Infinity Throne

Chapter 204 Summoning the mount

Just like Yi Lin said.

It is not easy to find Ruth alone among the scattered wreckage of the Queen and in the rough sea.

The hurricane swept dozens of kilometers, and the wreckage of the Queen was scattered all over the sea area after the hurricane. Yilin was riding a small motorcycle alone on the sea. If he searched little by little, he would probably have to find it at dawn. .


Yi Lin decisively used the compass' ability.

The importance of Ruth's massage skills BUFF and navigation skills to Yi Lin is self-evident.

If Ruth dies, it will be difficult for Yi Lin to recruit such useful crew members.

There is no way, she gave too much!

Therefore, Yi Lin was not joking when he said that Ruth owed him a life.

But when using the [Congxin Compass], Yi Lin discovered that this epic prop was not as easy to use as imagined.

There are already hints in the compass properties.

If Yi Lin does not have enough desire in her heart when using the compass, the compass will not be able to point out the correct direction.

So at that time, Yi Lin desperately recalled Ruth's skillful techniques, the power of BUFF... ahem, almost like self-hypnosis, after accumulating enough "desire" in her heart, Yi Lin finally re-acquired Ruth after her death.

Why Ruth was able to survive the hurricane may be due to Calypso's kindness.

The real reason cannot be verified. It is impossible for Yi Lin to dig out Calypso and confront him again, and there is no need.

After picking up Ruth, a paw slapped on Yi Lin's motorcycle.

Yi Lin already knew who the owner of the claw was without looking back.

He could only sigh helplessly: "You are a real dog."


"Brother Wang, my car is obviously overloaded."

Emperor Wang Tian: "..."

"Don't you see how crowded it is?"

Emperor Wang Tian: "..."

Gouzi didn't speak, but silently held a card in his mouth, as if he would bite it into pieces at any time, and then looked at Yi Lin with a kind look.

"Okay, get in the car."

Yi Lin decisively invited Wang Tiandi to get in the car.

"Woof woof~"

Wang Tiandi spoke dog language that no one could understand, and the card he was talking about just now disappeared. He happily jumped onto Yi Lin's motorcycle, squatted down with his legs, and occupied the front seat.

Gouzi is in front, Yi Lin is in the middle, and Ruth is behind.

This pose is very unique.

Yi Lin restarted the motorcycle, ignited it, turned on the high beam, and became more and more proficient in its operation.

Although Yi Lin is obviously suspected of overloading, illegal modification, driving without a license, dangerous driving, carrying pets in the front seat, etc., fortunately, the navy in this world can only manage ships, regardless of illegal motor vehicles.

The Apocalypse mount finally reappears in this world.

Every time Yi Lin observes the attributes of this "mount", she secretly sighs that 50,000 chaos points are simply worth it.

The psychological process can be summed up in two words - "earning money with blood".

[Summon Mount: Dire]

[Consumption] 400 spiritual energy points

[Level] One star








[Regular Skills] "Ignore Terrain", "Locomotive Cannon", "Saw Blade"

[Special Ability] "Dark Night Mode"

【Mount Description】*\u0026\u0026¥ # ¥ @! # ¥ # %¥##……? ? ?

Before the shipwreck occurred, Yi Lin just scraped together enough filling modules to reactivate the chaos value of Apocalypse's mount, and then stuffed the [Bat Motorcycle] into it.

Yi Lin also did not expect that after the [Bat Motorcycle] was inserted into the module, the skill that was re-lit on the module skill tree turned out to be a "summoning" skill, and the motorcycle, which was originally a "mount prop", Completely disappeared, on the virtual panel, the Night Dire, as a summoned object, strangely had a "health bar".

Of course, Yi Lin also struggled to come up with the name [Night Dire].

Yi Lin has always been satisfied with her taste in naming, and there is no need to question it.

There is nothing wrong with summoning skills.

But this new module skill for summoning mounts consumes too much spiritual energy.

Fortunately, as long as the summoned mount's skills are not canceled or destroyed, [Night Dire] will always exist and will not disappear, nor will it continue to be consumed like maintaining "Bai Xiaoyi" and "Nie Hongxiu" Psychic value.

Generally speaking, the attributes of this mount are almost perfect, and its flaws are not concealed.

The only thing Yi Lin couldn't figure out was that the irritating explanation clause at the end of all the skills in the past was reflected in the attributes of the night dire. A series of garbled characters appeared strangely, and the style of painting suddenly changed. This made Yi Lin a little confused. The profound meaning behind it can only be considered carefully when you have time in the future.

On the mount, the passive attribute of [Ignore Terrain] is enough to give Yilin the confidence to cross the sea.

That's why Yilin was so calm when facing the legendary "god" Calypso not long ago.


Yi Lin smiled, the meaning of which no one could understand.

Ruth: "?"

Gouzi: "?"

Yi Lin didn't explain.

Yi Lin turned on the accelerator and rumbled on the sea for a while. Suddenly, he found that he could not find the right direction in the vast sea.

For half an hour, the same waves and the same night were in front of Yi Lin and behind her, without any change.

Fortunately, we did not encounter any disasters such as hurricanes, storms, thunderclouds, and whirlpools.

I don’t know if it’s because of Calypso’s kindness, or because the Night Dire doesn’t belong to the category of “ship” and cannot trigger the conditions of the “curse”.

