Infinity Throne

Chapter 32 That night was full of stars

I still remember the starry night.

Looking into the distance, skyscrapers were cut in half.

The raging river was frozen into glaciers.

The steel bridge was twisted into twists.

The figure of the giant beast flashed faintly in the distance.

Yi Lin seemed to still remember that it was a bit cold that night.

He was covered in blood.

There was a gentle woman beside him, silently bandaging his wounds.

"Rin, if you survive in the end, what do you want to do most?"

"Huh... get married? Have children?"

"That's it?" The woman pursed her lips and smiled as gently as water.

“Work at sunrise and rest at sunset, working nine to five, getting a salary, fooling the boss, caring for your wife, making money for milk powder, and also thinking about your children going to kindergarten, training classes, buying a house in the school district, and having your children grow up. Just think about it..."

"Stop, stop, stop!" The woman used a little more force on her hands and couldn't help but laugh: "Don't you find it annoying?"

"It's annoying, why aren't you annoying?" Yi Lin looked into the distance and murmured to himself, "But it's still much better than now."

"Why don't you think about yourself? Just think about your children?"

"for example?"

"For example...where will the wedding be held?"

"Uh... Antarctica. It's clean enough."

The woman chuckled: "Have you forgotten that the Antarctic glacier has been sunk?"

"Then... let's wait until the dust settles and build another one."

"Who do you want to be with?" The woman squinted her eyes and smiled, like a crescent moon in the night, very dazzling and unforgettable in this life.

“With whom to build Antarctica?”

The woman patted Yi Lin's wound angrily: "You know I'm talking about marriage."

"I haven't thought about this yet...why are you pinching me?"

"I heard people say that Molly is pretty good-looking? I heard the tone of her voice when she talked to you..."

"Oh, you haven't seen it. Mengmeng's Ma Pingchuan... I can't afford it."

" she really that beautiful?"

"It's okay, but compared to you, it's still a bit worse."

The woman fell silent.

Yilin was silent for a moment, looking at the stars in the sky, which were beautiful.

It's just that this broken earth can no longer set off the starry sky above.

"When you can see me, I will formally introduce you to each other."

The woman remained silent.

Soon, he smiled sweetly and whispered: "Okay."


Yi Lin looked out the window at the night sky.

My mind was like a revolving lantern, flashing through those insignificant bits and pieces sealed in the corners of my memory.

Suddenly, Yi Lin laughed to herself, the revolving door was not a good sign.

Right now.

Yi Lin's phone vibrated crazily.

Yi Lin glanced at it and saw that it was an unknown number that could not be located.


"Hundan! It's me!" It's Molly.

"I know it's you, what happened."

"Where are you now?" Molly said urgently.

"What's wrong at home?" Yi Lin frowned slightly.

"Be careful! It's best to get out of there quickly! Xiao Mo has posted a sky-high reward in the underground world. Do you know how much your head is worth now? One hundred million! If someone finds out..."

Yi Lin's heart moved.

Looking out the door.

There was no movement there.

"Hello? Hun Dan? Hello???"

On the other end of the phone, Molly was still beeping.

Yi Lin hung up the phone as quickly as possible, then immediately used her mobile phone to enter the AI ​​butler operation interface and cut off the power supply to the whole house.


In an instant, the house that was brightly lit just now was completely dark.

One minute later.

"Huh? Did you sleep?"

A man in a suit wears those sunglasses even at night.

It was Xiao Yi.

He had already put on a pair of clean white gloves and stood in front of the door.

"Just right, it saves a lot of trouble."

Xiao Yi smiled slightly and grabbed it with five fingers. In front of those five fingers, the alloy door lock was as fragile as tofu and was easily penetrated.


The panel made a crisp sound with a loud bang, sparking a dazzling electric spark.

After a few seconds, the electric spark went out completely.

Xiao Yi's five fingers were like hooks. With a twist and a grab, he actually tore the entire door lock apart, tearing out a hole the size of a palm.

After destroying the door lock in the simplest way, Xiao Yi stepped into the house with a smile.

The room was dark.

I can't see my fingers.

In the darkness, Xiao Yi didn't hesitate in his steps. He moved freely in the darkness and walked straight towards Yi Lin's room.

