Infinity Throne

Chapter 285

Classmate Li Erpang was carried sideways into the car by several people.

A group of professional bodyguards used skilled techniques to press down on Li Erpang's classmate to wake him up. Li Erpang cried very loudly at that time.

Yi Lin had already contacted the Lis and his wife in advance.

If not, Li Erpang would never have been able to escape from the Li family mansion so easily.

The impression that Li Erpang's father gave Yi Lin was that he was gentle, polite, and very sophisticated. He was by no means a small role.

Li Erpang's mother was even more outrageous. She was wearing a dignified cheongsam, but from the way she walked, Yi Lin could tell that she was definitely a master of ancient martial arts. There was no ambiguity.

When conspiring with the Li family and his wife, Yi Lin was once again moved by their attitude towards him.

Before the collapse of order, before the concept of "family" was still popular, the background of this family could actually be guessed from the surface.

The more established a family is, the less likely they will do outrageous things such as oppressing the people.

Like the Xiao family in Qingcheng, they thought they could run rampant with such a mysterious organization as the Evangelical Society. Even the educated Xiao Yang had a domineering personality, which is evident from the appearance of this nouveau riche.

The Li family where Li Erpang lives is a real imperial family, with the bloodline left by the emperor.

Mayor Li is very friendly and kind to Yi Rin.

In short, the little fat man returned home crying with Su Xiaosu.

Before leaving.

Although all the bodyguards had a stern look on their faces.

But from the slightly twitching corners of their mouths, Yi Lin could deduce that they must be in a very happy mood.

Super Plus enjoy.

After settling the matter, Mayor Li ceremoniously invited Yi Lin to the Li family's residence, saying that he wanted to thank Yi Lin for her hard work in bringing the Su and Li families together, and it seemed that he also gave her a big gift.

But when Yi Lin thought about it carefully, he realized that he had already received the mission reward from Su Xiaosu, and besides, he only paid for two insignificant props.

——[Indescribable Rosemary].

——[Alice Q version commemorative badge].

He didn't have the nerve to receive another reward, so he politely declined.

Mayor Li expressed his regret.

in addition.

For Yi Lin, money and other things are enough as long as they are enough. Because soon after, the money system collapsed completely, and no amount of money was of any use.

On the contrary, the [Forbidden Fruit of Wisdom] given by Su Xiaosu is really a top-quality treasure that no amount of money can buy.

After bidding farewell to Li Changge, Yi Lin returned to the capital alone.

It has been half a month since I returned from taking a bath in Styx Junior High School.

In the blink of an eye, it was time for the next trial to come.

The "trial" that happens about once a month is as frequent as a big aunt. It seems like it only comes once in a long time, but in fact, this daily period is very precious.

Yi Lin felt that she had to start preparing for the next trial before she had time to relax.

But he has long been accustomed to this rhythm, and there is nothing to say.

No one commemorated the tenth anniversary of the tower's arrival.

After all, this is not a day worth remembering.

The pain left by that "starfall" on the earth still has traces even in many remote places.

Two more days passed.

Molly ran over tiredly with two dark circles under her eyes.

She directly threw an encrypted micro USB drive in front of Yi Lin.

"Here, here is the information you want."

"Your list is more than you think. Some have the same name, some have more than a dozen names, and some have only a few. You can compare it yourself to see who the person you are looking for is."

Molly finished speaking quickly and yawned lazily, looking very sleepy.

"Did you stay up late again?"

"It doesn't matter. There's still a little bit of the mask you gave me. Just apply it after you wake up. It'll be fine."

Molly subconsciously rubbed her slightly puffy lower eyelids.

Facial mask?

Yi Lin was startled at first.

Then he came to his senses.

The "facial mask" that Molly was talking about was the [specialty ghost oil] that he brought out from the ghost fog mountain trial a few months ago. Unexpectedly, Molly hasn't used it up yet.

Quite durable.

Yi Lin nodded and said nothing more.

Molly suddenly remembered something and had a strange expression: "Speaking of which, in your 'industry', the confidentiality mechanism is very thorough."


"It's that mask. I once took out a little bit and wanted to test the ingredients and molecular structure. Unexpectedly, there was nothing in the analysis instrument. It seemed to have evaporated out of thin air. If I hadn't known in advance that this was a kind of The power that science cannot currently explain, I thought it was a ghost.”

"You actually took it for analysis?"

When Yi Lin heard this, she couldn't laugh or cry.

