Infinity Throne

Chapter 294 Dream and Reality (2 in 1)

"It's that cabbage!"

One second later.

Xing Fei was so frightened by the face without facial features that his soul almost left his body and returned to his original position. His lips trembled slightly, and he finally managed to squeeze out a sentence from between his teeth.

In a daze, he seemed to understand something.

When Xing Fei was shocked.

Yi Lin chuckled lightly, raised his knife and killed the faceless man.


Yi Lin didn't use any fancy skills. This knife went straight to the faceless man's neck, severing his throat.

When Yi Lin took action, Xing Fei's face darkened. After all, he was also an apostle who had experienced hundreds of battles. After being surprised, Xing Fei's hands wearing pure white gloves slammed towards the metal frame beside him.

On the back of the glove, the circular texture flashed, and the metal frame was decomposed and reorganized by the light in the blink of an eye. Two exquisite daggers appeared in Xing Fei's hands.


But just when Xing Fei had time to forge a weapon out of thin air, Yi Lin's knife chopped off the faceless man's head without any features, as smoothly as chopping melons and vegetables.

The imaginary scene of violent blood flow did not appear. The head rolled to an unknown place in the darkness. The faceless man who had lost his head seemed to not feel any pain at all, and grabbed Yi Lin with his backhand.

The two hands suddenly stretched and twisted, and their five fingers turned into sharp claws, tearing towards Yi Lin's head and chest respectively.

Although melee combat is not Yi Lin's strong point, before Yi Lin's spiritual attributes grew to this point, most of them relied on a handful of blood jasmine to deal with monsters. As long as the monster is too outrageous, Yi Lin's melee ability can prevent him from being at a disadvantage to a certain extent.

Yi Lin snorted softly, and in an instant, he flew up and kicked the faceless man... ah no, now it has become the headless man's chest, and with the repulsive force of the kick, it suddenly bounced back. go.

Yi Lin now has the dual attributes of strength and sensitivity, and can even play a guest role as a melee apostle, and will not be easily spotted by others. At the very least, Xing Fei so far still thinks that Yi Lin is an out-and-out agile side apostle. After all, the fighting method Yi Lin has shown so far, besides using the knife or using the knife, has no sense of violation.

Yi Lin's strength attribute is not weak either. But when this kick hit the headless man's chest, the headless man didn't move at all. The terrible shock force was transmitted along the soles of his feet, giving Yi Lin the illusion that he had kicked on a reinforced alloy plate.

"let me!"

Since he is killing monsters, Xing Fei has nothing to be afraid of. As long as he can encounter them, they are monsters.

As long as it's a monster, it has a health bar.

As long as there is a health bar, even a god might be able to kill him.

The apostle's idea is so simple and crude.

Compared with the various deceptive traps in the trial, the monsters that can be killed by the apostles are actually cuter.

Immediately, Xing Fei became proud and prepared to fight with Yi Lin for 300 rounds with the headless man in front of him.

"Go quickly!"


Xing Fei rolled up his sleeves for a moment, and his expression suddenly froze.

When Yi Lin saw Xing Fei holding two small daggers with an expression ready to move, and quickly passing by Xing Fei, she kindly reminded him.

In the narrow room, the two of them couldn't move. As soon as Yi Lin broke through the door, the headless man couldn't catch up with Yi Lin, so it could only fly towards Xing.

On the face without facial features, two faint black lights appeared in the position of the eyes, which was extremely frightening. The two arms are as soft as boneless, swinging like propellers, like two soft tentacles, which makes people think a lot.

I'm so imaginative!

Xing Fei didn't even have time to say "fuck" at this moment, so he slammed the door tightly before the headless ghost pounced. At the critical moment, Xing Fei activated his ability again, and a light flashed near the seam of the door. The door frame and the door were welded together and could no longer be opened.

He skillfully welded the door shut and then slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

"That headless man feels a bit fierce."


Headless man?

Something seems wrong?

Xing Fei recalled the last scene that came into his eyes. The breath he had just let go suddenly lifted up again and went straight to the Tianling Cap. It turned into boundless cool air and blew out from his mouth.

