Infinity Throne

Chapter 196 The Sea of ​​Mist, the Island of the Dead, and the Disco Skeleton (2 in 1 big chapter)

Half an hour later.

Under Ruth's skillful service, Yi Lin dressed up again and appeared in front of all the sailors.

With such a damn figure, even dressing up would be a challenge for Yi Rin without Ruth's help.

Yi Lin had already put Bai Xiaoyi away.

Yi Lin has always tried his best to hide his abilities.

Although in the eyes of the crew, their respected captain possesses mysterious "black magic", no one knows what it is.

Perhaps only Ruth was vaguely aware that Yi Lin would chant a strange spell when performing "black magic".

She obviously understood every word of this spell, but it sounded very strange to Ruth, with a kind of domineering power that she didn't realize was powerful.

Yi Lin paused in her steps.

He suddenly remembered something, something related to his life.

He immediately took out an "exploding bead" from the groove on his waist and quietly threw it into the sea without anyone noticing.

After a while.

A small wave of waves suddenly rose in the ocean.

There was a pop, as if someone secretly farted in the sea and no one knew about it.

Yi Lin rubbed another one and stuffed it into the designated groove.

These days, Yi Lin has been keeping the [Unstable Explosives] at ten.

Once there is one that is about to expire and is ready to explode, dispose of it immediately and replace it with a brand new explosive bead.

Otherwise, if the replacement is too late, the explosive beads will explode on the spot at the waist, and the consequences are needless to say.

After dealing with the explosive beads, Yi Lin had walked out of the deck.

After walking out of the cabin in person, Yi Lin discovered that the fog in this sea area was far thicker than he imagined.

Observing with your own eyes is more intuitive than using Bai Xiaoyi's "vision".

Yi Lin remained calm and reached out to fish out the thick fog. The white gloves were stained with a layer of wet mist. When she rubbed them with two fingers, Yi Lin could clearly feel the extra moisture on the silk gloves.

call out.

On the observation deck.

Xiao Sa, who is good at playing with ropes, flexibly swung a hanging rope and landed in front of Yi Lin like a monkey. His movements were very skillful.

"Captain, there is an island in that direction!"

Sachs didn't waste any time and directly pointed out the direction for Yi Lin.

Although all the pirates had briefly tired of the color of the sea during the boring and thrilling voyage of more than twenty days, no one dared to board the island privately without the captain's order.

I heard that black magic is very scary!

I heard that the captain can also eat people!

I heard that the captain can make people ascend to the sky with just a finger!

Various weird legends about the skeleton gentleman captain have long been spread among the crew.

After all, in the past twenty days, whenever a ship approached them, they would be inexplicably thrown into chaos, making this group of experienced pirates engage in naval battles as smoothly as chopping melons and vegetables.

It is said that these are the powers of the captain's "black magic".

As a result, although the loyalty of these crew members dropped significantly due to hunger, no riots or rebellions occurred.

Yi Lin raised the telescope and looked in the direction Xiao Sa pointed.

Sure enough, deep in the thick fog, the shadow of an island could be vaguely seen, like a ghost in the fog, exuding a strange aura.

Suddenly, Ruth, who had been frowning in thought since helping Yi Lin get dressed, exclaimed and took out a roll of sheepskin from the clothes on her chest, which was her treasured navigation chart.

Charlie came up eagerly and said with a charming smile: "My respected captain, can we log in? The brothers are all hungry. Look, they are still licking the bone that the dog has eaten..."

Yi Lin followed Charlie's gaze and saw a dry pirate happily licking the bones that Emperor Wang Tian had chewed. There were still many bruises on his body.

It must have taken a lot of effort to grab this "second-hand bone".


Yi Lin smiled and pressed her palms in front of her to signal her subordinates to be calm.

Three seconds later, the restless pirates were completely quiet.

Everyone is eagerly waiting for the captain's next order.

Each pirate looked at the distant island with longing eyes.

In order to survive, even if there were some man-eating beasts hiding on the island, they would probably rush up there without hesitation, find food and fresh water, and eat and drink enough.

"What do you think, my first mate?"

Seeing Ruth comparing the navigation charts carefully, Yi Lin asked in a low voice.

Of course, as a skeleton gentleman captain, you still have to have the necessary character. In the eyes of others, Yi Lin's tone is obviously that of a superior to his subordinates, and his attitude is cold enough.

