Infinity Throne

Chapter 30 White Shadow Club

At this moment, another young police officer ran in with a panic look on his face.

"Gu, Captain Gu, it's bad! The Xiao family's bodyguards are here!"

"What are they doing here?"

“They want to take away the freezing cabin of Henry Zhang’s body!”

Xu Zhiyong and Gu Sinan looked at each other, and both saw a hint of shock that could not be concealed in the other's eyes.

As soon as Gu Sinan and Xu Zhiyong heard the news, they rushed to the door of the morgue without saying a word.

The door to the morgue opened, and a tall and thin young man in a black suit stood quietly with a slight smile on his face, as if waiting for the arrival of Gu Sinan and Xu Zhiyong.

The tall and thin young man wore a pair of dark sunglasses on his face and his hands were spotless with white gloves.

Behind him, four other bodyguards in black were transporting the freezer cabin where Henry Zhang's body was stored to the transport plane.

Seeing this scene, Gu Sinan's pupils shrank suddenly and shouted: "Stop!"

Gu Sinan stepped on his foot and exploded with astonishing speed in an instant. In Xu Zhiyong's eyes, there were afterimages behind Gu Sinan who suddenly jumped forward!

What a speed!

The young man in black wearing white gloves took a step forward.

It happened to be blocking Gu Sinan's route.

"Get away!"

Gu Sinan sneered, flew up, spun twice in mid-air, and kicked the young man in front of him!

Looking at the place where Gu Sinan jumped again, there was a shoe print made by Gu Sinan!

Gu Sinan, who was in mid-air, felt a little regretful as soon as he took off, secretly thinking that he was too impulsive.

The young man's face was expressionless, and he quickly blocked his face with his right hand.


Gu Sinan's foot kicked hard on the young man's right forearm, and both of them were slightly shocked!


The moment when Gu Sinan and the young man really fought, a terrifying storm centered on the two of them.


The unmoving sunglasses on the young man's face suddenly cracked.

"Military-grade ancient martial arts?"

"This is!"

Gu Sinan frowned. With her strength attribute, this kick, let alone her hand, could create a hole in an alloy plate.

But the young man in front of him actually blocked his kick with one hand, and...

Not even half a step back!

The young man raised a sneer on his lips, blocked Gu Sinan's right hand, twisted it suddenly, and grabbed Gu Sinan's ankle with his backhand!

Gu Sinan's expression changed. He couldn't use any strength in mid-air, so he could only use his other foot to step on the young man's right hand.


The two were instantly separated.

Gu Sinan stood up slowly.

The young man in the suit patted the shoe prints on his suit nonchalantly.

Behind him, the freezing cabin containing Henry Zhang's body had been placed on the transport plane by other bodyguards.

"Officer Gu, I, Xiao Yi, have been ordered to take the young master home. I hope you won't embarrass us."

Gu Sinan's face was livid.

Xu Zhiyong opened his mouth behind him, but Gu Sinan stretched out his hand to signal Xu Zhiyong to shut up.

"What's going on with your sky-high reward?"

When Xiao Yi heard this, he smiled with his white teeth and said, "A huge reward? I've never heard of such a thing. Did Officer Gu hear it wrong? Our master is just an ordinary businessman."

A few minutes later.

Xu Zhiyong whispered in Gu Sinan's ear: "Let them go like this?"

Gu Sinan asked, "What else?"

Xu Zhiyong laughed sarcastically: "Isn't this not quite in line with the rules?"

Gu Sinan pulled up his trouser legs expressionlessly.

Xu Zhiyong followed Gu Sinan's movements and looked.

In an instant, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Above Gu Sinan's fair ankle, there was a bruise in the shape of five fingers.

Shortly after.

The sun shines.

The Xiao family residence.

The yard, which is nearly half the size of a football field, is filled with colorful artificial vegetation, including trees, flowers, and small lakes. At a glance, it looks like a paradise on earth nestled in a steel jungle, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.


A figure jumped high, moving like an agile cheetah, and easily jumped over the several-meter-high wall of the Xiao family and landed within the wall.

The man wore a piece of silver metal soft armor, and a pure white mask with no patterns on his face. On one side of the mask, there was a bloody number——


On the right hand of "99", there is actually dragging a... "person".

It may not be accurate to say they are human beings.

The "person" who was dragged to the ground was covered in blood, and the joints of his limbs were twisted into weird angles, dragging limply on the ground.

Not a single part of the "man" covered in blood was intact. The "99" masked man dragged the bloody man casually, seemingly without expending much effort, leaving an intermittent trail of blood on the ground.

"Didi! Didi!"

The moment the masked man invaded the Xiao family's mansion, the alarm was instantly triggered, and the piercing siren sounded throughout the sky.

"Didi! Didi!"

The alarms were still ringing frantically.

The masked man raised his head, and a cold snort came from behind the mask.

"Tsk, it's so noisy."

He casually threw aside the "bloody man" he was holding in his right hand.

The "bloody man" groaned, his limbs and bones were shattered, and he couldn't even sit up. He could only lie on the ground in a mess, with his face covered in blood and flesh.

"Hey, are all the Xiao family dead?"

The masked man clasped his hands in front of him and said lazily.

Right now.

The door of Xiao's house slowly opened.

Xiao Mo walked out with a stick.

