Infinity Throne

Chapter 260

Yi Lin was naturally not idle.

In his eyes, the bright green light in front of him meant more than just being a monster.

Every monster is precious chaos value to Yi Lin.

With the chaos value, Yilin can upgrade the module skills and add more skills to the module.

"If I have a choice, I actually want to be a good person."

The attention of the demons was almost entirely attracted by Oda Mai. Yi Lin shuttled through the gaps between the demons. Blood Jasmine was like the god of death lurking in the darkness, harvesting fresh lives.

Yi Lin's way of killing monsters is completely different from Oda Mai's.

If Mai Oda is the light that attracts the attention of all monsters, then Yi Lin is the shadow.

Only the fallen corpse on the ground can prove that Yi Lin has been here before.

Although these demons were huge in number and almost formed a "weird wall", fortunately, after eating their stomachs one after another, these demon armies could no longer maintain their original sanity. The targets of the demons were not only the three of Yilin, but also the three of them. They don't even spare their own companions.


What are these males and females doing lying next to each other?

Yi Lin was passing by and happened to encounter two demons with a somewhat unique posture. After taking them away and harvesting the chaos value, she couldn't help but take a second look and was speechless.

Ah, this... this can no longer be described as "losing one's mind", it is completely abnormal, right?

This circle is really messy.

Yi Lin had no time to complain.

The floor plan of Styx Junior High School in his memory was clear enough to guide Yi Lin's route.

In the direction of the playground, there were still frightening bursts of fire rising into the sky from time to time in the night sky, and there were also waves of terrifying roars.

It seems that the cafeteria aunt's team is not weak, otherwise it would not be possible to maintain a stalemate with Queen Yanluo until now.

Now it seems that the route avoiding the playground is really a clear choice.

But Yi Lin didn't dare to be careless. After all, he couldn't guarantee whether there was anyone more terrifying than Queen Yanluo in Styx Junior High School.

The finger stretched out from behind the mirror made Yi Lin's vigilance to this trial increase to the maximum. Even though there was a lot of chaos value around him waiting for him to harvest, Yi Lin still resisted the temptation and concentrated on Let’s talk about conquering the main plot and escaping from this world.

During the trial, the apostle must distinguish the priorities, know the choices, and cannot be blindly deceived by the immediate interests, so that he can live longer.

Of course, this does not mean that you cannot take risks in trials. The balance between risks and benefits is all the apostle's choice.


Yi Lin pierced the heart of a demon with a knife, then twisted it and crushed the heart into pieces.

After the chaos value prompt that appeared in front of his eyes made Yi Lin completely sure that the monster was dead, he suddenly remembered something, and his movements slowed down for a moment, and he couldn't help but chew carefully.

In fact, Yi Lin had already noticed that the narrator seemed to have disappeared inexplicably after he entered the vice principal's office and destroyed the mirror.

Even the ubiquitous [multiple choice questions] quietly failed.

I noticed it... but why?

Yilin lowered his head and thought, like a shadow, inseparable from the Oda Mai meat grinder.

Oda Mai's melee strength is certainly terrifying, but this is not the way to go.

Yi Lin's ability direction is very technical. On the premise of saving spiritual energy as much as possible, it is not suitable for dealing with such a scene of charging among monsters.

Fortunately, Oda Mai didn't care about this detail, and she didn't know that every head she missed would silently turn into Yi Lin's chaos value.

The demons have long since lost their minds and are devouring everything around them without hesitation.

There were even many demons who started doing exercises to promote digestion after meals on the spot.

Such a scene is twisted, weird, unusual, and indescribable. It makes people feel like they are in the legendary hell, struggling to survive.

During this process, Oda Mai's body had long been left with scars of various sizes, and her clothes were ragged and stained with blood.

Among these blood stains, there was Oda Mai's own blood, but more of it was the blood of demons, making Oda Mai look like a bloody man who had just been soaked in a blood pool.

In the dark night.

The road is very confusing.

If Yi Lin hadn't followed Oda Mai's blood trail like a shadow, she would have been scattered by the monsters.

At this time, Yi Lin did not dare to enter the mental space at will to check the modules and upgrade skills.

Yi Lin noticed that Liu Ruyan, who was following him and Oda Wu not long ago, was submerged in the sea of ​​monsters at some point and disappeared.

"Is she dead?"

Yi Lin avoided the sharp teeth that swept past her and opened the communication panel to confirm.

Liu Ruyan's name is still "online", in other words, she is not dead yet.

If the plot hadn't intensified, and if one of the key characters, the "vice principal," hadn't died inexplicably and tragically, Yi Lin would have thought of finding a way to explore the "devil's language" line on her own.

That's why Yi Lin used precious compass numbers to locate the position of "vice principal" in Styx Junior High School.

After the death of the vice principal, the situation became slightly passive for Yi Lin.

In order to escape from the "only way out", the "key" on his body and the "devil language" mastered by Liu Ruyan are indispensable, otherwise Yi Lin would have returned to the real world by now.

at this time.

Yi Lin noticed the death mark on his chest trembling slightly.

——"You have new news, please check it in time."


Yi Lin had a bad feeling.

In this trial world, there are only three people left.

Yi Lin, Oda Mai, Liu Ruyan.

But Mai Oda was busy killing monsters and had no time to chat privately.

