Infinity Throne

Chapter 207 A world with sudden change of painting style (2-in-1 chapter, please vote for me)

I don’t know how much time passed.

Yi Lin breathed a long sigh of relief.

"The information is not equal? ​​It seems that I still have an advantage, haha."

Although this world map is large, if you guessed correctly, it should be the world where the five apostles descended.

Commonly known as "five-person copy".

It is also the most common apostle staffing in the world.

For Yi Lin, the identities of the five people have been completely laid out on the table.

But for Gu Tianqing, who currently knows the most, these five people are: Gu Tianqing, Elizabeth Lin, Nicholas Zhao, Indiana Jones, and the Skeleton Gentleman.

As for the identity of this skeleton gentleman, Gu Tianqing probably still has questions in his mind.

The reason why Gu Tianqing made such a bold and lame test move that could be seen through at a glance when he first met "Elizabeth Lin" was simply because he noticed the role played by Yi Lin, which was obvious in the eyes of the apostle. A sense of dissonance.

1. Relationship with the Governor.

2. Reappear after disappearing at a critical moment.

3. A name that seems a little inconsistent with this world.

Gu Tianqing is not stupid, and it is not surprising that he can guess Yi Lin's identity as an apostle.

That's why in the conference room, Gu Tianqing kept looking at Yi Lin's actions in a nonchalant way, and that's why he made that kind of test.

As for Elizabeth Lin's other identity, Yi Lin believes that Gu Tianqing must have suspicions, but there is no evidence.

"Tsk, this kind of person is the most troublesome."

This kind of insidious character is the most annoying thing.

Based on the words of the three admirals in the conference room, Yi Lin roughly guessed the main mission of the "Navy" camp.

Just as the pirate camp tried its best to gain reputation, the navy camp would most likely use various means to gain a higher status...military rank and so on.

As for what to do after reaching the corresponding military rank, this is not something Yi Lin can know at the moment.

In the brief conversation with Gu Tianqing, although it seemed that Gu Tianqing said a lot, there was almost no information that was really useful to Yi Lin.

It can be seen that Gu Tianqing is also an old man, very cunning, and his technique of changing the subject and answering questions that are not what he is asking is so skillful that it makes people feel distressed.

Fortunately, due to the unequal information, Gu Tianqing may only be guessing at the moment, but he is not confident enough to prove that Yi Lin and the skeleton gentleman are the same person.

After all, the timing of the appearance of Elizabeth Lin, played by Yi Lin, and the timing of the disappearance of the skeleton gentleman in the sea are too coincidental. Gu Tianqing is not from this world, and there is no inertial thinking like "women are not allowed to go to the sea" .

I believe that the news of the Queen's disaster will spread throughout the sea soon.

Not long ago, Yi Lin asked Ruth to visit a tavern in London where pirates secretly gathered, in order to find out relevant information.

In the carriage, Ruth's reaction also confirmed that Yi Lin's guess was not wrong.

Although Ruth only stayed for a short time, she also heard a lot of rumors.

News has spread that the Skeleton Gentleman has been shipwrecked.

However, the life and death of the "Skeleton Gentleman" are still a mystery.

Some people say that the Skeleton Gentleman died in that terrible hurricane, others say that the Skeleton Gentleman possesses black witchcraft and is immortal, and some people are telling the truth about the rumor that the Skeleton Gentleman appeared on the coast of a certain country.

There are even exaggerated rumors that the skeleton gentleman was attracted by a siren and spent an unforgettable ninety-nine and eighty-one hours with various female sirens.

In short, there are many legends, and it is impossible for Gu Tianqing not to receive the news.

After dinner, Ruth returned to Yi Lin again.

Yi Lin opened the apostle panel and took a look. Seeing that the "enriched" buff was about to disappear, she pointed at her sore shoulders and asked Ruth to knead them.

Ruth was surprised to see Yi Lin taking such initiative, but she did not refuse.

While on the BUFF, Ruth proudly told Yi Lin the information she had learned, as if offering a treasure.

Ruth spent a whole afternoon walking among the maids and servants in the castle, asking a lot of questions.

"I'm surprised. I didn't expect you didn't even know about this kind of thing."

