Infinity Throne

Chapter 297 Dreaming and Waking

Yi Lin heard the name again.

It seems that in the whole town, everyone knows Green, but they don't know Green.

This time, Yi Lin's face showed no strange emotions such as surprise, surprise, shock, confusion, confusion, etc.

He just smiled slightly and continued to twist Alan's fine brown curls with his hands.


It turns out that the movement of turning your head is quite touching.

No wonder Yiyi likes to scratch his head.

Yi Lin suddenly had such a ridiculous idea.

"Have you met him?"

"Eren hasn't seen it."

Allen thought seriously for a while, then shook his head vigorously.


Allen suddenly raised his head, looked at Yi Lin with his eyes as clear as sapphire, and asked timidly: "I want to know, why they all have fathers, but Allen doesn't have a father? Is it because Allen... isn't enough?" Good? Are Allen’s paintings not good enough?"

Allen hesitated for a moment and lowered his head: "Does it mean that the painting Allen drew looks like Dad, and Dad will come back?"

"No." Yi Lin said softly: "Alan is a good boy. Your paintings are also very... soulful."


"Don't worry. It will happen. Your father will definitely come back." Yi Lin got a little closer and looked at Allen's blue pupils, as if staring at the sky: "Good boy, go to sleep. When you wake up, just Everything is available.”

When Allen heard this, he had a dark line: "Uncle, how can you say such things to deceive children? It's so poor."

Yi Lin chuckled.

While chatting, Allen had tidied away the crayons and paintings on the table and was getting ready to go to bed.

"Goodbye uncle."

"Bye Alan."

After taking a few steps, Allen turned back with a serious expression: "Judy secretly said that if uncle is willing, he can stay here for the night."

"Uh, please tell Judy that uncle is very busy and will do it next time."

"Okay! Definitely next time, I'll tell Judy another time."

Allen had no doubt that he had a car. He smiled lightly and cute dimples appeared on both sides of his mouth: "Good night, uncle."

"Good night Alan."

"Have a wonderful night."


Yi Lin paid the full room fee and did not choose to stay at Judy's house overnight.


Xing Fei finally seemed to be unable to bear it any longer and fell asleep completely again.

Yi Rin is alone.

in the room.

Keep your head down.

As the sky darkened, the light swaying slightly overhead cast a mottled shadow on Yi Lin's face.

He kept rubbing the ancient compass in his hand.

on the compass.

The pointer keeps spinning, seemingly endlessly.

Yi Lin's expression did not appear to have changed at all.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems like thinking, hesitating, and entangled.

I don’t know how much time passed.

Xing Fei yawned and walked in.

As he walked, he said: "This mission is very strange. When I wake up, I can't figure out whether I am in reality or a dream. It is very difficult! Wait, you should come and see me, right?"

Seeing that Yi Lin was completely ignoring him, Xing Fei couldn't help but move forward and stretched out his hand to wave in front of Yi Lin.

When the boundary between dreams and reality is broken, when you wake up and can't tell whether it is reality or a dream, this feeling will be weird to everyone.

Yi Lin silently put away the compass.

When she raised her head again, Yi Lin looked at Xing Fei with a kind and warm smile.

In fact, if Yi Lin is partnered with Little Fatty, Pan Xiaozheng, Oda Mai or other people with rich experience this time, they will definitely be surprised when they see Yi Lin showing such a kind smile. Hiding as far away as possible, and silently going over what Yi Lin said in his mind.

"If it were you, what would you do if you wanted to wake up from a dream?"

Xing Fei was stunned: "Wait, you seem to have asked this question once."

"Have you asked?"

"I asked, and I'm 100 percent sure."

"I forgot."


"If it were you, what would you do if you wanted to wake up from a dream?" Yi Lin repeated the question.

Xing Fei saw that Yi Lin didn't mean to joke. After thinking for a moment, he answered seriously: "It should be doing something very exciting, pinching one's face is just one kind. Or falling from a high altitude? Or something else? In short, who You know, dreams are very simple when you say they are simple, and very complicated when you say they are complex."

Yi Lin took out the compass again and turned it over and over.

A compass looks like a lot of fun.

Xing Fei also noticed that Yi Lin had a compass in his hand that looked nothing special, and the pointer was spinning steadily.

Like it's broken.

Generally, the direction pointed by the compass remains motionless.

But on the compass in Yilin's hand, the pointer even moved rhythmically.

The pointer rotated, making Xing Fei feel dizzy and feel tight in his chest.

Before Xing Fei could ask more out of curiosity, Yi Lin asked again: "How do you know whether you are in a dream or reality?"

"Uh... pinch yourself to see if you can wake up?"

"You'll know if you try it now."

As soon as Yi Lin finished speaking, she didn't expect Xing Fei to pinch her hard.

Very hard.

Although Xing Fei's strength attribute is not too high, he is also very cruel to himself, and the left side of his face becomes swollen when he blinks.

"Fuck? Ouch, ouch..."

Xing Fei covered his face and screamed in pain.

But still didn't wake up.

Although the conversation between the two seemed like a joke.

But Xing Fei already understood.

