Infinity Throne

Chapter 213 Two-line operation, the dog sets sail (2-in-1 chapter)

late at night.

Without anyone noticing, Yi Lin sneaked into her old father's room and took the pure gold treasure house key off Swann's neck. Old Swann was still sitting there dreaming, whistling loudly. sleep.

"It's really secretive."

When Yi Lin entered the so-called "very secret treasure house", she couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Very secretive indeed.

If Old Swann hadn't described it so clearly, Yi Lin might not have been able to find this place for a while.

In addition to a box of dazzling gold coins, the Swan family's treasure house also contains many antique paintings, which seem to be valuable.

Yi Lin took out some cans from the storage space and exchanged them for gold coins. She discovered that the next room was actually the Swan family's wine cellar.

[Get “Collection Grade Wine”*1]

[Get “Collection Grade Wine”*1]

The wine cabinets full of wine have been sealed in small wooden barrels and not yet sealed in glass bottles.

Yi Lin stared at the wine and thought about it.

A wonderful idea suddenly came to my mind.

Apocalypse's mount, Dire, had its satiety level dropped to about 30% during the journey on the sea after the sinking of the Queen.

At first, Yi Lin was wondering about the satiety level of a motorcycle.

Yi Lin once inquired that, apart from the Governor's Mansion with a strange technology tree, this world was still in the era of coal burning and there were no large-scale oil fields.

——In other words, there is no way to replenish fuel for the Night Dire.

But Yi Lin is very doubtful, is the Night Dire really powered by fuel?

It is no ordinary mount after all.


Yi Lin silently summoned the motorcycle.

The moment the summoning skill was activated, a crack appeared out of thin air in the void behind Yi Lin. Countless squares with flowing light appeared from the crack and reassembled into the posture of a motorcycle.

Night Dire is now out of the category of "mount props". With the blessing of the Apocalypse Knight module, it has completely turned into an existence similar to a "summoned object".


Yi Lin pondered for a moment, and after fully considering the consequences, he opened the fuel cap and directly added [Collection Grade Wine].


I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

Yi Lin always felt as if Nightmare had a satisfying burp after filling up the wine.

Re-opening Night Dire's panel, she saw the [Saturation Level] column. As expected, it had returned to 100%. Only then did Yi Lin put Night Dire away with satisfaction.

Hmm, maybe some rum?

If you save a little more, maybe you can feed sea water?

Could you try grinding the brown bread into powder next time?

Or grilled chicken legs cut into shreds?

Yi Lin habitually thought of various possibilities.

Thought for a long time.

Yi Lin concluded: "The more unscientific the existence, the more unscientific it is to treat it, such as using wine as fuel."

After feeding the night dire, Yi Lin completed another preparation.


In the night, Yi Lin's eyes were sparkling, showing an interesting light.

Ever since the skeleton gentleman blew a hole in the Governor's Palace and left unharmed under the fire of Tiramisu's magic gun in full view of the public, the entire city of London had been in a tense atmosphere for several days.

Yi Lin, Ruth, and Wang Tiandi, two people and one dog, took a luxurious carriage away from London. Ruth's face was full of surprise.

"Rin, how do you know the navy won't blockade London?"

"You know what you think, do you think the navy doesn't want to lose face?"

After hearing this, Ruth slowly typed a question mark: "?"

Yi Lin chuckled: "No matter how secretive the Skeleton Gentleman is, even if the Navy headquarters is blown to the ground, the Navy will not be able to seal the city, and the city-wide search is just a show."

"The Skeleton Gentleman has not appeared again in the past few days, which is exactly what they wanted. They casually made public relations afterwards and announced to the public that the Skeleton Gentleman had fled back to the sea in despair under the strong sniper attack of the navy. Wouldn't this ending be a happy one for everyone? What a big deal. We can just increase the bounty later."

"Besides..." Yi Lin smiled and touched Wang Tiandi's dog's head: "For a damn pirate, the navy doesn't have the courage to seal off the city."

In the carriage.

Wang Tiandi raised his eyelids dissatisfied.

