Infinity Throne

Chapter 240 I have a big secret (2 in 1)

The reason why Tiantian and Liuliu were surprised.

It's not because the scene now presented to them is too terrifying, nor is it because the difficulty of escape presented by the [Gate] is beyond their imagination.

Rather, the outcome of this [Gate] option turned out to be beyond their initial imagination...ordinary.

The gate is made of two iron gates, randomly locked with a rusty chain as thick as a bowl, and the chain is locked with an equally rusty lock.

The keyhole is very large and appears to be a very old spring-type lock structure. It seems that if you know a little bit of lock-picking skills, you can easily pry it open.

Next to the gate of Styx Junior High School, there stood a simple security booth made of red bricks.

The security booth looked like a simple public toilet, with walls on all sides, no windows, and only a wooden door that looked like it could be broken with a slap.

Beside the door, an ugly old dog with wrinkled fur lay lazily beside the door.

The old dog's expression has no moral integrity at all. Even when he is sleeping, he is licking his face, like the type who can pick up a bone just by throwing it away.

Ah this?

Although Tiantian and Liuliu look delicate and weak, they are still apostles after all.

An apostle who has survived to this day.

At this point, the exit of Styx Junior High School was not blocked by an iron wall as they imagined. This contrast made them hesitate.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

Tiantian rubbed her eyes.

Liu Liu's slender fingers trembled slightly.

Neither of the two girls spoke.

When arriving at the gate, the constraints from [Multiple Choice Question] had disappeared.

In other words, they can move freely now.

Looking up, he saw that apart from the gate, the wall was only over two meters high. For the apostles, that was a height that could be easily crossed.

Liu Liu's fingers finally stopped trembling, and her heart seemed to calm down. A wry smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "This, the trap seems too obvious, right?"

"Oh drink?" Tiantian turned to look at Liu Liu, half-smiling but not smiling: "I thought you would pretend to be generous and let me try to escape first?"

Liu Liu pursed her lips and smiled, still a bit shy in her smile: "No, sister, you shouldn't be that stupid."

Tiantian's expression was slightly cold: "Call me sister."

Liu Liu: "..."

The exit is right in front of you.

The two of them did not dare to move.

After just talking nonsense, both of them felt clear in their hearts. If they could really escape from this school by climbing over the wall, then this trial would be too ridiculous.

Taking a step back, if one of the ways of escape in this escape trial is really as simple as climbing over the wall... I guess the final evaluation will not be too high.

As we all know, the final evaluation of the trial in the other world is often proportional to the difficulty.

Time passes minute by minute.

When they were doing nothing, they noticed something strange.

During the lunch break, when all the students in Styx Junior High School were free to move around, no one took the initiative to approach this place.


Could it be that this place is inaccessible for some reason?

Or... this is not the way out at all?

Then what is the purpose of setting up a [gate]?


The weather was not hot, and the sky was gray. After being frozen in place for a few minutes, a layer of moisture appeared on their foreheads.


Tiantian asked in a low voice, as if she was asking Liu Liu beside her, but also as if she was asking herself.


Liu Liu did not hesitate. It was only the first day, and the escape trial lasted more than seventy hours.

Even if this is really the exit, as long as the position of the door remains unchanged, they can come at any time. There is no need to take risks in the current lack of information.

After all, you only have one life, use it and cherish it.

And right now.



Both logically and unexpectedly, the door opened.

The moment the door opened, Liu Liu and Tiantian, who had been tense, took a step back at the same time, with goosebumps rising all over their bodies.

"Well, you two classmates, what are you doing here?"

A bald man walked out of the house with a pair of indifferent eyes.

The bald man was wearing a dark blue security uniform, which looked nothing special.



Isn't it normal for the school gate to have a guard?

Is it normal for a doorman to keep a dog?

I'm so... normal as a ghost!

Tiantian and Liuliu looked at each other.

Under this situation, the two apostles subconsciously regarded each other as teammates, no longer cheating each other overtly or covertly, and first dealt with the current situation.


Tiantian just opened her mouth to say something.

But it stopped suddenly.

[Narrator] appeared in front of the two of them instantly.

[You seem to want to leave campus. 】

[The only guard at Styx Junior High School, Third Uncle, appears in front of you. 】

[Uncle San feels that you guys look very unfamiliar, and although he can’t see it on the surface, he is very confused about your appearance here. 】

[Please choose your answer. 】

[A. Good uncle, dear uncle, I want to go out to buy sweets. Can you let us go out? 】

[B. Uncle guard, look at my innocent eyes, do you believe me when I say I’m just lost? 】

[C. Without saying a word, he turned around and left. 】

The same options appeared in front of them.

