Infinity Throne

Chapter 282 The correct way to remove dead skin (2-in-1)

This strange look made Yi Lin's heart flutter.

It would be better if the opponent is full of murderous intent, Yi Lin can kill back without any psychological burden.

But this look...

Something is wrong.

The director looked around Yi Lin several times, left, right, up and down.

The more I look at it, the more satisfied I become.

This mysterious villain, the faceless ultimate villain, seems to be tailor-made for the young man in front of him!

True performance!

There is no sense of disobedience!


The director sincerely lamented that he has been in the industry for many years, has rich experience, and has read countless people, but he has never seen such a layered villain temperament.

This sentence "perfect" made Li Changge extremely puzzled.

What kind of trend does this director have?

"Changge, who is this...?"

The director finally remembered that he should be reserved and ask about the basic situation first, don't be anxious, don't be anxious.

Li Changge answered truthfully: "Yilin, a great... friend who came from afar."

Li Changge was so quick to speak that he almost lost his composure and blurted out the word "big boss".

But luckily he reacted quickly.

Still, he calmed down in time and smiled faintly.

"Big friend?"

The director thought about it for a while and ignored it.


The next second, he suddenly grabbed Yi Lin's hands.

"This brother, we really met each other, so why did we know each other before? Ah, we met too late... Ah no, it should be said that we met early rather than by chance."

The director's expression was both ferocious and excited, and his words were incoherent.

Yi Lin silently exerted force and pulled out her hand.

"Look at me, I'm so happy, excited, excited. Hey... laugh, laugh."

The director rubbed his palms together to calm down, but his expression was still a bit wild.

"I wonder if this little brother is interested in acting? With my professional vision and many years of experience in the industry -"

"Not interested." Yi Lin instantly thought through the director's next polite words and decisively refused.

The director was stunned when he heard this.

Ah this?

No need to think at all?

Little brother, do you have any misunderstandings about the entertainment industry?

This is obviously a serious movie.

It's not serious... He hasn't taken pictures for many years.

"You don't think about it anymore? To be honest, I have never seen an actor with such a villainous temperament. This faceless role is tailor-made for you, so that you can play your true self!"

Li Changge heard it.

I was instantly happy.

The corners of his mouth were twisted into a chrysanthemum shape, and he could barely hold back his laughter and growl like a pig.


True performance?

Wow, click, click—

Yi Lin suddenly turned her head, looked at Li Changge with an expressionless face, and asked, "Why are you laughing?"

Li Changge's expression froze and he subconsciously covered his mouth: "I, I mustn't laugh?"


Why are you telling me that you're not smiling when the corners of your mouth are so tight?

Yi Lin suppressed the urge to use the big slap technique to slap Li Changge in the face.

After all, he had already perfected this move under Queen Yanluo and was very skilled at it.

The director is also a genius.

He seemed to understand Yi Lin's concerns.

It doesn't matter, he is used to convincing people with reason.

"Do you think it's a bit aggrieved not to show your face? No, no, no, this is an epoch-making interpretation. As the most powerful villain in the entire movie, I don't think any face can interpret his style."

"This brand-new character design, mysterious, suspenseful, and full of climaxes, will definitely leave a mark in the field of film!"

"Believe me, even if you don't show your face, with your natural villain temperament, you can definitely interpret the essence of this character 100%. You are him, and he is you."

"You may not know that as long as you can perform this role perfectly, even if you don't show your face, once the movie is released and it triggers a strong response and sensation, your name on the screen will be your most powerful business card to enter the entertainment industry. ...The kind with diamonds.”

"Believe me, I'm sure."

Li Changge finally couldn't hold it in any longer.

He tightly covered the blooming anus on his mouth: "I, I'm going to the toilet."

On the road, Li Changge's mean laughter could be heard faintly.

Could it be because of my charm... it makes me look like a villain?

Yi Lin felt a little sore in her balls for no reason.

There's something wrong with this.

Li Changge hid in the empty men's room and laughed for three full minutes.

It took a lot of effort to calm down, lest the big boss see it and it would leave some discomfort. Li Changge straightened up his expression and walked out of the toilet calmly with the most handsome and cool attitude.

When Li Changge came out and looked in the direction of the crew, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"What...are you talking about? Are you so happy?"

Directed by Li Changge.

