Infinity Throne

Chapter 202

I don't know if it's because Yi Lin's mental power is high enough, or because the person peeping at her is so unscrupulous that she doesn't want to hide it.

Yi Lin has been feeling this way since she sailed out of the foggy sea.

In the dark, there seemed to be a gaze from the sky, peering at him, staring at the scarlet skull on his hat.


Or is it a certain existence in this world?

Yi Lin had already guessed that the level of power in this world was not simple.

The eagle-catching chicken-catching game between the navy and the pirates is just a superficial game of playing house.

It's like a hidden plot. As long as you dig deeper, you will definitely find something unusual.

That sense of voyeurism was too mysterious. Yi Lin was currently at a low level and couldn't even tell whether there was any malice in that voyeuristic gaze.

But as the saying goes, let it be what it is. The other party has been peeping for so long. Since he didn't choose to take action immediately, after Yi Lin's analysis, there are only two possibilities.


——"No need."

Therefore, Yi Lin did not panic.

Until now.

When the Queen was about to be pushed towards the hurricane by everything on the sea, whether it was the currents, the sea breeze, or some hand that existed in the dark, the discomfort caused by the voyeuristic feeling to Yilin instantly surged to the maximum .

"In other words, the Queen is chasing 'it', but 'you' are chasing the Queen?"

Infinite nesting dolls?

Yi Lin was speechless.

on deck.

It was chaos.

No one wants to die.

All the pirates frantically pulled the sails and pushed the left and right rudders, trying to change the direction of the Queen.



The main and auxiliary masts broke one after another!


A huge hole was blasted out of the bottom of the cabin, and cold seawater swept in.

Rumble, rumble——

The entire Queen rotated in response, and the deck suddenly tilted forty-five degrees in a certain direction.

The dark clouds above were like an ugly face, dripping with ink, pressing down on the Queen.

Facing the pressure of disasters from heaven, earth and ocean, the Queen was like a lonely boat in the strong wind, small and helpless.

The Queen was trembling, struggling to death under the command of Ruth, but it seemed unable to change the fate of being crushed.

"Damn! The mast is broken! Broken!"

"There's water in the cabin! Damn it! Someone come and pour the water out! Where are the people -"

"Someone jumped into the sea! Jumped into the sea!"

"It's a whirlpool! There's a whirlpool below us! Damn - oh! I'm drunk..."


The strong wind is like substance, and the fragile mast is vulnerable to this strong wind.

In everyone's eyes, there was only a dark sky. No one could see clearly what was in the wind and rain. Most of the sailors could only stand in their respective positions mechanically, using their mortal bodies to contribute their small abilities and make their last effort.


No one could hear Chief Officer Louis's orders clearly.

Then continue.

Everyone lost the captain and first mate in the hurricane.

Everything, everything, people and ships, were ruthlessly swallowed and submerged by the sea at a terrifying and desperate speed.


The keel of the broken!

[The "Queen" was completely destroyed! 】

[Crew...death! 】

[Crew...death! 】

Yi Lin's face was expressionless, and the screen was flooded with bad news, very thoroughly.

In the past, swiping the screen was all about increasing points, but now being swiped is a sign of mourning.

In the blink of an eye, the Queen was torn into pieces by the ferocious hurricane, and swept into the sky in the wind and rain.

And at this time.

In the hurricane with extremely low visibility, Yi Lin did only one thing.

Yi Lin released Bai Xiaoyi and used the clearest vision to look for Sax's figure among the shipwrecks and figures spiraling into the sky.

After a while.

"found it!"

Yi Lin did not hesitate, jumped up, fearless, like a kite with its string cut off, and plunged into the hurricane as terrifying as a ferocious beast on the sea.


In an instant, it seemed as if there were invisible hands, lifting Yi Lin up and flying into the terrifying hurricane.

In the hurricane, Yi Lin's health dropped at a constant rate. Although the damage caused by the storm was not very high, if it continued like this, he would undoubtedly die here.

Yi Lin calculated the rate at which his health was declining. Without the recovery of the Dionysian factor, he could still survive the hurricane for 32 seconds.


Using Bai Xiaoyi's vision, Yi Lin found Sax's figure on the side of the hurricane.

Yi Lin was stunned.

Two seconds later, Yi Lin couldn't help but spit out two words: "Awesome!"

In the hurricane, I saw pieces of the Queen's wreckage messy in the wind.

And Sax actually relied on the ropes that had not been broken, jumping from one shipwreck to another like a monkey, as if he was trying to find a way to escape from the hurricane.

"With your rope-playing skills, you can indeed ascend to the sky on the spot!"

In the hurricane, Yi Lin adjusted her posture.

He had experience flying in a wingsuit before, so he thought it was similar.

I don’t know if Yi Lin’s posture adjustments played a role or for other reasons. In the hurricane, Yi Lin gradually got closer to Saxo, who was playing tricks on the rope.

In a hurricane, visibility is extremely poor.

It was a dark sky, with rainwater and seawater mixed together, slapping coldly on the face. If Yilin didn't release Bai Xiaoyi, it would be difficult to open her eyes and find the position of Saxophone in the wind.

Bai Xiaoyi is a spirit body and is not affected by the hurricane at all. Seeing her abominable master being so embarrassed in the hurricane, Bai Xiaoyi sat cross-legged in the void while providing her with a view, admiring her with pleasure. Rin's various poses.