Tiantian and Liu Liu fell silent for a moment.

There was no further communication.

The moment Liuliu and Tiantian saw the three options, an inexplicable strange feeling hit them, which actually gave them the illusion of chills running down their spines at the same time.

It feels like if you make the wrong choice, you will die here.

The three apparently simple options made it difficult for them to make up their minds.

Just when they hesitated.

The third uncle, the bald doorman, and the old dog beside him raised their eyelids slightly.

The third uncle also took a step forward and frowned: "Huh? Why don't you say anything? Didn't your teacher tell you not to approach the gate if you have nothing to do? Or is it that you are broken?"

When Tiantian heard this, she was shocked. Sure enough, there is such a taboo!

The teacher really didn’t say anything!

Only the devil knows!

[The third uncle started to get a little impatient. 】

[Please answer as soon as possible. 】

[Or leave here immediately. 】


What's going on with this suddenly tense atmosphere?

This question has a time limit!

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

The bald man took another step forward with a bad look on his face.


Tiantian took a breath, then turned and left without saying anything.

A trace of surprise flashed in Liu Liu's eyes, are you leaving now?

So decisive?

After Tiantian chose [C] without saying a word, she turned around and left.

As expected, the bald uncle didn't pursue the matter, and still stared emotionlessly at Liu Liu, who had not left, with a pair of dead fish eyes.

"So, C should be safe."

“But it’s obvious that option C has nothing to gain and is just a ‘retreat path’.”

"Can I just retreat?"

Liu Liu was a little reluctant, but the ending after Tiantian made her choice undoubtedly said that this was the safest option.


Liu Liu suddenly remembered the tone in which the boy named "Lin Lin" answered the question in the anatomy class.

The options... are so long and wordy?

"I see."

After thinking for a moment, Liu Liu smiled slightly, and then quickly revealed a timid attitude, and whispered: "I suddenly wanted to eat sweets. I couldn't find any in the school. I thought I could get out from here, and the teacher didn't tell us not to get close." The main door. Sorry, sorry, we are new transfer students in Class 2, Grade 3, and the teacher didn’t tell us the rules..."

Liu Liuchuchu said pitifully.

"Didn't your teacher say that?" The bald man pondered for a moment, then waved his hand impatiently: "Let's go, no one can enter or leave through the gate without an 'entry permit'."

After Liu Liu finished speaking, the options in front of her disappeared.


Using similar language to modify the options can also be counted as making a [choice]!

But different tones and different languages ​​achieve different results!

I remember Yi Rin’s answer in class.

Although he has never eaten those ghost meats, when Yi Lin answered, he used some ambiguous subjective feelings such as "endless aftertaste", "soul sublimation", "traveling through the past and the future", about the saltiness of the taste and the texture of the meat. , taste, without mentioning a word, it is simply a lie.

In other words, there is room for manipulation in [answering multiple-choice questions]!

Liu Liu came to a conclusion.

Although Liu Liu didn’t know the [options] Yi Lin faced at that time.

But she couldn't help but sigh that the guy named "Lin Lin" had such a terrible mind that he used this roundabout answer to fool the question in another form in a very short period of time.

Put aside your admiration for now.

When Liu Liu heard what the guard said, her pupils couldn't help but shrink.

Got it!


Access permit!

Maybe this is the key to escape?

Although Liu Liu had planned to force the escort to pass, was this bald guard really just a guard?

It's a pity that she doesn't have a skill similar to "Appraisal Technique". If she can identify the guard's combat effectiveness, she can evaluate the possibility of forcing a way through.

Liu Liu hesitated for a while and asked in a low voice: "That... access permit, where should I find it?"

When she originally asked this question, Liu Liu just asked with the mentality that she would not get pregnant even if she gave it a try.

No big deal, just another multiple-choice question.

Moreover, "turning around and leaving" should be an obvious retreat.

Since the guard took the initiative to ask for an "access permit," if you follow his instructions and ask more questions, it shouldn't be as outrageous as triggering the instant death flag.


The guard waved his hand impatiently, turned around and walked back to the security booth, saying as he walked: "Go, go, if you want an access permit, go to the 'Vice Principal' to get it!"

After saying that, the guard slammed the door shut.

The wrinkled old dog at the door also closed its eyes again.


Access permit.

Get the information.

Liu Liu didn't delay any more, and didn't dare to stay any longer, so she left quickly.

Before leaving, she couldn't help but glance at the lock on the chain one more time, memorizing the shape of the keyhole.

at this time.

The rooftop of the teaching building.

A wise spiritual apostle faced a seemingly simple but illogical problem.

"Now, do you know what color the sky is?"


Han Han looked confused and raised his head.

