Infinity Throne

Chapter 216 Dog cannon! (Enjoy the premium channel for more updates)

Two pirate ships are about to come into contact.

Ruth stood on the deck, commanding everything skillfully, but no one knew that the palms of her silk-gloved hands were already sweating from nervousness.

Simply put, it is wet.

Although the crew members on this ship are all newbies to Ruth, there is no such thing as a break-in in the world of pirates.

On this ship, in addition to Charlie, she can be the captain, sailor, gunner, or even breeder, because everyone is a qualified and skilled pirate.

"Right rudder, be ready for emergency evasion! We are ready to escape, kids!"

"The port cannon is ready to be loaded! Use your speed to find women! If there are no shells at your feet, load them with chain rounds! If you can't find them, put nails in them!"

From the telescope, Sachs saw the flag getting closer and closer to the "Unsinkable", and began to panic: "Captain, it's bad! Their ship is faster than us! If we keep going like this, we will be overtaken!"

That's too late!

Ruth gritted her teeth. During the busy preparations, both sides had entered their respective artillery ranges.

As for surrender negotiations?

It was not that Ruth had never thought about this possibility, but it only took a second for Ruth to abandon this stupid idea.

Not to mention the four sea kings, they are all descendants or close associates of the nine pirate kings. They have received the inheritance of the pirate kings, have their own territories and subordinates, and are used to being domineering, even the navy has a headache.

Besides, Ruth is setting sail with Yi Lin's mission at the moment. Even if the ship has bad luck due to the curse, Ruth will never allow the ship's journey to end before finding the legendary trident. Stop here.

"My captain is a skeleton gentleman——"

Ruth smiled, raised her hand, and said loudly, in a voice that could be heard by all the pirates on the deck: "Fire--"

this moment.

Ruth feels less like a pirate and more like a true warrior of the sea!

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, artillery fire was pouring into the sky, sawdust and flesh and blood were flying.

On the boat opposite, there were people wearing all kinds of fancy clothes and holding swords of different shapes in their hands. They were already gearing up and looking ferocious.

The Big Sword pirate ship, with astonishing momentum, made a gorgeous turn not far from the Unsinkable. The two ships stood side by side on the waves, as if they were fighting to the death.

After two rounds of shelling, Ruth suddenly gave up and regretted it.

She is obviously a woman, why do she have to act so cool!

Wouldn't it be nice to run away with peace of mind!

On the Unsinkable, the pirates were blown away by ammunition of various calibers and fled. Just two hasty rounds of shelling made it obvious that the Unsinkable was at a disadvantage in terms of firepower.

Various parts of the deck and the hull suffered varying degrees of damage under the shelling. Ruth looked sullen. If the bombardment continued at the current pace, this newly snatched ship would "might" end up with the Queen. Same fate.

But at this moment, when the boundless artillery fire crackled.

Ruth suddenly remembered the roll of parchment that Yi Lin secretly gave him when he was leaving.

She clearly remembered the strange expression on the elegant and charming lady's face when she handed over the roll of parchment.

At that time, Yi Lin said mysteriously that this was a small bag of tips. When she encountered an irresistible enemy at sea, she could open the bag of tips, which might help them overcome the difficulties.

"Now is the time to open the bag of tips!"

Although Ruth didn't understand what the tip bag was, out of trust in Elizabeth Lin and the desperate mentality that she wouldn't get pregnant even if she tried, Ruth carefully took out the parchment roll from her personal area and slowly Open.

There is only one sentence above.

——"Tie the dog to the cannonball and shoot it."

There are also rows of small text below, supplementary explanation, which seems to be for the dog to read: "Be good and be obedient. Food and accommodation are included as agreed, plus one more month."

Ruth's eyes were wide and round.

"Ah this?"

Ruth felt uneasy, while avoiding the gunfire, she came to Gouzi.

Even in this harsh situation, the dog still bit the ham and frowned, seemingly very unhappy.

Opposite the Unsinkable.

A large group of ferocious-looking pirates, all with the unique mark of the big sword on their bodies, activated their taunting skills from a distance towards Ruth and others.

"Hahaha - is this the legendary skeleton gentleman? A terrifying pirate who can use 'black magic'? Bah! Lese!"

"Maybe he is using black magic on women! HiaHiaHia!"

"That's it, that's it?"

"Brothers, be careful, maybe, in a few minutes, that damn legendary skeleton gentleman will take off his hateful hat, pretend to surrender and give us a shot... Hahaha! Sorry, in this kind of situation I shouldn’t laugh when I’m damn serious, I couldn’t help it.”

There were even pirates on the deck, happily waggling their buttocks towards Sachs and the others and singing loudly.

This... is too much to bully!

Sachs was so angry that his lungs nearly exploded. He held a knife in his hand. He could clearly see the opposite side, ready for the handover between the two ships. It seemed that a group of sailors were about to start a battle on the deck in a pirate way.

"Come on! On the rope, I, Saxophone...have never been afraid of anyone!"

At this time.

Someone has a sharp eye.

I noticed that a pirate gentleman in a tuxedo, who looked a little embarrassed in his movements, hugged a dog, hurriedly walked towards the cabin, and disappeared on the deck in the blink of an eye.

Sachs: "?"

Gibbs: "?"



One minute later.

The two boats have reached a distance where they can mate at any time.

Sachs had a tragic look on his face, ah, he hadn't completed the mission left by his father yet and found the damn devil... He didn't want to die here.

Charlie and the other pirates had tragic expressions on their faces.