Ruth frowned and murmured to herself: "How is it possible? How could the route deviate so much? Was the calculation wrong after which storm? How is it possible..."


Yi Lin slowly typed a question mark.

Yi Lin knew nothing about navigational calculations, so she relied on Ruth's skill in this aspect.

Ruth took a deep breath with a solemn expression: "If I'm not mistaken, we should be in the 'Sea of ​​Mist' now."

Sea of ​​mist!


Yi Lin didn't realize it, but the moment the other pirates heard these three words, there was a sound of gasping on the deck at the same time.

After a while.

A commotion broke out among the pirates.

"Damn it, how did we end up in the Sea of ​​Mist?"

"It is said that this place is..."

"So, that island..."

"Hey? Why are you so unlucky? Don't forget, our captain has the ability of black magic. What will happen even if we encounter him?"


"If we don't land on the island, we're all screwed! Except, of course, our great captain."


Yi Lin frowned, feeling that the crew members were acting a little strange.

He quickly pulled Ruth aside.

"Where is the Sea of ​​Mist?"

Ruth looked helpless and shook her head: "You don't know that in this sea, the curse has revived. There are many places called 'forbidden seas', that is to say, seas that cannot be entered under any circumstances. Unless ...I don’t want to live anymore.”

Yilin quickly let go of her senses.

But within the range of perception, there is nothing special except that the fog is very thick.

There are no reefs under the current water.

There wasn't even a wreckage of the ship around.

Yi Lin suddenly smiled: "Could it be scarier than the song you sang?"


Ruth was silent for a moment.

Think about it.

It seems reasonable.

In this sea area, what could be more terrifying than the "Devil King"?

She even sang the song of the Demon King, and the Queen is still safe and sound?

Thinking about it this way, Ruth felt a lot more at ease, but she still rolled her eyes at Yi Lin: "It is said that there are undead souls in the foggy sea."


Yi Lin lowered his head and thought for a moment.

"The undead you are talking about...are you referring to the kind that float in mid-air, never touch the ground, look translucent, and cannot be touched?"

Ruth was shocked: "How do you know?"

"Oh, that's okay, let's go to the island."


No one knows that a certain captain with "black magic" is best at dealing with this type of creature.

After the Queen anchored off the island, Yi Lin casually pointed to a few crew members with higher luck on the panel, and as the vanguard, they took the lead in landing on the island in a small wooden boat.

The luck value is high, relatively speaking, it is less likely to cause accidents.

It stands to reason that this should be the case.

At first the pirates were a little hesitant.

After all, they have all heard the legend of the "Misty Sea". Although they were very happy at first, when the matter came to pass, they still did not dare to land on the island before others.

——Until Yi Lin smiled and inserted a needle into one of them.

Immediately afterwards, several people "volunteered" and "scrambled" to volunteer to be the vanguard of the Queen.

ten minutes later.

In the thick fog, in the direction of the island, there was a bright light in the distance.

The vanguard excitedly signaled to the Queen that all was safe.

Yi Lin nodded and arranged for everyone to move the lifeboat out of the deck in an orderly manner, throw it into the sea, and sail to the island in the misty sea.

The Sea of ​​Fog is marked on the nautical chart as a thick fog, and none of the islands, routes, etc. in it are marked on the nautical chart.

I don’t know if it’s because Ruth’s navigational charts are too backward, or because this foggy sea is too mysterious.

In short, what Yi Lin is about to land is an unknown island.

Half an hour later, Yi Lin and Ruth stepped on the soil again.

Beside the two, there is a dog.

I saw Wang Tiandi violently shake the hair on his body, and completely dry the hair that was wet by the sea water.


Emperor Wang Tian lowered his head and smelled the ground twice before preparing to run away.

"Wang Tiandi!"

Yi Lin suddenly stopped Gouzi.

Although the dog could not speak human words, it was clear that he understood human nature. When he turned his head, the dog's face showed a vivid expression of doubt.

This made Ruth wonder: "Is this dog a devil?"

Yi Lin knelt down in front of Emperor Wang Tian and smiled slightly: "We are allies, right?"

When Emperor Wang Tian heard this, he actually lowered his head and hesitated.

Damn it?

So it didn’t count before?

Yi Lin secretly complained, no wonder Wang Tiandi's loyalty has always been zero on the crew panel. It seems that this dog only regards himself as a breeder.