But I don't know if it was Yi Lin's way of stroking the dog's head, three circles on the left and three on the right, which made the dog feel very comfortable. Although it felt humiliating, the dog still narrowed his eyes in comfort and retracted the dog's paw.

Ruth suddenly understood.

Da da da.

The luxurious carriage stopped by the roadside.

With a smile, Yi Lin took out a gold coin and asked the coachman to wait there, then took Ruth towards the seaside.

The carriage driver happily put away the gold coins, and secretly sighed in his heart, there is something wrong with a rich lady who knows how to play, and actually chooses such a deserted coast for an outing.

But in this world, who would have trouble with money?

The carriage driver excitedly put the gold coin in his mouth and bit it hard. A shallow tooth mark appeared on the gold coin.

the other side.

In the woods.

"I sent you here."

Yi Lin used telekinesis to explore the front clearly. After finding no other dangers, she turned back and said to Ruth.

Ruth was shocked.

Although the plan had been made clear with Yi Lin, and Ruth had made up her mind, when the matter came to a head, Ruth felt a little uneasy when she didn't see it.

Yi Lin patted Ruth on the shoulder and comforted: "Don't worry, it is much safer to sail with one woman than with two women."

Ruth: "..."

Is this what I'm particularly worried about?

Ruth began to complain.

"Do you know how difficult it is for a woman to go to sea?"

"Do you understand how difficult it is for a woman to face ruthless storms, greedy pirates, and a wolf-like navy? Oh damn, do you really understand..."

"How can I spend the long nights of loneliness and emptiness?"

Yi Lin ignored Ruth and squatted down to start negotiating with Gouzi.

Emperor Wang Tian raised his dog's head silently.

"As promised, a box of high-quality ham and a box of pickled meat bones, privately ordered and of high quality."

Emperor Wang Tian suddenly lowered his head, as if hesitating.

"What the hell?" Yi Lin looked at Gouzi's expression and roughly guessed what Gouzi was thinking: "You couldn't have changed your mind temporarily, right?"

The dog grinned, revealing its canine teeth.

Yi Lin was silent for a moment, waved a finger in front of Gouzi, and said in a low voice: "Should you live in the zoo now? I will send you an address later. As long as you can find it, food and accommodation will be included for a month. Treated like a rich man's pet, eating top-quality meat, drinking ice-cold milk, and lying in a silky doghouse. Well, it shouldn't be difficult for you to run out, right?"

The dog's eyes lit up with green light. After a few seconds of silence, he stretched out a paw.

As we all know, one of the dog's paws only has four fingers. As if there were not enough, the dog stretched out another paw, and two of the fingers were strangely broken off.

Only then did Yi Lin realize that Emperor Wang Tian's claws could really be made into such a gesture.

So the middle finger emoticon that day was not a bluff?

The corner of Yi Lin's mouth twitched slightly: "Why the hell are you sitting on the ground and raising the price?"

The dog didn't bark, but raised another paw.

"make a deal!"

Yi Lin agreed instantly.

On this remote coast.


In the grass.

Several figures were carefully hidden.

"Isn't the captain here yet?"

Sachs looked nervous and stared at the silhouette of the ship in the distance.

It was a mid-level sailing ship with a skull and crossbones flag. In the pirate circle, there were no secrets. The docking locations of almost all pirate ships could be found in the tavern.

Therefore, in the pirate circle, it is common for pirate ships to be stolen.


Old Gibbs held a half-empty bottle of rum in his hand.

A trace of nostalgia appeared on the old face, and he sighed, with an endless aftertaste.

This guy looks so much like Captain Jack Sparrow!

Those thick lips are obviously inherited from Elizabeth!

Old Gibbs couldn't help but miss the prosperous years of adventure on the sea, and the next second he couldn't help but sympathize with the upcoming tragic fate of the ship in front of him.

"Normal, normal..."

Old Gibbs murmured under his breath.

Just like Captain Jack Sparrow back then, he was either looking for the Black Pearl, or he was on the way to find the Black Pearl.


Surrounding old Gibbs and Saxophone were squatting Charlie and several other pirates who had stayed on the Queen.

They were equally lucky to survive that terrible hurricane.


Click, click, click.

