Infinity Throne

Chapter 254 Mirror (2 in 1)

Just when Yi Lin was swiping the secretary elite monster alone in the office building.

at the same time.

Teaching building.

Class two of three years.

Yan Luo is attending class enthusiastically.

It is still "Detailed Explanation of Advanced Magic Theory from Introduction to Mastery to Practical Combat".

Oda Mai was silently dazed.

And just as Queen Yanluo narrowed her eyes and looked around at everyone's progress, Oda Mai's unfocused gaze suddenly focused in front of her.

[Yan Luo seems to be in a very good mood today. 】

[She seems to want to change to a different taste. 】

[ are in danger. 】

[Unless you can master magic. 】

[Otherwise, you will face Yan Luo’s punishment next. 】

【Believe me. 】

[You will have one minute to make your choice immediately before Yan Luo asks the question. 】

Oda Mai: "?"

A girl whose mind was full of daggers expressed her confusion.

She obviously didn't do anything.

But trouble still comes.

【please choose. 】

[A. Lie to Queen Yanluo that she wants to go to the toilet and immediately leave the classroom of Grade 2, Grade 3. 】

[B. Report to Queen Yanluo that your body is malfunctioning and you need to go to the infirmary to seek help from Dr. Christine. 】

[C. No matter what reason you find, first find a way to leave Class 2, Third Year. 】

The situation in front of me suddenly became strange.

Even without using her brain, Oda Mai could clearly feel that the [options] in front of her seemed to be trying to persuade her to leave the classroom immediately.

No matter what method is used.

Oda Mai frowned.

Logically speaking, if you don’t understand, you should choose C.

But among these three options, there doesn't seem to be much difference in meaning, and it's clear at a glance.

On the podium.

Queen Yanluo swayed around.

She suddenly took out the whip from her waist and counted the number of people in the class with a smile.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5,...22?"

"There are two more."

Because of Yi Lin's skipping classes and Marisa's death, the second class in the third year was missing two more students.

Queen Yanluo said to herself.

She is not loud.

But the classroom is also very small, with walls on all sides, and the charming voice echoes in the small classroom.

Cao Tiantian and Liu Ruyan's delicate bodies trembled at the same time, their legs were clamped tightly together, and they kept rubbing, as if they were recalling some tragic event that they didn't want to recall.

"Next, let's review the 'Basic Fire Control Technique'."

"I believe this should be very simple for you."

"After all, you are the elite among the elite, and you are different from the other 'defective products'."

All the students had expressions of eagerness to try.

The expressions of Cao Tiantian and Liu Ruyan changed instantly.

Choices also appeared in front of them.

It's just a choice of content that perhaps only they themselves know clearly.

Puff, puff, puff, puff.

Streams of brilliant fire light appeared easily from everyone's fingertips.

It illuminates the surrounding area.

The little flames were like fireflies at night, very dazzling.

Cao Tiantian froze for a moment, then took a deep breath. She followed the example of others and raised a finger to mobilize the "power" she had only mastered not long ago.

The lower abdomen, back, between the eyebrows, and the tip of the tongue gradually become unbearably hot.

An unknown fire flows in the body.

Cao Tiantian opened her mouth to sing, incomprehensively and intermittently, emitting simple, mysterious, and strange syllables. While singing, a trace of green light lit up in the depths of Cao Tiantian's eyes.

These syllables seemed to be taken apart, and she understood each syllable, but when combined, they became a strange language that she could not understand at all, and even "Tower" did not bother to translate it.

But not knowing why can't stop Cao Tiantian from singing.

After a brief chant.

A weak flame suddenly burst out from Cao Tiantian's fingertips.

"It's done!"

This simple movement and chanting seemed to have exhausted all her strength, her face turned pale, and a trace of sweat broke out on her forehead.

But anyway, she succeeded!

She learned it!

She actually learned it!

The Queen's training... actually works!

Although the training doesn't matter, in short, she succeeded!

The flame on Cao Tiantian's fingertips lasted for a few seconds and then suddenly went out.

But for Cao Tiantian, this is already a very novel experience.

After all, using a human body to ignite flames out of thin air belongs to the category of "supernatural power".