"Well, left side, use a little more force."

Yi Lin lay on the bedside, squinting his eyes, and did not explain the reason why he was not familiar with everything in "Swan Castle".

"The head of the Swan family once heard that there was a female pirate, and eventually the castle was divided into separate families. Oh, by the way, that female pirate might be your aunt. But the maids are all I don’t know the name of that female pirate, after all, it happened many years ago.”

After listening to Ruth telling various versions of the story about the maid and the servant in a tone that sounded like entertaining gossip, Yi Lin opened her eyes, with a hint of contemplation in her eyes.

From the wardrobe, I found a piece of clothing that originally belonged to Elizabeth Lin. This is a women's clothing that is easier to move around.

After getting dressed, Yi Lin calculated the explosion time of the [unstable explosive] on her waist, opened the window, and prepared to jump outside.

This is the second floor.

Not high.

Ruth's eyes widened when she saw Yi Lin's behavior, and she couldn't help but ask: "Wait, my dear, are you changing clothes to go out?"

"Yes, what else?"

"I thought--"

Yi Lin slowly asked a question: "What do you think? What do you think? Hurry up and go out together."


Ruth subconsciously raised her head and looked at the bright moon in the sky.

The London night was filled with a light mist.

This beautiful moonlight, an orphan and a widow, in the wilderness...ah, is it so exciting?

After struggling for a while, Ruth suppressed the reverie in her heart and said with a slightly trembling tone: "Sister, what posture should I use later... Oh no, what should I wear to go out with you? My captain."

Yi Lin did not explain.

With just a snap, he took out a dark men's tuxedo from somewhere.

Ruth stayed completely where she was, feeling that Yi Lin's thoughts seemed to be somewhat different from her imagination.

"Wait, my dear Captain, where exactly are we going?"

"Admiralty of the Admiralty."

Ruth was stunned: "What the fuck???"

Yi Lin looked back at Ruth with a "there's something wrong with you" look.

"As the fiancée of the Governor, I, Elizabeth Lin, visited the Governor's Mansion at night... Is there any problem?"

Ruth: "..."

ten minutes later.

Yi Lin took Ruth and the dog and quietly slipped out of Swan Castle.

London at night is eerily silent.

It seems that in this era, all kinds of nightlife have not yet become popular, which just makes Yilin's next actions convenient.

If he was alone, it would be easy to avoid everyone's sight. After all, he was a man who lived in the shadows.

But taking Ruth and the dog along, it would be a bit uncomfortable if there were still crowds of people in London at night.

After Yi Lin settled Ruth and Gouzi, he came to the Governor's Mansion alone in the usual way.

It is said that the man who holds the highest position in the Royal Navy stays here at night.

From a distance, the Governor's Mansion is gorgeously designed and filled with the fragrance of power.

Around the Governor's Mansion, teams of guards were uniformly patrolling alternately.

But without camera coverage, the navy guard's patrol was useless to Yi Lin and had no effect.

After walking around the Governor's Mansion, Yi Lin found several entrances that were enough to sneak in silently.

The guard patrol route is not without blind spots.

It was already midnight.

When Yi Lin was about to move her feet, her chest trembled slightly.

Although there is no death mark on this body, the location of the vibration is exactly the same as before, making Yilin feel very uncomfortable every time it moves.

"Where's the dog?"

Before Yi Lin opened the communication panel, she subconsciously thought that something had happened to Gouzi.

Unexpectedly, the person who contacted Yi Lin at this time was Gu Tianqing, who had just been added to the communication list not long ago.

When she saw Gu Tianqing's profile picture shaking, Yi Lin didn't want to pay attention.

But when he saw Gu Tianqing's opening remarks, his expression changed slightly, and then he squatted in the darkness and silently chatted privately with Gu Tianqing——

Gu Tianqing: I really hope I guessed wrong and you didn't plan to sneak into the Governor's Mansion.

Yi Lin: Acridine! How can it be! I'm ready to take a shower!

Gu Tianqing: Haha. It would be great if it was true. That place is not as simple as you think.

Yi Lin: Ah, the water is a bit hot today. not that simple? Have you been in?

Gu Tianqing: No.

Yi Lin: Then how do you know that the Governor's Mansion is not simple?