The sound of leather shoes breaking dead branches came from behind Sachs and the others.

Several people who were waiting for the captain to appear suddenly turned around when they heard the sound of footsteps.

I saw a spotless man dressed in a bright tuxedo, with a dog at his feet, walking toward a few people like an emperor walking his dog.

"Wei, great captain!" Charlie reacted instantly and stammered an unskilled flattery.

Others had different expressions.

Sachs frowned, feeling a little weird.

Old Gibbs glanced at the "Skeleton Gentleman" and looked up and down, as if comparing it to the legend, trying to determine whether the man in front of him was as fearsome as the rumors.

Several other pirates also had a flash of doubt in their minds. After all, they had stayed on that ship for a month and were very familiar with the Skeleton Gentleman's style. They just felt that after not seeing each other for a few days, the aura of Captain Skeleton Gentleman seemed to have weakened a bit. I don't know if it's an illusion.

But the others didn't think much. They took out their simple flintlock guns and knives, gearing up to do the things pirates are familiar with.

And right now.

Wang Tiandi took a step slowly, his hair standing on end without any wind, looking majestic like a dog.

Under everyone's surprised gazes, Wang Tiandi swam to the side of the ship with a huff, and then nimbly climbed onto the deck along the anchor chain.





After Emperor Wang Tian got on the boat, there were faint sounds of smashing, breaking bones, vomiting blood, and screams in the distance on the boat.

five minutes later.

All sounds fell silent.

Thousands of words finally converged into broken sounds of grievance: "Long live the Skeleton Gentleman Captain! The Skeleton Gentleman Captain is awesome——"

"Dear dog, you are awesome!"

Sachs, Old Gibbs and others looked at each other.

at the same time.

Yi Lin has returned to London elegantly in a luxurious carriage.

Ruth was looked after by Wang Tiandi, so Yi Lin was not too worried.

If we were to encounter a shipwreck that the dog could not would be fate.

Although Wang Tiandi is a dog, he still has the main mission after all. There is no relationship between who helps whom, it is all because of the mission and interests.

I remember there was a popular bragging line a few years later: "As long as the death points and equipment are enough, I can even touch the horse's butt of the Knight of the Apocalypse, even if Jesus comes, I can't stop him, I said so!"

Shortly after Yi Lin returned to Swan Castle.

To his surprise, the death mark on his chest vibrated like a small motor.

The next day.

According to pirate practice, the heads killed by Gouzi were not counted on Elizabeth Lin's head.

Perhaps it's because of Gouzi's special dual identity as both an apostle and a crew member.

On the captain's panel, Yi Lin regained possession of a small boat and sailed out of the vast Caribbean Sea.

Yi Lin's new ship has a very auspicious name.

——"Never Sink".

Of course, it is not up to the ship to decide whether it sinks or not, it is purely for peace of mind.

Just like Nolando's Lucky Ship, it encountered a storm and sank in the middle of the ocean not long after it carried a woman. It was not lucky at all, so there was no need to discuss it.

Although Yi Lin did not go to sea with the new ship, some subtle changes in the captain's panel, such as damage, number of crew members, loyalty, supplies and other data, can be inferred about Ruth's experience on the ship.

Who said that a captain must follow the ship out to sea to be called a captain?

Yi Lin smiled and stepped out of the carriage.

Five days have passed since the explosion at the Government House.

In the past five days, Yi Lin did not deliberately come to the Navy Headquarters to inquire about information, so as not to give Gu Tianqing any clues.

Gu Tianqing's poker face always gave Yi Lin a very dangerous feeling.

But because Yi Lin had no contact with this person in another timeline, her understanding of Gu Tianqing was limited.

After all, he is not like an enemy with deep hatred like Henry Zhang.

Stepping into the Navy Headquarters, no one stopped me along the way.

Even the step of reporting inside was omitted, as if all the navy had received the news in advance that the governor's fiancée was coming to inspect the post today.

On the way, Yi Lin also met an acquaintance.

Polite and lucky Nolando.

and Lieutenant General Pope, a regular on the shame board who gritted his teeth.

The two of them looked at Yi Lin with a somewhat strange expression.

