Infinity Throne

Chapter 303 Shadow Killing (2 in 1)

"Boss Ma! I'm back!"

Yi Lin returned to the hot pot dog shop with a normal expression.

Emperor Wang Tian smiled like a licking dog and subconsciously rushed towards Yi Lin.

"sit down!"

Yi Lin glared at Wang Tiandi and quickly stopped.

Only then did Wang Tiandi realize that he couldn't show his dog legs, so he whimpered aggrievedly and sat down obediently.

Yi Lin was so scared that she wiped the cold sweat from her forehead.

If this stupid dog really didn't hold back his emotions and pounced on him, he wouldn't be able to resist it.

It would be too embarrassing to be thrown away by a dog for a small matter in front of Boss Ma.

After Yi Lin came back from shopping, it was already past the peak meal period.

Master Ma was idle again.

He squinted his eyes and looked Yi Lin up and down. Seeing Yi Lin wearing brand new equipment, he looked envious: "Your equipment is not cheap, isn't it?"

"Just average."

Yi Lin said modestly.

"If you miss work for one day without reason, your salary will be deducted 1,000."

Master Ma suddenly grinned, with yellow teeth that were dazzlingly yellow.


That's outrageous.

Master Ma then explained: "Don't you just have pocket money? Anyway, you can get the money at the end of the month, so that you can successfully inherit the inheritance. Why are you so anxious?"

Am I impatient?

I just disdain it.

When Yi Lin came out of the fitting room, she didn't act too strange.

In addition to this trial, the improvement in strength and agility attributes was not significant and was still within Yi Lin's adaptability range. There is not much weirdness in his gait and movements.

If the attribute value increases sharply in a short period of time and the body has not adapted, it will definitely be unable to move freely for a while.

Yi Rin diligently wiped the table, cleaned the floor, and washed the dishes.

Master Ma sat at the counter the whole time, looking at today's sales and laughing.

But Yi Lin knew very well that Master Ma's eyes would fall on his back from time to time, and they had a deeper meaning.

"He was suspicious."

"But there's no evidence."

"He has a smooth temperament, but his nature is not bad and can be observed."

In the dead of night.

Yi Lin hid in the small room at the attic and took out the list. After thinking for a moment, she put a check mark behind Master Ma's name.

And somewhere.

Master Ma, who was having sex, suddenly shuddered.

He always felt that he had passed by some dangerous existence not long ago.

Yi Lin put away the list.

Close your eyes.

In the darkness, his face was covered with shadows.

If an outsider saw Yi Lin hiding in the darkness at this time, his cold expression might make him sick.

a long time.

Yi Lin breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Master Ma, the observation is almost done."

"Hopefully we won't become enemies in the future."

"It shouldn't be a bad thing to have a guy who is good at gathering intelligence and saving lives."

"Time is running out."

"It's almost time to go."

"Besides, for people who put their interests first, there is only a thin line between being an enemy and a friend."

Yi Lin made a quick decision.

In her free time, Yi Lin began to sort out the harvest after "Green Town".

Although Yi Lin was a little dissatisfied with the final passing evaluation of the trial, which was only rated "A", there was nothing she could do about it.

Although the main mission was to "kill the Grimm", he also successfully killed all the "Grimm" in the multiple dreams. But if you look closely, he only barely escaped from multiple dreams, and did not really break the strange phenomenon in that small town.

He didn't get to the root of that "dream phenomenon" at all.

"It's not surprising. The difficulty of the third-level trial is far from comparable to the trials before Level 20."

"There are more ways to pass the level, either defeat ten levels at once, or pass the level through various clues."

"If you want to get an S-level rating or above, at the very least, you have to come face to face with the real 'Grimm'."

"If I'm not wrong, from the beginning to the end, we are still in 'its' dream and have not really escaped."

"True and false, illusion and reality, there is actually only a thin line between them, but they cannot be reached."

Yi Lin sighed.

But after returning to the bus, even if Yi Lin suspected that he was still in a dream, she no longer had the courage to stab herself.