"That, that, that, that faceless head has grown again!"

No wonder he saw that terrifying face again just now!

Yi Lin saw Xing Fei "welding" the door to death and looked at it from a distance, thoughtfully.

"What the hell is this monster? Does it look a bit like the cabbage that kid drew?"

Xing Fei gasped slightly and was in shock.

In fact, the monster itself is not scary, but if a good person suddenly turns his head and there is no face on his head, this will be caught off guard, and normal people will be frightened.

Just like no matter how many supernatural movies you watch, as long as there are new and unexpected scenes, you can still scare people and make your adrenaline soar.

Yi Lin was silent for a moment, then said: "Be more confident. Remove the word 'a bit like'."

"No way?"

Xing Fei subconsciously grasped the brand new dagger, and a ridiculous idea flashed through his mind.

He suddenly remembered that although the time in the room was short, there was a lot of movement. That boy, who was not very good at painting, didn't even react at all and was still lying on the bed soundly asleep. This situation is extremely scary to think about.

Yi Lin nodded: "Whether it is the stars last night or this faceless man, it is very likely that they were born because of Allen."

"How is it possible?'s really possible."

Xing Fei said something subconsciously first, and then immediately shook his head, his eyes flickered, and he refuted it.

In trials, anything is possible.

The more outrageous something is, the more likely it is to happen.


Yi Lin suddenly looked at the door that seemed to be welded tightly, and then said: "I have reason to suspect that this door can't stop that guy at all."

The words just fell.

A hand passed through the door strangely and stretched out from behind the door.

"Fuck! Through the wall?"

Xing Fei's pupils shrank suddenly and he cried out, without hesitation, he ran directly towards where Yi Lin was.

He looked back.

The headless man mysteriously passed through the door and appeared in front of the two of them.

In the darkness, two faint black lights flashed on the face of the faceless man, blending into the dark background.

Xing Fei spoke very fast and murmured to himself: "No entity? No, it's impossible, but just now, you kicked him clearly? Could it be an 'uncertain quantum state'? When the sense of existence of the quantum state is weak enough, It can penetrate everything, and when the sense of existence in the quantum state is strong enough, no force can destroy the existence of the headless monster? Isn't it too buggy? There is simply no solution to this!"

Yi Lin looked at Xing Fei who was chattering strangely.

What the hell is he talking about?

Quantum mechanics?

"follow me!"

Yi Lin already had an idea.

Without saying a word, he rushed upstairs.


Isn't it like being caught in a urn?


Xing Fei looked at the door and then at the stairs.

Gritting his teeth, he finally decided to trust Yi Lin's judgment.

After all, this guy seemed to have discovered something.



It seems like I am the spiritual one!

But at this time, Xing Fei didn't care too much and followed Yi Lin's footsteps, all the way to the third floor.

The faceless man seemed to have poor vision because he had no eyes, and his movements were slightly slow. When Yi Lin and Xing Fei completely disappeared in front of him, he swayed and walked towards the third floor step by step.

Yi Lin returned to her room.

Xing Fei followed him in.

In this intense situation, no one mentioned the topic of "it's very awkward for a man and two men to live together in the same room".

"Close the door."

Xing Fei understood, clapped his hands, and the texture on his gloves flashed, completely welding the door shut.

Although Xing Fei also knew that doing so would not be able to stop the guy's footsteps. The faceless man was a strange monster that could pass through walls. But welding the door shut made Xing Fei feel a lot more secure.

"What now? Huh? What are you doing lying down?"

Unexpectedly, I turned around.

Then he saw Yi Lin lying directly on the bed, closing her eyes, looking calm and waiting for death.

Da, da, da, da, da.

outside the door.

The footsteps of the faceless man have been heard!

he came!

Xing Fei was so frightened that he quickly ran to the window, wanting to visually test how much health he would lose by jumping from the third floor and whether he would die.

But it didn't matter if he didn't look at it. This look made Xing Fei froze in place.

In the dark night.

In the mist.

The shadows of countless huge creatures vaguely appeared.

