Infinity Throne

Chapter 299 The end of the dream

Fifty-six's fine steel glove floated with a shining light.

It seemed like a punch would strike at any moment.

He was seen walking like a dragon and a tiger, "slowly" punching towards Yi Lin and Xing Fei.

If you don't look at the speed, you can deduce from the slightly distorted space around the fist that the power contained in this punch should be very terrifying.

One step, one step, one step.

Fifty-six felt very fast.

Unbelievably fast.

But Yi Lin had no time to lower her head and start thinking.

Since when did his attribute values ​​far exceed those of the same level?

Is it because it gets super high ratings every time?

Or is it because of the module that the deducted luck and charm points are added to the four attributes of strength, agility, spirit, and will every time a level is passed and evaluated?

From the beginning, Yi Lin knew that this trio was not weak.

But there was no way to make Yi Lin feel threatened.

In particular, Yi Lin now has many trump cards. She has gained a lot of chaos points in Styx Junior High School, and her overall strength has been greatly improved.

No matter who it is, it is difficult for anyone at the same level to withstand Yi Lin's direct attack.

Probably, no one.


Yi Lin sighed and summed it up in three words. Both pretentious and honest.

And when Yi Lin finished thinking, Fifty-Six, in slow motion, had only stepped a few meters away, and was far from reaching Yi Lin.

"Well, I'll give you a ride."

Yi Lin shook his head, holding a short knife, and his breathing method started to work on its own.

In his opinion, Fifty-Six looked awesome, but his whole body was full of flaws, as if he was undefended.


Yi Lin passed by Fifty-Six in such a relaxed and happy manner, and made an ordinary slash.

Xing Fei's eyes widened.

He witnessed with his own eyes that Yi Lin easily and comfortably defeated Fifty-Six.

He couldn't see clearly how Yi Lin got behind Wuliu in an instant.


Xing Fei only had time to say one word.

Yi Lin walked behind Xing Fei again.

Xing Fei didn't have time to react.

"After you wake up, just find a place to make some soy sauce."

Yi Lin reminded with a smile, and took Xing Fei away with another knife.


Xing Fei looked down and saw a bloody dagger coming out of his chest. He still didn't know what happened?

This guy fucked him up again!

Yi Lin turned around.

Ignoring the bodies of Xing Fei, Fifty-Six, and Seventy-Three, they turned into black powder and disappeared.

He also ignored Eighty-one who was screaming in agony as the monster fucked him crazily.

Yi Lin put away the blood jasmine and left here.

In thick fog.

A host with strange features and funny expressions watched Yi Lin coming from a distance, bowed gracefully and said with a smile: "I wish you a wonderful night."

Yi Lin said: "Good night."


Yi Lin "woke up" again.

There was no wave in his expression.

Allen and Judy in front of them had even more dull expressions, as if they were walking zombies.

on the square.

The hands on the clock have almost stopped turning.

But only almost.

The old clockwork clock occasionally makes a clicking sound as the gears rotate, which seems to indicate that time is still passing.

"What floor am I on?"

In Yi Lin's ears, the murmuring sound that seemed to pull people into the abyss became more and more obvious.

My mind was buzzing.

If it weren't for Yi Lin's extremely high "will" attribute, she might have been tortured by the horrible nightmare murmurs long ago.

The scenery above the town is almost condensed, becoming a magical picture that is eternally frozen.

Yi Lin wanders around the town.

He is searching.

Looking for Green.


Occasionally, there are monsters echoing and wandering, and the monsters utter various meaningless sleep babbles.

Although the shapes of the monsters are strange and weird, the only thing they have in common is that the monsters all move very slowly, as if in slow motion.

Yi Lin easily shuttled among the monsters.

But it only looks easy on the surface.

In fact, his biggest enemy now is not the weird dream in front of him, nor the weird monsters, nor the trio reduced to soy sauce.

——But himself.

Yi Lin meets Eighty-One again.

But this time, there were no other two men and women around Eighty-One.

Eighty-one was once again submerged in the group of monsters with "two legs and one whip", his expression was crazy and twisted.

"Is it just you?"

Yi Lin watched from a distance as Eighty-One was rolled into a rice dumpling by the terrifying monster and twisted into bloody water. Her expression remained unchanged and she sighed softly.


The sleeping girl stood up silently, with a strange expression and distorted facial features that made it impossible for people to associate with the word "girl".

Looking closer, the girl's facial features turned into a "Grimm" look, with an exaggerated face and cracked mouth, which was scary and frightening.

"Have a wonderful night. Jiejiejiejie..."

The girl suddenly laughed sinisterly in a low voice.

Yi Lin's eyes went white.

When he opened his eyes again.

He returned to the hotel.

But Judy and Alan were no longer in sight.

on the table.

An old black-and-white television plays a loud, shrill program.


The whispering sound seemed to come from the depths of my mind, and there was a strange voice, whispering softly, as if it was saying something.

Yi Lin's expression changed slightly.

He quickly walked out of the hotel.

Looked up.

This world has completely changed.