Moreover, Ta also made a judgment, judging that his method could be regarded as completing the main mission.

The bus driver, one of the "Greens", finally said those words to Yi Lin and Xing Fei.

——"Goodbye, outsider."

Yi Lin sounded like she was saying goodbye.

But if you think about it carefully, that tone seems to be saying——

"see you later."

Calypso in the Caribbean.

The terrifying finger in Styx Junior High School.

An existence that creates multiple layers of dreams in Greentown.

Why do I always encounter these weird things in the last few trials?

Is it because I was too weak in the past to be able to compete?

Or are you just too unlucky in this life?

Or is it some other reason?

Yi Lin thought about it for a long time, but couldn't figure out the answer.

There was no way, Yi Lin could only suppress these doubts for the time being.

He had too many things to worry about at the moment.

Yi Lin had no time to care about everything in the other world.

The most important thing is to survive.

Thinking of this, Yi Lin's thoughts became clearer and she suddenly became enlightened.

He began to sort out what he had learned from the trial.

"Apostle Panel."

Yi Lin thought to himself as a virtual panel appeared in front of his eyes.

【Ilin】(ID: 1010)

【Title】Skeleton Gentleman


[Psionic value] 850

【Module】Apocalypse Knight (Damaged)

[Level] LV24 (third-level apostle)







[Skills] Follow like a shadow (MAX), Haunted by Disaster (MAX), Bloodthirsty Disaster (3 stars), Summon the mount Night Dire (1 star), Grip of Annihilation (2 stars), Shadow Glide (B+ level)

[Enhancement] Killing skills (A-level), Dionysus factor (disabled) (A-level), Yin-Yang hands (B+ level)

Yi Lin was very emotional.

Unknowingly, his attributes had grown to such a terrifying level.

Without the addition of equipment, the sum of his strength, agility, and mental attributes was as high as 17.7.

At this level, there are only a handful of people who can accumulate attribute values ​​to this level through trials.

If Zhao Yulong knew Yi Lin's true attributes, he would probably be so frightened that he could not close his mouth.

In Green Town, with his agility attribute, he pretended to be an agility apostle of the same level as above average, but in Xing Fei's eyes, there was no sense of disobedience. This can be seen from this.

Although Yi Lin would not be like Li Changge, who would expand for no reason and say "I am invincible", Yi Lin was very satisfied with this rapid upgrade.

"If everything goes well and I survive two more trials, no more than three at most, with the increase of Blood Jasmine, my mental attributes will exceed 10 points."

"Because I have already had the experience of unlocking the 'spiritual lock' before, this first layer of lock is useless to me."

"The 'forbidden fruit of wisdom' given by Su Xiaosu can be saved."

"I will use it on the second layer of 'spiritual lock'!"

Yi Lin looked at the numbers appearing on the panel in front of her, and countless thoughts went through her mind.

Perhaps it's because his current fighting style favors the agility side and the mental side. After each level is cleared, the attribute bonus distribution is mainly based on the mental attribute, supplemented by the agility attribute, and occasionally adds a little strength.

Although this method of adding points is passive, in Yi Lin's opinion, it is not a bad thing.

After all, although a pure spiritual apostle has powerful skills and a lot of spiritual power, he can use his skills in waves. But being weak in close combat, not running fast enough, and dying early are recognized weaknesses.

As for the luck value and charm value, for some reason they were steadily declining, and Yi Lin was unable to stop them.

I got used to it as it went down.

Maybe if it drops to 0 points, it won’t drop anymore.

Yilin thought in disbelief.

Even if the luck value drops to zero, it won't be a thunderstorm for no reason.

Even if the charm value drops to zero, he won't be chased after entering the trial.

Thinking of this, Yi Lin felt much better.

This time Yi Lin took action to kill the trio, and there was almost no hesitation.

The results are also very good.

Yi Lin guessed their origin.

"The former 'White Shadow Club', that group of notorious killers, indeed many people are still alive and have become apostles."