"Tch, you won't get pregnant if you try." Molly quickly made herself a cup of hot coffee with a slight salt flavor and ended the topic: "By the way, when are you leaving?"


Yi Lin thought about it for a while and then decided without hesitation for more than ten seconds.

Now that the list is in hand, he can formulate a "travel strategy" tonight and prepare for the next trial.

"So urgent?"

Molly stared and stopped talking.

Yi Lin smiled slightly: "It's okay, there are some things that I can't explain to you clearly. In short, this matter will take some time. I leave Ling Yiyi's treatment to you, but don't force it."

"Dead Soul Dan."

Molly suddenly lowered her head and squeezed out this sentence from between her teeth.

"Ah?" Yi Lin looked confused.

Why are you scolding me for nothing?


Auntie is here?

Is this time... advanced?

"You think I can't find the 'osmium-iridium alloy beads' that I worked so hard for if I throw them into the trash can outside? You're sneaky, hehehehe, I don't care if you use it or not, the money you owe my aunt must be Also, you want to default on your debt? No way!"

Ah this?


If I had known, I would have thrown it farther away.

Yi Lin nodded helplessly: "Before I leave...hey, forget it, we'll talk about it tomorrow."

Look up.

This aunt has left a long time ago, without giving any face at all.

After dinner, Yi Lin fed Wang Tiandi full of dog food and asked Molly to arrange a legal identity for Wang Tiandi.

When Molly heard that Yi Lin wanted to apply for an ID for a dog, her eyes almost popped out of her head.

Her exact words at the time were: "Give a dog a human ID? Isn't this outrageous? Do you really think the whole world is blind? Can't you tell the difference between a human and a dog?"

Wang Tiandi stood aside and smiled coldly.

Although she complained, for some reason, Molly still helped Yi Lin handle this matter.

On this trip, Yi Lin decided to take Emperor Wang Tian with him.

Apart from anything else, this is a real dog with a very clever nose, and he might be able to come in handy at some point.

As for Lao Pan... Shen Shen was nagging him to let him fend for himself in the laboratory.

Anyway, with Pan Zhengyi's terrifying luck, as long as he doesn't encounter too outrageous natural or man-made disasters, or too terrible trials, he will probably live a more prosperous life than Yi Lin.

While Yi Lin was envious of Lao Pan's high luck value, she also felt at ease leaving Lao Pan where he was who couldn't take care of himself.

A night of silence.

The next day.

Yi Lin slept until she woke up naturally.

When I walked out of the hall, I found that Molly hadn't gotten up yet.

He came to Ling Yiyi's residence silently and found that Ling Yiyi was wearing headphones and didn't know what he was listening to.


As soon as Yi Lin approached, Ling Yiyi noticed Yi Lin's heartbeat and took off her earphones with a smile.

This hearing is incredible.

Yi Lin thought about it secretly.

He has obviously turned on [Following Like a Shadow].

But in front of Ling Yiyi's ridiculously sharp hearing, it had no effect at all.

It is impossible for normal people to have this level of hearing.

But Yi Lin remained calm. After disabling the skill, he helped Ling Yiyi go out to bask in the sun.

"Are you still used to it?"

"Well, it's not bad. Although everyone here is very busy and it's not as lively as the orphanage, they are all very nice to me."

"That's good."

The two chatted casually.

Like old friends for many years.

Also like brother and sister.

Yi Lin looked at Ling Yiyi's familiar yet unfamiliar face.

Thinking of the numbers that represent the two people's life experiences.


What does this mean?

If Yi Lin had no parents, where would he come from?

Every time he thought of this incident, he didn't know how to face Ling Yiyi.

He has "the future of two people", and Ling Yiyi has the "past of two people". This weird relationship across time and space gives Yi Lin a headache.


Ling Yiyi turned her head and stared at Yi Lin.

"I heard you are going on a trip?"

"Yeah." Yi Lin said in a calm tone with a smile: "Molly told you? You really talk about everything. But it's nothing, just walking around, part of it is personal and part of it is work-related. "

Yi Lin explained ambiguously.

Ling Yiyi also didn't doubt him: "Be careful when you go out. You have been quite irritable since you were a child, and the old dean has said this to you not once or twice."

When did I become so irritable?

Yi Lin was speechless, but she still agreed.

After a simple breakfast, Molly walked out of the room wearing cute cartoon pajamas with messy hair.


