Infinity Throne

Chapter 251 Wall, Sarcoma, Braised Elbow (2 in 1)

When she discovered that Saya had disappeared, the first thing Yi Lin thought of was... it was indeed a thriller plot.

Shaye... is gone.

Although Yi Lin and Oda Mai paid more attention to the eggs in front of them, they did not completely relax their vigilance about the surroundings.

But Shaye still disappeared inexplicably.

Right under their noses.

"There's no one else here."

Yi Lin came to the conclusion.

Oda Mai was still frowning, not knowing what movement she noticed.

Yilin simply ignored it and let Oda Mai continue to have fun. He re-observed the eggs around him and the life in them.

"Is this the truth hidden in Styx Junior High School?"

"Are all students born from these eggs?"

"But what does that mean?"

"Artificial human? Clone? Not human?"

Yi Lin thought again of the way Hanhan's classmate died on the rooftop of the teaching building.

"It is very possible that the danger of this escape trial lies in this group of seemingly harmless students."

"But is it really that simple?"

Anyone who is not blind will probably be able to tell from the magic theory class, the food in the cafeteria, and Saya's weird reaction that these students may seem ordinary on the surface, but in fact they are anything but ordinary.

Yi Lin had been alert for a long time.

So the egg in front of me has no other function besides citing Yi Lin's thoughts.

"Well, what is this?"

Yi Lin looked over and over for a while.

It was discovered that the backs of these eggs were all connected by a fleshy tendril of varying thicknesses and weird shapes, which looked like blood vessels.

In the tendrils, there are pulses from time to time, just like human blood vessels, with some kind of liquid flowing inside.

Following all the tendrils, Yi Lin took a few steps deeper and found that almost all the tendrils gathered in one place and disappeared behind the wall.

On the wall, there was a huge sarcoma that stretched out countless pseudopods and submerged into the wall, forming cracks in the wall.

Yi Lin approached the wall, stretched out her hand on the surface of the wall that was not covered by the tendrils, and gently stroked it a few times, thoughtfully.

"Here, come here."

Yilin hooked her fingers at Oda Mai.

Oda Mai came to see him with his sword in hand, no nonsense.

When she saw the sarcoma on the wall, her eyes were no longer troubled.

"It's time for you to show up, chop."

Oda Mai quickly grasped the handle of the knife and took a stance.

Yi Lin pointed to somewhere on the wall and added, "Wait a minute, I'm talking about this wall, not the tumor."

A faint doubt appeared in Oda Mai's eyes, as if she was surprised by Yi Lin's suggestion.

Why didn't she kill the obvious "monster" on the wall, but let her chop down a wall?

Yi Lin didn't explain, and said with a smile: "I have my own arrangements. You can try cutting it first."

Oda Mai nodded slightly.

The next second.

She pulled her left foot back, uniting her energy, energy and spirit, all at her waist.


Draw your sword!

A bright white light flashed in Yi Lin's eyes. Yi Lin's eyes narrowed slightly, thinking that Oda Mai's sword seemed to be a little faster than the last time they met.

From this point of view, when Mai Oda slashed herself on the back of the head at the wall, she was indeed merciful.

Thinking about it this way, Yi Lin was no longer so angry.

There was a ding.


"Ding" and "chi" are two completely different sounds, almost converging on one.

The light of the sword has not completely dissipated, and Oda Mai has already sheathed it.

Yi Lin had no time to express how fast Oda Mai's knife was, and the two of them looked at the wall that Oda Mai had chopped down at the same time.

In an instant.

Yi Lin and Oda Mai stared at the "knife mark" on the wall, feeling chills down their spines once again.

A gap was made in the wall near the sarcoma with Mai Oda's knife.

But the moment the knife made contact with the wall, a "chi" sound came out, which was clearly not the sound of the knife blade coming into contact with a hard object.

Yi Lin and Mai Oda quickly took a few steps back and stood still at a distance.

The color of the flesh was revealed from the cracked depths of the wall, which was similar to the color of the surrounding eggs, but the flesh of the wall seemed more solid.

After being split open by Oda Mai, a shot of light red liquid slowly flowed down along the knife mark, and after a few breaths, it gathered into a small pool by the wall.