Speaking of which, Yi Lin thought of Ling Wuyan, whom he accidentally saved. She didn't know what happened to that guy now, and there was no news about him.

Previously, Yi Lin had wanted to use the power of the special group to search for traces of Ling Wuyan across the country, but due to various changes such as "memory confusion" and "parents suddenly disappeared", Yi Lin also put the matter behind her.

After all, Ling Yiyi is now receiving treatment in Molly's laboratory and is very safe. It doesn't make much sense if Ling Wuyan is not found.

"never mind."

Yi Lin thought for a while and deleted the name "Ling Wuyan" from the communication list.

He silently looked at the skills that a certain killer with a cute face contributed to him.

[Shadow Slide].

Yi Lin was deeply impressed by this skill.

In the future "Order" camp, there is a man who calls himself "Shadow Thorn" and has this skill.

Unexpectedly, due to the changes in time and space, this skill ended up in his hands after changing hands several times.

Maybe he accidentally took away the opportunity that should have belonged to "Shadow Thorn"?

Yi Lin silently mourned for three seconds for the "Shadow Thorn" who had fallen into disrepute before he had a chance to rise.


Super Plus enjoy.

Yi Lin rubbed her palms and looked at the properties of the new skill she had finally obtained.

【Shadow Slide】


[Consumption] Each time you enter the shadow, it consumes 70 spiritual energy points. Maintaining the "gliding" state consumes 3 psychic energy points/second.

[Effect] Entering the shadow state, you can glide on any terrain where shadows exist, and your movement speed is +30%. The shadow state cannot cause damage or negative status to any creature.

[Explanation] No one knows tail lines better than you!

"B+ level..."

This skill taken out of Seventy-Three's box is of a higher level than the predecessor of [Shadow Following], [Shielding Breath], and its effect is even more terrifying.

Of course, the skill effects of the two do not conflict, and even tend to complement each other.

Yi Lin carefully pondered every word on the skill.

"It cannot cause damage or negative status to any creature. In other words, it can be used in combination with 'Shadow Follower'?"

"Hmm...a shadow without any sense of existence?"

Yi Lin was slightly startled when she guessed the effect of using two skills at the same time.

He felt that he was about to go further and further down the path of "righteous backstabbing".

Follow the rules.

Yi Lin closed her eyes.

Entered the module space.

in the module space.

Still the same.

Nothing new.

When the dark modular space is filled with little stars, Yi Lin will feel almost invincible.

Maybe so.

Yi Lin expertly shrunk the module and placed it horizontally in front.

With a thought, [Shadow Sliding] turned into a glowing skill ball, floating beside him.

After all, now in Master Ma's territory, although it is not a hostile force, it is not easy to stay in the module space for too long. Yilin quickly grabbed the [Shadow Sliding] skill ball and started matching it into module skills.

Two lines later, the broken skill slot lights up slightly, flickering on and off.

Yi Lin's expression was slightly startled.

According to the skill type of [Shadow Sliding], Yi Lin expected that the slot after the line of [Shadow Sliding] would match.

But she didn't expect that even the [Mount Line] would light up. This was indeed something Yi Lin didn't expect.

"The further the module goes to the back, the more matching possibilities it has?"

Yi Lin thought of this possibility.

After hesitating for a moment, Yi Lin did not choose to add [Shadow Sliding] to the Night Dire's enhancement.

After all, Night Dire, as a mount, comes with its own [Dark Night Mode], and coupled with [Shadow Sliding], it is at best a new ability that is icing on the cake, and it should not be a qualitative change.

But Yi Lin was really looking forward to what a shadow without any sense of existence would look like.

I guess it’s similar to true complete invisibility?

Moreover, the properties of the shadow are also very clear, and it can glide on any surface that can cast a shadow.

In other words... flying over the roof and walking over the wall is a piece of cake.

Yi Lin didn't hesitate for too long and stuffed the [Shadow Sliding] skill ball into the slot behind [Shadow Following].