She even wished she could unlock the function of taking photos and screenshots so that she could have some cards to negotiate with the owner in the future.

"What a pity!" Bai Xiaoyi sighed sadly.

A hurricane swirls, somewhere else.

Sachs actually still held the ancient and mysterious compass in his hand and refused to let go.

It was as if that compass was his only hope for survival.

Yi Lin gets closer and closer.

50 meters.

30 meters.

20 meters.

Sachs didn't notice Yi Rin's approach at all.

In other words, even if it is noticed, there will be no reaction.

Because in this kind of disaster, everyone is helpless and allows the violent storm to wreak havoc on their body.

The power of nature and the terror of the sea cannot be resisted by human beings.

"finally reached!"

Yi Lin smiled slightly.

There was still some spiritual power left, so he no longer waited. In the strong wind, Yi Lin skillfully gathered several slaps and slapped them hard on Sachs's face, regardless of left or right.

In this kind of environment, it is not easy for Yilin to gather the power of telekinesis to slap, let alone being able to distinguish between left and right, or to hit rhythm and perform at a high level.

Thanks to Yi Lin's experience not long ago when she slapped Li Changge in Haiting City.

No matter how ruthless you are, you will come.

Snap, snap, snap.

In the storm, on the rope, in front of the shipwreck, Sax Sparrow looked confused.

It looks like he was slapped?


But the pain on his face seemed to tell him that this was not an illusion.

"not good!"

Only then did Sachs realize that he was distracted by the inexplicable slap in the face. He focused his attention again, searching for the deepest desire in his heart to "live", and then looked down at the ancient compass in his hand... That was him A family heirloom, a mysterious treasure that can allow him to survive any disaster!

"Um...Pan, where's the compass?"


Xiao Sa's eyes widened.

【Get the "Compass from the Heart"! 】

Yilin's health has dropped below 50%.

After acquiring Saxophone's mysterious compass, Yi Lin had no time to look at the properties of the compass for the time being. Amidst the hurricane, he took a good posture, raised his right hand, and prepared to summon.

And suddenly.

Everything is quiet.

Before Yi Lin could start her thoughts, Yi Lin's body was squeezed out by the surrounding storm.


Yes, at this moment, when there was no time to think carefully about the wording, Yilin subconsciously thought of this verb.

Yi Lin felt as if she had entered a place she shouldn't have entered and was rejected.

Strong winds, heavy rain, screams, shipwrecks...

Everything that was filling Yi Lin's ears and eyes a few seconds ago suddenly became quiet.

Yi Lin looked down.

I found myself floating strangely in mid-air. Under my feet, there were the raging waves, intertwined with the black waves, and the wreckage of the Queen that was gradually sinking, or was lifted up by the hurricane.

Among the wreckage, there seemed to be many lucky crew members, hugging some wreckage or barrels, rolling in the waves, screaming helplessly.

Around Yi Lin, the spiraling wind actually turned into reality, rolling up seawater and shipwrecks from the sea, forming a barrier that shot straight into the sky. Under this natural wonder, Yi Lin, with a human body, Stepping in mid-air, it was like a god watching with cold eyes.

However, Yi Lin knew very well that it was not his own strength that could do all this.

Yi Lin is in the eye of the storm!

Originally, scientifically speaking, the "eye of the storm" is a hole in the center of the wind when the air flow rotates. The eye of the hurricane is a relatively stationary low-pressure zone. Moreover, it is said that large hurricanes have an "eye wall" around the eye of the wind. A ring of severe thunderstorms.

Therefore, whether he passively enters the eye of the storm or is suspended in mid-air in a human body, Yi Lin's current state is contrary to "science".

It's not scientific.

"Is it the wind?"

Yi Lin soon felt that there was a gentle wind, like countless small hands, holding him in the center of the eye of the wind. The buoyancy of the air just offset Yi Lin's own gravity.

But this is not important. Having a "cursed" world view is inherently unscientific.

Looking for scientific explanations in an unscientific world... Yi Lin is not a stickler, and is too lazy to care too much.

Yi Lin lowered his head and thought for a moment. After connecting a certain joint, he couldn't help but smile and decided not to use that backhand for the time being.

Taking advantage of his free time, before the "Hurricane Lord" appeared, Yi Lin lowered his head, flipped his palm, took out the [Congxin Compass] that had been turned into a card not long ago, and carefully observed the properties of the compass.

【Compass from the heart】


[Restrictions] Each person can only use it 2 times in each trial.

[Effect] Where the compass points, the heart desires.

[Instructions] Click to view details.


Yi Lin put away the compass happily.

When he saw clearly the properties of the compass, he finally understood why Sachs was able to chase the "Devil King" all the way, and why he kept staring at the compass in a desperate situation.

The compass that can guide "what the heart desires" is very powerful.

The restriction that each person can only use it twice in each world seems to be for the apostles. Anyway, when Yi Lin saw Sachs touching the compass, it definitely exceeded twice.

Although the function of this compass does not help to improve combat power, the "treasure hunting" function alone is enough to be worthy of the "epic" level.

And just after Yi Lin put away the compass.

When he looked up.

The wall of wind swirling in front of me was distorted in a strange way.

Then, a "human face" made entirely of wind and rain gradually appeared in front of Yi Lin.


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