While the flesh and blood inside the wall was "bleeding", it seemed to be crawling with weird-shaped insects. Oda Mai's knife seemed to break the hibernation of the insects, and countless tiny tentacles wriggled crazily in the gaps.

five minutes later.

Yi Lin and Oda Mai both said nothing.

They watched helplessly as the split wall "healed" again and became a complete wall again.

The pool of light red liquid flowing down on the ground was absorbed unknown where, leaving only a shallow red mark on the ground. If you don't pay careful attention, it would seem that nothing had happened.

Oda Mai lowered her head, stroking the knife with her little hand, as if she had the urge to cut again.

The situation is now clear.

Eggs are "strange".

Sarcomas are "weird".

Even the walls are "strange".

Maybe even the ceiling and floor are "weird".

Everything in front of her was a "monster" that could be stabbed with a knife. Oda Mai really couldn't think of any reason to stop herself from pulling out the knife.

As soon as Yi Lin saw Oda Mai's murderous expression, he already guessed what the girl was thinking, and he immediately felt confused about whether to laugh or cry.

"Are you stupid? Have you forgotten our purpose?"


"We came here to escape, not to kill these things. Even if you kill all of us, what's the use of still being here?"



When I finish saying this.

Yi Lin was slightly startled.

In the dark, he felt that he seemed to have missed something important, and that feeling disappeared in a flash, just when he said these words.

This may be called inspiration.

But when Yi Lin wanted to capture that inspiration, she became clueless.

He always felt that he had overlooked a very important and critical tip.

After thinking for a while, Yi Lin still couldn't figure out the key, so she could only give up temporarily.

"Forget it, let's go back first. We have gained a lot today, so there is no need to rush."

Oda Mai nodded.

Just as the two were about to leave.

Yi Lin paused and suddenly said, "Well, you go first, I'll leave later."

Oda Mai slowly typed a question mark.

"Don't worry, I will definitely call you when I need to kill monsters."

Only then did Oda Mai pick up the knife and leave with satisfaction.

Two hours later.

Yi Lin finally walked out of the egg pile.

"I don't know if it's useful?"

Yi Lin shook his head. There were some simple arrangements. Although he didn't know whether they would be effective, there was nothing wrong with setting them up in advance.

before leaving.

Yi Lin noticed that near the spiral staircase, there was a pool of blood that had not yet dried, and it was almost completely absorbed into the floor.

On the surface of the blood stain, there remained a small tentacle of the sea monster that had not yet had time to be fully digested.

The next day.

After dawn.

Yi Lin yawned and came to Class 2, Grade 3.

When I walked into the classroom, I saw that the students were all smiling, chatting happily in small groups.

At first glance, it seems to be a very peaceful scene.

Oda Mai had already been sitting in her seat, her head lowered and she was distracted. She didn't know what she was holding in her hands, and her expression was emotionless.

Liuliu and Tiantian were already in place.

Are they still alive?


Nothing seemed to be visible from the two people's faces.

Yi Lin was very curious about what the so-called "Yan Luo's training" was.

"Hi, morning."

Yi Lin happily greeted her deskmate Cao Tiantian.


Cao Tiantian forced a smile. She had shaved off her long hair at some point, leaving a boy-like cut. The newly healed scar on her head covered Cao Tiantian's head like moss, which was very dazzling. .

Of course, as long as we can return to the real world, everything can be repaired. I believe that Cao Tiantian can survive until now and will not care about this change in appearance, otherwise she would not have shaved off her hair.

Yi Lin thought for a while and asked, "We can still be considered teammates, right?"

Cao Tiantian's smile was finally not so forced: "Of course."

"So, what happened last night?"

When Cao Tiantian heard this, she immediately turned her head to prevent Yi Lin from seeing her expression.

She was trembling all over, as if she had suffered some kind of inhuman abuse.

After a moment, the trembling subsided, and she lowered her voice and said in a tone that was difficult to decipher her mood: "Don't ask, it has nothing to do with you anyway."


Yi Lin smiled slightly, expressing understanding.

But in my mind, there was another question quietly.

In this class, it’s still the class teacher, Amber Sha.