Molly glanced at Yi Lin listlessly, then pushed open the bathroom door with her bare feet.

Open the door and take a look...

Wang Tiandi was sitting leisurely on the toilet, holding a tablet in his hand and watching short videos.

Molly: "..."

Emperor Wang Tian: "Wang?"

"You meow, take your stupid dog away right away!"

After a period of turbulent daily life.

After washing, Molly finally returned to a decent shape.

"What I said yesterday..."

Yi Lin took Molly to his usual place of retreat.

A motorcycle with a ferocious appearance was parked there quietly.

"Acridine? When did you buy it? This car... doesn't look cheap!"

Yi Lin smiled: "Next, please cover your mouth first and don't scream out."

"Tch, is it possible that your motorcycle can go to the sky? Wait, can your car be on the road? It looks like it has been illegally modified, right?" Molly waved her hand indifferently, and she soon noticed Night Dire. The parts look wrong.

This style of painting is really too sci-fi.

"Night Dire, Cybertron mode."

"Yes, my respected master."


The next moment, every part on the motorcycle rotated, jumped, and reorganized. Under the clicking sound effect, a pitch-black motorcycle slowly stood up and turned into a pitch-black mecha that was more than two meters tall.

On the head of the mecha, two scarlet lights suddenly lit up, flashing and flashing very smartly.

Molly, stunned.

What the hell is this?


Is this kind of finished product already available in China?

Isn’t that outrageous?

I am at the forefront of technology every day, how come I don’t know?

Night Dire made a very coquettish pose, and then bowed with standard gentleman etiquette.

"This beautiful lady, I am a Nightmare, nice to meet you. Oh, and by the way, I am an elegant and aloof gentleman."

Molly: "..."

"Do you have any wine?"

Molly looked blank and shook her head.

"Oh, that's such a pity. This car has many stories."

Yi Lin did not explain the origin of the Night Dire to Molly.

After all, I can't say.

The slightest thought of "revealing secrets" occurs in his mind, and he will be tortured to death by the mark of death.

Each apostle has different feelings based on the location of each person's death mark.

But it's still okay to put the Night Dire here.

Yi Lin used a unique way to explain to Molly the reason for leaving this transforming motorcycle here temporarily.

Molly understood.

It turned out that I was helping her with research.

Molly circled around Dire a few times, took out a wrench and knocked on Dire's armor a few times.

Boom boom boom——

Night Dire: "..."

"Can it be dismantled?"

"This is not possible, is it?"

Yi Lin hesitated for a while, he was not sure.

Night Dire: "...?"

"How can we study it without dismantling it? By the way, what is the power source of this thing? The structure of this mecha is completely different from the current technological level?"

"This is your professional scope."

Yi Lin shrugged and said he was helpless.

Night Dire: "???"

In fact, he was also very puzzled by the inexplicable [Cybertron Mode] that appeared after Night Dire inserted the fire source fragment.


Molly's eyes flashed and she laughed.

This smile made my heart tremble when I stared at Night Dire...even though it had no hair.

But at this moment, based on the "memory" in his mind, he did have this chilly feeling.

"You have about half a month."

"After half a month, this guy will most likely disappear from your eyes suddenly. But it doesn't matter. I'll bring it back for you to dismantle when I have time... ah no, I'll give it to you to study."

"Remember, it must be kept secret."

Yi Lin warned seriously.

Half a month later, when he enters the other world again, there is a high possibility that the night dire will disappear from the real world with a hiss.

Yi Lin reminded Molly in advance that he believed Molly would also make relevant preparations in advance.

Although Molly is always startled when something happens, and has a carefree personality, when it comes to getting serious, Yi Lin has never seen anyone more focused and thoughtful than Molly.

He knew that the progress he had left for Molly was very slow.

Yi Lin could not predict what the final result would be if she left the Night Dire to Molly for study.

But no one knows what the future will be like without trying hard.

Maybe we can create a mecha army?

A little bit of meager effort may be able to change that miserable future.

No need for Yi Lin to say more, Molly also knew the seriousness of this matter.

She quickly made arrangements.

Even once again, borrowing Mo Rendi's energy, he prepared to conduct a thorough investigation of the entire laboratory staff.

After arranging most of the preliminary preparations for the "Night Dire Disassembly Research Plan", Molly spent a full hour.

at this time.

Yi Lin also packed her simple luggage, put as much as she could into the storage space, and prepared to leave.

One person and one dog embark on an unknown journey.