Gu Tianqing: Men’s intuition?

Yi Lin:......

Gu Tianqing: Well, I think we shouldn’t continue to test each other. For the sake of testing, why don’t we exchange information?

Yi Lin: OK! You first.

Gu Tianqing:…….

Yi Lin:?

Gu Tianqing: OK OK, haha, let me start by introducing some ideas. This time in the world, I found that it is somewhat similar to the world view of a classic old movie from hundreds of years ago.

Yi Lin: I had contact with the skeleton gentleman at sea.

Gu Tianqing: Huh? You didn't take advantage of the opportunity to join the pirate camp?

Yi Lin: Now is the time to exchange information. I personally don’t recommend replacing “information” with “problem”.

Gu Tianqing: Well, the Royal Navy is looking for something.

Yi Lin: If I guess correctly, the skeleton gentleman should be quite handsome. (Slobber)

Gu Tianqing: ..., Kira Robert, is a little weird. (Smile)

Yi Lin: The Skeleton Gentlemen are from the pirate camp. (Smile)

Gu Tianqing: If you continue like this, I'm afraid we won't be able to have a pleasant conversation. (crying with laughter)

Yi Lin: If you continue to use such obvious clues as "intelligence" to continue to deceive, I think there is no need for us to continue talking. (picking nose)

While arguing with Gu Tianqing, Yi Lin used the [Xiao Shisan Brand Ancient Knife] to pry open the window. After releasing his senses and sensing that there was nothing abnormal behind the window, Yi Lin turned over and walked in with nimble and skillful movements without disturbing anyone.

"If the top leaders of the navy camp are really just the few people in the conference room..."

In the darkness, Yi Lin's eyes flashed with dangerous light.

In the private chat channel.

Gu Tianqing has completely fallen silent.

The deception failed, Gu Tianqing seemed to be thinking about another deception posture and angle.

The Governor's Mansion was dimly lit, so dark that only the outlines of surrounding objects and walls could be seen.

There was a faint moonlight coming through the window, providing Yi Lin with a very limited field of vision.

Yilin walked silently in the long and narrow corridor.

Unlike the relatively strict patrols outside the house, there was no one in the passage decorated with various exquisite sculptures and raised whorl-like patterns.

This strong contrast made Yi Lin feel a little strange.

The current atmosphere actually gave Yi Lin the illusion of exploring a haunted house in an amusement park.

In the Governor's Palace, the structure is not complicated at the architectural level.

After all, it's just a single-family building with only two floors.

Yi Lin first followed the stairs and walked up to the second floor. While exploring the way with her senses, she found that the second floor was just an ordinary restaurant, study room, etc., nothing special, so Yi Lin returned to the first floor.

He stopped subconsciously.

Think about it carefully.

Why on earth, or rather why, caused him to have the illusion of playing in a haunted house?


My chest shook.

Damn Gu Tianqing started sending harassing messages again.

After thinking about it, Yi Lin decided to see what Gu Tianqing had to say first.

Gu Tianqing: Have you ever heard of the Demon King?

Yi Lin: Well, have you ever heard of Skeleton Gentleman?

Gu Tianqing:…….

This short ellipsis made Yi Lin couldn't help but imagine that in some corner of the world, Gu Tianqing showed a disgusted expression.

Isn't it just to see who can't hold it in anymore?

Who is afraid of whom?

in the dark.

Yi Lin smiled happily, feeling quite proud.

After Gu Tianqing was silent for ten seconds, he finally changed his explanation.

Gu Tianqing: I am certain that the Royal Navy is looking for traces of the Demon King.

Yi Lin: I spent some time on the Skeleton Gentleman's ship. My identity is unknown, and my abilities may be related to the curse.

Gu Tianqing: Oh?

Yi Lin: If you continue to exchange information with questions instead of affirmations, I think we should end this damn conversation.

Gu Tianqing: ..., if you want to join the navy, you only need to prove your ability.

Yi Lin: If you want to join the pirate camp, you must qualify as a captain, acquire a ship, and recruit a group of pirate crew members. Um? Can you find the "Devil King" with your ability? Search skills?

