Infinity Throne

Chapter 315

Su Xiaosu heard this and looked at it carefully for a while.

"It doesn't look like that."

Hu Sandao pointed at the "Time Tunnel" and shook his fingers without trace.

Su Xiaosu didn't seem to realize that her unintentional words had a critical impact on Hu Sandao's soul. She said seriously: "Like a target."

Hu Sandao felt like he was talking to a cow.

It turns out that it is so difficult for a woman with a brain full of muscles to imagine and think.

But to put it another way, this kind of muscle-brain star has extremely strong mental "defense".

Hu Sandao was helpless.

He couldn't think of any other metaphor at the moment.


But how do you lift a chestnut to the target?

Hu Sandao decided to follow his own ideas.

"Just think of this as a time tunnel."


Although Su Xiaosu felt that Hu Sandao's metaphor was inappropriate, she was still very cooperative in order to be polite to others.

Hu Sandao continued to raise chestnuts.

The trembling fingers clenched again.

"The structure of circles and the aperture in each circle will give people the illusion of walking through a time tunnel."

"And the entrance looks very deep, with no end in sight."

"Customers who step in for the first time... let me call them customers. Facing the unknown and mysterious, they will involuntarily have a sense of tension. Medically speaking, this tension will stimulate adrenaline secretion and peripheral circulation. Contraction, the blood flow will briefly concentrate in the two important tissues of the heart and brain..."

"Please keep your story short."

Su Xiaosu decided to be honest and couldn't help but say.

"... To put it simply, this direct sense of tension, from the perspective of my ability, is equivalent to setting up layers of 'defenses' for the mind in an instant."

"If I guessed correctly, after walking through the passage that looks like a time tunnel, there will be a door. When you open the door, your eyes will light up. In an instant, from darkness to light, the suppressed emotions will be released in an instant, which will give people a sense of wonder. A feeling of enlightenment.”

Having said this, Hu Sandao showed a smile on his face that said, "I know what I'm good at." His clenched fist suddenly opened, and his fingers spread out.


In order to create a sense of realism, Hu Sandao tried hard to simulate a certain sound effect: "The membrane... is broken. In fact, it is difficult to say that it is difficult to break through this layer of 'defense' in the mind, but it can be said to be simple, and it is also very simple. When Once this layer of defense in the mind is broken, people with abilities like mine will be able to do whatever they want, do whatever they want, and do whatever they want like a naked mind."


Su Xiaosu seemed to understand.

I don’t seem to understand.

I seem to understand but not understand.

Anyway, can it be dismantled?

Su Xiaosu wanted to ask.

But when she wanted to ask this question, Hu Sandao was already walking towards the "time tunnel" he called it, sighing with emotion as he walked.

"Since there is a problem, is it okay if we go in?"

"Haha, of course it doesn't matter to me. No one knows how to break defenses better than me. It shouldn't matter to you... after all, your brain has a special structure that doesn't allow you to associate with deeper pictures, so it's not a big problem. "


Su Xiaosu nodded.

Hu Sandao smiled again and said: "Of course, if it were me, there must be a door behind the dark tunnel. When you open the door, the moment your eyes suddenly open up, melodious and soothing music will definitely be playing in your ears... Hmm , there should also be a group of pleasant-looking welcoming ladies spread out in a fan shape, saying to us who are new here, 'One comes and the other comes'."


"It means 'Welcome'. It's Yingdao dialect. I'm learning this language recently."


"Shh, be careful."

After entering the passage, Hu Sandao whispered a reminder in case there were eavesdropping devices around.

After all, if Cao Anbang really has a problem, there must be something wrong with the psychological counseling agency Ou Lele found out.

This is equivalent to the enemy's territory.

Although Hu Sandao was a little nervous and his hands were a little shaky, he was not stupid enough to cause trouble in the opponent's territory.

There is nothing wrong with being careful.

He proved through research that he had already reached a conclusion.

Any apostle, even if his character is completely different, is essentially the same.

Fear of death, cherish life, insidious, stubborn, shameless, disorderly.

This is the apostle.

Probably so.

Hu Sandao has done research.

They both have their own thoughts.

Hu Sandao was thinking about everything hidden behind this incident.

Su Xiaosu was worried about whether something went wrong with the little fat man.

As Hu Sandao said, the layers of tunnels covered with apertures have a strong sense of technology. The deep front with no end in sight gives people the illusion of traveling through a time tunnel.

Hu Sandao suddenly chuckled and muttered in a voice that only he could hear:

"Actually, this structure is similar to the classic pendulum swinging principle of hypnotism. When a person's attention is focused on a monotonous, meaningless, and repetitive thing, a kind of 'mental fatigue' will occur. This state is also It’s easy to break defenses. Well, no one knows how to break defenses better than me.”

Hu Sandao has seen through everything.

The tunnel is not long.

But the changes in light and shade gave them the illusion that the tunnel was endless.


Twenty seconds after the two of them moved forward at a normal pace, they reached the end of the tunnel.

At the end of the dark tunnel is a dark wall.

Because the light was dim and there were circles of light behind them, it was impossible to tell the specific structure and size of the space they were in at the moment.

The dark walls and pure white door are hard to ignore even in the dark.

Hu Sandao warned in advance that Su Xiaosu was not surprised. She hesitated, looked at Hu Sandao and asked:

"How to open it?"


Hu Sandao slowly typed a question mark.

This question is a bit strange.

Isn't the door...unscrewed?

Isn't there a handle on it?

Although there seems to be a camera on the door, judging from the structure, it doesn't look like one that can be entered by swiping your face.

Otherwise, this psychological counseling center would not be open to the public, but would be an office space exclusively for internal staff.