There was no grand farewell ceremony. Yi Lin wore a simple autumn dress and carried a small backpack and left Molly's laboratory.

Before leaving.

Ling Yiyi was undergoing "treatment" and did not come to see her off.

On the contrary, Molly curled her lips, watched Yi Lin's leaving figure at the door, raised her hand, and said, "Bye."


Molly seemed to notice something.

She hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but said: "Don't die."

Yi Lin was speechless: "Don't just set up these unlucky flags for me."

After saying that, Yi Lin left Molly with a handsome figure like a scumbag and turned to leave.

"Dead Soul Dan."

Molly gritted her teeth and said this as her farewell.

In the autumn wind.

Emperor Wang Tian's snow-white hair was fluttering in the wind, making him look very graceful.

The [Dog Pass] that Yilin ordered online recently has already arrived, but because she was busy rushing to Huating City to carry out the important side mission of [Capturing Little Fatty], she never had time to test the quality of this high-tech product.

But Yi Lin stuffed it into her luggage, so she could take it out to play when she was bored.

The real appearance of the dog is much higher than that of the pug in the Caribbean.

Wang Tiandi followed Yi Lin in a poopy manner, attracting the envious eyes of many people.

And when Yi Lin went to the entrance of the underground network, she unexpectedly received a contact from Zhao Yulong.

"Are you ready to travel?"


"I heard from Mayor Li that you seemed to have done him a big favor?"

Yi Lin was slightly stunned, how could such a secret matter reach Zhao Yulong's ears.

But Yi Lin didn't pay attention, nor did he explain too much, he just responded casually.

"However, he asked me to help tell you something."

Zhao Yulong suddenly laughed.


"I will trouble you to take care of his precious son and daughter-in-law for a while. They will be paid heavily in the future. That's what Mayor Li said."

"What the hell?"

Yi Lin suddenly had a bad feeling.

After Zhao Yulong finished speaking, he hung up the communication with a sinister smile, regardless of Yi Lin's reaction.

Half an hour later.

When Yi Lin arrived at the entrance of the underground network with a painful feeling, the place was very lively.

There were quite a few people whispering towards the entrance.

A burly figure stands out like a flock of chickens, very conspicuous.

Yi Lin took a closer look.

Sure was Su Xiaosu.

Su Xiaosu was carrying a huge luggage behind her.

Li Erpang was crouching at Su Xiaosu's feet, chewing on fried chicken legs.

Because not long ago, when the little fat man and Su Xiaosu were fighting in the basement of Li Changge's villa, Li Erpang brazenly launched his special move [Burn!] in order to fight against Su Xiaosu. Fat! ], resulting in the little fat man's fat completely disappearing. At this moment, Li Erpang still looks like he has a normal body shape.

It's just a bit lower.

"You...are you planning to go on a honeymoon?"

Yi Lin originally wanted to turn around and run away immediately. But he knew he couldn't avoid it, so he had no choice but to walk up.

Li Erpang had already noticed Yi Lin's approach.

While gnawing on the chicken legs, classmate Li Erpang had a sinister and ferocious expression, his face was distorted, his eyes were narrowed and he was laughing.

Su Xiaosu's face turned slightly red. She shook her head first, then looked down at the fat man at her feet who had temporarily lost weight, and couldn't help but nod lightly.

"I'll save your sister!"

It's okay if Yi Lin doesn't say anything.

After saying this, Fatty Li immediately became furious and chewed the chicken bones into pieces with his steel teeth: "Well, if it weren't for you, I would have needed to--"

Li Erpang hasn't finished speaking yet.

Su Xiaosu slapped Li Erpang on the forehead and moved it gently with a skillful technique.

"Second Fatty, Dad said you should be polite when you go out."

Su Xiaosu's palms are huge.

Li Erpang's whole head was caught in Su Xiaosu's hand, like a little rubber ball.

"Hey, yes, yes, got it. Cough cough cough."

Li Erpang smiled coquettishly, agreed quickly, and forced the second half of his sentence back into his stomach like he was holding back a fart.

Oh my god, this is my dad!

Li Erpang's face was filled with internal fluids.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, the little fat man would be submissive to Su Xiaosu.

From an angle that Li Erpang couldn't see, Yi Lin silently gave Su Xiaosu a thumbs up and a thumbs up.

Su Xiaosu tacitly nodded her head.

The greetings are over.