Seeing An Bosha walking into the classroom, Yi Lin straightened her back immediately to avoid being looked down upon by An Bosha again and asking some stupid class questions.

Ambersha seemed to have forgotten what happened in class yesterday, smiling kindly.

"Class begins now."

"What we need to review today is the students' self-cultivation."

"Please turn out the textbooks."

""As a member of Styx Junior High School, if you don't have qualified cultivation, you might as well die!"

"I believe that after this period of study, the students have deeply remembered the names of the textbooks."

"We're all good kids."

Yi Lin: "..."

Cao Tiantian: "..."

Liu Ruyan: "..."

Oda Mai: "..."

The head teacher began to read aloud.

Yi Lin also opened the legendary textbook with four lines of text on it.

No surprises.

can't read.

It seems that the language proficiency is insufficient.

"First of all, Styx Junior High School is everything to you."

"You must remember that no matter what the circumstances, you must adhere to discipline and school rules."

"In your hearts, the principal comes first and the vice principal comes second."

"School Rules No. 3."

"Oh, by the way, the vice-principal added a rule not long ago. When the principal is not around, the vice-principal's words are equivalent to those of the principal."

"Now please turn to page 8, item 6, line 5, everyone, start reading..."

This class is almost equivalent to brainwashing.

Yi Lin ended the class amidst the bombardment of reading the school rules over and over again. He still felt a buzzing in his ears until the end of class.

Strangely, the students' expressions became more serious and pious as they read out the school rules like a mantra, and they became more fanatical. If Yilin hadn't covered his face with a textbook the size of a 4A paper, he might have been exposed.

It wasn't until get out of class was over and Ambersha left in a hurry that Yilin breathed a sigh of relief.

When the apostles stepped out of the classroom door, the mandatory option appeared again.

The four people froze in the corridor one after another, looking like sculptures.

Almost exactly the same as last time.


The difference is that the content is slightly different.

[get out of class is finally over. 】

【You are hungry. 】

[You seem really hungry. 】

[But you are a little lonely. 】

[The lunch break is very long, so you decide to find a place to spend your free lunch break. 】

【You will go to——】

【please choose. 】

[A. I heard that Marisa, who is in the same class, always likes to look up at the sky on the rooftop during lunch break. Maybe this is a romantic encounter. 】

[B. As a transfer student, I got lost again at the school gate the next day. It shouldn’t be too much, right? 】

[C. You must eat when you are hungry. There is no doubt about it. Today, there may be a brand new recipe! 】


The options are still the same three options.




But the content is slightly different.

The order of options has also been adjusted.


Yi Lin was a little confused.

But this time he had experience, but he did not choose those three options. When he could not move his limbs and fingers, he chanted crazily in his heart.

"D, D, D, D..."

Two seconds later.

Yi Lin found that she was suddenly able to move.


【You made your choice. 】

[You defeated hunger, defeated the desire deep in your heart to meet on the rooftop, you gave up the plan of getting lost, and you chose to move freely. 】


It actually works!

Yi Lin vaguely guessed the true identity behind these [choices].

When Yi Rin makes a weird choice.

Others also quickly made their own choices.

Yi Lin suddenly remembered the contents of those three options, her expression slightly condensed, and she quickly sent a message to Oda Mai.

Yi Lin: You chose C?

Oda Mai: Yeah.

Yi Lin:…….

Oda Mai: Any questions?

Yi Lin: No, as long as you like it.

call ended.

Sure enough, one shouldn't have hopes for this girl's thinking ability.

I hope everyone is okay.

Well, I hope everyone else in the dining hall is okay.

Driven by [Pathfinding Mode], Oda Wu, Liu Ruyan, and Cao Tiantian involuntarily walked down the stairs towards the dining hall. It was too late to say anything at this time.

Yi Lin suddenly felt a little strange.

Oda Mai just chose C for all the multiple-choice questions. It was expected and reasonable.

But seeing Cao Tiantian and Liu Ruyan walking in neat steps, almost in no particular order, they were walking to the same place. It was obvious that they didn't hesitate much when taking the multiple-choice questions.

The two of them had done a useless job at the gate yesterday.

Going down the stairs, there are only two possibilities.

