Infinity Throne

Chapter 223 People who are deprived of qualifications

Sea of ​​mist.

A change from the usual silence.

Completely ignited by all kinds of gunfire and screams.

Yi Lin has two goals.


"Demon King".

Yi Rin was not worried about how to seal Calypso. The problem now was... Yi Rin did not have exact information about the legendary demon king.

Across the fog, Lucky No. 2 accelerated sharply and flew towards the black shadow in the thick fog, like an arrow.

Seeing this scene, Yi Lin decided to ignore the other warships, and together with Gouzi, quietly followed behind the Lucky No. 2.


In the thick fog, Lucky No. 2 made a high-pitched whistle.

It's like the horn sounded by a warrior who is about to be heroic, before rushing to the final battlefield.

Looking at the back of Lucky No. 2, Yi Lin knew clearly that driven by some kind of inertia, this ship was likely to end up in bad luck, but Yi Lin had no other reason besides silent praise. to stop this ship.


Yi Lin accelerated with all his strength, and Nightmare roared excitedly under his crotch.


At the last moment, Yi Lin no longer concealed his methods. With a wave of his hand, Bai Xiaoyi appeared strangely behind him.

"Stop talking nonsense and go quickly!"

The moment Bai Xiaoyi appeared, the surroundings were filled with the sound of gunfire, fighting, and screams. As smart as she was, she knew that she should be on a very fierce battlefield at this moment.

"Yes, my master."

Bai Xiaoyi's face was sullen and without saying a word, her translucent body floated out from behind Yi Lin and was located at a high altitude, providing Yi Lin with the broadest view.

Switch perspectives!

After using [Magic Water], Yilin's spiritual energy value returned to full value. With the addition of "Plenty" BUFF, Yilin now also has sufficient spiritual energy value to consume. First use Bai Xiaoyi's vision to see Let’s see who the legendary BOSS is.


Eye plug!

After switching the field of view, the world in front of you is completely different.

Bai Xiaoyi's sight seemed to penetrate the thick fog and fall directly on the strange shadow of a ship deep in the fog.

The paint of the Demon King's ship is rich ink black, making it look like a black hole.

On the bow of the Demon King's ship, there is a strange head-shaped decoration, the style is completely different from the art of this world. In the thick fog, the bow of the ship seemed to come alive, with indifferent eyes staring at Lucky No. 2 through the thick fog.

"No one on board?"

Yi Lin quickly obtained all the information that could be read from the sight, and found that the so-called Demon King was just a ship, and there was no trace of any other humans on the ship.

After all, in the eyes of the spirit, units like "human beings" are like special units in the game, highlighted and outlined, very conspicuous.

"That is……?"


Yi Lin's pupils shrank slightly.

In the center of the Demon King's ship, somewhere in the depths, there seemed to be a strange thing floating faintly.

The existence hidden deep in the depths of the Demon King's ship seemed to have completely distorted the surrounding space. In Bai Xiaoyi's field of vision, it was refracted into colorful shapes, like black rays of light that had been radiated and then reunited, and like a ball of light. The flames burned into strange shapes. At a glance, it was impossible to tell the true identity of the flames.


Yi Lin wanted to see more clearly, but at this time, her eyebrows were already stinging, as if peeking into the depths again would bring indelible trauma to her spirit.

After all, although spiritual vision is useful, it cannot be equated to the existence of the "eye of true seeing". Thinking of this, Yi Lin did not force it. After roughly guessing the size and shape of the Demon King BOSS, in order not to continue to consume spiritual energy, Yi Lin once again commanded Bai Xiaoyi to look down at the battlefield in front of him from a condescending perspective.

"Lucky No. 2" VS "Devil Ship"!

at the same time.

No one noticed that a translucent "ghost" was looking down at everything with an interesting look.

Lucky No. 2 deck.

The three mainstays of the navy, Tiramisu, Macchiato, and Cappuccino, all had serious expressions on their faces.

But deep in his eyes, there was also a hint of hidden excitement.

Lucky No. 2 is getting closer and closer to the shadow.

Against the backdrop of the thick fog, the shadow that symbolizes the "Devil King" is like a tall mountain peak, faintly revealing a terrifying figure, and this may be just the tip of the iceberg of the Demon King.

Da da da.

The three admirals walked in unison to the bow of the ship at the same time.

The three of them looked at each other.

Tiramisu blowing smoke.

Macchiato stroked her bangs coquettishly, with a delicate suitcase at hand.

The cappuccino still had a sullen face. Behind him, there was also a box, but it was much larger than the macchiato.

In front of the captain's cabin.

Governor Kira Robert's eyes were faintly glowing with a strange red light.

On the deck, other navy soldiers were already waiting, their palms were sweaty.

"Do it!"

Tiramisu suddenly sneered and shook the cigarette rod in his hand, as if a button had been activated. In a burst of light blue light and texture, the delicate cigarette rod turned into a terrifying sniper rifle. .

And at the same time.

Macchiato caressed the delicate box in his hand and whispered softly, like a whisper between lovers.

"Wake up, my Miranda."

Click click click.

Cappuccino: "Charge, Ares!"

Click click click.

As soon as they finished speaking, the boxes of different models and sizes belonging to the two admirals split instantly.

On the box, there are lines of light blue texture, criss-crossing and sharp edges, full of a cross-era atmosphere.

Along the interlaced textures, the two boxes quickly disintegrated into parts in the thick fog amid the sounds of gears grinding.

Each part is connected by various mechanical connecting structures, and is smooth and smooth. There is no ambiguity or jamming during the deformation process. It is impossible to imagine that the weapons of the three of them belong to the technology of this era.

Almost at the same time.

The weapons of the three of them have been changed.

