Infinity Throne

Chapter 313 Operation to extinguish the lights

Silence returned to the room.

After Yi Lin finished speaking, she felt that the atmosphere was a little strange.

Hu Sandao and Ou Lele looked at themselves with strange eyes at the same time.

"Am I wrong?"

Yi Lin asked.

He went over his reasoning carefully.

Nothing wrong?

Hu Sandao used the index and middle fingers of his right hand to move the hair on his forehead.

He squinted his eyes and looked at Yi Lin for a moment, then suddenly asked: "You must have been looking at it in fast forward."

"Does it matter?"

Yi Lin didn't answer and asked instead.

Hu Sandao chuckled and turned to look at Ou Lele: "When you fast forward to watch the movie, can you notice the slight difference in time? Especially when there is no change in the picture."

"Generally shouldn't be possible."

Orele is actually not very sure.

After all, Yi Lin, a pervert, actually did it.

"I can prove it!"

At this time.

Li Erpang suddenly opened the door, rushed in, and shouted: "Who the hell pays attention to the progress bar when watching a movie? And it's fast forwarding? I don't watch the movie, I watch the progress bar, I don't Is there something wrong? Ouch hurts. Sister Su is so cruel!"

As he spoke, Li Erpang seemed to be too excited and wanted to prove himself too much, which caused injuries on his face and made his entire chubby face distorted.

Only then did Hu Sandao and Ou Lele notice that Li Erpang's right eye socket was swollen, and it was extremely difficult to open his squinted eyes... now it was even more difficult.

Ou Lele lowered his head and chuckled.

Even if we see through it but don't tell it, we are still good friends.

"You seem to have gained weight again."

Yi Lin changed the topic without leaving a trace, so as to save them from continuing to expand on this topic.

"Go away! Thank you!"

Li Erpang dared not say anything in anger, because as soon as he entered the room, Su Xiaosu followed him in behind.

He could only squat back on the bed silently, crying sadly.

Interrupted by the little fat man, Ou Lele and Hu Sandao tacitly agreed not to mention the fact that Yi Lin paid attention to the progress bar while watching the movie.

The angle is so tricky that it makes people unable to complain.

In just a few minutes, Orele has searched out all the information on the "Breaking Dawn Psychological Counseling Center".

On the surface, there doesn't seem to be much problem with this organization, and the information collected from general channels doesn't reveal much about it.

Ou Lele showed the information that could be found on the surface and curled his lips: "Now we should be sure that there is something wrong with Officer Cao, right? But he is from the police? Is he under the control of the 'Superintendent of Arms'? Let's talk about it at the moment. There is no evidence.”

Yi Lin smiled broadly and her eyes lit up slightly: "Is the evidence important?"

Ou Lele was stunned: "Isn't it important?"

Hu Yidao: "Is it important?"

Li Erpang answered: "It's not important."

Su Xiaosu: "What Er Fatty said makes sense."

Several people looked at each other.

Suddenly he laughed.

ten minutes later.

The preliminary plan has been finalized, simple and crude.

Ou Lele is still a little worried: "Isn't it good to do this? I feel like I should ask for permission first?"

Li Erpang rubbed his face and tried his best to make a look of contempt: "A kid is a kid, do you know how to find an adult at this time?"

When Ou Lele heard this, he immediately became angry: "I, Ou Lele, am not a little brat!"

Yi Lin waved his hand and persuaded with strength: "Actually, I think you must have your own opinion at this time. After all, Zhao Yulong doesn't understand the situation. It's even more useless to find an enemy... maybe he will support us. Anyway, we are the only ones here. There are a few people, just find the most senior team member to take charge, it’s not impossible to kill first and then report later.”

Most senior?

Li Erpang immediately agreed, raised his hand, tilted his mouth and shouted: "I am Mengxin!"

Hu Sandao said with a smile: "I am a medical consultant, not a team member."

Shall I wipe it?

Can you say such shameless things?

Su Xiaosu's expression was calm: "I'm not from the special group."

After each person finished speaking, the others looked at "senior team member" Ou Lele.

Ou Lele looked sad, and in the end he could only look at Yi Lin, who had not had time to speak: "You don't want to say that you are not a human, do you?"

"No, I am. But you are more senior than me."



The hotpot restaurant is about to close.

The store was dimly lit.

——Save power.

Master Ma looked at Wang Tiandi who was squatting contentedly by the door with a look of helplessness.

"There is a time in life that must come, but there is no time in life. Don't force it!"

Master Ma shook his head, feeling sad.

But soon, he sat in the seat reserved for the boss. When no one was around, he took out a thick notebook and a pen from the storage space, and immersed himself in writing furiously in the notebook.

[Hu Sandao, agile side, unknown level. Sex: Male. My hobby should be women. Members of special groups. 】

[The skill is initially speculated to be related to destroying the enemy's spirit. This master has witnessed it with his own eyes. When he was extremely angry, he slapped a powerful man on the side and turned him into a fool. He sprayed urine on the spot. It was very cruel. 】

Master Ma again thought of Hu Sandao's behavior at the dinner table today. He seemed to be polite, but secretly he was desperately trying to put the hot pot ingredients in front of Master Ma, so Master Ma silently added something in his notebook.

[Character: Shameless. 】

After a pause, Master Ma wrote one more sentence.

【Extremely shameless. 】

Turned a page.

[Li Erpang, on the strength side. The specific capabilities are currently unknown. However, this fat man gains weight very quickly, and it is suspected that his main skill is related to fat. 】

[The descendant of the emperor of the Z5 Council, the only son of the Li family, was suspected of not being of the Li family's blood because of a genetic mutation in his appearance. However, after genetic identification, it was confirmed that he was of the Li family's blood (the above information requires additional money). 】

[Appearance characteristics: short, squinty eyes, fat. 】

[Companion: Su Xiaosu. 】

With a pause on his pen, Master Ma added another sentence: [Very fat. 】

Master Ma finished supplementing the information on Li Erpang and quickly turned through a few more pages.