The sky above Styx Junior High School was gray and cloudless, as if it was covered with a layer of haze.

Although it is not a common blue, the color should be obvious.

Is there any hidden poetic meaning in this sentence?

Is it that complicated?

Options also appeared in front of Han Han.

[A. The protective color of love. 】

[B. The color of your eyes. 】

[C. The same sky looks different in everyone’s eyes. 】


This question seems simple.

But it’s scary to think about it.

what to do?

How to choose?

Why is it different from the original script?

Didn't we agree to stand silently next to the girl and look at the same sky with her?

So how come the romantic plot was tampered with?

Han Han suddenly broke into a cold sweat, and countless thoughts came to his mind.

But after a moment, he tried to calm down.

Sure enough, a trial is a trial after all. It is not that simple and is full of surprises and surprises.

Forget it, forget it, think about the color first.

Han Han decided to analyze the options first.

[Option A], the protective color of love... At first glance, it seems to be the optimal solution.

But when I thought about it carefully, I realized that he and the girl had never met each other before. He suddenly said this, which was very similar to the style of playboy. It seemed to be the best, but in fact it was the most dangerous.

If this girl has attributes such as "Hatch Knife" and hates scumbags, and he chooses [A], the other party might instantly pull out a big knife from under her skirt and slash at him with her backhand.

Although this scene is extremely unexpected and unreasonable, if you think about it in reverse, maybe the "tower"'s urine properties can really make such a strange arrangement.

Think about it.

[A], excluded.

Well, when you are in doubt, the elimination method is also excellent.

Look at [B] again, what is the color of your eyes?

Han Han has come to the girl's side at this time. From the girl's profile, it can be seen that the girl has a pair of clean black pupils, which cannot distinguish emotions.

Moreover, the girl looks pure and cute, and she also has a kind of tranquility that is untainted by the mud... Bah, let's not discuss the appearance first, the color of the eyes is clear at a glance, isn't option [B] clearly bullshit?

You would choose B only if you are blind.

Choose...choose...I choose C!

So Han Han bit the bullet, used the elimination method to get the answer, and said according to the options: "The same sky looks different in everyone's eyes."


The girl lowered her eyelids and sighed quietly.


What on earth is this?

Is the answer correct or incorrect?

"do you know?"

The girl didn't seem to have any intention of correcting Han Han's homework. After Han Han made his choice, she stared at the "sky" with confused eyes again.

"I heard that the sky at Styx Junior High School didn't look like this before. It was said that it was a more magnificent color."

"Too bad, I've never seen it."

"Someone took away that charming color."

The girl's lines made Han Han more and more confused. What was going on?

A bit... weird!

But when there was no multiple-choice question coming, Han Han quickly lay down on the edge of the fence, followed the original script, and kept a certain distance from the girl, looking at the sky from the same angle.

"I just came here, and I don't know. I just think that whether the sky looks good or not does not actually depend on the color of the sky. After all, this is just a background. What really determines whether the scenery looks good is standing under the sky. Who are the people, and... who are the people who appreciate the scenery.”


After Han Han finished speaking, he clenched his fists and silently praised his wit.

At this moment, Han Han looked down and took in the entire campus.


There is?


In front of the gate, Han Han happened to see Tiantian and Liu Liu arriving at the gate, and a guard with a reflective head walking out of the security booth seemed to be triggering some plot.

"It's okay?"

"Oh, but it doesn't matter. I believe that it is impossible to put the 'answer' there so easily in the trial."

"Since you have explored the road, if there is nothing there, I will go and have a look sooner or later, and it will be the same."

Thinking of this, Han Han looked away and concentrated on analyzing the current situation.


The girl's eyes were blurry.

next second

She was finally interested by Han Han. She looked away from the sky, turned around and said with a smile: "So, are you the one who appreciates the scenery?"

Yo West!

[A. What is the scenery you are talking about? 】

[B. You are a beautiful scenery in my eyes! 】

[C. Bold and evil! I can tell at a glance that you are not human! 】


Another drop of cold sweat broke out on Han Han's forehead.

These options seemed to lead him to death.


The straight-man-like answer, PASS.


It's obviously a death option! Only choose if there is something wrong!

B! I choose B!

"You are a beautiful scenery in my eyes."



The girl seemed very happy: "It's been a long time since I've been able to chat with anyone so happily! You're also in Class 2, Grade 3, right?"

After a round of charge, Han Han discovered that there was no option for this problem.

For a while, I felt a little uncomfortable.

But it seems that it is a matter of free play.

"how do you know?"

The girl pursed her lips and smiled: "Because Class 2 of the third year has not had more than 20 students for a long time. Five transfer students came at once. I think many people should know you."

