definitely hurt more, no doubt.

——And the other party seems to be wearing iron boots.

In the cold wind.

Charlie covered his cold legs and shivered.

"Dear great captain, can loyal Charlie put on these pants?"

Ruth was speechless at Yi Lin's clever act of pretending to surrender: "Do you really think they will believe it?"

"I don't believe it."

Yi Rin came to a conclusion.

"Then you still try?"

"It's just a try. You won't get pregnant. But it seems that the impression of pirates in the navy is very bad... Oh, by the way, Charlie, you can put on your pants and get out."

Emperor Wang Tian squatted on the bow of the boat, waving in the wind.

The two ships were getting closer.

Ruth's expression became more and more nervous.

The shells have been loaded.

On the Brave, the iron plate on the bow of the ship made the sound of chains moving. Two rounds of exquisite bow cannons were pushed out from the hull. The black barrels pointed directly in the direction of Yi Lin and Ruth.

"It's now!"

Ruth suddenly yelled, and while she was nervous, there was a hint of crack in her voice, and she had no time to pay attention.


"Lower all sails!"

"Full right rudder! Sharp turn—"

This backward sailing boat, when moving and turning, driving a boat is different from driving a car. Cars can race when they are told to race, turn when they are told to turn, and brake when they are told to brake. But if you want to maneuver a medium-sized sailboat, you must take into account the wind direction, current, and every structure of the boat.

Thanks to Yi Lin's direct recruitment of nearly 200 people for the Queen on Tetuga Island regardless of cost, the Queen currently lacks the most manpower.


Aboard the Brave!

Before the Queen made a sharp turn, Pope also waved his hand and issued an order.

"Bow gun, fire! Destroy these damn pirates!"


The Brave's two bow cannons spit out dazzling tongues of flame in the dark night, and the shells burst out of their barrels.

But what no one expected was that just half a minute before the cannon was ejected, the Queen, which was within the firing range, suddenly made a 180-degree turn on the sea, and in the blink of an eye it was around the side of the Brave. !

The two ships were so close that in the sea breeze, Pope could even smell the smell of rum coming from the dirty pirate ship.

The sudden sharp turn of the Queen only made the battle-experienced Admiral Pope stunned for a few seconds, and then sneered disdainfully: "Another of this old-fashioned navigation skills? Stupid pirates, don't you know that since fearlessness? After the number was destroyed by this move, your sharp turn tactics have already been recorded in the textbooks?"

Thinking of this, Pope continued to give instructions calmly: "The damn pirates are on our right! Prepare the right cannon and load all the shells! Wait for my order!"

Aboard the Queen.

Ruth bit her lower lip.

Her tactic of making a sharp turn and then bombarding her was indeed an old-fashioned tactic. It was passed down by word of mouth among pirates and was said to be the wisdom left behind by a certain legendary pirate.

But the other side seemed to be unfazed by this change. All the gun ports on the right side of the Brave were opened, and dozens of cannons were pushed out. They faced off coldly with the Queen across a small piece of ocean.

Continue like this--

Maybe it was the Queen that was sunk!

Right now.

No one among the pirates on the Queen noticed that Yi Lin raised the telescope again.

Lock your sights on the figure who stands tallest and moves the loudest on the enemy ship.

"I guess you are the commander..."

Yi Lin murmured in a low voice, coughed twice, and spoke loudly into the air across the sea.

"Let the world feel pain from now on!"

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