Moreover, this is not a "skill", but the power she actually possesses!


If she could return to the real world alive, with this new power alone, she would be able to...

With a longing for the future and a hint of hidden jealousy, Cao Tiantian quietly observed Queen Yanluo's reaction, then quickly turned back and looked at Liu Ruyan.

In an instant.

Cao Tiantian's neck turned and froze at a certain angle, making a snapping sound.

This unscientific!

How could it be so fast?

Cao Tiantian almost couldn't help but say "fuck".

I saw Liu Ruyan smiling slightly, stretching out a slender finger, and a bright flame changed into various shapes on Liu Ruyan's finger.

One moment it turns into an Arabic numeral, and the next it turns into a human figure.

Liu Ruyan played with interest for a while, seemed to feel uncomfortable, and stretched out another index finger. The same movement lit a second flame on the second finger.

"What the hell?"

Cao Tiantian's eyes widened.

Liu Ruyan continued to play.

The two human figures on the fingers were playing together in various postures. Sometimes they overlapped up and down, sometimes they alternated between left and right, and sometimes their heads and feet were reversed. It was a joy to see.


Cao Tiantian finally couldn't hold it back and shouted.


Unexpectedly, Queen Yanluo was also watching happily next to Liu Ruyan. When she saw the key part, she couldn't help but clapped her hands hard, making a crackling sound.

Liu Ruyan smiled sweetly: "Thank you, Teacher Yanluo, for your cultivation."

Queen Yanluo coughed twice: "Well, you did a good job. I think we need to study it in depth next."

It sounds like the word "research".

Liu Ruyan and Cao Tiantian's faces turned pale at first and then turned red, which was very complicated. They twisted their fingers and bit their lips, which was thought-provoking.

Oda Mai hasn’t chosen yet.

If Yilin could see the three options in front of Oda Mai at this moment, it would probably fill in more gaps in the plot.

After all, these three options are more like "tips" than "choices".

Cao Tiantian and Liu Ruyan got angry one after another, and finally they could breathe a sigh of relief.

Queen Yanluo reluctantly moved her eyes away from Liu Ruyan's "finger dance". She looked at Oda Mai and spoke slowly in a dignified and gentle tone.

"It seems that the new students can't keep up with the courses of Class 2 in the third year?"

"It's really a pity."

"Do you know what will happen to those students who fail to follow the footsteps of Class 2 of the third year?"

Except for Oda Wu, Liu Ruyan, and Cao Tiantian, everyone else shouted in unison: "I know!"

"Come on, tell me loudly, the most beautiful queen in Styx Junior High School, where should the bad classmates go?"

"Repeat a grade!"

"Repeat a grade!"

"Repeat a grade!"

"Repeat a grade!"

amid jubilant cheers.

Oda Mai stood up from her position with an indifferent expression.

At her waist hung a long knife that had not yet been sheathed.

"I choose..."

at the same time.

Yi Lin easily opened the secret room.

Although it is said to be a secret room, it actually doesn't have many secrets. After all, it is just a simple partition.

After passing through a short passage, only a few meters away, Yi Lin came to an even weirder room.

inside the room.

Emotional red lights filled the entire room, and a small hollow lantern was installed on the ceiling. The mottled shadows cast strange shapes on the floor, which looked like some kind of writing or complex incantations.

But Yi Lin couldn't recognize it.

In the center of the room is a very domineering large round bed.

There is also a covered mirror in the room.

The floor is covered with luxurious carpets.

There are many decorations around.


Is there another door there?

Yi Lin quickly looked around the room and found another door in the secret room. She couldn't help being slightly startled.

When exploring unknown maps with connected rooms, many people have different exploration habits.

Some people like to open the next door after searching in place.

But some people can't help but open another door and take a look to see if there is anything special behind the door, so that they can stay and explore with peace of mind.

If only there was a door behind the door...

Damn it?

Yi Lin was stunned for two seconds.


what happened?

When he pushed the door open and walked out, he was surprised to find that he walked out of a secret door in the closet.

Behind the secret door of the secretary's office is a secret room, and in the secret room is another door. Behind the door is another room, and there is a special door in the room...