Han Han suddenly felt something was wrong.


"Yeah, why? You want to know?"

[The girl narrowed her eyes and laughed. 】

[Those eyes are like crescent moons, making your heart skip a beat. 】

[But the girl’s words also caught your attention. 】

[Why, according to the girl, Class 2 of Grade 3 has only had no more than 20 students for so many years, but this year there are suddenly five more transfer students? 】

[Your confused expression was noticed by the girl. 】

[The girl seems to be very interested in you. 】

[The girl seems to be very interested in you. 】

[The girl seems really interested in you. 】

【So you muster up the courage——】

【please choose. 】

[A. You decide to ask for clarification. 】

[B. You decide not to ask any more questions for the time being and will talk about it tomorrow. 】

[C. You decide not to pay attention to the girl anymore, give up on this encounter, leave the girl with a scumbag-like back, turn around and leave, never to return. 】

Options appeared in front of me.

Another difficult multiple choice question.

Han Han camped step by step.

In a situation where information was ready to come out and was on his lips, he felt that if he gave up at this time, he would be a little reluctant to give up.

Besides, the "scumbag's back" in [Option C] always reminds him of a bad ending.

As for [Option B]?

If it's normal, there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

But in this weird trial, once you choose "Let's talk tomorrow", it is very likely that you will never see tomorrow again!

This is obviously similar to countless classic scenes that have been circulated for hundreds of years.

"I will definitely come back."

The result never came back.

"After this war is over, I will go back to my hometown and get married."

As a result, the fiancée from my hometown was quickly taken over.

"Is my son about to be born?"

Ten years later, the son looked at his father's photo and paid a silent tribute.

"The reward for this job is unmatched by any previous job."

In the end, the reward was used to buy a coffin.

Han Han just thought about it casually. There were countless cases of people dying after setting a flag.

Think of this.

Han Han decided to ask for clarification.

[The girl stops talking. 】

[The expression of biting your lower lip makes you feel inexplicably distressed. 】

【Is this love? 】

[Maybe not. 】

【Who knows? 】

[The girl hesitated for a while and looked around, as if she had finally made up her mind to tell you a secret that no one knew. 】

[This secret is of great importance, like a Pandora's secret garden, so charming and dangerous that you can't help but fall into it. 】

[You stare into the girl's black eyes, waiting for the girl to tell her secret. 】

The girl smiled and said: "But, it's a little inconvenient here. Why don't we...find a cleaner place and I can tell you more?"

After saying that, the girl lowered her head, Xiafei's cheeks were filled with shyness.


Han Han suddenly took a breath of cold air.

This sudden change of painting style caught him off guard.


Why did this car suddenly start drifting?

The speed is a bit fast!

Or is he overthinking it?

But this shy expression made it difficult for him not to think more.


Han Han's eyes narrowed: "It must be a trap! It's just that this trap is too obvious! The word "sex" has a knife on the head. Who the hell would overturn in a place like this? Haha, you underestimate me, Xia Wenhan."

Xia Wenhan shook his head, and in an instant he saw this peach trap thoroughly.

At this time, the options emerged without any surprise.

[A. You decide to find a secret place that no one has discovered, and explore the deepest mysteries with the girl. 】

[B. With a righteous and awe-inspiring expression, you tell the girl that there is no need to hide it, just tell the secret here boldly. 】

[C. Bold and evil! I can tell at a glance that you are not human! 】

Xia Wenhan saw the answer at a glance.

Only B looks normal.

no doubt.

After being bombarded with a series of multiple-choice questions, Xia Wenhan gradually figured out his thinking.

As long as you avoid the instant death flag option that will obviously cause you to ascend to the sky, this trial is not as difficult as you might imagine.

Xia Wenhan chose [B] with a smile.

He told the girl his decision.

The girl lowered her head and smiled, her expression hesitant, but she quickly shook her head reluctantly: "Okay then."

Right now.

Xia Wenhan didn't know why, but the previous multiple-choice question flashed through his mind. After he made his choice, he felt something was wrong.

Why does the exact same [C option], which seems to obviously trigger the death flag, appear twice in a short period of time?

And it’s the kind that doesn’t change every word?


Does it make sense for an option that can be eliminated at a glance to appear twice?

Xia Wenhan didn't have time to think carefully.

The girl in front of her suddenly made a move.

I saw her smiling slightly and elegantly twirling the skirts on both sides of her short skirt with her hands.

No one could have guessed that what was hidden under the skirt was the ultimate shady story, or some kind of secret that no one knew about.


While smiling, the girl suddenly lifted up her skirt and turned it upside down, revealing a mysterious scene.

Xia Wenhan: "???"

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