The main door, the canteen.

So the canteen?

Yi Lin briefly guessed the destination of the two people.

Yi Lin first pretended to walk to the rooftop, and then when Oda Mai and the others disappeared around the corner of the stairs, they immediately turned back and followed them quietly.

"I suddenly changed my mind and wanted to sneak away to the cafeteria. This is also an option, right?"

Yi Lin smiled and whispered to himself.

It was like he was whispering to some existence in the dark.


Yi Lin turned on Shadow Shadow, minimizing the sense of presence.

Although there are many people who can see Yi Rin, Yi Rin is still dressed in a pink student's attire. Even if she is seen, she will not attract too much attention.

Three people were in front and one person was behind. The four of them arrived at the canteen one after another.

Unlike Oda Mai and the others, Yi Lin seems to have broken away from the shackles of multiple-choice questions and is in independent mode.

In fact, Yi Rin had already informed Oda Mai about the trick hidden in the multiple-choice question, but for some reason Oda Mai still chose C. This made Yi Rin really don't know what to say.

never mind.

Let her be.

For now, just don't get into trouble.

Yi Lin hides in the dark.

None of the three Oda Mai noticed Yi Lin's existence.

In any case, Yi Lin is still very confident about the skill effect of [Like a Shadow].

After all, he is destined to become a shadow-like man.

Even for Oda Mai, during the Huating City incident, when Yi Lin put the knife close to Oda Mai's neck, she had not yet noticed Yi Lin's existence. This shows how effective the skill of disappearing the sense of presence is.

In the cafeteria.

Cao Tiantian and Liu Ruyan quickly ordered a plate of dishes.

It was similar to Yi Lin’s experience yesterday.

Oda Mai frowned and subconsciously put her hands on her waist. There was no knife there.

Her subconscious action showed that she was very wary of the recipes in the options, so wary that she wanted to pull out a knife to seek a sense of security.

Yi Lin observed secretly.

Let’s not worry about Oda Mai for now.

The feeling Cao Tiantian and Liu Ruyan gave Yi Lin was so weird that Yi Lin couldn't put it into words.

When Cao Tiantian and Liu Ruyan picked a seat and sat down with plates that were filled with words, the expressions on their faces were not a series of speculated reactions such as nausea, disgust, nausea, early pregnancy, etc. . But... a desire to move, and a desire like a beast.

Craving for “food” on your plate!

Cao Tiantian and Liu Ruyan sat on the table facing each other.


The two looked at each other and smiled.

At the same time, he moved the knife and fork on the dark food on the plate, and stuffed the unknown pieces of meat, eyeballs, or insect corpses into his mouth hungrily.

If someone didn't know what they were eating, they would have thought they were eating some delicacies and game. Their cheeks were bulging, and sticky juices of various colors overflowed from the corners of Cao Tiantian and Liu Ruyan's mouths, dripping onto the plates. Hit it, and then was quickly licked back by the two of them.


Yi Lin watched this scene expressionlessly. Although the scene of these two beautiful girls greedily chewing a plate of... made Yi Lin feel very weird, Yi Lin was now thinking more about why it happened. Such a weird scene.

"No, no matter how forced the choice is, it is impossible to change their minds. What is revealed in their eyes is clearly a naked desire, which cannot be faked at all, unless... they are all movie queens. But this kind of Under these circumstances, there is no need for them to act because there is no audience.”

"Could it be that……"

Yi Lin suddenly thought of a possibility.

The other students around them all drooled with envy when they saw Cao Tiantian and Liu Ruyan eating.

While the two were devouring their food.

Oda Mai finally made her choice and sat in the corner with a simple braised elbow.

Braised elbow?

Yi Lin craned her neck and took a look.


Braised pork elbow is a very normal dish.

The premise is that the five fingers at the front of the elbow don't look like human fingers.

Oda Mai opened her eyes wide and silently stared at the braised elbow in front of her.




A full thirty seconds.

The cute and silly classmates around him once again drooled with envy at the braised elbow on Oda's dance plate.


The sword flashed.

Draw the sword and return it to its sheath.