This made Yi Lin even more curious about what Gu Tianqing was doing, and she didn't know what methods the guy used.

The small motor vibration last night was all due to the three messages sent by Gu Tianqing.

And they are three accurate messages.

They are all senior apostles, and Gu Tianqing seems to have a deep understanding of the unwritten rule of "saying important things three times."

——"If you want to work on the main story, come to the conference room to get together."

The conference room door is ajar.

Before entering the door, Yi Lin habitually used telekinesis to sense and explore around.

No weird traps were found.

If you insist on being weird, it's the person in the conference room right now.

Yi Lin took one look and couldn't help but smile. The scene in front of her clearly meant that something big was going to happen.

There were five people in the room, which could be said to be a gathering of senior navy officials.

When Yi Lin stepped into the conference room, she had already mastered her acting skills: "Hey, how are you guys? Huh? Why are you, a man who doesn't know anything about Robert, here?"

Governor: "..."

Gu Tianqing: "..."


The deep V opened Tiramisu's small mouth into a shape that could accommodate a lot of content, and the cigarette rod in his mouth fell with a bang on the round table.

The governor, who was covered in bandages, said in an irrefutable tone, seemingly without emotion: "Elizabeth Lin Swann, there is an action now, and I hope you can participate..."

ten minutes later.

Yi Lin agreed with a smile: "Okay, I have no experience in sailing. I hope you won't dislike me. And there is an ancient legend circulating in the sea that bringing a woman on board will bring bad luck. I don't know if it is true or not?"

Sitting opposite tiramisu, the handsome man with long blond hair elegantly replied: "Charming lady, you can rest assured that the ship we go to sea on is not comparable to the little guy from Nolando, no matter how violent it is." No matter the storm, we will not be shaken at all, we are truly invincible and the overlord of the sea."

Tiramisu started smoking again and slowly blew out a strange-shaped smoke ring: "Macchiato is right. We don't need to worry about storms and shipwrecks at all. Don't forget, I am also a woman."

From the conversation that lasted ten minutes, Yi Lin also successfully read the identities of the other two generals.

Macchiato has long blond hair, a handsome face, and an elegant yet coquettish demeanor. She is highly suspected to be a veteran of Huazong.

Cappuccino, short blond hair, taciturn, barely expressed any personal opinions during the conversation, and has an elusive personality.

Yilin secretly guessed whether the two generals, Macchiato and Cappuccino, had the same weird high-tech weapons as Tiramisu?

It seems that the last [Bullet Deflection] Riddler Buff Card must be used on the blade and cannot be wasted easily.

Otherwise, it was just Tiramisu's sniper attack, and Yi Lin might not be able to completely ignore it without being prepared.

After a brief discussion, Elizabeth Lin's fiancé, the governor, who was full of underworld style, left alone without even giving Elizabeth Lin a single glance.

Yi Lin always felt that something was wrong.

Although it was a deliberate and wild test at the time, the marriage relationship between this mysterious governor and Elizabeth Lin was full of weirdness.

Moreover, Yi Lin also cares about something very much.

There was something that made Yi Lin think about it and draw a conclusion, but it was hard to believe.

The three generals also left the conference room one after another.

Yi Lin looked at the calm-looking Gu Tianqing. To be on the safe side, in order to avoid any monitoring equipment in the conference room, Yi Lin kept her distance from Gu Tianqing with a smile on the surface and said goodbye gracefully. But behind her back, she quickly used the apostolic method to cover up Chen Cang. connection.

Yi Lin: You can do it. You can actually convince them to take me on board? It seems like I owe you a favor? (smiling)

Gu Tianqing: I personally like to deal with people who are self-aware.

Yi Lin: Are they going to sea to find the Demon King?

Gu Tianqing: Now that you have reached a conclusion, be more confident and remove the question mark, haha. (Smile)

Yi Lin: Why are you in such a hurry?

Gu Tianqing: Haha, it’s all the master’s task, who knows.

Yi Lin:?

Gu Tianqing: That’s what I’m talking about.

Yi Lin: Haha, without the compass you mentioned, how could the Navy find the Demon King?

Gu Tianqing: Maybe they have a backup plan.