Besides, she obviously doesn't seem to be the type of person who would take the initiative to talk to Yi Lin for intimate whispers.

Then excluding the possibility of supernatural events, there is only one possibility left.

Yi Lin had no expression on her face and quickly opened the communication panel.

Liu Ruyan: Hehe, classmate Rin, are you looking for me?

Yi Lin: Not really.

Liu Ruyan: ..., huh, do you really think you have everything under control? Do you think you can deceive that little girl who only thinks about knives, and you can deceive me?

Yi Lin:?

Liu Ruyan: Stop pretending to be stupid! I already know that that exit can only allow one of us to leave!

Yi Lin:......

Liu Ruyan: It’s a pity that you met me, Liu Ruyan. How do you think I survived so many trials? I've seen a lot of men like you.

Yi Lin:......

Liu Ruyan: You must be curious now why I said so much? Haha, you will know soon... Farewell Rin-san. The one who can walk out of this hellish place is me.

Yi Lin: "..."

Yi Lin was completely silent.

A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

From the beginning, Yi Rin was wary of this woman.

Even when the three of them were making an escape plan in front of the clock tower, Yi Lin never relaxed his vigilance towards her.

If Yi Lin had a choice, he would never cooperate with Liu Ruyan.

Compared with Oda Mai, Liu Ruyan is obviously much more scheming. If they cooperate, it will be too tiring to scheming and scheming.

And just after Liu Ruyan ended the call, the uneasiness in Yi Lin's heart was maximized.

"Could it be... bad!"

Yilin's pupils shrank suddenly, and he quickly looked for Oda Mai among the monsters.

In the short ten seconds that Yi Lin was talking to Liu Ruyan, Oda Mai crushed them all the way very fiercely, with blood all over her body, and pushed her deep into the monster group, more than ten meters away from Yi Lin.

Yi Lin was already following her around. When Mai Oda was concentrating on killing monsters, she didn't even notice that Yi Lin had been lurking in the dark to harvest heads.

Too far!


Just when Yi Lin was about to take out the "key" and throw it into Oda Mai's hand.

There was a prompt in front of me.

Not a narration.

But...a reminder from the tower!

["Phantom Thief's Notice" meets the conditions and is successfully activated. 】

【warn. 】

【warn. 】

【warn. 】

[The props locked in the "Notice Letter" are about to be stolen, so please take anti-theft measures. 】

【Congratulations! Stolen successfully! 】

It was as if there was an invisible hand that silently penetrated into the depths of Yilin and entered Yilin's storage space.

In an instant, a flexible white glove appeared in front of Yi Lin out of thin air and sank into Yi Lin's chest without any warning.

After the white glove mysteriously disappeared into Yi Lin's chest, it passed through Yi Lin's back in the blink of an eye, as if it had no entity or an illusion.

But Yi Lin knew very well that this was not an illusion.

Yi Lin turned around.

The white gloves made a very "OK" gesture, and the thumb and index finger gently pinched a...card!

This is... a rule-based prop!

The white gloves floating in the void playfully waved to Yi Lin, carrying the card with them, and disappeared into the void without a trace.

"This woman... actually reserved such a hand."

Yi Lin was speechless.

He was not speechless to Liu Ruyan, but was speechless to the prompt given by the tower when the card was stolen.

Congratulations to your sister.

Thank you very much.


Oda Mai was chopping the monster happily, her sword was bleeding and her tentacles were flying.

She could even tell that some demons had an emotion called fear on their faces.

This made Oda Mai feel a little puzzled.

What are you afraid of?

I won’t eat you.

You eat yours, I'll chop mine.

Do not affect each other.

Thinking of this, Oda Mai got even more excited.

At this time, an indifferent but calm voice suddenly came from Oda Mai's ear.

"The keys were stolen."

Oda Mai: "?!"

Yi Lin repeated: "The key was stolen by Liu Ruyan."


Oda Mai chopped down a demon that was charging at the side with a knife, and after being stabbed by Yi Lin casually, Oda Mai looked at Yi Lin.

Although she said nothing, her knuckles were slightly white, and her hands holding the knife were a little harder, as if she was hesitating who to hit with the next... next two swords.

Oda Mai's eyes became colder and colder, but the air around him seemed to suddenly solidify, filled with cold murderous intent.

With lightning speed, Yilin thrust a delicate small object into Oda Mai's hand.

"You need to brew up your emotions first. If you kill that woman, we can go back. Press harder. The more intense your emotions, the better."

Oda Mai looked down and realized that what Yi Lin had thrust into her hand was a compass.

"Liu Ruyan, Liu Ruyan, I have never underestimated you... You are capable of using special props to steal things from my storage space, but whether you can reach the end may not be what you think. I wish."

Yi Lin narrowed her eyes and said with a smile, "To be honest, I'm angry."

In order to leave more hope for the future, Yi Lin rarely kills all the apostles in trials unless he has no choice, or has a conflict of interest, or meets a "regular customer" in the future.

Yi Lin was a little angry.

He was so angry that his smile was distorted.

This smile has no one to protect it...

While Oda Mai was checking the properties of the compass and brewing her emotions, Yi Lin took out a card from the storage space... and crushed it.

[Do you use scene cards to generate random scenes? 】

【YES/NO? 】

Is not this nonsensical?

If you don’t say YES, I’ll give you a shit.

Yi Lin made a quick choice.


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