I saw that the entire town seemed to be folded by strange forces. All the structures in front of, behind, in the sky, and underground were cut, reorganized, and shattered. Yi Lin clearly walked out of the Judy Hotel, but outside the hotel, there was a TV station The twisted corridor, but when she raised her head, Yi Lin saw a square cut into countless pieces.

Yi Lin even saw the old clockwork clock.

The clockwork clock hung upside down above his head.

Yi Lin took a deep breath.

He finally reached the end.

Or maybe it's the end of "him".

It is possible that if it continues, more layers of dreams will be born, but this scene in front of me seems to be the end of the dream in Green Town.

"finally reached."

Yi Lin's face turned slightly pale, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

During this experience of constantly traveling through dreams, he had been thinking about this question.

Is there any other way to pass this trial?

Yi Lin kept thinking.

It's a pity that I didn't expect it.

For now, he can only solve this trial in this way.

Walking through the corridor, Yi Lin came to places that were becoming more and more unfamiliar to him.

Hospitals, schools, police stations, shops, cafes...

Whether she has been there or not, every time Yi Lin walks out, the scenery changes rapidly in front of her eyes.

"The deeper the dream, the closer it is to the so-called 'subconscious mind'. Whether it is the content of the dream or the dream environment, it is completely uncontrollable and more similar to an original ecological form. That's why this phenomenon appears. A chaotic and chaotic space.”


I don’t know how much time passed.

Yi Lin quickly visited the entire town again.

The town was deserted.

Not even monsters.

Yi Lin has confirmed that the truth of Green Town is as he speculated.

In fact, Yi Lin did not expect at first that the dream world of Green Town would be so weird. It seemed that there was no danger, but if you were deeply involved, it would be full of dangers.

This is a trial that will not lead to death, but if something goes wrong, it will be more terrifying than death.

The dream world actually has many layers.

After falling into a dream, you can still dream, and then fall into a dream again, and you can still dream again.

Similar to infinity matryoshka dolls, endless.

Even the apostles, who were trapped in layers of nightmares, couldn't tell whether they were in a dream or reality, or in which layer of a dream they were.

Yi Lin himself couldn’t count them.

He just kept sinking, dreaming continuously, reaching the deepest dream state.

Here is the end.

It is both the end of the trial and the end of the dream.

There was no one around, but his ears were filled with the nightmares and murmurs of countless people. The murmurs that came from his ears and seemed to come from the depths of his brain made people feel crazy.

Yi Lin can still maintain his sanity now entirely because he has an extremely high "will" attribute and is extremely resistant to negative states.

And, the most important thing is.

There are actually two ways to fall into a dream.

Falling asleep is certainly one kind, but the other kind is even more difficult to guard against.

That is……

"Have a wonderful night."

In fact, every time Yi Lin heard these words, he had already entered the next level of dreamland without even noticing it.

In addition to seeing whether you are dead after committing suicide and being able to judge whether you are in a dream, you can also judge by the flow of time.

In each level of dreamland, time flows at a different speed.

The deeper the dream, the faster time flows. In contrast, the things in the surface dream are equivalent to slow motion in the eyes of Yi Lin who is in the deep dream.

Everything in the dream is a dream.

But the ancient clockwork clock in the square, like a lighthouse on the sea at night, became Yi Lin's only reference.

The slower the hands on the clockwork clock turn, the deeper the dream that Yi Lin enters.


The end.

Yi Lin walked around the fragmented deep dreamland Green Town several times.

He confirmed that there was no other living being that could move in this town except him.

In other words, no one is in this level of dreamland.


Yi Lin walked to the glass window and murmured to herself.

"I've always been curious."

"Why is this town called Green?"

"The mascot, also called Green."

"There is a host with weird facial features, also named Green."

"It seems that everyone knows about Green, but they don't know why there are all Green here."

"Looking back now, this should be regarded as a 'hint'."

"Just like the technique of hypnosis, a 'name' is hidden over and over in ordinary words, patterns, and music. Even if the hypnotized person has never heard of the name, he will have a sense of emotion the moment he hears it. A feeling of 'déjà vu'."

"Unconsciously, the name 'Green' is planted in everyone's heart and deeply imprinted in everyone's subconscious."

"Dreams are one of the manifestations of the subconscious. The deeper the impression in the subconscious, the higher the frequency of dreams."

"So Allen's father was also a Green in the dream. The girl who was violated, the monster that appeared in the dream, might also be a Green."

"Even our dreams are filled with all kinds of 'Grimm'."

"I have been thinking about this question, is 'Green' a phenomenon? Or is there really such a being, secretly hiding behind all of this, watching all of this with enjoyment?"

"I prefer the latter."

Yi Lin raised her head.

Look at your "reflection" in the mirror.

The glass of the window reflected Yi Lin's face.

But that was not Yi Lin's familiar face.

Yi Lin said slowly: "Do you think so, Green?"

Yi Lin's facial features in the mirror, at some point, turned into a "Green" appearance.

The shadow in the mirror smiled strangely.

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