Infinity Throne

Chapter 271 Annihilation!

Following the exploding fireworks, the Night Dire in spray state arrived in the blink of an eye.

It was a crack filled with sharp teeth.

In the cracks, after the explosion, various shapes of minced meat were spit out.

That was a back-up move he deployed casually not long ago!

There... was the basement of the infirmary.

That's where the monster's ovary is.

Yi Lin and Mai Oda had already noticed something was wrong when they visited the infirmary at night.

Why is there no BOSS guarding the birthplace of all demons in Styx Junior High School?

Is that too much?

Now tie it all together and everything can make sense.

That is, Christine, as the "behind the scenes", did it intentionally.

She secretly releases various "options" through the "antennas" placed behind everyone's back, and arranges different traps and prompts for each person in the options.

At the end of this trial, all the answers are hidden in it.



Yi Rin said with a smile.

It seemed like he was asking himself, and also like he was asking Oda Mai behind him.

Oda Mai was breathing rapidly.

It's not fear.

But...the injury was too serious.

If it weren't for the super-absorbent band-aid on the wound on her back, she might not be able to resist now.

But at this moment, Oda Mai didn't say much.

Just click it and hold the knife tightly.

This is the answer.


Yilin understood Oda Mai's answer.

The two thick exhaust pipes of the Night Dire spit out more intense black flames.

The thick smell of alcohol completely covered up the stench of blood around him.

If there is still a glimmer of hope in this desperate situation, at the end of this trial, then it can only be there.

In the place where Christine guided Yi Rin intentionally or unintentionally.

That is the source of Styx Junior High School.

Obviously, all his actions with Mai Oda seemed to be operating according to the script written by Christine in advance.

Yi Lin was also a little unhappy.

After all, this feeling of being manipulated is very frustrating.

But he was still unhappy, and he had to bow his head no matter what, he had to live.

"Grasp of Annihilation!"

Yi Lin grabbed the crack with her bare hands.

Unexpectedly, in Yi Lin's palm, between the five fingers that were held empty, it seemed that she was holding the throat of the world.

In an instant.

Skilled Yi Lin used the "touch" of her five fingers to lock the crack.

Skill activates!

Illusive light appeared out of thin air in Yi Lin's eyes, outlining a square area.

After the lock was completed, Yi Lin's five fingers... suddenly clenched!

The imagined explosion did not come as promised.

But the moment Yi Lin clenched her five fingers, the ferocious and twisted tentacles, the sharp teeth secreting mucus, and the squirming flesh wall in the locked area collapsed in the blink of an eye following Yi Lin's movements. It turned into a little bit of red dust, leaving not even a trace.

There... there was no sign, only a square hole was left!

In that area...everything disintegrates and is annihilated!

The scene before her eyes made Yi Lin slightly startled.

"It actually triggered the annihilation effect?"

The ultimate destruction, but the ultimate quietness. The annihilation effect is different from the explosion effect. The silent annihilation gives people unspeakable terror.

Even Yi Lin, who was the creator of the hole, witnessed everything in an area disappear without a trace in the blink of an eye. The shock was beyond words.

This is annihilation!

It’s the same as erasure!

Yi Lin believed that even Queen Yanluo or Christine, who could regenerate infinitely, would not be able to be reborn under the "annihilation" effect.

After all, there wasn't even a scrap left in that area!

After a brief silence, in less than a second, Yi Lin recovered from the shock of "annihilation", turned the front of the car, and rushed into the hole without hesitation.

Deep in the cavity, the annihilated flesh wall is as smooth as a mirror, as if there is a square-shaped space that has been completely hollowed out by a magical force, leaving no trace of its past existence.

And at the bottom of the cavity, new flesh and blood and sharp teeth are constantly being generated, endlessly, in an endless cycle.

Oda Mai clenched the knife in her hand, but couldn't do it.

"Come again."

Yi Lin let out a long laugh. The terrifying power of the Grip of Annihilation gave Yi Lin the confidence that "I can overwhelm all enemies." But this is also based on the assumption of unlimited spiritual power. As long as the spiritual power is limited, no matter how terrible the spiritual apostle skills are, there will be times when they fail.

But at the very least, when the spiritual energy value is sufficient, and under the advancement of "Grasp of Annihilation" with no cooldown limit at all...

Yi Lin is unstoppable.


With a bare hand, the area locked by the skill deep in the hole once again outlines the boundary. In the blink of an eye, the terrifying explosion light drowned everything.

The force of the explosion caused the flesh, flesh and tentacles of the terrifying monster to retreat for a moment, and they all retracted.

Explode again!

Although the annihilation effect was not triggered again, the "Grasp of Annihilation" under normal power was also very powerful, and not just flesh and blood could withstand it.

After all, this is not an iron wall. If the monster's body is so hard that even the Grip of Annihilation cannot explode it, or it cannot be chopped at all, the two of them will simply wait to die... let alone looking for a way to survive... ...Maybe it will be more enjoyable.

Three consecutive shots of "Grasp of Annihilation" caused Yi Lin's psychic energy to drop to the dangerous level in a short period of time. His head was buzzing, his vision was black, and he kept having star-like illusions.

The spiritual power is about to be exhausted!

So deep?

Not so!

It was obvious that he had buried "unstable explosives" in advance, and the noise after the explosion was spread to the surface, so it shouldn't be that deep.

