Infinity Throne

Chapter 233 That piece of dead skin

This is...a curse!

Yi Lin's expression froze, and the apostle panel that had been closed not long ago quickly opened again.

"Indeed... no."

On the apostle panel, except for the accumulated 4 layers of blood in the upper right corner, there are no other weird BUFFs.


The shrill roar that Calypso made before disappearing completely echoed in Yilin's ears.

"Outsider, I curse you."

"No matter where you go, no matter where you are, no matter what time and space you are in, I, Calypso, will curse you with my life."

"Curse your body to wither like a corpse and rot like a sea monster. I, Calypso, curse your soul. Day and night, you will be haunted by nightmares. You will encounter the most tragic misfortune. You cannot escape, you escape. But you can’t escape—”

This is the final curse from Calypso.

As the incarnation of the most terrible curse in the Caribbean, Calypso's curse filled with resentment before his death was so terrifying.

Crossing time and space, crossing the world, and crossing the limitations of the physical body, the curse fell directly on Yi Lin's soul...or body.

A woman's resentment... is so terrifying!

Yi Lin's health dropped rapidly, but then rose again.

The [Dionysian factor] is taking effect.

Yilin's arms, just like the contents of Calypso's curse, decayed rapidly, but from deep in the pores, new flesh and blood squirmed, healing the decayed parts, forming a subtle cycle, which made Yilin's The health value still remains at about 80% and no longer drops drastically.

It seems fine, but in fact the Dionysus factor consumes a lot of physical energy when repairing the body. If it continues, in the end, Yi Lin will fall into a coma due to exhaustion, and the curse will completely break out, swallowing the body completely.

Yi Lin silently took out her mobile phone from her trouser pocket.

The mobile phone could not be brought into the other world. After coming out of the trial, the mobile phone magically returned to Yi Lin's pants pocket.

Yi Lin was hesitating and thinking.

He was wondering whether asking the special group for help was the right choice.

Yi Lin can still barely hold on, but she can't rely on the [Dionysian Factor] to hold on forever.

Calypso's resentment is too powerful, and Yi Lin currently has no effective means to deal with the curse.

Among the apostles, the skills are numerous and complex, and there are many tricks. No one's ability can cover everything, and there will always be conflicts and conflicts.

Yi Lin vaguely remembered that in the special group, there seemed to be someone who specialized in this, but she didn't know if the experts in this field had become members of the special group at this time.

"That's fine."

And just when Yi Lin was about to press Zhao Yulong's phone number.


From the forehead, a cold and cold feeling came down from top to bottom, like a basin of ice water being poured towards the forehead, soaking the whole body.

But that cold current made Yi Lin's cursed and rotten arms feel much better. It was a kind of pleasure like rain after a long drought.

Yilin's movements froze instantly.


If this feeling hadn't suddenly appeared, Yi Lin would have almost forgotten that there was a piece of mysterious "dead skin" from Guiwu Mountain on his forehead.

I still remember that in Guiwu Mountain, it was like a place for cultivating poisonous insects. The source of everything was this mysterious piece of dead skin.

In the tower's attribute description, dead skin belongs to "growth parasitic equipment".

But this so-called growth parasitic equipment has always been parasitic on Yi Lin's forehead. Apart from being unable to pull it off, there is nothing special about it.

Now that I think about it, the Guiwu Mountain Trial seems like a different kind of curse.

All roads lead to the same destination.

He quickly stretched out his fingers and dug at the piece of human skin on his forehead.

During such a short period of thinking, his hands were actually covered with black cracks, and black and smelly blood was constantly seeping out of the cracks. The scene was horrifying.

And in the black blood, fresh flesh and blood continued to creep out, repairing Yi Lin's damaged body.

Calypso's curse is so terrible. Without the Dionysian factor's repair ability, his body might have been turned into blood within five minutes of returning to the real world.

The moment Yi Lin's fingers came into contact with [Resentment] on her forehead, the cold touch from [Resentment] actually followed Yi Lin's fingertips and surged like a river in Yi Lin's body.

The mysterious cold current flows from the fingertips to the back of the palms, wrists, forearms, chest, and heart in just one breath...and then upwards again, returning to the forehead, forming a strange cycle.

Yi Lin has never practiced martial arts, nor has she been exposed to martial arts enhancement, but this feeling gave Yi Lin the illusion that she was refining her internal strength.

A few minutes later.

The black texture on Yi Lin's hands faded away, and fresh flesh grew back on her hands. Everything that happened just now seemed to be an illusion.



Yi Lin breathed a long sigh of relief.

Only then did he realize that the experience of just a few minutes had made him soaked to the skin, with sweat dripping down his hair and smearing his face.

Yi Lin wiped off the sweat on his face. The whole face was moist, but the dead skin still had a strange touch. It was dry and silky and stuck tightly to Yi Lin's forehead. No matter how hard I pick at it, I can't get it off. It seems like it's really just a piece of dead skin.