After crying out in pain, Xing Fei's expression became extremely solemn: "What you actually want to say is that we have no way to distinguish whether we are in a dream or reality?"

Yi Lin nodded, then shook her head.

"But, I obviously fell asleep."

Yi Lin retorted: "Who told you that you enter a dream after falling asleep?"

"But you obviously told them so..."

Xing Fei just said this smoothly, but he suddenly remembered Yi Lin's sinister smile after the confrontation with the trio, and suddenly realized: "Wait, you are deceiving them?"

"What are you talking about, they asked, and I kindly told them, wouldn't I also take the money away? How can this be considered cheating?"

Yi Lin smiled.


Xing Fei slapped his thigh hard, hard and painful.

But still didn't wake up.

Yi Lin continued: "I personally believe that dreams can simulate all appearances, but dreams cannot simulate certain facts that a person 'believes' in the deepest subconscious."

"For example, a top that never stops spinning."

"Or a flower that never dies."

"Or maybe it's someone who is completely dead and who deep down believes that he will never appear again."

"A landscape that will never appear before you."

"Something that could never exist."

Yi Lin cited many examples in succession. Xing Fei nodded while listening: "I understand. According to what you said, 'falling asleep' does not necessarily mean falling into a dream, and 'waking up' does not necessarily mean waking up." ? So the only way to truly judge whether you are in the dream world or the real world is to find out what you subconsciously believe to be 'absolutely impossible'?"

"Once 'this' happens, it means that we are still in the dream world, not the real world."

After all, Xing Fei was also on the mental side, and his head was pounding as he sorted out Yi Lin's thoughts on the plot trial.

"If this is really the case, then the real danger of this trial is likely to be here! If you can't even distinguish between dreams and reality, and go to sleep stupidly, wouldn't it be... the worst possibility? That is, you will never wake up?"

Think of this.

Xing Fei was extremely frightened as he thought about it carefully. The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. He couldn't help but shudder, his back felt cold, and a trace of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"It's very possible." Yi Lin nodded: "I think this may be the biggest danger in this trial. I guess they haven't discovered it yet."

"What the hell? Then you tricked them into killing monsters in their dreams? You are so bad. But I like it, hehehe."

Yi Lin casually closed the cover of the compass with a snap, put it away helplessly, and said, "Actually, it's not true. It is necessary to fall into a dream. If you don't fall into a dream, there is no way to complete the main mission."

Xing Fei figured out the hidden meaning in Yi Lin's words: "You mean... you actually already know how to pass this trial?"

"That's right." Yi Lin sighed softly.

"Damn it! What a waste of time! Go quickly."

Xing Fei rolled up his sleeves, wishing he could go directly to "Green" and chop him into pieces so that he could return to the real world.

He is still busy looking for ancient books on alchemy all over the world to study.

How can I waste time in trials?

"Don't worry." Yi Lin raised his head, looked at Xing Fei with empty eyes, and said with a smile: "I haven't told you how to wake up from the dream."

"Huh? Please tell me."

“For us, what is absolutely impossible and we cannot let ‘it’ happen?”

"Well, there are a lot." Xing Fei became confused.

"Yes. There are indeed many. But for everyone, there is one thing in common. That is..."

Xing Fei was stunned.

The reason why his mood changed was not because of Yi Lin's words.

But the direction from which the sound came.

from behind him.

But in front of him, Yi Lin disappeared without knowing when.

The speed is incredible.

In the blink of an eye, Yi Lin had already reached behind him.


What is this guy doing running behind me?

Does it smell better behind you?


In Xing Fei's mind, many thoughts quickly flashed through his mind.

But none of them are reliable.

And suddenly.

With the crisp sound of a knife piercing the flesh, it was transmitted from the inside of his body to the back of his ears in some strange way. When he reacted, Xing Fei clearly felt the sharp pain coming from his chest.

It was a blood red knife.

That knife looks familiar.

The knife completely penetrated his chest, penetrated from behind with incomparable precision, pierced the heart, and emerged from the chest.

The relaxed and happy feeling gave Xing Fei the illusion that his equipment was all paper.

"It's 'death'. For us, something that is absolutely impossible to happen is death. And being able to survive after death is even less likely to appear in reality. So..."

Xing Fei's eyesight went dark, and he couldn't hear the second half of his words.

After Yi Lin took away Xing Fei with one knife.

He looked down at Xing Fei's body.

Ten seconds.

Twenty seconds.

Thirty seconds.

Xing Fei's body suddenly turned into black dust and blended into the ground, exactly the same way as the faceless man's body was treated.


It doesn't feel right.

There is no chaos value, nor is it right.

The way the body was disposed of was even more wrong.


The black and white TV that had been playing junk TV commercials suddenly heard a harsh noise.

After the noise.

After his head was chopped off by Yi Lin, the TV host "Green" who was supposed to be cool appeared on the show again.

And it’s live broadcast.

"Hey! Good evening. Welcome to the beautiful and welcoming Green Town! This is a dream vacation paradise! Now, it's the annual Green Festival again! I don't know what will happen in this year's Green Festival. What kind of spectacle? Citizens please wait and see."

"I wish you all a wonderful night."

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