[Su Xiaosu, gender: female (important!)]

[Power side. He has a calm personality and is extremely protective of his shortcomings. (Short refers specifically to Li Erpang)]

[Unknown level and unknown abilities. 】

Master Ma turned a few more pages.

There is already Orele's name on it. He thought carefully for a moment. He did not add anything to Ou Lele's information for the time being, so he took a deep breath, turned to a blank page again, and vigorously wrote down the latest information obtained through observation and scrutiny.

[Yilin, male, 18 years old, looks ordinary, but hides a sinister character and is difficult to approach. 】

Master Ma nodded, very satisfied with the incisiveness of his words and sentences, changed a line, and continued writing.

[Attribute laterality: unknown. Abilities: Unknown. 】

He recalled that he had been easily fooled when he hired someone to track him, and he added: [This person is very good at tracking and anti-tracking. From this, it can be inferred that he may be agile (to be certified). 】

[Weakness: Not discovered yet. 】

[Character: sinister. 】

Master Ma felt angry when he thought that this boy had approached him in this way, so he made another note in his notebook.

【Very insidious. 】

After finishing writing, Master Ma closed the small notebook with satisfaction and carefully put it back into the storage space.

This is a good habit he has developed.

Every time he met an apostle, he would carefully record every detail of the information.

Master Tamar is a professional informant.

Record the world with your heart.

Master Ma believes that if you accumulate a little, you can make a lot, and the streams can converge into a river.

Accumulate bit by bit, one day, his information will shock the apostle world, wow...

With sweet dreams, Master Ma ignored the noise upstairs and ended the day.

Three days later.

A few people shamelessly ate and drank in the hot pot bear for three days.

Not doing anything serious.

Boss Ma squats in front of the counter every day, feeling dejected and silently counting his losses.

This group of bandits no longer deceived and abducted, they simply robbed.

And I heard that there was another person squatting in the hospital, and Boss Ma had to pack the hot pot ingredients into boxes and deliver them to the person in the hospital.

"Boss Ma, it's getting cold. Let's make some new quilts."

"Boss Ma, I just saw a few new recipes online. I'll give them a try."

"Boss Ma, there is no paper in the toilet! Hurry up, you have gone too far!"

"Boss Ma, your heater is not powerful. Didn't you see Fatty that my eyes are so cold that I can't open them? It's been cold these days!"

"Boss Ma..."

A damn fat man wandered around in front of Master Ma over and over again. Master Ma finally couldn't bear it anymore and slammed the table: "That fat man named Fat! I've been putting up with you for a long, long time!"

Li Erpang said with a shy face: "It doesn't matter, just bear with it a little longer. I've been bearing with it for three days, so I might as well bear with it a little longer."

Master Ma: "..."

"It's not good! It's not good! It's not good! Something bad is going to happen!"

There was a lot of excitement downstairs.

Ou Lele ran downstairs in a hurry, with a panicked expression.

Yi Lin ignored Li Erpang, who was struggling with Boss Ma, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ou Lele held up a small tablet: "I just received the latest news. Three people disappeared in Litai City in just twelve hours, that is, overnight."

"How long has it been since the last victim went missing?"

"Exactly a week."

Yi Lin lowered his head and said, "You can't bear it anymore? Is there anything going on with Cao Anbang?"

"Not yet."

Hu Sandao opened his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, which looked like a scalpel in his hand. He smiled gracefully and said, "What's wrong with this? Now that they've moved, we can just take action."

Yi Lin nodded: "Cao Anbang has been asking me from the side for the past few days. Since he knows that we are investigating this matter, if he is from 'that side', I think Shuguang Sect should also know about our existence. But he still chose to take action at this time, and three people disappeared immediately..."

"It shows that they have a reason to do this, and a reason to take risks."

Hu Sandao chuckled and added: "Or maybe they don't take us seriously at all."

Yi Lin also laughed.

Seeing this smile in other people's eyes, they all couldn't help but shudder.

It's a bit scary.

Yi Lin said: "I am very curious now about what is hidden behind this matter. Why on earth do they secretly abduct batch after batch of people from this city in unknown ways? Isn’t this a cliché story like human trafficking?”

"Then the first and most important thing is... let's give this operation a name."

Everyone's movements suddenly became stiff and their expressions varied.

This change of scenery was too sudden.

Yi Lin pondered for a moment: "How about the lights-out operation? It's both subtle and nice. I'm still confident in my taste in naming."

Su Xiaosu: "..."

Hu Sandao: "..."

Li Erpang: "..."

Emperor Wang Tian: "..."

O'Lele: "..."

They all hesitated.

In doubt.

They were thinking whether Yi Lin really thought her taste in naming was okay, or whether she was joking.

Seeing that no one expressed any objection, Yi Lin was very satisfied and waved her hand.

"Operation lights out, begin."

"Olele is responsible for everything."

Ou Lele was dumbfounded.

Shall I wipe it?

Has he already taken the blame before this operation even started?

A group of people walked out of Hot Pot Dog Hero one after another and came out in full force.

Boss Ma looked at the messy store and was dumbfounded.

Wang Tiandi yawned lazily.

If Yi Lin hadn't repeatedly told it not to run around and stay put, it would have planned to go out with Yi Lin and cause harm to the whole world.

But now...

It just wants to be a quiet, beautiful dog.

Think of this.

Wang Tiandi put his paws under his chin, and lay down helplessly with a grimace on his face.

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