Wang Tiandi held his chin, stuck out his tongue, and started thinking.

"For Bones' sake?"

Yi Lin asked again.


Wang Tiandi suddenly stretched out his paw, Yi Lin understood, one person and one dog, one hand and one paw, touched lightly in front of the two people.

Now is the official alliance.

After becoming a tentative ally with Yi Lin, Wang Tiandi went directly to the depths of the island, ran away, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Yi Lin looked at the direction Wang Tiandi left, shook his head, and whispered to himself: "I thought you were just a dog, but I didn't expect you were a real dog..."

Ruth: "What do you mean?"

Yi Lin smiled: "Nothing."

After wandering at sea for more than half a month, Yi Lin still felt dizzy after setting foot on land again, as if she was swaying from side to side when walking, like surfing.

This seems to be some kind of sequelae of long-term sailing, but I guess I will soon get used to the feeling of setting foot on land again.

The soil on the beach was very fine. Ruth took off her boots and stepped barefoot on the beach. She showed the attitude of a little woman on her face, enjoying the short-term joy.

It is estimated that after she stepped ashore, she immediately forgot about the horrifying legend of "the undead haunting the foggy sea".

Because Ruth thought twice and came to the conclusion——

Are there undead at sea?

What's going on with the island?

It has nothing to do with half a coin!

Ruth thought happily, wanting to take off her clothes and enjoy a pleasant sand bath on the beach.



A gust of wind blew by, and Ruth shivered all over, shivering involuntarily.

The wind is very cold.

Moreover, the sound of the wind sounded vaguely like a woman's cry.

Yi Lin walked in the cold wind.

The back is straight.

Other pirates were already hungry and thirsty, and rushed into the island frantically in search of fresh water and food.

Yi Lin didn't bother to pay attention to them. He was just cannon fodder, so why should he care too much?

If you really want to die, if you die, you will die.


Yi Lin turned around.

I saw Xiao Sa looking down at the compass and muttering to himself.

Yi Lin suddenly remembered the "curse" on Sachs, and kindly reminded him: "Be careful, this sea of ​​mist is said to be haunted by undead."

Sachs' attributes are more useful than those of other cannon fodder pirates, but they can't just be ignored.

When Xiao Sa heard this, he trembled all over. He was so frightened that he immediately put away the compass and stretched his legs straight.

"Yes! My captain!"

When Ruth saw Yi Lin starting to walk along the coastline, Ruth didn't care about bathing in the sand. She quickly caught up with Yi Lin's back and wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth with a hiss.

"Oh, this damn back view is like a Virgin Mary!"

"Especially that peach butt~"

Ruth thought happily to herself.

Yi Lin suddenly turned his head, and through the mask, he squeezed out a few words through gritted teeth: "Can you not say what is in your heart?"

"Huh? Did I say that?"

Ruth was slightly startled.

Yi Lin was speechless at this female pervert and subconsciously wrapped her tailcoat tightly.

The two of them walked on the beach, one behind the other.

The sand underfoot was very fine, and Ruth's bare feet felt no discomfort at all. Instead, they felt like they were stepping on a soft bed, which was very comfortable.

Suddenly, Yi Lin stopped moving forward.

Ruth was following very closely. Seeing Yi Lin stop, she could have had enough time to react. After all, the dexterity level was there, but Ruth hesitated for 0.2 seconds, then straightened up her chest and went straight to Yi Lin's face. Hit in the back.


"Hey! Why did you stop?"

Ruth rubbed something, making a shy look.


Ruth lowered her head: "Do you think it's very romantic for the two of us to walk on the beach with no one else around?"

Click click click.

Yi Lin chuckled: "The premise is that there is a man and a woman, and..."

After a pause in her tone, Yi Lin pointed forward with her finger and added: "There are no words about 'those things' ahead."


Those things?

Ruth slowly typed a question mark.

Is it some mysterious little surprise?

Ruth showed her head from behind Yi Lin. The next second, her face turned pale and her skin color completely changed.

I saw the two of them walking to another corner of the beach at some point.

Click click click.

On the beach, there are scattered bones of many victims, a thigh bone in the east and a head in the west, densely packed all over the beach, like small pebbles dotting the beach, very romantic.

Originally, for pirates, skeletons were more like mascots.

Normally, no one would be afraid of a poor skeleton exposed to the sun and wind on a desert island.

Unless...these skeletons can move.

