Infinity Throne

Chapter 209 It’s not even scientific!

Gu Tianqing still looked at Yi Lin with his poker face showing no hint of happiness.

Yi Lin responded with a shallow smile.

I don't know if it was because Yi Lin's charm value was now exaggeratedly high, but this smile actually made the surrounding navy soldiers lose their focus for two seconds at the same time.

Victoria Avenue is only one street away from the Government House.

It stands to reason that the culprit of the bombing of the Governor's Mansion can be pinned on the skull gentleman's hat.

There is time and opportunity to commit crimes... after all, the person is right next door.

As for the motive?

Don't be ridiculous, do you need any motive if the pirates blew up the Governor's Palace?

So, when the skeleton gentleman appeared on Victoria Avenue with his dog, when everyone came back to their senses from the face of the beautiful Ms. Elizabeth, they all unanimously tied the explosion to the damn pirate skeleton gentleman.


From the Governor's Mansion, a woman who wore a strict uniform into a deep V seductively walked out of the Governor's Mansion, chewing on a long and delicate cigarette rod.

Although she was just a woman, when Tiramisu spoke with a gloomy face, the powerful aura she exuded inadvertently made all the navy present unanimously and took the initiative to separate a passage for Tiramisu.


No hesitation.

When Admiral Tiramisu, the highest-ranking person under the governor in the entire naval organization, spoke, the navy did not dare to neglect, took steps forward, and soon separated into small groups, like a converging group of people. The traffic flowed towards Victoria Avenue in an orderly manner.

From here, it can be seen that the Royal Navy is well-trained and can completely throw away the chaotic pirates by half the Caribbean Sea.

Yi Lin and Gu Tianqing stopped flirting and silently followed the crowd to Victoria Avenue, which is located next to the Governor's Palace.

It was late at night.

On the blue-black stone road, the tracks of wheel marks were clearly distinguishable, and they were vaguely slippery with mist, and there was also a faint smell of decaying vegetation between the stones.

There were no pedestrians on the road. After all, ordinary citizens would not choose to wander on such a quiet road at night.

More often, you may choose a deep and quiet corner to pursue the happiness that cannot be told to outsiders.

Both sides of the street.

Many civilians who were sleepless late at night stuck their heads out of the windows and watched everything happening on Victoria Avenue.


The chaotic rhythmic footsteps of the navy soldiers broke the silence.




Everyone looked at the end of Victoria Avenue in unison.

At the end of the road, there was a figure shrouded in darkness, with an elegant and calm posture, and a bit of a sissy... But it didn't matter. He was staring at all the navy across an empty Victoria Avenue.

"It's him! I recognize his reward order! It's the Skeleton Gentleman!"

in the crowd.

I don’t know which navy soldier was very cooperative. His voice was broken with fear, and there was a hint of firmness in his voice. His voice was so emotional that Yilin couldn’t help but silently give a thumbs up and secretly like it. .

After hearing these words, all the navy soldiers subconsciously tightened their guns in their hands, seeking that little sense of security.

Ever since that day, when Lieutenant General Pope returned from the sea in a state of despair, with a pale face and blood at the corners of his mouth, various versions of the legend about that man have been circulating in the Navy.

But no matter what version it is, Lieutenant General Pope's defeat has become the talk of the entire naval camp, and Lieutenant General Pope Benbo has also become a pitiful existence that everyone can whip.

This does not mean that the navy cannot be defeated, but a defeat as bizarre and outrageous as that of Lieutenant General Pope can definitely be included in the textbooks and become a classic case like the Battle of Shipwreck Bay.

Lieutenant General Pope is also likely to lose his hope of promotion because of this scandalous incident.

Unless, no one can be promoted to the Navy.

In short, the moment the legendary and strange pirate actually appeared in front of him, it actually triggered a series of panic in the navy.

This made Yi Lin, who was hiding aside, a little confused. Is this the result of the rumors not stopping? Even he himself didn't quite understand that the name "Skeleton Gentleman" was so intimidating.

Gu Tianqing was also among the crowd.

There was a rare hint of confusion on his usual poker face.

at this time.

Tiramisu blew out a strange-shaped smoke ring. I wonder if the flexibility of the tongue is different from ordinary people.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Tiramisu finished smoking the cigarette, then smiled coldly, and stepped out of the navy with shaking waves: "How could a damn pirate scare you like this? You are all useless trash."

After finishing speaking, the long and narrow cigarette rod in Tiramisu's hand trembled violently, and exquisite and complex lines appeared on it without warning. Those lines seemed to turn on some switch. When the lines appeared, the entire cigarette rod was lit up by the lines. Shrouded in light blue light, it is full of epoch-making technology.

Yi Lin: "?"

Gu Tianqing: "?"

Seeing this, the two of them raised a question mark at the same time, very quickly.

This style of painting seems wrong again!


The next second, in the light of blue lines, Admiral Tiramisu's exquisite cigarette rod, like a decomposed building block, made a crisp sound of gears and instruments grinding together, and then in Yi Lin With Gu Tianqing's surprised eyes, the delicate parts that had been disassembled piece by piece were reassembled in Tiramisu's hands and transformed into a golden... sniper rifle!