There is also a gorgeous desk in this room. Behind the desk is a leather chair. Yi Lin caressed it casually when he passed by. The leather was silky to the touch and very delicate. I don’t know what animal’s fur it was made of. It looked like it. Very high class.

"Isn't it possible?"

Yi Lin's expression suddenly became strange.

The so-called structural diagram flashed in his mind.

The latest door that appeared was actually locked from the inside.

Yi Lin quickly opened the door and looked back.

——"Office of the Vice President".

And there were still traces of dust on that door after Yi Lin tore off the note.

Yi Lin suddenly realized.

"So this is what happened!"

"It turns out that you, vice principal, are such a vice principal!"

Although Yi Lin has not had the opportunity to see the true face of the vice principal of Styx Junior High School, she can deduce from the classic office structure design that this vice principal is really a genius.

turn out to be.

The structural plan of this top floor looks like there are only two rooms.

But actually, there are three rooms in total.

They are the "Vice Principal's Office", "Secretary's Office" and "Secret Room".

These three rooms are in a "pin"-shaped structure.

From the structural diagram, only the "vice principal's office" and "secretary's office" can be seen, but the "secret room" was deliberately hidden.

No wonder the space of the room is much narrower than shown on the structural diagram. It turns out that there is a "secret room" behind the two rooms.

After understanding the mystery of boredom, Yi Lin felt that she had countless things to say, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed reasonable.

There are some paintings of unknown meaning hanging in the vice-principal's office.

Those paintings seem to depict some distorted scenery, but most of them are weird splicing of colors, like a dark abyss or a fiery red land of death. In short, it makes people think about it, but if you think about it more carefully, it seems that it is nothing. Meaningful abstract painting.

Other than that, there's nothing special about the vice-chancellor's office.

To be on the safe side, Yi Lin touched each item to see if there would be an "attribute" prompt.

However... it didn't.

"Does it look like you're still in the secret room?"

Yi Lin always felt that the purpose of this secret room was not just for the "vice principal" to discuss scripts with his secretary late at night.

There must be other uses.

If it were in an ordinary school, this would make sense, but this was a trial world, and it was also the Styx Junior High School that was full of weirdness.

A school of death that absolutely does not exist in the real world and is filled with murderous intent.


Yi Lin's eyes narrowed and she quickly walked to the mirror.

"I choose..."

Oda Mai stood up in full view of everyone.

Cao Tiantian and Liu Ruyan suddenly had a bad feeling.

After all, since the trial, Oda Mai has given them the impression that she is more reserved than Yi Lin, with a sinister look on her face.

Even when they were conspiring to cooperate with Yi Lin, Oda Mai didn't seem to be here for a trial at all. Instead, she seemed to be planning to come to Styx Junior High School to destroy public property, giving people the impression that she could violently chop down everything in front of her at any time.

So so far, Cao Tiantian and Liu Ruyan don't know much about Oda Wu.

The only thing they remembered was that not long ago, Oda Mai swung a knife at Queen Enluo in class.

The speed of the knife made Cao Tiantian and Liu Ruyan full of vigilance.

Don't even dare to be your enemy.

Not everyone, before becoming an apostle, has the ability to survive without relying on skills.

This kind of apostle with innate military superiority often makes people full of vigilance.

And at this time.

When Oda Mai said the words "I choose" indifferently.

Two transfer students from the same world as Oda Mai were able to figure out Oda Mai's next choice almost instantly.


In an instant.

Oda Mai moved and stepped directly onto the table. She took a few steps and her footsteps became one sound.

In the blink of an eye, she arrived in front of Queen Yanluo.

——Draw the sword! ! !

"Oh? You actually attacked this queen again? It seems that you are really quite bad?"

Oda dance is extremely fast.

But what I didn't expect was that Queen Yanluo seemed to have anticipated Oda Mai's reaction, and even anticipated the trajectory of the sword.

The whip with spikes was just in front of him, and the light that seemed to be able to cut through everything... suddenly stopped!


In mid-air.

After Oda Mai swung the knife, she barely hesitated. With a shake of her backhand, another long knife with a red handle appeared in Oda Mai's other hand, and she slashed again with her backhand.

Queen Yanluo's expression was slightly startled. She seemed not to have thought that Oda Mai could actually take out a second sword.