There are fish floating in the air.

A four-legged monster that towers into the sky like a skyscraper.

There were swarms of locusts buzzing by.

There are countless swaying butterflies.

Deep in the mist, all kinds of weird-shaped plants seemed to grow, twisting and turning.

The spectacle in front of him made Xing Fei's mouth widen involuntarily, as if it was like a dream.

Those weird creatures and plants, like slides, disappeared quickly as soon as they flashed before Xing Fei's eyes, or suddenly appeared in another corner, which was very mysterious.



The footsteps are closer!




That guy is here!

Xing Fei quickly came to his senses from the strange sights outside, not daring to delay any longer. He rolled up his sleeves and prepared to jump down before running away.

With his ability, it shouldn't be a problem to build a staircase or something.

As long as there are enough "materials", Xing Fei dares to try "refining" even if it is a building.


on the bed.

Yi Lin, who was sleeping with her eyes closed, was already snoring slightly.

A hand, silently, passed through the door that Xing Fei had welded shut, and passed directly in!

"This guy is finished."

Xing Fei clapped his palms, and the texture on the back of his gloves flashed.

He turned back to take one more look at the bed, and at the same time, he paid a second of silence to the guy who didn't know whether to live or die and was still able to sleep before he died.

But just after Xing Fei turned around.

Yi Lin, who was lying in bed and snoring, unexpectedly disappeared.

Faceless man, raise your head to see me.


Xing Fei was ready to jump down.

And right now.

in the dark.

A red short knife stretched out from behind the faceless man silently, and split the faceless man in half with one blow.

In the blink of an eye.

All the movements of the faceless man suddenly froze, and with a sudden knife, it was torn from the middle, turned into black powder, and fell to the ground.

"No, no more?"

Xing Fei's eyes widened.

Yi Lin silently put away the knife.

He curiously looked at his palms and Xing Fei in front of him.

"How did you kill it?"

Yi Lin smiled and said:

"In a dream."

In a dream?

Xing Fei was confused when he heard this.

Yi Lin looked at Xing Fei with strange eyes: "What are you doing with one foot out? Jumping off the building? What's so hard to think about?"

Xing Fei looked down and remembered that a JIO was straddling the window. He smiled awkwardly and calmly, and silently took his foot back.

Right now.

The pool of black powder on the ground, like a corpse, suddenly condensed into a strange human head.

" Allen...Ai..."

Xing Fei's back felt cold again.

But the faceless man only pretended to be dead for a few seconds before turning into powder again and disappearing.

Xing Fei stepped forward cautiously.

He rubbed the powder with his feet, and after making sure that the powder would no longer bounce around, he breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "What is going on? All the attacks just now were ineffective on him." Why? Why is it working all of a sudden? Wait, is this your ability? "

Xing Fei looked at Yi Lin with surprise.

Yi Lin shook her head: "Actually, you can do it too."


"You'll know after you sleep."

Xing Fei: "What the hell? Who are you fooling!"

ten minutes later.

Xing Fei fell into a deep sleep, snoring heavily.

In the blink of an eye.

Xing Fei, who was sleeping soundly in bed, mysteriously disappeared. When he came to his senses, he had appeared next to Yi Lin.

Outside the window, the distorted scene flickers on and off.

Various strange and strange beasts are looming in the thick fog.

Xing Fei looked at his body curiously. He didn't know if it was an illusion. He always felt that looking at his limbs and palms gave him the illusion that they would be distorted at any time. But upon closer inspection, that illusion quickly disappeared.

"Am I... dreaming?"

Yi Lin smiled slightly and explained: "Actually, ever since I saw Ailu's painting, I started to wonder what the true face of this 'Green Festival' is."

"How many cabbages?"

Xing Fei asked.

"..., no, it's the first painting. The first painting Allen painted was of a starry sky, but Judy accidentally tore it in half. As the saying goes, think about it every day and dream about it at night, because Allen I cared too much about his paintings, so when I was sleeping, this scene turned into Allen’s dream.”

No matter it's the stars within reach.