Instead, he held the tablet with great interest and spoke to Yi Lin about the key points of the character "Shadow Star".

Yi Lin frowned and thought for a moment: "Actually, I don't have many lines. Plus, with my face covered, I can express myself freely, right?"

The director thought for a while, but Yi Lin's temperament was very suitable for this role, and he couldn't be wrong about this. But it was a fact that Yi Lin didn't have any acting experience, so he could only say: "Okay, you try it first, and when you encounter difficulties, you can solve them slowly. I believe you, I have enough patience."

Finally, the director added: "This will be a great movie."

"Ah, here, you guys wait a minute-"

Li Changge finally heard it. His eyes widened, and his pretense disappeared instantly: "You... agreed?"

Yi Lin showed a row of neat white teeth and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's not a very troublesome thing. Helping others has always been synonymous with me, isn't it?"

Damn it?

Boss, what you said is too much.

Is helping others synonymous with you?

After all, I, Li Changge, am the hairiest person on your legs. I have stayed with you through life and death, and have never left you so many times. Why didn’t I know that you still have this attribute?

The director explained: "Yi Lin is really generous! There is nothing to say! He even promised not to get paid. He just wanted to take away a small thing after the filming of the scene and take it back as a souvenir."

After some explanation, Li Changge realized that Yi Lin had the idea of ​​getting the props from the crew.

He quickly pulled Yi Lin aside.

"Boss, tell the truth, is that prop another... that thing?"

Li Changge pursed his lips.

No one knows that in the end of the Huating City incident, Li Changge was the biggest winner.

Not only did he get an epic piece of equipment [Bat Suit] from Yi Lin, but he also got a cursed spirit-enchanted weapon, which came with a mother spirit head that was responsible for pressing the bed board. It can be said that I reached the pinnacle of life in an instant.

As soon as Li Changge heard the director's words, he guessed Yi Lin's plan and asked quickly.

After all, Li Changge also knows the taste of the mother spirit, and the more he presses on it, the happier he is. He hopes that there are more things like this to make a fortune in silence, the better.

Yi Lin looked away: "Where are you thinking? Do you think that thing is a 'prop'?"

"Isn't it?" Li Changge came closer, with an expression of "Don't fool me", as if he didn't give up.

"Haven't you ever touched it?"

"The mask has been touched before..."

"That's it, isn't it? If there is no 'attribute', it means there is no abnormality. You don't understand this?"

Li Changge thought about it carefully, and it made sense.

Could it be that the boss is really selfless and helpful this time?

Although he still didn't believe it, he couldn't explain it with other reasons.

The director pulled Yi Lin back again and warned her carefully.

"This is the climax of the whole movie. The general plot is that you appear in front of everyone very arrogantly and fight the protagonist 'Invincible' for 300 rounds under the gaze of everyone and everyone's expectations. This martial arts fight The play...forget it, how about you give it a free play? The main thing is the temperament, express that feeling as much as possible with subtle movements and eye contact."

The director intertwined and rubbed his thumb and index finger vigorously, as if he wanted to use this subtle movement change to let Yi Lin understand the artistic conception he wanted to express.

"That kind of invincible loneliness, the helplessness of reality, the coldness with a trace of sadness, the sadness with a trace of loneliness, the loneliness with a trace of cold arrogance, the cold arrogance -"

Yi Lin's ears were ringing and she quickly interrupted the director's tirade.

"Shall I try first?"

"Okay!" The director found that he seemed to be a little bit verbose. After all, the other party was a newcomer, so it was normal to give him some room to develop. He was very patient anyway.

At this time, the director pushed the tablet in front of Yi Lin again.

"Well, in this scene, do you have any ideas about the background of your appearance? This is a holographic projector, which can directly project the back figure. You see, there are many themes here, including "Love at the End of the World", "Every Night" "Singing Song", "Peach Blossoms", "Rough Waves", "When Peach Ripens"... you can choose for yourself!"

Yi Lin took the tablet.

Modern live special effects, just swipe a few times.

The UI of the interface is very simple, and Yi Lin got the essence of it after operating it for a while.


Yi Lin chose a simple dark night theme, then slightly changed it according to her preferences, and she was done.

"Everyone is in position! Get ready to start shooting!"

Under the director's command, no matter how dissatisfied everyone is with this talkative director, driven by their abilities, they can only get busy and start working.