[This operation requires 20,000 chaos points. 】

【YES/NO? 】

Yi Lin's eyes widened.

Another twenty thousand?

Inflation isn’t that outrageous, right?

As more and more skill slots are illuminated, the required chaos value seems to be getting larger and larger.

Yi Lin felt that it would be difficult to see the entire module filled up in her lifetime.

After returning from Styx Junior High School, Yilin still had more than 30,000 chaos points left.

In Green Town, because all she killed were people or monsters in dreams, Yi Lin basically didn't earn much chaos points.

Only when the trio actually died did they contribute a bit of mosquito legs to Yi Rin.

"Thirty-six thousand."

"After this upgrade, there are still a little over 16,000 left."

Yi Lin complained, but what needed to be upgraded had to be upgraded.

Only when the chaos value is spent can it truly become one's own strength.

There is no interest in saving this chaos value. Although it hurts, there is nothing to hesitate.


As the ball of light turned into light and filled the grooves, the fine cracks on the grooves were quickly repaired and lit up again.

[Consumption of chaos value 20,000! (Remaining chaos value: 16221)]

["Shadow Sliding" is upgraded to..."Shadow Killing"! 】

This name...

So domineering!

Yi Lin's eyes narrowed slightly.

After upgrade.

Yi Lin quickly exited the module space.

After all, you can still check the skill effects after leaving the module, so there is no need to stay in the module space.

After exiting the module space.

Yilin reopened the skills panel to view the new upgraded skills.

【Shadow Kill】

[Level] 1 star (40,000 chaos value for the next level)

[Consumption] Each time you enter the "Shadow State", 100 spiritual energy points are consumed. Maintaining the "Shadow" state consumes 3 psychic points/second.

[Effect] Click to view details.

[Explanation] No one knows tailing better than you, and no one knows assassination better than you. The Lord of Shadows will be with you.

Shadow Kill!

This new skill, which was upgraded from the [Shadow Sliding] module, made Yilin unable to help but feel surprised.

Originally [Shadow Sliding] was just a stealth-type skill.

But after the module was upgraded, it turned into a terrifying existence that combines stealth, acceleration, and assassination.

Moreover, although this skill consumes a lot of spiritual power, it also has no cooldown time.

Each time you enter the shadow state, you need to consume 100 points of spiritual energy.

And the spiritual energy value continuously consumed to maintain the "shadow state" is nothing to Yi Lin, an orthodox spiritual person with upright roots.


Yi Lin doesn't have the ability to test new skills here. After all, this is Master Ma's territory, so he can only talk about it when he has time.

But this brand new skill will bring about earth-shaking changes to Yilin's fighting style.

The words he said to Seventy-Three at that time may have been pretentious and intimidating.

But when Yi Lin possesses the two skills [Follow Like a Shadow] and [Shadow Kill], this time he can really say——

"No one knows assassination better than him."


After smashing a wave of skills, Yi Lin was in a happy mood.

He began to sort through other harvests.

Including the income from licking the bag, Yilin suddenly had four more props in her inventory.

[Allen’s collection of paintings].

[The Lancer's Blessing].

[Nightmare Score Chapter 6].

[Proof of sworn friendship].

Yi Lin took out the cards one by one.

"this painting……"

The corners of Yi Lin's mouth twitched slightly.

He is truly worthy of being the soul painter Allen.

Regardless of the content of the picture, Yi Lin glanced at the attributes, her eyes narrowed slightly, but she quickly put them away.

It's just a rare prop, but it might be useful somewhere, so I won't mention it for now.

"The Lancer's Blessing..."

Yi Lin's eyes twitched this time.

He felt like this card was a silent irony to him.

Yi Lin silently put away the [Lancer's Blessing].

He took out the main mission reward again.

——[Nightmare Score Chapter 6].

On the surface of the card is a roll of music scores.

After crushing it, Yi Lin used the dim light to take a look...

It really is a roll of music score.

And it’s also a staff.

"I can't understand it at all."