It's still the sky that is torn apart deep in the thick fog.

In fact, they all reflect Allen's dreams.

"A child's imagination is far richer than that of an adult. In his dream, the stars are not a cosmic phenomenon, but an existence that is within reach. That's why the weird phenomenon appeared on the first night."

Ah this?

Xing Fei was dumbfounded listening to Yi Lin's analysis.

But he couldn't refute it.

It's just that this conclusion is too weird, too shocking, and beyond the imagination of normal people.

Dreams become reality?

Is this ability too outrageous?

Yi Lin didn't care whether Xing Fei could accept this reality or not. She lowered her head and muttered to herself, as if telling herself: "Alan has always been curious about who his father is, but Judy has never told him. However, , maybe even Judy doesn’t know who Allen’s father is. In short, in Allen’s imagination, his father should be the image in the painting.”

"But he didn't know what his father looked like, so the part of his face could only be left blank. He probably didn't expect that the image of this 'faceless man' would appear in his dreams."

Although Xing Fei found it incredible, he still followed Yi Lin's idea, held up his glasses, the lenses lit up loudly, and said in a deep voice:

"In other words, this trial will turn 'Ellen's' dream into reality? No, then we...are in a dream now? Damn it, you and I are actually talking in a dream? The purpose of this trial Is the setting too outrageous?”

Yi Lin nodded first, but then shook his head: "No. What you said is not accurate. In fact, the setting of 'turning dreams into reality' is not this trial, but this 'Green Town'. It is precisely because of this strange phenomenon in 'Green Town' that the tower chose this place as the trial scene."

Xing Fei thought about it for a while and felt that it made sense. He shrugged helplessly: "You are right to say that. Wait, according to your thinking, the reason why you were able to kill the 'faceless man' easily just now was because you entered In the dream, he is in the same dimension as the 'faceless man', so the 'unkillable faceless man' has become a 'little monster' that can be killed?"

Yi Lin nodded, agreeing with Xing Fei's words.

At this time, Yi Lin noticed Xing Fei's feet and was subconsciously rubbing the black dust on the ground. He couldn't help but sigh and reminded: "To Allen, the body of the 'faceless man' you stepped on with your feet , should be considered his father."

Xing Fei's face remained expressionless for a moment, and he silently moved his feet away.

Think about it.

Xing Fei still has questions that have not yet been answered.

He frowned, looked around, and couldn't help but ask: "If it is the trial world, if you think about it carefully, there is nothing surprising. But what I can't figure out is that if we talk about the space we are in now, dreams and The reality will overlap, and the creatures born in the dream will be reflected in the real Green Town, but why do our bodies disappear after we fall asleep?"

"Actually, it's not difficult to explain." Yi Lin smiled: "Normally, when you are dreaming, do you find that you are actually dreaming?"

"Uh... generally speaking not."

"So, if you see your sleeping body in a dream, you will wake up that you are actually dreaming, right?"

Xing Fei's pupils shrank suddenly, and he suddenly thought of a possibility: "Wait, according to this, our bodies in reality... are not in a completely defenseless state?"

Yi Lin thought for a moment and said, "It's possible, but it's also possible that it's not. After all, reality and dream Green Town overlap. It can be said that this place is both reality and dream. Since the two overlap, it is more likely that... they are in the same world. , there will not be two 'me and you'. Unless, you wake up from the dream."

Xing Fei thought about it and felt that this twist and turn was getting more and more headache. He couldn't help but smiled bitterly and said: "This is really too complicated. If I continue to think about it, my brain will explode."

"Haha, it's actually not that complicated. Just treat this place as another world. The monsters in the dream are projected into reality. If you want to cause harm to these monsters, it is only possible if you are in the same dream."

"Okay." Xing Fei rubbed his painful temples: "Just treat it like a normal monster fight."

Xing Fei is also used to the dream state.

Sometimes it’s curved, sometimes it’s straight, and it’s twisted all around.

"Where are we going now?"

"Do the mission." Yi Lin said matter-of-factly.

"Kill Green?"

"if not?"

"Nonsense! But where is the 'Green'?"