While the others were preparing, Yi Lin finally successfully came into contact with the mask that was glowing with black air.

"Since another actor has worn this mask before, nothing means that it is not a 'ownerless spirit' similar to a spirit-possessed weapon, which has such great lethality."

Yi Lin looked at the writhing black energy for a moment.

I found that the face condensed with black energy seemed to be just a background image. There was no focus in the empty eye sockets, but a cold resentment was faintly exuding.


It's resentment.

Yi Lin knocked on the dead skin on his forehead, and he seemed to feel the black energy.

"Is this... the resentment left behind by the deceased before his death?"

"Even if it's just a little bit, it's still attached to the mask."

"Perhaps this mask was left behind by the previous owner when he committed a murder?"

Yi Lin probably understood what was going on.

He slowly held the mask in his hands.

In an instant.

From the [Resentment] that was close to her forehead, a cold and cold breath spread quietly, making Yi Lin tremble slightly involuntarily.

In the blink of an eye, the resentful soul on the mask became even more distorted. It opened its mouth to let out a silent wail, then swished away from the mask and rushed towards Yi Lin.

Yi Lin didn't make any move and allowed the resentful spirit to pounce.

call out.



The resentful spirit is gone.

Yi Lin checked the attributes of [Resentment] again and found that the progress bar of [Resentment] had changed from 67% to 67.2%...

It dawned on him.

It turns out that this is accurate to one digit after the decimal point!

A mutilated resentful soul attached to the mask only increased the progress bar by 0.2%.

Simply outrageous.

Yi Lin didn't expect that she would accidentally find the correct way to open [Grudge].

What I didn't expect was that this method of opening would be so difficult.

"So it turns out you absorb resentment to grow?"

After Yi Lin finished dealing with the resentful soul on the mask.

Silently, I added one more item to my next travel plan.

——Upgrade [Grudge].

Everyone is ready.

Hold your breath and concentrate.

After Yi Lin absorbed the resentful soul on the mask, she planned to fool the scene and sneak away quietly.

Unintentionally discovering the upgrade method of [Grudge] can be considered a big gain.

Yi Lin puts on costumes and props.

No wonder the actor who played "Shadow No Star" had such strong opinions.

The whole black robe covers from head to toes.

Not to mention his face, even his hands were wearing pitch black leather gloves and his feet were wearing pitch black boots, with no trace of skin exposed.

The only thing Yi Lin showed was the two holes in the mask.

It seems that according to the director, the eyes are far more important than the face.

And if you couldn’t see the mask, you couldn’t act, so the two holes in the mask were finally retained.

But the actor was not happy!

If you can't see the face, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

The little fresh guy who stopped performing was so angry that it was not without reason.

I was excited to take on the role of the biggest villain of the show, but I didn't expect to actually play the role. I found out that it was so deceiving, so I quit angrily.

But Yi Lin didn't care about this.

Inside the leather boots, a small descending device is installed.

It can react with the magnetic levitation elements of the floor to produce a short-term levitation effect.

Although it can't be as exaggerated as taking off on the spot, it can serve as the "hanging wire" commonly used in the last century.

This can be regarded as a major breakthrough in the film industry.

The cost of this thing is said to be quite high.

And it can only be used on special floors.

Or, put a magnetic levitation board on the ground.

This technology is also used in modern high-altitude operations.

Let’s not mention the gossip for now.

Director, special effects, photography, music, extras, everything is ready.


As the director roared, the lights in the entire studio suddenly went out.

The director was very nervous.

My legs were shaking slightly.

He almost forgot to breathe and stared straight at the place in the darkness where "Shadow Starless" was about to appear.

in the dark.

A bright crescent moon hangs high in the sky.

The plot follows the previous scene.

The "brave and invincible" gambling fairy played by Li Changge is silently confronting a group of villains.

The extras looked sad, as if they were about to cry at any moment.

The brave and invincible man stands proudly with his hands behind his back, invincible in the world.

Very cool... very good.

Don't ask why the gambling fairy didn't gamble, but started fighting instead.

Because Li Changge didn’t know.

Maybe even the director himself doesn’t know.

What's even more outrageous may be that no one in the entire crew knows why the gambling fairy is so invincible.

It's just a script anyway.