A touch of dark red, almost difficult to see in the darkness, appeared quietly behind Xiao Yi.

Yi Lin carefully held her breath and hid in the darkness.

He had already activated the [Follow Like Shadow] skill, lurking behind Xiao Yi like a ghost.

Yi Lin was in the dark, her brain working rapidly.

Considered various possibilities.


Or not to kill?

this is a problem.

Since Xiao Yi would come to the door, there are undoubtedly only two possibilities.

First, Xiao Mo confirmed through some channels that Yi Lin was the one who killed Henry Zhang.

But after a brief phone call from Molly a few minutes ago, Yi Rin quickly ruled out this possibility.

If Xiao Mo can confirm who the murderer is, then the sky-high reward of 100 million in the underground world will undoubtedly be unnecessary.

In other words, there is only the second possibility.

Xiao Mo has gone crazy.

The conflict...cannot be resolved.

This is a fight to the death.

Thinking of this, Yi Lin silently approached Xiao Yi.

Yi Lin's eyes have adapted to the darkness.

Besides, this is his home court, and he knows everything in the room so well that Yi Lin can move freely even with her eyes closed.


Yi Lin's heart was filled with murderous intent, but her eyes remained calm.

No trace of murderous intent was revealed.

Murderous intent is something that seems mysterious and cannot be seen or touched.

But people with high spiritual attributes can sense this mysterious murderous intention.

Yi Lin didn't know the opponent's attributes, but from the way he broke through the door roughly, he guessed that the opponent should be a master who was good at strength attributes.

Yi Lin has practiced this movement 41,600 times, and it is as familiar as instinct.

One knife...

Seal your throat!

Blood Jasmine drew a perfect arc in the darkness!

It passed across Xiao Yi's neck silently!

If it goes well, this knife will cut off the opponent's carotid artery and trachea!

But at the moment of cutting the knife.

Yi Lin was shocked.

Doesn't this feel right?

The touch that Blood Jasmine gave back to Yi Lin was not the feeling of slicing skin and cutting flesh.

The "skin" has indeed been cut. But under the skin, it was not the structure Yi Lin was familiar with.

Yi Lin's heart moved. When she felt something was wrong, she immediately increased the force and cut deeper into the neck. Until deep in the neck, there seemed to be a crisp sound along the knife... It was obviously not the touch of the spine, and there was no normal human feeling. When the spine is cut, it will make a ding-ding-ding sound like cheating.

Everything happened in a flash of lightning. As he inserted and pulled out, the knife went around Xiao Yi's neck and pulled it out with a bang.

The moment he pulled out the knife, a stream of sparkling liquid was brought out of Xiao Yi's neck.


An unpleasant smell leaked from Xiao Yi's neck!

Not the smell of blood!

More like...

Xiao Yi suddenly turned his head!

Behind the sunglasses, Xiao Yi's right eye was flashing a strange red light in the darkness!

The neck turned weirdly 360 degrees!

If it had been another person, he might have been so frightened by this horrific scene that he froze in place and couldn't recover for a long time.

But at this moment, a word came to Yi Lin's mind——

Transformation of people!

Also known as... mechanical life!

Yi Lin did not expect that in the year 2121 of the Tower Era, there would already be a modified person!

"'s you!"

Xiao Yi's head turned 360 degrees in a strange way, and he smiled strangely, revealing a row of white teeth.

The right hand was like an iron hoop, stretched out behind him, and with the fierce sound of wind, it directly grabbed Yi Lin's neck!

Those are fingers that can easily pierce through an alloy door lock!

There is no doubt that if these five fingers are grasped firmly, Yi Lin's head will be forcibly pulled from her neck.

From the time Yi Lin took out the knife to wipe her throat until Xiao Yi turned his head and took action, it was like lightning and flint. It only took a few seconds.

In these few seconds, what was originally a perfect situation for Yi Lin suddenly took a turn for the worse, leaving Yi Lin facing a life-or-death crisis!

The moment Yi Lin took action, Xiao Yi had already confirmed that the person who killed Xiao Yang...

It's him!

"My name is Xiao Yi. Our master invites you to...accompany our young master."

Xiao Yi grinned and said something creepy.


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