Where did this... come from?

Could it be the bottom of the skirt?

"Two days of first-class butterfly winding!"

Oda Mai whispered the name of the move, and it was 2 out of 10, but the power of the second sword was quite impressive. At the side of Queen Yanluo, she bypassed the small whip and drew a weird trajectory in mid-air.

In Queen Yanluo's field of vision, the second knife was like the trajectory of a dancing butterfly. It was elusive, undetectable, elegant and poignant. It seemed very slow, but before the sound of unsheathing could be heard, Queen Yanluo's leather jacket was actually struck by the blade's glow. The tear revealed a large area of ​​snow-white skin... and left a shallow wound on the almost perfect skin.

The moment Queen Enluo was struck by Oda Mai, she let out a sharp scream.

At the same time as the screams came out, Oda Wu's pupils shrank suddenly, and under the leather clothes, the snow-white skin and the bright red flesh actually ignited flames.

In an instant, a terrifying high temperature spread along the blade to his hand.

Oda Mai gritted her teeth. If her teacher hadn't told her that as a swordsman, she couldn't let go of the knife in her hand no matter what. In this terrible high temperature, she might have let go of the knife reflexively because of the pain. .

The weak point is...the heart!

Once the sword is drawn, Oda Mai seems to transform into a machine that only knows how to kill and has no emotions.

In the blink of an eye, Oda Mai stepped on her smooth little leather shoes and suddenly used her strength on the lectern. She used the two swords as wheels and the human axis to spin crazily in the mid-air in front of Queen Yanluo, like a whirlwind.

"Two days of first-class waltz!"

Haha, who said I can only use Bato style?

Oda Mai smiled coldly and started fighting with Queen Yanluo directly in the classroom.

Everything happened too suddenly.

Caught people off guard.

Between a few breaths.

Oda Mai has fought several times with Queen Enluo!

The terrifying-looking Queen Yanluo was actually injured!

It turns out... the elite monster... or the BOSS Queen Yanluo, isn't that difficult to defeat?

But during training...

Cao Tiantian and Liu Ruyan were shocked, and their hearts were beating fast.

Fight or not?

Can't get on?

Group play?

Or continue to suffer?

These are all choices!

If you join a group to fight the BOSS now, what if you can't defeat it?

The end... is miserable!

Liu Ruyan and Cao Tiantian instantly recalled the fear of being dominated by the whip.

Although they are apostles who can travel through various trials and continuously strengthen, in this strange school that obviously transcends common sense...especially after encountering the training of Queen Yanluo, it is difficult for them to have the courage to join the group.

When Cao Tiantian and Liu Ruyan hesitated.

It was just a moment or two of hesitation.

The situation in Class 2 classroom in the third year has changed again.

As Oda danced, two swords and swords spiraled towards her, but the injured Queen Yanluo let out a sharp roar, and a terrifying heat wave spread out with Queen Yanluo as the center.

Everyone's eyes were stung by a red fire.

Cao Tiantian and Liu Ruyan couldn't even see clearly the figure of Queen Yanluo in the center of the fire.

All the tables and chairs were boiling with juice under the heat wave, like chocolate, melting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The air was filled with a strange smell of melting wood!



A figure was suddenly ejected from the center of the fire, flew over everyone's heads, and hit the wall hard.

In mid-air, a column of blood spurted out, but before it could drop to the ground, it was evaporated in mid-air, leaving not a drop behind!

Terrible temperature!

On the apostle panel, the health points of Cao Tiantian and Liu Ruyan were rapidly declining at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The expressions of both of them changed.

It’s time to make a choice!

If Queen Yanluo is allowed to continue burning like this, even if they continue to stay in place, they will be burned alive!

The health value returns to zero... and it falls into a box!

No matter what the situation, one must never let one's health return to zero. This is the iron rule among the apostles.

Unless...there are precious life-saving tools.

But they didn't!

at this time.

The center of the fire.

Queen Yanluo no longer looked shy at the beginning, her face was ferocious, and her sharp fangs were exposed.

Her eyes actually ignited with real flames, and the whip split the melting desk into two halves.

The broken end of the lectern did not appear to have been cut by a sharp weapon, but was forcibly melted and then gently divided into two halves.