When Yi Lin stretched out her hand to remind her, the sea breeze blew, and instead of being blown away, the fog became a little thicker.

In the thick fog, the bones everywhere shook violently.

Click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click—

Like a disco-like rhythm, these shaking bones made this beach that had been silent for countless years become lively in the blink of an eye.

Ruth: "!"

Compared to Ruth's panic, Yi Lin was unusually calm. In addition to being calm, there was also a bit of expectation.

"Well, the next step should be to reassemble these disco bones in place? Isn't it so unoriginal? Isn't it?"

Click click click.

The decayed skeletons stood up after being reassembled.

"Oh, no surprise."

Yi Lin shook her head.


What's the matter with this damn translation accent?

In front of you.

The countless skeletons scattered on the beach looked a bit weird in the mist, and a little green light shone from the dark eye sockets.

At first glance, it looks like stars shining green at night, giving people a sense of vitality.

Ruth was not very experienced in this area and her legs were already weak from fear.

But lying down and being passive didn't seem to be her style. Although she was scared, after being stunned for a few seconds, Ruth decisively pulled out the pirate scimitar to gain some confidence in herself.

"Here, here you go, watch your step and let me do it."

Yi Lin thought for a while, took out the useless equipment that was almost rusty from the storage space, and threw it to Ruth for self-defense.

——[Exquisite Ghost Sword].

Yi Lin already has spirit-enchanted weapons that can be slowly upgraded, and the weapons in this local world are even worse than useless.

But to Ruth, this ghost-headed sword had an extremely domineering appearance and a faint aura of attack. As soon as Ruth took it from Yi Lin, she immediately started playing with it admiringly.

Click click click.

The upper and lower jaws of all the skeletons were trembling like a convulsion. Although there was no sound, it gave people the illusion of laughing wildly.

Click click click.

Not only in front of them, but also behind them, the skeletons buried in the sand climbed up strangely from the sand and turned into skeletons, holding rusty swords in their hands and approaching the two of them unsteadily.

Ruth was half of her own, so Yi Lin no longer hid, she flipped her palm over, crushed the card, and Blood Jasmine appeared in Yi Lin's hand.


Ruth's eyes lit up.

What Yi Lin displayed in front of her had always been mysterious black magic. This was also the first time that Ruth saw Yi Lin's real weapon with her own eyes.

The two of them unknowingly seemed to have stepped into the realm of the undead. At a glance, there were countless green lights ready to move in the thick fog.

If the skeleton in front of them didn't kill people, the two of them would seem to be soaking in the green ocean, playing in the water and rubbing their hair together, it was very romantic.

But obviously at this moment Ruth completely lost the ability to long for romance.

Yilin unleashed the maximum power of telekinesis. Within a range of more than 20 meters, there was a vast sea of ​​skeletons, and she could not feel the end of the pile of monsters at all.

"Are you surrounded?"

Yi Lin took her time.

After thinking for two seconds, he did not release Bai Xiaoyi or Nie Hongxiu, nor did he use the inherent skills of the possessed weapon.

In Yi Lin's opinion, the skeletons in front of him were just slow-moving "little monsters". The so-called undead were actually not scary at all.

It's like the ghost in "Ghost Mountain".

As long as there is a health bar and you can cut, kill, and fool, it is no different from the mobs in the game copy.

The only difference may be that the attributes and models are different.

However, Yi Lin's evolutionary direction is not a type that is good at group attacks. Yi Lin does not intend to waste too much spiritual energy until he has a clear understanding of the size of the wave of monsters in front of him.

If he is alone, he can try to see if [Like a Shadow] is 100% effective against the so-called undead monsters.

But Ruth is here to show off. If Yi Lin uses Shadow to escape from the battle circle at will, Ruth, whose flesh and blood body is not very effective in combat, will be torn into "Ruth hob meat" by the wave of skeleton monsters in front of her in minutes.

Although the Kaihai tactics are old-fashioned, they have enough lethality.

In this world, Ruth, who possesses the two major skills of [Massage (Top)] and [Navigation (Advanced)], is of vital importance. If it were not a last resort, Yi Lin would find a way to protect Ruth. comprehensive.

"Follow me!"

Yi Lin warned in a low voice.


Ruth instantly hit the snake on the stick and stuck it directly behind Yi Lin, and started groping around Yi Lin's body with her hands.

Yi Lin: "..."