Charlie was wondering, this didn't seem to be the correct way to open a great captain?

In the past, every time a cannon was fired, didn't everyone on the other side fall into chaos?

You cheated! Cheating--

"Damn pirates!" Charlie said his last words bitterly.

Click, click, click.

On the Unsinkable, all the pirates were frantically reloading cannonballs in the cabin. Even when there were no cannonballs around them, they even loaded their underwear into it, trying to use the burning underwear to smoke out the other side until nothing was left.

Another wave of shells is about to be loaded.

Pirates: "?"

at the same time.


"Huh? Look, first mate, that slag ship seems to be loaded with a weird cannonball. The cannonball looks like... it seems... it seems like..."

The first mate on the big sword ship suddenly snatched the telescope away and cursed angrily: "Are you having a brain convulsion? Can't you speak clearly? Damn it, let me see for myself!"

With such a great reputation, the skeleton gentleman left many rumors among the pirates.

Wealth, mystery, elegance, weirdness, cruelty, random explosions, generosity, black magic, dog, gay... all kinds of words that are incompatible with pirates, in different versions of rumors, increasingly constitute the "skeleton gentleman" Plump image.

When the first mate on the big sword ship looked at the other ship with his bloodshot eyes wide open, he was horrified to find that the dog that played an important role in various versions of the "Skeleton Gentleman" legend had a depressed look on his face. , limbs drooped, hanging limply under the dark muzzle.

"Oh! Cake seller, am I dazzled? I saw a dog hanging under the barrel of the cannon! What do those damn pirates want to do? Have they given up and use the cannonball as a gallows to hang the dog?"

From the opposite side, there was a faint voice shouting loudly and with a bit of a sissy voice: "Gou Zi Cannon - fire!"

in the voice.

In the barrel of the gun that burst into dazzling flames, a dog, accompanied by the gunfire, drew an elegant parabola in the air and flew straight towards the deck of the Big Sword pirate ship.


In mid-air, the dog hugged its front legs and curled up the corners of its mouth, as if smiling.

sea ​​surface.

Lucky No. 2.

Nine warships followed closely at the stern for fear of falling behind.

On the deck, Yi Lin suddenly lowered his head.

Gouzi sent a message out of nowhere.

Emperor Wang Tian: Woof! ! ! (middle finger)

Middle finger?

Haha, can you put one up?

Yi Lin felt that with the structure of a dog's claws, it might not be able to really raise its middle claws.

Yi Lin took the opportunity to figure out the meaning of the word "Wang" in "Wang Tiandi" in [Level 10 Dog Language].

Awesome? It's so kind of you? Wonderful? That's it?

I don’t know if it’s because Gouzi’s language is too profound, but the tower didn’t provide a corresponding translation.

After finishing her brainstorming, Yi Lin received a series of screen prompts.

On the captain's panel, the number of crew members, ship damage, reputation, shells and other material data have changed to varying degrees.

From these changes, Yi Lin could roughly deduce that his new ship, which had not yet had time to land, seemed to be under fierce attack.

"Looking at Wang Tiandi's reaction, Ruth should have used her trump card, 'Gou Zi Cannon'. In this case, there is no need to worry. It's a pity that those chaos points cannot be counted on me."

Yi Lin was relieved after guessing that Ruth had used the ultimate move "Gouzi Cannon".

Gouzi's attributes are extremely terrifying. Without using other skills, Gouzi's attributes alone can crush a ship of ordinary crew members. Even if he encounters pirates who are more terrifying than the captain, Yi Lin believes that Wang The Emperor of Heaven can also handle it.

There is no absolute weak apostle who can reach the second level, even if it is just a dog.

Three days later.

Ten warships encountered four storms and two sea whirlpools.

Storms are a daily operation for the navy or pirates, and it is not an accident to encounter one from time to time. However, many pirates never see the strange changes in the currents such as whirlpools in their lives. After all, once they see it, it means the end of their lives.

And ten naval warships actually encountered such a disaster in just three days. The curse legend passed down by word of mouth is unbelievable.

Regrettably, in the second whirlpool shipwreck, one of the warships was drawn into the center of the whirlpool in a blink of an eye before it had time to turn on the boiler acceleration. The wreckage has not yet floated.

Many ordinary navy soldiers whispered privately, saying that women were on board and brought bad luck to the ten ships.

Yi Lin discovered an obvious change: the other nine ships, oh no, now the other eight ships, whether intentionally or not, they all distanced themselves from the "Lucky 2" during the journey. The originally neat and domineering warships The queue formed an ugly gap behind the butt of Lucky No. 2.

There was even a young long-nosed naval soldier with an imaginative mind. He made up a reason for "having a disease that prevents him from boarding the Lucky 2". He wanted to take refuge on another warship, but was directly arrested. With a dark face, the tiramisu ordered to be thrown into the sea to feed the sharks.

On the fourth night.

On this day, there are no pirate ships, no tsunamis, no sea monsters, and no natural disasters.

The sea is sparkling, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse in the sky, it seems like a good time for an outing. It made everyone feel lucky and unexpected.

At this moment, the lookout quickly came to report.

"Admiral Tiramisu! According to the established route, our ten ships...oh damn, nine ships are about to pass through the legendary Shipwreck Bay! Should we take a detour?"

After a few months of writing, I went from an initial order of 700 to a masterpiece. The author doesn’t know what to say...are you excited? It seemed that he was not as excited as he imagined. Then add more updates! White clothes are so unpretentious!

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