"Huh? Is it done?"

Yi Lin opened the apostle panel and saw that her health, which had been maintained at around 80%, had finally returned to full. Yi Lin stared at the health column for a moment, and after seeing no other changes, she finally felt relieved and closed the apostle in front of her. panel.

Although it was a false alarm, Yi Lin was certain that without [Grudge], today's matter would never have been resolved so easily.

Yi Lin subconsciously touched her chest, wondering if the "insurance" left in her body would work in this situation today?

After a moment of silence, Yi Lin picked at the dead skin on her forehead again.



Yi Lin found that after [Resentment] inexplicably came into play, the area of ​​dead skin stuck to her forehead seemed to have expanded a bit.

After noticing something abnormal, Yi Lin did not dare to be careless. To be on the safe side, he circled the ground three times from the left to the right, and completely rubbed away the dead skin on his forehead.

Yi Lin is very familiar with the location of this piece of dead skin. After all, it is stuck to her forehead. Yi Lin will touch it when she has nothing to do. It has almost become a habit. Therefore, if something feels wrong, Yi Lin will instantly notice it.

Sure enough... the area of ​​dead skin became larger.

"Could it be that 'resentment'...that is, this piece of dead skin, absorbed the power of Calypso's curse?"

This situation now seems to be somewhat similar to the ending of Gui Wushan.

At the end of Ghost Mist Mountain, [Resentment] is like a gangrene attached to the bones, chasing after Wen Manni who became the ghost queen. It seems that in [Resentment]'s view, Wen Manni is a gluttonous delicacy.

"Feeding on curses? Growing?"

Yi Lin had no expression on her face as she checked the attributes of [Resentment].





[Explanation] Just pretend it doesn't exist, maybe it's just an ordinary piece of dead skin that can't be picked off.

At first glance, Yi Lin scanned it quickly and found nothing special.

Oh, wait.

Yi Lin took another quick glance.

Found something was wrong.

In the column under [Level], at some point, there was an additional entry for [Growth] and an additional number.

Yi Lin silently picked at the dead skin.

The kind that can't be picked out.

Think about life at the same time.

The origin of [Resentment] seemed to be far more mysterious than he initially imagined.

"Perhaps this is the most valuable reward in Gui Wushan's SSS evaluation?"

Yi Lin's heart moved. As a closed trial in Guiwu Mountain, [Grudge] is the source of the entire trial. Even with Yi Lin's rich experience, she still cannot figure out the correct way to open [Grudge]. Its mystery is indescribable. .

After Calypso's curse was resolved, [Grudge] appeared with something like an upgrade progress bar, which was a good thing for Yi Lin.

At the very least, a change has occurred.

As long as there are changes, there is value in research.

It's much better than staying the same.

Yi Lin also seems to have found a way to upgrade [Grudge].

It seems that in the future we will take the initiative to provoke this kind of being who seems to be very stingy and can curse every minute?

This ridiculous idea made Yi Lin burst into laughter.

"Forget it, let's leave it like this for now. If we think about it further, we won't be able to figure out the reason."

Yi Lin decisively put the matter aside.

"By the way, other gains from the trial..."

During the trial in the Caribbean, Yi Rin gained a lot.

In addition to successfully upgrading her skills into modular skills, Yi Lin also obtained many props.

In the final random reward, Yi Lin drew two props.

[Scene Card: Shipwreck]*1.

Yi Lin looked at the attributes with a calm expression.

"Is the scene stuck..."

Yi Lin pondered for a moment, then smiled: "Although it's not something too high-end, it might come in handy at a critical moment."

One more thing——

[Rotten Sea Monster Tentacles]*3.

Yi Lin took a quick look, then twitched the corners of her mouth slightly, and took the card back with a look of disgust.


Luck cannot be forced.

It's another day where I haven't drawn any skills, just get used to it.

Yi Lin sighed. If this continues, he really can no longer expect "random rewards". It is obviously such a happy moment.

"The next thing is..."

Yi Lin's expression was calm, but she rubbed her palms together happily inside, and took out a card from the most conspicuous place in the storage space.

The pattern on the front of the card is a rhombus-shaped mysterious crystal covered with complex textures, like a fragment broken off from a complete object. Behind the prismatic fragment is the background of a vast universe. There are many things in the universe. Decorated with stars, sun and moon...a very domineering SR.

This was the "Demon King's Breathing Lamp" that Yi Lin finally dug out from the pile of sea monster mucus in the Demon King's body.

Although Yi Lin has less and less expectations for random rewards now, she should still have expectations for this kind of prop from the final boss of the trial.

[Contaminated fire source fragments]


[Effect] It can turn any mechanical equipment into a new silicon-based life, plug and play, convenient and fast.

[Instructions] Click to view details.

Yi Lin: "?"

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