Except for the Tiramisu sniper rifle that he had already seen, it was the first time that the weapons of the other two generals were shown in front of Yi Lin. If he had not been mentally prepared, the sudden change of painting style would definitely be difficult to understand for a moment. accept.

But as long as you accept's okay.

Unlike Tiramisu's light firearm, the Arrogant Admiral Macchiato's box turned into a heavy portable cannon after being reassembled, and the barrel mouth was not the usual shape for firing a physical cannon. On the contrary, there are three long and narrow metal rods standing in front, the whole body is rectangular, and the body of the gun is covered with interlaced patterns with blue light.

Yi Lin's eyes were in mid-air.

Suddenly I felt a little messy.

"This shape...could it be the legendary electromagnetic gun? Is it real or fake?"

The other side is even more outrageous.

It’s no wonder that the cappuccino box is carried on the back. After the various parts were reassembled, they clicked onto cappuccino’s arms, feet, and back, forming a strange armor. The cappuccino looks like a futuristic warrior who has traveled across time and space, which is very cool.

Of course, this is just a description from the appearance, and the specific combat effectiveness is unknown.

Is this the real hidden weirdness in the Navy?

More than weird, this is simply outrageous!

What happened to this trial?

Been transported through time?

"Could this main quest three be...?"

Yi Lin wanted to make a casual comment and express her mood.

But suddenly.

When Yi Lin casually mentioned "Main Mission Three", her eyes froze.

He suddenly remembered the seemingly very benevolent punishment in the main mission three.

[Mission failed: completely deprived of apostle qualifications! 】

After a moment of silence.

Yi Lin suddenly felt his scalp numb, and a terrible thought flashed through his mind.

"I see!"

at this time.

Lucky No. 2 deck.

The three generals were ready to make a move.

Lucky 2 is moving at full speed.

No one knows whether this lucky ship name can bring them back.

No one noticed that in the captain's cabin at the stern, two figures, a man and a dog, slipped onto the ship silently.

Wherever he passed, the navy died silently, leaving only a hideous wound on his neck.

Yi Lin shook the bloody Jasmine.

At this time, his power attributes were no longer the same as when he first became an apostle.

Even if the blood jasmine has not yet possessed a spirit, under the wielding of different power attributes, the effects it exerts are vastly different.

With his current strength attributes, an ordinary person's neck would be broken with a twist, and he would die in an instant, let alone use a knife.

Going under the knife is a good habit and tradition...that must be maintained at all times.

After harvesting a negligible wave of chaos points, Yi Lin's expression did not change at all.

There was no one alive around.

More naval forces gathered around the three admirals.

Yi Lin directly drove the Night Dire onto the ship.

At this point, time is running out, and there is no way to say whether something will be discovered or not.

He is a pirate, adhering to the fine tradition of pirates, crimes should be committed openly.

The captain's cabin door was closed again, and that weird governor, for some reason, retreated into the cabin again.

The dog didn't bark, but raised his paw and smashed the door. The scary skeleton gentleman...and the dog broke in.

In the captain's cabin there were no lights.

But the light that came in after Yi Lin opened the door illuminated a corner of the cabin. A man wrapped in bandages, like a corpse, was standing upright against the wall, neither sleeping nor sitting. It was very strange. Weird.

When the skeleton gentleman and the dog entered, there was a lot of movement, and two slightly red eyes looked at Yi Lin and the dog in an instant.

Yi Lin shook Blood Jasmine and laughed softly: "So it's all your fault? Who are you?"

The Governor, Kira Robert, was silent.

But the strange thing is that apart from being silent, the Governor seemed to have no intention of resisting or calling for help.

Yi Lin looked at those red eyes for a moment, with a solemn expression: "Were you left behind in the last 'mission'?"

Hearing this, Kira Robert finally broke the silence and replied with an electronic interference sound: "Mission? Zizizi... Are you also a time traveler? Why are so many people... Zizizi... traveling to this place? In this damn world? No—damn it, I’m the…zizizi…protagonist…”

Yi Lin was startled.

28 seconds later.

Yi Lin looked at Kira Robert, whose head was broken into two pieces on the floor, and fell into deep thought.

There is no confusion value.

In other words... it is not the real body and does not belong to life.

The "robot" in front of him was very crude, not even comparable to the "Xiao Half Mechanical Body" that had caused a lot of trouble for the weak Yi Lin. It seemed like it was just a mechanical humanoid that could barely move and receive signals from its own body. Just a device.

Of course, what Yi Lin was slightly concerned about was not the governor's true identity.

What surprised him was the name the Governor addressed them.


This was the first time Yi Lin met someone who had been "deprived of his apostle status" in a trial.

Never encountered it in my previous life.

In this life, in the Ghost Mist Mountain, Wen Manni had just been deprived of her identity, and then she was instantly killed by Yi Lin, without even a box. Therefore, Yi Lin does not know what kind of posture she will live in the trial world after being deprived of her identity.

Now, Yi Lin seems to have the answer.

A person who was deprived of all memories about the "Tower" but had memories that did not belong to this world was forcibly changed into a "traveler"?

It really... has no sense of violation. Even the sufferer feels it is very natural, and even feels complacent because of the superiority of the "traveler".

As for where we can see that Kira Robert is complacent... we can deduce it from the fact that he calls himself the "protagonist".

"Haha, this is really... ironic."

Yi Lin lowered his head and glanced at the uninteresting pile of junk on the ground. After shaking his head and sighing inexplicably, he prepared to leave and go to the sea to fight the BOSS.

And right now.

Yi Lin suddenly felt a chill on her head, as if something splashed down.

He raised his head and saw Alice, the lonely mother spirit, appearing silently behind Yi Lin.

Tick ​​tock.

Alice's hatred and anger were all written on her face, the scars split open and blood spurted out.


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