Behind him were thirteen bodyguards headed by Xiao Yi.

"Yo? I heard that Xiao Mo has sixteen guards under his command, and they are all very skilled. Why are there three missing?"

The masked man chuckled.

Xiao San, Xiao Si and Xiao Wu are dead.

Everyone in the underground world knows about this.

Some of the remaining thirteen guards of the Xiao family looked angry.

The masked man's words were undoubtedly reaching out and slapping them in the face.

Xiao Mo's face was expressionless, as if he didn't hear the sarcasm hidden in the masked man's words.

To Xiao Mo, these sixteen people are just code names. When Xiao San, Xiao Four, Xiao Wu die, new people will naturally become Xiao San, Xiao Four, Xiao Wu.

It does not matter.

In fact, after Henry Zhang died, nothing in the world seemed important to Xiao Mo.

Even if it was a career that he had devoted half his life to.

Xiao Mo slowly raised his hand and pressed it against the sky.

In an instant, the Xiao family bodyguards who looked sullen quickly calmed down.

Xiao Mo raised his head, his hand on crutches was as steady as a rock, without shaking at all. Xiao Mo said in a calm tone: "Who are you? If you dare to break into Xiao's house without notification, do you really think I am Xiao Mo?" Is there no one around?"

The masked man was silent for a moment, then suddenly laughed and said, "Is it because these trash can't even recognize who I am?"

"court death!"

Xiao Shiliu had already disliked this guy who was pretending to be a ghost. When he heard this, Xiao Shiliu was furious. He stamped his foot and moved like a tiger descending from the mountain. His fists were mixed with the whistling wind and he hit the masked man in the face. passed.

This punch was completely merciless. With his strength attribute of 3.9, he was sure to smash that weird mask into crispy pieces with one punch.

As for whether to die or not...this is not within the scope of Xiao Shiliu's consideration.

After all, who can serve as a bodyguard under Xiao Mo, who was not a desperado with several lives on his back?

Killing someone is a common occurrence.

Seeing Xiao Shiliu take action in anger, no one else, including Xiao Mo, had any intention of stopping him.


The masked man sneered, and in a flash, Xiao Shiliu's fist barely missed the masked man's silver soft armor.


Circles of blue ripples suddenly appeared on the silver soft armor. Xiao Shiliu's expression changed. A terrible numbness and tingling sensation came from his fists along with the circles of ripples. He didn't have time to react. , his vision went dark in an instant, and he fell straight to the ground, twitching wildly.


In the eyes of other bodyguards, Xiao Shiliu just touched the silver armor of the masked man slightly, and the next moment he fell to the ground and twitched, black smoke was rising from his body, and the smell of barbecue was still in the air. .

After a few seconds, Xiao Shiliu stopped twitching on the ground, but what also stopped was Xiao Shiliu's breathing.


Xiao Shiliu, who was once relatively famous in the underground world, died here so easily.

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but gasped in shock and were speechless for a long time.

The masked man smiled coldly. He was originally worried that he would not find a chance to scare the monkeys, but Xiao Shiliu jumped out on his own, which happened to fulfill his wish.

Xiao Mo turned his head and looked at Xiao Yi beside him.

Xiao Yi was still wearing a pair of sunglasses, a dark suit, and white gloves on his hands. He smiled slightly and walked out of Xiao Mo.

While walking, Xiao Yi said slowly: "In the underground world, there used to be such a legend."

"There is a 'white' standing under the sun, and a group of 'shadows' wandering in the darkness, forming a killer organization that spreads all over the world and makes everyone fearful. If I remember correctly, the name of this organization , it’s the ‘White Shadow Club’.”

Except for Xiao Yi and Xiao Mo, everyone else's expressions changed dramatically.



"White Shadow Club! It's actually the White Shadow Club?"

"It is said that as long as it accepts the task, it will definitely complete the commission of the murderous organization, the White Shadow Club?!"

"Oh?" The masked man kicked Xiao Shiliu's body away and chuckled: "I thought 'we' were almost forgotten by the world, but I didn't expect that there are still people who remember 'us'."

Xiao Yi smiled slightly: "But I heard that ten years ago, after the four giant towers appeared, the White Shadow Club disappeared overnight. There are rumors that the leader of the White Shadow Club, 'Bai', accidentally died in the night of falling stars. , I don’t know if it’s true or not?”

"Now, you don't have to worry." The masked man's voice suddenly became colder.

"So, 'Shadow' No. 99 of the White Shadow Club, you came to the Xiao family today. Could it be that someone from our Xiao family appears on your 'Shadow Killing List'?"

No. 99 looked at Xiao Yi with interest through the mask.

He did not expect that Xiao Yi would know so much about the White Shadow Club ten years ago, and even knew about the existence of the Shadow Killing List.

No. 99 suddenly sneered, the arrogance in his tone subdued a little, and he chuckled: "The Shadow Killer List does not record unknown people... Even if you want to be on it, you may not be able to. I came here today just to collect the bounty. That’s all…”

After that, the masked man kicked the "bloody man" next to him, and the bloody man's face was barely raised, showing a look of despair.

Happy Dragon Boat Festival~~Two big chapters of 3,000 words today~Everyone go home early for dinner! Just remember to vote for Xiaobai~~~

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