Can it still be opened with a punch?

Hu Sandao didn't think much and opened the door.

In front of my eyes,

suddenly see the light.

behind the door.

It is a bright and bright hall, with staff members wearing neat white uniforms walking back and forth in the hall.

The clothes they wear are not traditional white coats, but straight and integrated attire with some simple lines drawn on them, which is very similar to the future attire in science fiction movies. It gives people a very comfortable feeling at first glance.

The man is handsome, the woman is shy, well-dressed and very eye-catching.

However, the suddenly bright light did not give Hu Sandao and Su Xiaosu a dazzling feeling.

On the contrary, they felt that this kind of light was just right. After squinting a little, they adapted to this soft light. They couldn't help but feel relaxed and happy, as if the sorrow and anxiety in their hearts were swept away the moment they stepped out.

Sure enough, melodious music sounded in my ears.

It's a classical violin piece.

I can't remember the name for a while.

But the music matched the scene in front of them. Although Hu Sandao and Su Xiaosu had been mentally prepared for the scene in front of them, they still felt very comfortable, as if their whole bodies had relaxed.

Su Xiaosu's casserole-sized fists unclenched subconsciously, thinking to herself: It would be great if Er Fatty was here.

Well, pretty good.

"Two gentlemen, welcome to the Dawn Psychological Counseling Center."

Soon after the two opened the door, several young and beautiful women walked towards them with kind smiles on their faces.

"No matter what worries you have, what past you have, or what sadness you have, here you can get the comfort you need."

"We are professional and will solve all your worries. You can treat this place as your own home. You're welcome."

Even if they saw Su Xiaosu, who was 1.99 meters tall, they would raise their heads vigorously, trying to make eye contact and look into each other's eyes, which would be the window to the other person's soul. Being professionals, they did not show any strange emotions on their faces.

"Sir?" Hu Sandao suddenly smiled and pointed at Su Xiaosu: "She is a woman."


The kind smiles on the faces of the beauties suddenly solidified, and their defenses were instantly broken by Hu Sandao.

But they are professionals after all.

One of the beauties quickly regained her composure and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, women... can hold up half the sky. This healthy lady may be able to hold up a piece of the sky."


Su Xiaosu responded.

She felt there was nothing wrong with it.

After all, she is 1.99 meters tall.

"You can call me Qiqi. This must be your first time here. Let me show you around our 'center' first. Don't worry, relax. This service is completely free."

Beauty Qiqi quickly led Hu Sandao and Su Xiaosu towards one of the passages.

Hu Sandao noticed that among these beauties, one of them turned around and whispered something into the headset. However, Hu Sandao felt that the time for a showdown had not come yet, so he quietly made a mental note. .

The two of them exchanged a look, and each other treated them kindly. Su Xiaosu was too embarrassed to do anything casually or ruin the situation.

After all, she is civilized, polite, and an excellent daughter-in-law of the Li family, so she must not act recklessly.

Hu Sandao didn't take action either.

After all, except for the small mechanism set up at the entrance, this institution looks normal.

After all, there are many formal psychological counseling centers that also use hypnosis techniques to help patients with mental illness relax. not considered evidence.

In addition to the staff, there are also many "customers" in smart casual clothes in the consultation center. Some of these customers look embarrassed, some are worried, and some are smiling.

"You guys must be worried about something, right?"

"Yes, how do you know?"

Hu Sandao squinted his eyes, stared at Qiqi's back, and smiled.

"Our Daybreak Counseling Center has helped many people, and we have listened to countless people's worries. Once, I came here with my worries." Qiqi seemed to be casually chatting with the two of them, with a hint of temptation appearing on her fair face. The person's blush is delicate and charming.

"Ten years ago, my life suddenly lost its color. You don't know, on that day, there was only one color left in my world, and that was gray."

"But I suddenly got better, with their help. So I chose to work here, believe me, everything will be fine. There are no obstacles in this world that are difficult to overcome. Well, please go this way, this Next to it is the psychological evaluation room for our new members.”

"But we are not members." Hu Sandao reminded with a smile on his face.

"It doesn't matter, our goal is to save everyone who is in deep trouble, whether you are our member or not. Don't worry..." Qiqi smiled: "Don't be nervous, as long as you don't agree, we won't charge any fees , we just want to listen to your troubles. Please take a seat."

Qiqi took the two of them to a small room.

Surrounded by white walls.


Melodious classical music is also played in the room.

In the center of the room, there is a round table.

Rounded on all sides, no edges or corners.

Hu Sandao noticed that there was a seat suspended in mid-air around the round table.

The two of them sat down on the seats casually.

The seat seemed a bit cramped for Su Xiaosu.

Qiqi smiled and sat between the two.


Hu Sandao's hands trembled slightly.

On the round table, a screen rose.

On the screen are some simple questions.

How simple is it?

Hu Sandao took a quick glance.

Similar to——

"What's your favorite fruit?"

"If you could change the color of the sun, what color would it be?"

"How do you feel about the relationships around you?"

And so on.

Simple psychological test.

Hu Sandao secretly nodded towards Su Xiaosu.

Indicates there is no problem.

This kind of psychological test questionnaire has almost become one of the standard tests in various psychiatric departments, and it is unremarkable.

Su Xiaosu chose very carefully.

Hu Sandao clicked and clicked randomly in boredom.

Qiqi was very patient, guiding them with a smile, and told them to relax, not to feel pressured, and to just follow their hearts.

Time passed quietly in Qiqi's gentle voice.

While Hu Sandao and Su Xiaosu were doing psychological tests.

Qiqi suddenly asked softly in a voice that sounded like a lover murmuring or a friend confiding:

"Do you believe there is a God?"

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