Gu Tianqing: Haha. There is a reason why they are eyeing "Elizabeth Rin". This is not as simple as a simple marriage. It seems that you have joined the pirate camp?

Yi Lin: What do you think? There are many local forces among the pirates, and the main mission of this party may be related to this.

Gu Tianqing: Haha, you even know the main mission? It seems that I can no longer be friends with you... The navy is easy, just find a way to increase your military rank.

Yi Lin and Gu Tianqing exchange the "information" they possess in this way across time and space.

Of course, neither Yi Lin nor Gu Tianqing naively believed that the information they provided to each other was 100% accurate. We all had been through this before, so there was no need to completely break up or hide behind each other. Yes, cheating openly and openly.

Whether true or false, false or true, how much useful content can be extracted from this information depends on your ability.

Yi Lin knew that Gu Tianqing had doubts about her identity, so she deliberately brought up the identity of the skeleton gentleman. It was just an extra layer of smoke. As for whether she could fool Gu Tianqing, it depends on what level the other party had in mind. .

Anyway, I speculated and speculated, but in the end I couldn't come to a conclusion.

Although Gu Tianqing did not tell the truth about some information, Yi Lin still figured out a lot of... interesting content.

Just when Yi Lin was about to test Gu Tianqing's ability again.


Yi Lin paused in her steps.

He was originally in the dark, pacing cautiously in the corridor while arguing with Gu Tianqing.

At this moment, the tactile sensation fed back by the "psychodynamic perception" was somewhat wrong.

He immediately closed the chat interface with Gu Tianqing and set it to do not disturb mode out of habit.

——Lest Yi Lin be distracted by the vibrations.

There is no longer any fork in the road ahead.

It's a narrow corridor.

The strange thing is that further along this corridor, there are no windows.

Oil paintings of different styles are neatly arranged on both sides. The two walls of the corridor and the ceiling are covered with exquisite reliefs, which are consistent with the style of the entire building and full of luxurious aristocratic atmosphere.

At intervals of about 3 meters, empty knight armors were placed on both sides of the passage. This seemed to be a favorite type of decoration among the nobles.

A strange thought suddenly occurred to Yi Lin.

Shouldn't these armors suddenly start to click? This is already a cliché plot that was thoroughly played out many years ago.

Yi Lin stopped where he was and observed carefully.


Yi Lin suddenly discovered that the reliefs on the corridor, the ceiling and the two walls that struck him as strange were more detailed and complex than the decorative reliefs in other parts of the Governor's Mansion, and the stories were continuous, like a comic strip. It tells of a grand and joyful night banquet, which makes people turn their heads and cannot bear to watch more.

Each of the noble faces with strange postures and overlapping faces on the reliefs have lifelike eyes.

OK, observation completed.

What made Yi Lin feel weird was not actually the postures of the nobles in the mural reliefs, nor the three-dimensionally carved eyes.

Rather, in Yi Lin's perception, the empty corridor in front of him seemed to be "filled" with something, but it could not be identified with the naked eye.

At the end of the corridor, there is a dark door. If you don't pay attention, it seems to be integrated with the darkness.

Compared with the other luxurious doors of the Governor's Palace, the black door has an abrupt style and looks out of place.

"Are you afraid that people won't be able to find the point? If you want to be more hidden, why not just make it a secret door? You have to do this kind of pretentious stunt."

Yi Lin complained secretly.

in the dark.


Black door.

"Is this what Gu Tianqing calls weird?"

"The entire interior of the Governor's Mansion seems to be completely empty and completely defenseless."

"Or... don't you need to be on guard?"

Yi Lin had no expression on his face. He thought for a while, then patted his head and laughed at himself: "Staying at sea for too long almost makes me sway stupid. I actually forgot about this trick."

After sailing in the vast sea for nearly a month, Yilin habitually thought about the identity of "captain" and almost forgot that he was also an apostle with a spirit-enchanted weapon.

The next second.

Bai Xiaoyi appeared behind Yi Lin silently.

In the darkness, Bai Xiaoyi's translucent body was almost invisible, blending into the surrounding darkness, leaving only a touch of white.

If anyone is timid and sees this scene, he will definitely faint from fear.

"Master... do you still remember Bai Xiaoyi who was by the Shadow Village in Guiwu Mountain?"