"Ruth, please point me in the direction."

At this moment, Ruth was hugging Elizabeth Lin's small waist happily, and from time to time she curiously tapped the iron bump under her buttocks, making a clanking sound.

Upon hearing Yi Lin's question, Ruth couldn't help but roll her eyes: "How can I find the direction for this... ship? And, to tell you the truth, I accidentally lost my navigation chart. Now, in addition to my sister, I can give you Apart from massage, you have no other abilities."

"What do you desire most right now?"

"What?" Ruth was stunned.

"I mean, if, if it can come true, what is the thing you desire most right now, close your eyes, do it all from your heart, don't hesitate to say it out loud."

Yi Lin's tone was full of bewitching.

Ruth closed her eyes obediently, imagining and mumbling to herself like she was dreaming.

"I hope to take a hot bath, change into clean clothes, eat a hot meal, drink a sip of high-end wine, and have a warm bed. Oh, it's better to have slippery white flowers on the bed. ——”

Seeing that Ruth was getting more and more weird as she talked, Yi Lin didn't give the landlady a chance to continue talking in her sleep, and directly put the "Compass from the Heart" into Ruth's hands.

on the compass.

The pointer first rotated crazily, as if something was malfunctioning.

But after a few seconds.


The pointer suddenly became fixed, pointing in a certain direction to the left without moving.


Yi Lin put away the compass with satisfaction and drove at full speed.

Ruth: "???"

The compass peeked through Yi Lin's inner desire and pointed to Ruth.

And the compass, through Ruth's inner desire, points to a warm bed, hot water, delicious food...and wine.

When Yi Lin landed on land again with one person and one dog, it was already the dark night of the second day.

This is a bustling port.

It is completely different from the painting style of Tetuga Island Port.

Groups of well-equipped troops were patrolling back and forth. Even at night, the port was lit with dim lights, and the entire port was brightly lit.

For a moment, Yi Lin had the illusion of entering another world.

The identity of the two women and the dog did not arouse any suspicion.

Yi Lin used a unique method to sneak into certain places and find two clean women's clothes, then reluctantly put on the women's clothes and resumed her identity as Elizabeth Lin.

When Yi Lin reported the identity of Elizabeth Rin to the patrol team leader with tired eyes and a panicked tone, a certain team leader was instantly frightened, shocked, overjoyed, promoted, looking forward to the future, and imagining The pinnacle of life.

In short, the news that Elizabeth Lin reappeared in the Royal Navy Port after a month of disappearance spread throughout the city as quickly as possible.

As for the identities of Ruth and Wang Tiandi, no one cares.

It's just a maid and a pet.

Although Wang Tiandi was quite dissatisfied with his upcoming role as a pet, when Yi Lin threw a bone, Wang Tiandi gnawed it happily, and all his anger disappeared instantly, and he showed a smile like a licking dog.

Gouzi's pursuit is so simple and boring.

The third day.

Yi Lin dressed up in a gorgeous women's clothing and entered an old castle.

He finally met Elizabeth Lin's father.

——Benson Swann.

It was only at this moment that Yi Lin finally understood that her full name should be-Elizabeth Lin Swann.

Being forced into a role-playing identity by the "Tower", Yi Lin always felt that the name of this "character" was weird no matter how she looked at it.

But when he lowered his head and saw the dog gnawing bones at his feet, he remembered the name "Wang Tiandi"... Yi Lin suddenly felt that this name was very normal.

It's much better than "Lintian Emperor" and the like.

It can be said that Old Swan's hair turned gray overnight. His only daughter, the baby girl, who was about to get married, was kidnapped by the damn pirates and disappeared for a whole month, which made Old Swan's hair turn gray with worry.

Even the Swan family has found someone to sort out and complete "Elizabeth Rin Swan"'s funeral hall, posthumous photos, and even the "Elizabeth Rin Swan Biography", and is waiting for someone to salvage Yilin's body and confirm Yilin's body. After hearing the news of his death, all the rituals were put on the table.

——No one expected that Elizabeth Lin would return to London alive and kicking.

There was no precaution at all, it was very surprising!

"Oh, my poor child, you suffer!"

Old Swann rushed towards Yilin with a loud voice. When he came to his senses, he burst into tears and opened his arms full of fatherly love towards Yilin.


Yi Lin slapped her old father's arm away.

Old Swann looked confused, and the emotions he had worked so hard to brew were instantly wiped out.

"Where is my room?"

Yi Lin asked.

Old Swan saw that his dear daughter seemed to have something wrong with her expression, but he had no doubts. He even thought about the various hardships his good daughter suffered outside, and immediately expressed his deep understanding and sympathy.

"Oh, my daughter, Rin, are you sick? Don't you even know where your room is?"


Before Yi Lin could think of a way to fool him, the old father had already pointed out the route in the castle for Yi Lin as quickly as possible, and carefully drew the map with a quill.

Yi Lin silently clicked a like.

After obtaining the location information of the room, Yi Lin dragged her maid and pet and walked directly up the steps.


Yi Lin suddenly screamed.

Old Swan: "??"

Those damn high heels! ! !

And the damn women’s clothing—

Yi Lin had no expression on her face and twisted her waist to walk up again... her legs hurt.

"My dear daughter, Rinyo! Don't you really need to call a doctor?"

Yi Lin: "..."

Emperor Wang Tian: "Wow~"

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