Yi Lin looked at Xing Fei strangely.

Xing Fei was struck by Yi Lin's strange eyes and shrank his neck subconsciously: "What do you mean by that look?"

In fact, what Yi Lin wanted to say was, why the hell can't you use your own brain to think?

But Yi Lin finally decided not to say anything, so as not to hurt the harmony.

"Walking around, there are some places that I care about."

Yi Lin said as she prepared to leave.

Xing Fei suddenly lowered his head and stared at the black ash on the ground. After a moment of silence, he said, "The 'faceless man' seemed to have spoken in the last moment."

Yi Lin remained silent.

"Do you think it's possible that this 'faceless man' was created in Allen's dream as 'Alan's father'? Just now in Allen's room downstairs, this monster mistakenly thought we were going to harm us. Allen, that’s why you attacked us?”

In the room, the atmosphere solidified again.

I do not know how long it has been.

Yi Lin shook her head and said softly: "Let's go."

Xing Fei quickly followed.

None of them mentioned it again.

But it seemed that the faceless man who had only been a "father" for a few minutes had unknowingly left a shadow in a corner of their hearts.

When passing by Allen's room, Yi Lin and Xing Fei made sure that Allen was still sleeping.

The overlap between dreams and reality is very strange. If he hadn't experienced it himself, Xing Fei might have found it hard to believe that this kind of thing would happen to him.

After leaving Judy's Hotel.

Xing Fei couldn't help but express his thoughts: "It seems that the biggest danger in this trial is the monster created in Allen's dream? But as long as this is discovered, the difficulty of the trial will actually be It’s not that outrageous.”

"On the contrary." Xing Fei's conclusion was rejected by Yi Lin at the speed of light: "Don't you think that this child Allen is special and only Allen's dreams will become reality?"

When Xing Fei heard this, his eyes narrowed and he said subconsciously: "You mean..."

"The problem is not Allen, but the entire Green Town. It is a special phenomenon in Green Town that turns everyone's dreams into reality. And how much malice can a child have in his heart? ? Even if there is, it’s nothing more than a prank.”

Yi Lin paused for a moment, raised her head, and stared at the night sky.

Deep in the night sky, the thick fog twisted and made it impossible to see the end.

"If someone has terrible resentment in their heart, and this resentment is manifested in a dream in some way..."

"No way!"

After Yi Lin's reminder, a terrible speculation suddenly flashed in Xing Fei's mind.

"In other words, theoretically, there should be no upper or lower limit to the difficulty of this mission. It may be easy if it is simple, but if it is difficult..."

Yi Lin pointed to her head: "Everything is based on imagination."

"What's more, we still don't know who the 'Green' we really want to kill is."

"But since I learned that there is such a strange phenomenon of 'reality and dream combining' in Green Town, the prompts for the main mission have become more obvious."

The two of them coincided with each other and quickly recalled the initial task prompts.

【Everything is available here. 】

Where do you dare to use the description "it has everything"?

Only... in dreams.

In the dream, there is everything.

That is to say.

"The 'Grimm' we are asked to kill in the main mission is hidden in the dream world!"

The two quickly left Judy's hotel.

Shortly after the two left.

Two figures came from the darkness.

"It seems a little quiet tonight. Are you all asleep?"

"Maybe it's because we went on a killing spree on the TV station during the day and created an atmosphere of 'it's dangerous in this small town', so these ordinary people didn't dare to come out."

Fifty-six said with helplessness.

The two of them were fifty-six and eighty-one.

Of the two of them, one wore stainless steel gloves on both fists, and the other held a huge hammer on his shoulders, walking lightly.

A dark shadow swayed strangely on the ground behind the two of them.

"So, although the physical strength is not worth it on the mental side, sometimes the brain is still very useful."

"Those two guys probably have some ideas about this main mission that we don't know about."

Fifty-six said softly.

"Seventy-three, go up and take a look, take it easy and don't kill him."


The shadow on the ground responded softly, then swooped up, pulling out a long shadow on the ground, and disappeared into Judy's Hotel in the blink of an eye.

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