Yi Lin: Like silently.

Gu Tianqing: As long as you get on the ship, you will be able to join the "Navy" camp in a certain capacity. At least in this world, we are not considered enemies.

Yi Lin: Of course!

Gu Tianqing: ..., you said it so simply that it’s hard for me to believe it!

Yi Lin: Wherever, each other.

Gu Tianqing:…….

After hastily ending the argument with Gu Tianqing, Yi Lin closed the communication panel and lowered her head in thought.

As expected, this guy is not that easy to fool. Yi Lin wanted to tease Gu Tianqing's abilities, but the guy easily changed the subject and ignored him.

But no matter what, Gu Tianqing added fuel to the flames in the navy and indeed saved Yi Lin a lot of effort.

Yi Lin originally planned to find a way to sneak into the navy's top brass to further get in touch with the main mission of the navy camp.

But now, there is no need for that.

Whether it is the transaction with Calypso or the main mission, it seems that there is an invisible hand pushing everything to a certain existence.

——"Devil King".

Yi Lin was curious about what kind of monster it was that could make countless people so afraid.

In this trial, the way to find the devil is by no means limited to the "compass".

Yi Lin speculated that Gu Tianqing must have found another way to open it because she still chose this time to set sail to find the Demon King without knowing that he had acquired the compass.

As for the pirate side's second main mission, Yi Lin gets a headache every time she thinks about it.

Now that Yi Lin has mixed into the navy camp with his original identity, he is not 100% sure that he will be able to change his vest and take over the tasks here as well.

However, on Ruth's side, Yi Lin also left a follow-up record and was not too entangled.

If you really can't complete the second main mission, it's nothing more than being burdened with an unknown curse if you fail the mission.

The curse of this world is like a mosquito bite. The more bites you have, the more it hurts.

After going through the clues about the mission she had so far, Yi Lin began to seriously think about Gu Tianqing's plan.

In the carriage, Yi Lin remained silent the whole way, lowering her head and thinking for nearly half an hour.

"Why do people always feel poisonous when desserts are brought to their mouths? Oh, this damn tenderness."

Yi Lin smiled and whispered in the narrow and luxurious carriage cabin in a voice that only she could hear, speaking in an inexplicable translation accent.

Three days later.

Port Royal.

Ten warships, which seemed to have traveled through time and space and transcended eras, stayed here.

These ten warships came from nowhere. When the sky lit up, the citizens of London heard the loud sound of breaking through the air, resounding through London's hazy sky.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see at a glance that the draft of these ten warships is extremely deep. The warships are surrounded by iron armor, and the armor has been treated with anti-rust treatment. Under the light of the rising sun, the coating on the warships reflects seven colors. The colorful light is amazing.

In this era when sails were still the main power source, to ordinary citizens, the appearance of ten warships was no different than a blood-stained auntie towel left in the men's room, which was half astonishing and half weird. Countless citizens and reporters came to pay attention and watch, and it was difficult to evacuate for a long time.

Yi Lin was in the crowd, frowning.

Last night, when a strange whistling sound came from the sea, Yi Lin already felt strange.

But when Yi Lin was about to go out to investigate, she discovered that the entire Swan Castle was secretly surrounded by people, as if they were afraid that Elizabeth Lin would disappear again before setting sail, which would affect the entire plan.

In order to avoid alerting the enemy, Yi Lin, who was about to go out to investigate, silently returned to the castle.

When I saw them today, I didn't expect that these ten warships were the source of the distant whistle sound last night.

"Is this the strength of the Navy?"

Yi Lin lowered his head and thought: "Looking at it this way, except that the navy has fewer people and a more disciplined atmosphere than the pirates, the combat capabilities of the two camps are completely incomparable, right?"

He began to regret a little, whether he had chosen the wrong camp in the first place.

Or is there any other unknown trick in this?

In his opinion, this camp model with an unbalanced number of apostles and completely different technological levels of the two camps is simply a joke.

With all kinds of doubts, Yi Lin was escorted by the navy and boarded the most domineering warship in the middle of the ten warships.

The name of the warship is somewhat interesting.

——"Lucky No. 2".

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