Or is it that the moment the monster's "ovary" was injured, it took the initiative to hide the room deeper?

It's not impossible.

Protecting eggs... is the nature of living things, regardless of male or female. The monster in front of him seemed to belong to some kind of "creature" category.

The Night Dire has now reached the depths of the monster's body. It is surrounded by darkness, and the fishy flesh smells of burnt flesh. But in the wriggling flesh wall, new shoots seem to be constantly squeezed out from the peeling dead meat, rapidly growing into new tentacles and ferocious teeth, as if they are trying to completely remove the "food" that has actively entered the monster's belly. Digestion.

Yi Lin's heart sank.

The psychic value has bottomed out.

Three consecutive shots of the Grip of Annihilation, without reservation, consumed Yi Lin's 600 points of spiritual energy.

In this hurry, no matter how naturally the spiritual energy value recovers, it will never be possible to squeeze out another shot.

His face was expressionless, he turned his hand and twisted it, and a red light appeared.

In the firelight.

Yi Lin's brief silence made her understand something.

She had no comfort, no hesitation, and no coercion. At this time, Oda Mai simply jumped down from the Night Dire, raised her hand and slashed at the squirming flesh wall below.

The two of them were inside the monster's body. The monster seemed to be aware of Oda Mai's movements. Countless bloody mouths suddenly opened on the flesh wall, and it bit at Oda Mai wildly.

"From now on let the world -"

Yi Lin planned to use the last of her spiritual energy to unleash disaster on the monster in front of her.

It does not mean that the bigger the body, the higher the will attribute. According to Yi Lin's estimation, the "will" attribute of such a crazy monster should be terribly low and unable to block the effects of disaster.

This is Yi Lin's last skill.

After using this skill, his spiritual energy was completely exhausted and he fell into the most dangerous situation.


The line that is a condition for the activation of the skill has not yet been finished.

A crisp sound like a broken membrane made Yilin stop singing.

Oda Mai was also stunned.

She just pulled out the knife and cut forward, but before she could use any force... it broke.



It actually broke.

It broke with one poke.

Oda Mai landed on the soft "ground" with a plop.


Yi Lin drove the Night Dire with great skill and landed safely without any trace of embarrassment.


Yi Lin looked at the "entrance" where they came from. It was healing rapidly, and even the cracks disappeared in the blink of an eye. He ignored it, resisting the stinging pain in his eyebrows and the buzzing auditory hallucinations in his ears, and quickly looked at his surroundings.

It is surrounded by squirming flesh walls, which are covered with pulsating blood vessels and filled with unknown liquid.

As a qualified senior apostle, you must master the unfamiliar environment as soon as possible. This is a basic skill that goes without saying.

"This is where?"

Oda Mai put away the knife, her expression as usual.

It was as if what she had pierced was not the flesh and blood of the monster, but really just a layer of membrane so easily.


Yi Lin said with a smile. After he finished his reconnaissance, he got off the bus and walked towards the front.


Oda Mai looked at Yi Lin and typed a question mark quickly and elegantly.

She seemed to think there was something wrong with Yi Lin's answer.

But there seems to be no problem.

"Huh? Is there a problem? Isn't this the monster's ovary?"

"No." Oda Mai shook her head.

She decided not to delve into the flaws in Yi Lin's statement.

Yi Lin was also a little depressed. His last shot of the Grip of Annihilation was only one layer away from being able to completely blow through the monster... Who were he trying to scare?

The two of them said nothing more.

The furnishings here are roughly the same as last night.

But after the "reconstruction" of Styx Junior High School, the spiral staircase that originally led here has disappeared without a trace, and it has become a secret room without any entrance or exit.

——The real secret room.

If Yilin hadn't used such a violent method to open it, they would never have been able to get here.

This is the "ovary".

All demons born from eggs are born here.

It is also the place where Saya was born.

All the eggs born of demons in Styx Junior High School are here.

But at this time, the ovary was in a mess.

In order to achieve the best effect, Yi Lin spent a whole night arranging various placement of explosive beads in different places.

Even if the explosion was not triggered by the vibration caused by the monster waking up, Yi Lin had already set the time for the scheduled explosion, ensuring that this wave of explosions could achieve the best effect.

Of course, the explosion time Yi Lin set at the beginning... was the third day.

He also didn't expect that due to some unexpected events, the change would come so unexpectedly.

All that was left on the ground was the envelopes of various eggs and a sticky liquid.

Those liquids seemed to be corrosive. The squirming flesh walls under the feet and around them would emit a faint smoke wherever they were contaminated by the light red liquid.

It all smells of blood.

But it's not human blood.

It seems safe here for now.

Because of the explosion, all the eggs were shattered. Yi Lin knew where the unborn demons in the eggs had gone without thinking.

"Devils that have lost their use, whether dead or alive, are eaten back by the monster's mother body. Not a single drop of nutrients is wasted. This is really environmentally friendly. Hmm... a perfect cycle."

Yi Lin discovered that the person who designed this "factory" was really a talent.

Not doing scientific research is simply a waste of this talent.

While thinking about it, Yi Lin walked into the depths with vigilance.

Oda Mai also silently raised the knife and followed, not talking nonsense.


The two reached the end of the "ovary".

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