She couldn't care too much at the moment. With Yi Lin's current strength attributes, even if Ruth was carried on her body like a turtle shell, it wouldn't be too uncomfortable.

The premise is... Ruth doesn't move around.

Under the "smiling face" mask, Yi Lin had a cold expression, took two quick steps and slashed out with a knife.

The strengthening of the "Killing Technique" has become equivalent to breathing. Yilin's breathing rhythm changes unpredictably, and the diaphragm, intercostal muscles and other respiratory muscles tremble crazily. In the blink of an eye, he can detect the gaps between the bones. Wherever the knife goes, Yilin will be cut like a knife. Like a vegetable chopping a melon, he smashed a skeleton into pieces again.

Seeing how brave Yi Lin suddenly became, Ruth was so excited that she forgot about the fear of facing the undead. She hung her whole body on Yi Lin and kept screaming. The sound reached her ears, as if she was for Yi Lin. Rin shouted in support.

ten minutes later.

Yi Lin fought her way through the pile of skeleton monsters and carved a road paved with broken bones.

No skeleton could withstand Blood Jasmine for even three seconds. Occasionally, it would only take more effort to encounter some stronger skeleton monsters.

Yi Lin: "..."

There was still a thick fog in front of me.

Yi Lin remained silent.

The knife in his hand gradually slowed down.

However, this was not because Yi Lin was tired, but because Yi Lin had already noticed something was wrong when he killed the first skeleton monster.

"There is no chaos value at all? In other words..."

Yi Lin's heart moved. She held the knife in her right hand, but her left hand suddenly reached out to her waist.


Yi Lin's fingertips suddenly touched something strange.


"Hurry up and take your legs off me! Otherwise I will throw you into the pile of skeletons!"



After solving the troublesome matter, Yilin finally reached into the box on her waist and took out an explosive bead.

Yi Lin's eyes narrowed slightly, and with a flick of his wrist, the explosive bead slipped out of Yi Lin's hand in a mysterious arc.


That explosive bead was almost on the verge of exploding. After accumulating power for such a long time, the power of the explosion almost reached its peak at the same mass. This explosion instantly opened a path in front of Yi Lin.

Yi Lin, with Ruth's face flushed, darted out from the gap in the pile of monsters.



Yi Lin rushed out of the sea of ​​monsters.

Although Yi Lin did not use any expensive skills, in the thick fog, Yi Lin used telekinesis to sense the surrounding situation from time to time. The going back and forth also consumed less than half of the spiritual energy value.

Yi Lin turned around.

The group of skeleton monsters behind him was actually broken into half by Yi Lin. In the thick fog, the swaying green light also decreased a lot, and there were many green light air strikes, making it look scattered.

Ruth didn't expect Yi Lin to kill out of the skeleton monster so easily, and her expression was a bit surprised.

From this point of view, the undead are not as scary as the legend says!

"Sister, I suddenly want to kiss you!" Ruth clamped her legs.

"If you dare to move, I will throw you out to feed the skeletons." Yi Lin threatened seriously.


Click click click.

Suddenly, just after Yi Lin rushed out of the sea of ​​monsters.

In the mist, the remaining skeleton monsters collapsed one after another, fell to the ground, and once again turned into bones on the ground.

As far as the eye can see, there are bones.

Densely packed bones.

Unable to distinguish the parts of the bones.

After charging through the sea of ​​monsters so far, Yi Lin has not earned a single dime of chaos points, which makes Yi Lin feel aggrieved as if she was being used for nothing.

But after it was over, Yi Lin still breathed a sigh of relief out of habit.

Click click click.

Of course.

On the beach, bones everywhere began to tremble again.

"Huh? Unkillable type? Regroup? Still nothing new at all...???"

Click, click, click, click, click, click.

Countless bones began to dance in place according to the rhythm again.

Yi Lin hasn't finished speaking yet.

A series of question marks immediately appeared.

I saw that the countless skeletons strangely set off a wave of sand and piled up ten meters away from Yi Lin, getting higher and higher... higher and higher... higher and higher.

Yi Lin raised her head expressionlessly.

In an instant.

A huge skeletal hand was raised high from top to bottom, then fell heavily, slapping it towards the corner where Yi Lin and Ruth were entangled.

Everyone is welcome to post more about this chapter and say that if you love me, you must say it loudly. It is easy to fall asleep while driving in silence!

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