Terrible firepower!

She is...a passionate Yanluo Baby!

All the students stood up, not knowing what they wanted to do.

Both men and women had a faint green light in their eyes.

Seeing this scene, Cao Tiantian and Liu Ruyan were about to collapse.

At this time, if their eyes don't glow with green light, wouldn't they look very out of place?

If you want to live well, do you have to have a little green in your eyes?

Oda Mai was blown away by the heat wave. She stuck to the wall for a while, slowly slid to the ground, and quickly stood up again, very persistently, her eyes filled with unwillingness.

When Cao Tiantian and Liu Ruyan saw this familiar posture and eyes, they both had strange expressions on their faces.

This unyielding posture is obviously the rhythm before receiving the lunch box!

Does this knife-wielding young lady never go online?

Don’t you watch all kinds of famous Flags and film and television scenes?

Let’s look at Queen Yanluo, who is so hot.

The torn wound on the shoulder was actually in the flames, the flesh and blood melted, and healed again as before.

Cracked...and healed, cracked...

WTM is also cracked!

Queen Yanluo bared her fangs and smiled brightly.

Holding a small leather whip burning with raging fire, she walked through the students step by step and slowly walked towards the end of the classroom.


The previous sentence, one step at a time is not a rhetorical device.

But where Queen Yanluo's high heels stepped, there was actually a footprint burning with flames, and thick smoke was rising.

Wherever it passed, the desk melted rapidly, turning into jelly and sinking.

Under the approach of Queen Yanluo, the surrounding students' eyes glowed green, and their eyes were scary, but they screamed in pain. The hair on their bodies smelled of burning, their clothes were getting less and less, and their skin was peeling off, revealing Dark red flesh beneath the skin.

Only then did Queen Yanluo realize that the other students could not withstand her power, so she immediately restrained herself a bit, and the high temperature in the classroom dropped a bit.

After Queen Yanluo restrained themselves, Cao Tiantian and Liu Ruyan, who had been staying in place, not daring to move, saw their rapidly declining health points turn into a slow decline, finally escaping the fate of turning into boxes for the time being.

Oda Mai clenched her swords.

She hasn't given up yet.

She is a swordsman.

Even though she became an apostle, she was still a swordsman.

Pursuing the ultimate in knives is her pursuit, not some random evaluation.

"Fire...can also be cut, right?"

Oda Mai murmured to herself.

Although Queen Yanluo restrained her heat somewhat, her entire "person" was still enveloped in the dazzling firelight.

It was as if at this moment, she was the embodiment of flame, and she was the queen of flame.

No wonder there are three characters for "fire" in the name, it is exactly as the name suggests.

"What should I do? Fight?"

"You're thinking shit!"

Cao Tiantian and Liu Ruyan recalled the fear of that night at the same time and quickly communicated on the communication panel.

What to do in this situation?

Why don’t you give multiple-choice questions when you should be giving them the most?

Have you broken the multiple-choice question?

And in front of Oda Mai.

But narration and options appeared strangely.

[You disobeyed Queen Yanluo, and Queen Yanluo was very angry. 】

[Obviously, Queen Yanluo’s power is far beyond your imagination. 】

[You can't even hurt Queen Yanluo. 】

[Your knife is like scraping to Queen Yanluo. 】

[The next choice will determine your life or death. 】

[You can’t die now. 】

[Let’s talk later. 】

[Please select quickly within ten seconds. 】

The narrator flashed in front of Mai Oda at triple speed.


Queen Enluo has crossed most of the classroom and is close to Oda Mai.

【Please select quickly. 】

[A. Run away! 】

[B. Run away! ! 】

[C. Escape! ! ! ! 】

Oda Mai: "?"

Oda Mai had no intention of paying attention to the increasingly puzzling options.

She quickly raised the long knife with a special red handle. The chaotic blade of the long knife reflected Oda Mai's face, which was twisted and evil.

Oda Mai was about to give herself a knife.



Five steps away, Queen Enro was about to whip Oda Mai into pieces...

He actually knelt down, curled up, and lay on the ground, shivering.

Cao Tiantian: "..."

Liu Ruyan: "..."


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