It turned out to be a sniper rifle!

And it’s the kind with an eight-fold magnifying glass!

This sudden change caused Yi Lin's expression to change slightly, but she quickly reacted.

After all, the Governor's Mansion even has infrared sensors and elevators, and now it makes sense that a cigarette rod that turns into a sniper rifle appears in Tiramisu's hand.

It makes sense... it makes sense!

It’s completely inconsistent with the technology tree level of this world, okay?

Yi Lin thought of the backward wind-powered sailboat. The technology tree was obviously a little crooked, right?

This smooth and seamless weapon deformation technology has not yet been fully developed even in the real world.

This unscientific!

"It appears, it appears!"

In the navy.

Everyone was in high spirits, and the depression caused by the appearance of the skeleton gentleman was wiped away.

"It's Master Tiramisu's magic spear!"

"Magic Spear—Rose Black Tea!"

"Bloom! Rose!"

"Oh, you are indeed my eternally beautiful dream goddess, Tiramisu-sama!"


Amidst the waves of flattery, Tiramisu calmly and skillfully took out a long and narrow golden bullet from his clothes. With a click, the bullet was loaded. In just a few seconds, Tiramisu completed the entire set of actions in one go. The sniper rifle was aimed at the ghostly figure in the distance.


Tiramisu: "?"

Gu Tianqing: "..."


Emperor Wang Tian:~~

In an atmosphere that was ready to explode, a voice full of magnetic charm suddenly broke the solemn atmosphere.


Is it the fiancée of the Governor-General, Elizabeth Rin, who has tormented the entire navy up and down for a whole month?

Yi Lin had a solemn expression on her face. At some point, she held up a delicate telescope and stared in the direction of the "Skeleton Gentleman".


Yi Lin suddenly recounted a legend in an erratic tone.

"That damn pirate skeleton gentleman has a dog from the pits of hell."

"That dog is the skeleton gentleman's eyes, able to see through everything on the sea."

"As long as you look at that terrible dog for more than three seconds, your soul will be taken away by those eyes of hell and you will lose your mind..."

"He will become the plaything of the skeleton gentleman... He will become a laughing stock for the rest of his life, and he will be unable to hold his head up for the rest of his life. Oh, how terrible!"


Yi Lin added: "I just remind the respected General Tiramisu to be careful about the dog next to the skeleton gentleman."


On Victoria Avenue.

The temperature suddenly warmed up.

Because too many people gasped at the same time.

Terrible as a dog!

Everyone thought of poor Lieutenant General Pope.

For the rest of his life, he will be the butt of laughter, the kind who will never be able to hold his head high for the rest of his life.

This statement is true!

Many people were curious and frightened. They took out their folding telescopes and looked towards the end of the street.


Admiral Tiramisu snorted coldly, as if he was dissatisfied and disbelieving, but he couldn't help but hold his breath and search for the skeleton gentleman's feet through the magnifying glass of the sniper rifle.


In the field of view of everyone's telescope.

A dirty dog ​​stretched out its paws and patted the skeleton gentleman's feet.

Immediately afterwards, the dog stood up on its hind legs, hugged its front legs in front of its chest, and twisted the corners of its mouth, revealing a strange smile as if its face was paralyzed.

I don’t know if it’s just imagination, or if the dog’s eyes are really so weird. In the eyes of the navy, the dog’s originally ordinary eyes seemed to glow green in the dark, which was very scary.


Just one glance, and everyone was so frightened that they put down their telescopes and became excited.

Except... Tiramisu Admiral!

That strange woman who is so avant-garde that she wears her uniform into a deep V!

"Damn pirates!"

Tiramisu only glanced at it and immediately looked away from Gouzi to avoid ending up with the same tragic end as Lieutenant General Pope.

Tiramisu's hands holding the gun didn't even waver at all, they were as steady as ever.

She really didn't believe it, but just in case, she tried hard not to notice the strange dog at the feet of the skeleton gentleman.

One second later.

Tiramisu pulled the trigger sharply.


The clear sound of gunfire rang through the night sky, tearing through the fog, and the golden bullet was aimed directly at the middle of the skeleton gentleman's legs.

Tiramisu smiled coldly.

Is Tiramisu, which really lets me shoot people and shoot eggs, deserve its reputation?

Do you really think I haven’t seen a scene where chickens and eggs are beaten?

So what if it comes from a dog from hell?

Isn't it okay if you don't look at those eyes?

While sneering, Tiramisu took out another bullet from the gully in his clothes.

Following her usual routine, she would first shoot between the legs to cut off the other party's escape route, and then shoot off both legs. When the time came, whether to kill or interrogate, she would do everything according to her heart, with plenty of room for choice.

It has already been written in the textbooks that damn pirates should be treated in the most cruel way.



The second bullet was loaded again.


This is the sound of the first bullet casing hitting the ground.

The second shot...huh? ? ?


Tiramisu's eyes widened.

I thought that under the magnification of the high-power lens, the skeletal gentleman who was supposed to be squatting on the ground with his crotch tightly covered and groaning, actually seemed to be intact, waving his hand gracefully in this direction, and then slowly blended into the night with the dog beside him. middle.

"This unscientific!"

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