The properties are not clearly stated. Does it really have to be played on a violin to be effective?

Yi Lin was speechless.

But he doesn't understand music.

You can't just learn the violin just to trigger the effect of this prop, right?

Yi Lin thought of the tune that the host "Green" played in front of him over and over again in Green Town.

"Well, maybe he actually has some skills."

Yi Lin started to think.

Is there anyone in the "future circle of friends" that he hasn't had time to establish yet who is proficient in music?

Yes there is...

But I don’t know him yet.

Running over hastily... wouldn't it be a good idea?

Yi Lin thought for a while.

He took out his phone again and silently added another name at the end of the list.

The reason why Molly was not asked to check was because Yi Lin knew where this "friend" who was proficient in music was at this moment.

I have a friend, but I haven't gotten to know him yet.

Yi Lin found this situation a bit painful.

He could only put the music away for now.

Talk to you later.

Rubbing her palms together, Yi Lin took out another card.

On the front of the card, there is a pattern of three bright swords clashing together.

【Proof of sworn friendship】

[Grade] Rare

[Effect] Click to view details.

[Explanation] When three of us are together, I will be the one who gets wet. This is proof of your passion. PS: If the level difference between the three sworn friends is too large, the difficulty of the trial may be greatly increased, and there is no cap. Number of uses remaining: 1/3.

It is indeed a temporary team contract!

Although the names of temporary team contracts are different, the effects are generally similar.

This kind of contract is equivalent to a temporary team mode, which allows three friends who know the basics to form a team to enter the next trial.

In Green Town, the former "White Shadow Club" killer used this prop to form a team and enter Green Town for trials.

"There's only one left?"

There is indeed such a disadvantage in using props obtained from relic bags. They are second-hand goods... As many times as he used them during his lifetime, they will be left in Yi Lin's hands as many times as they are. They will never appear once or twice out of thin air.

"A team?"

Yi Lin closed her eyes, there were indeed benefits to forming a team.

After all, if he participated in the trial with a friend he trusted enough, he would be able to worry less about guarding his back, allowing him to concentrate more on dealing with the various crises in the trial.

Moreover, by joining forces with familiar friends, Yi Lin is more able to let go of her scruples and focus on achieving a higher clearance rating.

There were only three people.

But this stage is enough.

Yi Lin started to choose teammates in her mind.


Yi Lin suddenly opened her eyes.

Only then did he notice something.

"Three...people of the same sex?"

Yi Lin was slightly stunned.

"The one called 'Seventy-Three' is actually a... man?"

What a bummer.

I don’t know if the other two teammates know this shocking fact.

No, you should know.

Otherwise we wouldn't be together.

Since they can only be of the same sex, they cannot choose between Su Xiaosu and Oda Mai.

Yi Lin quickly simulated various teammate combinations in her mind.

Soon, he came to a conclusion.


Yi Lin put away the [Certificate of Bonding].

Finally, the harvest from the Green Town Trial has been sorted out, and it can be said to be quite fruitful.

Whether it’s props or skills, this wave is worth it.

The progress bar of [Resentment] has also increased a lot.

Yi Lin lay on the bed, turned over, thinking about various new operations to cooperate with [Shadow Kill], and soon fell asleep.

He was indeed a little tired.

A night of silence.

Three days later.

Although the rating of Green Town is not high, the strength, agility, and mental attributes have all increased slightly.

Soon, Yi Lin adapted to the new attribute changes.

Of course, this change cannot be seen on the surface because Yi Lin deliberately hides it.

In the eyes of Master Ma, Yi Lin is still the abominable rich second generation who is about to inherit the family inheritance, but there is no evidence.

this day.

Yi Lin wore work clothes with the word "dog hero" printed on them and worked skillfully in the store.

During the peak meal period, hot pot restaurant business also picks up.

Wang Tiandi twitched his dark nose from time to time, smelling the fragrance wafting from the store, with sticky saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth.

At this time.

A familiar vibration came from his chest.

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