Bai Xiaoyi stared at Yi Lin in mid-air with a resentful and ghostly look.

It seemed that Yi Lin was extremely dissatisfied with Yi Lin for not letting her out for air for so long.

"Xiaobai, go."

Yi Lin ignored Bai Xiaoyi's resentful expression.

If she had put on Nie Hongxiu to pose like this, Yi Lin might still feel a certain amount of pressure.


Just forget it.

In an instant, Yi Lin switched her vision to "Bai Xiaoyi".

It has already been mentioned that the vision of "spirit" is different from that of human beings.

In the definition of the tower, the spirit and the apostle are completely different life forms...if the spirit can be regarded as a kind of life form.

The ancients once said: Remember to look at the world from different angles.

The ancients said: If you still can't see the difference, then change your posture.

But when Yilin changed her angle and posture to observe, suddenly, the "world" became completely different.

The previous sentence does not use a rhetorical technique called "exaggeration".

In fact, at this moment, Yi Lin did find that his original guess about the worldview of this Caribbean world completely collapsed, leaving not even a scrap left.

There was no precaution at all, so sudden and unprepared.

In the corridor.

within the sight of the spirit.

Countless red "lines" are densely packed and criss-crossed, completely covering the corridor, leaving not much space left.

With a surprised expression, Yi Lin raised her head and found that those "lines" all came from the eyes of the nobles in the relief.

The "threads" shot out from those eyes completely covered this long corridor. No matter what posture Yi Lin used to pass through this corridor, she was bound to pass through those intertwined lines.

"Infrared??" Yi Lin paused for nearly ten seconds before slowly spitting out three words.

Bai Xiaoyi: "?"

As we all know, there is a certain range of wavelengths of light that the human eye can accept. Light with wavelengths beyond this range cannot be perceived by the human eye.

Even though the criss-crossing lines "in front of you" are not infrared, they are not far off.

Another ten seconds passed.

Yi Lin was speechless: "There seems to be something wrong with this technology tree? Is this a technology that can be mastered in this era?"

When the sea was dotted with sailboats powered by wind, the fact that such high-tech anti-submarine methods appeared in the Navy Governor's Palace undoubtedly opened Yi Lin's eyes.

No wonder Yi Lin feels that her worldview has completely collapsed.

The world was not at all what he had imagined at the beginning.

"In other words, Gu Tianqing has roughly guessed what's weird here?"

"Can't this be simply described as 'weird'? It's totally a ghost!"

It only took Yi Lin less than thirty seconds to re-establish a new world view and accept the monstrous setting in front of her.

Thanks to being unable to sleep in the middle of the night, I took a walk around the Governor's Mansion. Otherwise, if the navy camp suddenly used a rocket launcher to shoot their own ships, it would be really shocking without being mentally prepared. Caught off guard.

As a senior and reborn professional apostle, no matter how shocking the situation is, I will not be shocked.

Unless you really can't help it.

Something is wrong with the world.

After Yi Lin accepted this setting, she felt instantly comfortable and no longer bothered with the technology tree that was twisted into a spiral.

"How to get there?"

[Following like a shadow] only reduces the sense of presence, but under the infrared induction, it is also invisible and cannot slip by silently.

After Yi Lin discovered that there was an infrared sensor device in this corridor, she conducted an even more thorough sensory inspection to see if there were any hidden cameras.

From now on, Yi Lin will no longer treat this world as a world with backward technology, but as a world of ghosts and beasts.

"There's no camera..."

"In other words, is the infrared sensor enough to deal with all infiltrators? Haha, that's right."

Yi Lin saw that there was no gap in the intertwined infrared network, and she did not intend to force her way through. She continued to use Bai Xiaoyi's vision to let Bai Xiaoyi float in the corridor, all the way to the end.

——In front of the black door.

And through Bai Xiaoyi's vision, Yi Lin finally saw the true face of the door.

"Another surprise...hehe."

This is indeed a door.

It's just an elevator door with a digital code lock, nothing else special.

The author has never put any thought into running anything... I am too busy with work and have no time... It is the end of the month. Please take pity on Xiaobai who is getting bald and haggard. Please vote!

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