Everyone just followed this inexplicable new script and performed it with all their might, no matter what the result was.

Li Changge's expression was calm, but he was still confused.

Why on earth would this big guy behave in such a way that is completely inconsistent with his usual personality?

Is it because of the love for my younger brother?



If you really want help, just tell me! It has to be so mysterious!


Right now.

The bright crescent moon turned red instantly.

Like blood.

As the scene changed, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

According to Yi Lin's request, there was no proper BGM backstage.

He originally just thought that with the BGM, he would look exactly like Li Changge's funny special effects... Yi Lin didn't want it.

But at this moment, the strange scene changes and the dead silence of the atmosphere add a bit of unspeakable depression to this heavy atmosphere.



The director felt the completely silent atmosphere, and all the actors in the scene looked to the sky, their expressions frozen. At this time, no BGM can arouse the audience's endless imagination more than BGM.

No BGM can exaggerate the oppressive feeling caused by the silent waiting.

A shadow as black as ink floated towards the blood moon behind it.

Silent and silent.

Blood moon.

Like a hook.

long street.

When everything was silent and everyone was frozen, the only thing moving in the sky was that dark shadow.

In the extreme silence, someone suddenly moved, which invisibly increased the presence of the black shadow to the maximum.

Whether inside or outside the court, everyone's eyes were focused on the dark figure in the sky.

There is no wind around.

The black robe on the shadow's body fluttered behind him as if blown by the wind.

It was like a huge crow in the night, spreading its black wings full of wounds.

At this time.

Next to the director, a staff member looked puzzled and asked in a low voice: "It's strange. There is obviously no hair dryer arranged. How can this Ying Wuxing's robe float like this?"

"Shh! Don't make any noise!"

The director was already obsessed with it.

This powerful character, this figure, this mysterious and domineering atmosphere created silently... He really didn't misjudge the person!

That guy is indeed born to play the role of a villain!


Someone recovered from the shock and started reading the lines. The mood is quite full.

"It's him!"

"It's him!"

"It's that one!"

"that one!"

"That terrifying being whose name is equivalent to a taboo!"

"Come! Let's all chant his name together!"




"Shadow Starless!"

Yilin finally made it to the final level.

He was a little confused.

This line...who is the villain?

Li Changge was equally full of emotions. He opened his eyes and faced the villain played by Yi Lin, unafraid.

Of course, this is just the emotion he pretends on the surface, and there is a slight difference from the emotion when he actually activates the [Fifty Cent Special Effect]. As a professional actor, Li Changge knows how good his acting skills are and how powerful his acting skills are.

Unless... I can't hold my emotions anymore.

"Who are you?"

The brave and invincible man raised his head and asked loudly, his voice full of energy and energy sinking into his Dantian.

Ying Wuxing didn’t answer.

In the darkness, the shadows were motionless without stars, just like this dark night, vast and silent.

But in those eyes, there were three parts of indifference, three parts of aloofness, three parts of sadness, and one part of deeply hidden disdain.


The director bit his lower lip tightly, twisted his ten fingers together, his face flushed with excitement, and he wanted to pounce on him.


All you need is the eyes!

This is drama!

The eyes are full of drama!



This is the true nature of the performance!

As everyone knows, Yi Lin is just thinking about how to beat Li Changge gracefully and gently in front of everyone.

Shen Yong Wudi suddenly felt something was wrong.

Because he had never seen such a terrifying look.

His legs were even shaking slightly, but he just held them firmly, trying not to let the trembling show up in the camera.

"who are you?"

Ying Wuxing didn't answer, just one step, one step, one step, walking towards Shen Yong Invincible without any hurry.

"Do you know that I am a brave and invincible person who dominates the world?"

Li Changge was a little scared and subconsciously took a step back.

Off the court.

The director was already roaring crazily in his heart.

That's it!

This state of silence is better than sound!

Here, there was originally a question-and-answer dialogue between Youying Wuxing and Shen Yong Invincible.

But good guy, I just said "good guy" directly!

He actually used this silent treatment method!

As the saying goes, the biggest weakness is that you can’t see the strength!

I didn't even answer, how can you judge my merit? I don't even say anything, how can you know my depth?

"How wonderful!"

In the blink of an eye, in everyone's tense atmosphere, Ying Wuxing, played by Yi Lin, has walked up to Shen Yong Wudi, played by Li Changge.