Yi Lin quickly walked around the two of them and walked away quickly: "Then I won't disturb you and won't be your light bulb. I have something to do and I'm in a hurry. I'll leave first."

"Want to leave?"

Li Erpang wiped his mouth with his sleeve, rushed after Yi Lin, and sneered: "Are you pretending to be stupid? Or are you pretending to be stupid? Or are you pretending to be stupid?"

Yi Lin's face was expressionless: "What do you mean?"

"My dad should have said hello to you, right?"

Yi Lin didn't say anything.

Li Erpang smiled even more and took out a black-covered certificate from the storage space.

This certificate is clearly proof of being a member of the special group.

"From now on, Fatty, as the newbie in the group, Brother Zhao promised to let Fatty and I practice with you, solve abnormal events around us, and accumulate experience."

"Is it necessary to make it like this?"

Yi Lin couldn't laugh or cry about Li Erpang's decision.

Once upon a time, Li Erpang, who regarded the "special group" as a scourge, actually chose to become a member of the special group in order to escape from marriage in a reasonable way. It is really sad.

Even if Li Erpang didn't tell him, Yi Lin could guess the reason why Li Erpang and Su Xiaosu ran away.

Nothing more than——

"I'm still a kid, let's wait a few years."

"A man should have his ambitions in all directions and his career as the top priority."

"My dream is to become a member of the special group. Work is everything to me. Personal matters such as marriage are not considered for the time being."

Such well-used reasons.

"Take a step to speak."

Without saying a word, Li Erpang winked at Yi Lin. Without waiting for Yi Lin's consent, he forcibly dragged Yi Lin to a corner and talked about topics that women should not listen to.

"Brother Lin, let's not talk secretly. I have a lot of knowledge about Brother Su, so I won't argue with you."

Yi Lin asked, "What do you have to worry about? Don't you feel comfortable too?"

"Ahem, that's not the point. The point is, can you understand how I feel, Fatty?" Li Erpang tried his best to open his eyes wide, trying to squeeze out a tear from the tiny gap.

It's a pity that Li Erpang failed.

But that's okay.

Li Erpang failed miserably and quickly reasoned: "Ah, the partner of my dreams has a gentle voice, a body that can be held, petite and cute, preferably no more than 1.55 meters tall, and has the cute appearance of an angel. , the devil’s enchanting figure…”

Yi Lin waved her hand and interrupted Li Erpang's words: "To put it simply, you want to be a scumbag, right? I'm sorry, I can't help you. If I have nothing to do, I'll leave first and catch the car."

"Wait. Don't, don't go. I understand, I understand, I understand very well." Li Erpang quickly took out a small card and thrust it into Yi Lin's hand: "See if you can help me now?"


Yi Lin shook his head.

Li Erpang gritted his teeth and stuffed another one: "What now?"


Li Erpang was about to cry, but he still took out another one and whispered: "You are going too far. This is my treasure at the bottom of the box."

That's outrageous.

So greedy.

Li Erpang was very helpless.

But he didn't expect that Yi Lin secretly stuffed the three cards back without changing her expression.

Li Erpang was stunned.

Yi Lin patted the little fat man on the shoulder and shook his head: "With your courage, no wonder Sister Su can take you down easily."

Li Erpang: "???"

What the hell?

Three rare-level prop cards, this kid was completely unmoved and even gave me a look of contempt?

When Li Erpang looked confused, Yi Lin returned the three rare prop cards and then mysteriously handed a card to Li Erpang.

"Congratulations on being single."

I'll take off your sister!

Li Erpang was furious, but he still skillfully took the card from Yi Lin's hand.

——[Indian sacred oil].

When he saw the attributes, Li Erpang was stunned for a moment.

I go?

Is this stuff still abundant in trials?

But after seeing the attributes clearly, Li Erpang couldn't help but cursed loudly:

"I'm tall and powerful. I can easily fight ten or eight people. Do you need this piece of shit?"

Su Xiaosu: "?"

Yi Lin looked at Su Xiaosu who was not far away, her expression unchanged, and kindly reminded: "But Sister Su has more than ten or eight servings."

Li Er was fat and speechless.

Yi Lin reminded again: "Be prepared."

Li Erpang felt that Yi Lin's words made sense. So he silently put away the [Indian Sacred Oil].


Why is the sky still so dazzling even though I'm squinting?

that is because,

My tears were buried too deep and stung my eyes.

With tears in his eyes, Li Erpang became very interested in poetry and composed a poem silently to express his sorrow.

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