In the blink of an eye, Mai Oda had completed the four movements of drawing the sword, swinging the sword, cutting, and sheathing it. The movements were smooth and smooth, all in one go. She cut the elbow, the plate, and the table in half.

Oda Mai stood up expressionlessly and walked silently towards the door of the cafeteria.

It wasn't until Mai Oda took two steps that the split table was overwhelmed and fell to the ground with a crack.

The cafeteria aunt walked out from behind the door angrily, pointed at Mai Oda's back and shouted: "That classmate who is wasting food, stop!"


Oda Mai slowly turned around, pulled out half of the knife that had just returned to its sheath, and made a question mark.

The expression of the vegetable aunt remained unchanged, but she quickly retracted her fingers and educated Oda Mai: "Wasting food is not a good habit! Didn't you read the school rules? Oh, you are a new transfer student? That's okay. , be careful next time.”

After saying that, the aunt serving food in the cafeteria quickly walked back to the backstage and locked the door with a bang.

Ah this?

Yi Lin witnessed this scene from beginning to end.

Te meow can still do this?

Is this the legendary way of convincing people with reason?

As if nothing happened, Oda Mai walked out of the cafeteria and happened to see Yi Lin peeping.

Yilin also turned off the "Following Like a Shadow" skill at this time and looked at Mai Oda with a smile.

"To be honest, I was surprised."

Oda Mai lowered her head slightly, avoiding Yi Lin's gaze, and said in a low voice: "I'm sorry."

Yi Lin: "?"

Oda Mai: "I couldn't help it."


Have you actually learned to say sorry?

"You misunderstood. This is not what I meant by accident."


"What surprises me is that you were able to endure thirty seconds before drawing the sword. It was beyond my expectation."


The two of them were talking and drifting away.

They did not see that after Oda Mai left, there was a group of students who did not belong to Class 2 of the third year around them. Finally, after Oda Mai left, they suddenly rushed to the ground with the "braised elbow" cut into two pieces. They started tearing apart without any image, the scene was like a hungry dog ​​grabbing food.

Liu Ruyan and Cao Tiantian were full of food and drink, and burped with satisfaction.

The corners of their mouths were covered with unknown mucus.

After sticking out their tongues to lick the mucus off their mouths, Liu Ruyan and Cao Tiantian looked at the chaotic situation not far away where they were fighting over a braised elbow, with a complicated look in their eyes.

at the same time.

Campus trails.

Oda Mai and Yi Rin act together again.

Yi Lin recalled what happened in the cafeteria not long ago.

"As for the true identity of this school, I roughly know what's going on. However, there are still a few key pieces of the puzzle. Well, of course, the true identity is not important. What is important is the way to survive."

Oda Mai listened silently.

No comments were made.

Yi Lin was just talking and didn't expect Oda Mai to provide much useful advice.

However, her way of convincing people with reason has opened up Yi Lin's horizons in some aspects.

Yi Lin continued.

"It stands to reason that even if it is an escape trial, there is never only one way to clear the level. In other words, there is definitely more than one way to escape. Even if there is only one way, then there is definitely more than one way to find this way. Otherwise, the level evaluation It just doesn’t make any sense.”

"Or maybe, in addition to simple escape, there are other important branches that can be explored in the trial... Wait, options?"

Yi Lin was analyzing and talking to herself, and then remembered the original task prompt.

"Choose...choose...choose...? Styx Junior High School, identity, egg, escape, wall, license..."

"All of these are...choices?"

Since entering the trial, various clues and weird scenes have been swirling in Yi Lin's mind.

"Is it possible that you can even choose that...?"

When Yi Lin's mind suddenly opened up and she came to some whimsical conclusion, her movements couldn't help but a look of astonishment on her face.

If that's really the case, then it's too confusing, right?

Who can imagine that in general?

Although there is no evidence and no method has been found, the more Yi Lin thinks about it, the more likely it is.

"If that's the case, time is a little tight."

Yi Lin nodded, turned around instantly, and walked towards the teaching building.

"Pippi Shrimp, let's go!"

Oda Mai: "?"

"I mean, come with me."

Oda Mai put away the knife: "Where?"

Yi Lin smiled mysteriously: "Go to the rooftop, isn't there a 'romantic' encounter?"

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