Three steps away, a palm shot came out.

Li Changge was stunned.


Li Changge's head was violently thrown to the side.


the other side.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Li Changge's face was turned into a rattle.


Li Changge was angry!

He is ready to fight back!

He is so brave and invincible!

Right now.

Li Changge suddenly felt his anus vibrating wildly.

The vibrations were so strong that one wave after another made Li Changge tremble without wanting to fight.

He had no choice but to open the communication panel as quickly as possible and almost cried.

All the news about Yi Lin.

One after another.

And it's all incoherent nonsense.

Boss, how can you distract your opponent with your dirty talk when the two armies are facing each other?

Ning, this is a foul!

Young man, you don’t respect martial ethics!

How could this be?

When Li Changge finally resisted Ju Zhen and closed the panel, a dark fist came towards him.

The two men were fighting fiercely on the field.

To be precise, the "brave and invincible" who was supposed to be invincible in the world was actually suffering from convulsions and being beaten at the same time, which was very miserable.

This sudden change of painting style made everyone in the audience stunned.

"Director, this isn't right. When Ying Wuxing hit him just now, he clearly didn't touch Shen Yong Invincible? Is his head-slapping action too exaggerated?"

"You know nothing! This is a big production! Is it difficult to add some special effects such as internal strength and superpowers? Didn't you find that Li Changge is very professional? His expressions are very spot on! I give it full marks."

"But, this is a bit unscientific!"

"Humph, this is the effect you want. What's wrong with adding some science fiction elements?"

Is this still science fiction? It’s just fantasy, right?

"Ah wait, the brave and invincible has been stepped on the ground..."

"It's okay, the effect is very good." The director was very satisfied.

"But at the end of the script, it seems that the brave and invincible defeated Ying Wuxing."

"It doesn't matter, this one is better and can better reflect the power of the mysterious villain."

"Director, director, but this kind of ending of 'evil prevails over good' will not pass the review, right?"

"It's okay. I'll shoot a scene later that shows the bravery, invincibility, and indomitable laughter with tears. It shows that in the end, this movie is still very positive. It reflects the protagonist's repeated defeats, repeated defeats, battles and defeats, and the more he fights, the better he gets. powerful."

"Ah this? Isn't this the end?"

"What the hell do you know? Which major production nowadays is not going to be a trilogy? Isn't it weird to leave suspense in the first part? Isn't it okay to make a second part, "The Fight Against Shadows Again"?"


The director suddenly reacted, turned his head, and said with a sullen face: "Are you the director or am I the director? Do you still want to mess around? Are you teaching me how to do things?"

"Yes, yes, yes..." The voice that kept asking questions suddenly choked up: "But I am a screenwriter..."


When the director saw that Li Changge was almost beaten to death by the villain, he finally shouted "Ka!" with all his strength.

The lights come back on.

The brave and invincible Li Changge twitched on the spot and was dying.

Everyone silently praised Li Changge for his dedication.

Yi Lin took off his mask and said with a smile: "Director, is it okay?"

This smile indeed comes from the heart, after all, Yi Lin is very happy now.

Li Changge got up from the ground with a sad face.

But he quickly put away his crying face and patted the dust on his body, looking calm and calm.

No matter how painful it is, it will never damage your character.

——Cry again when you go home.

Although he looked very miserable, Yi Lin did not beat Li Changge to death, and his health points should not have been lost much.

Just when Li Changge thought it was over.

Ju Zhen comes again.

He took a quick look.

Yi Lin only sent the last sentence: "Chat back."

Li Changge: "..."

The director carefully turned over and watched the scene several times. He was so satisfied that he couldn't help himself. His face turned red, as if he saw the Best Director Award waving to him.


"How can there be such a perfect villain!"

"It's natural, it's natural!"

"One shot to the end! Awesome!"

"Of course, Li Changge's acting skills are also very good. I didn't expect that he could vividly show the humiliation, unwillingness, pain, anger, regret and other emotions of the brave and invincible when he was beaten."

Li Changge cupped his hands and smiled lightly: "Thank you, thank you."

"By the way, where's Xiaoyi? Let's go have a celebration banquet later!"

At this time.

Everyone looked around for Yi Lin.

However, he discovered that Yi Lin had left this place at some point.

It's like it never appeared.

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