Infinity Throne

Chapter 331 You know me (7000 words long chapter)

With professionals involved, Yi Lin is happy to be at ease.

After Zhao Yulong learned about the situation, he was also working on the aftermath at the scene.

Chimera's body is still buried in the rubble.

Fortunately, this is a construction site with complete equipment.

Zhao Yulong quickly found the excavator, decisively commandeered it, and secretly dug out Chimera's body.


Yi Lin lowered her head silently.

I hope Zhao Yulong will not be disappointed.

But what does it have to do with him?

The mysterious friend took the blame for everything.

Zhao Yulong didn't know whether he brought Yu Meng here for official business or for other selfish reasons.

After Yu Meng arrived, there was no use for her ability. She could only direct the excavation site, and she looked like a strong business woman.

"Maybe Zhao Yulong is actually a douchebag?"

Yi Lin quickly speculated on Zhao Yulong's hidden attributes.

Orele, who fainted nearby, was also moved out by the medical team while the excavation work was in progress.

Hu Sandao suddenly transformed, put on his white coat again, and transformed into the leader of the medical team, providing medical assistance to the injured.

But when Hu Sandao was cleaning the little fat man's wounds.

The little fat man looked very panicked.

Hu Sandao's hands were shaking like Parkinson's disease. It was strange that Li Erpang didn't panic.

But there is no way, there is no one else!

Li Erpang could only cry sadly and let Hu Sandao professionally treat his wounds.

Talk about it.

Among the many people involved in the operation tonight, it can be said that the little fat man was seriously injured.

His two hands were corroded by the Chimera, and even the bones were exposed. Hu Sandao kept frowning and didn't know where to start.

"Cut it, it's all done."

Hu Sandao was silent for a long time before sighing and saying this to the little fat man.

"I'll cut your sister! The worst I can do is spend DP to repair it before the next trial!"

Li Erpang would definitely not let Hu Sandao use his knife.


Li Erpang's two hands were wrapped in thick gauze into two rice dumplings. It is estimated that in the next period of time, the little fat man will have difficulty in taking care of himself, let alone masturbating.

As for Orale.

According to what Hu Sandao said, it should be the sequelae of depletion of spiritual energy. After practicing for a period of time, there will be no serious problems.

Yi Lin had also experienced depletion of her spiritual power, so she was not surprised by Ou Lele's experience.

A moment of silence.

Anyway, people are fine.

Tonight, this matter finally comes to an end.

But it left countless doubts.

What kind of organization has the Dawn Sect become?

Why does this happen?

Who is that mysterious man?

Where did this ritual of summoning creatures from other dimensions come from?

Why did Sheng Chunrou disappear?

All kinds of doubts are intertwined, like a messy thread that is difficult to sort out.

But the above doubts are all headaches that Zhao Yulong should get rid of.

What Yi Lin was actually more concerned about was that when he was shrouded in the light of the mysterious man, he seemed to have returned to the "past" and re-experienced scenes that were both familiar and unfamiliar.

Speaking of familiarity, those were the experiences of struggling in the doomsday. As a member of the order camp, he participated in war after war, survived by luck, and witnessed the death of his friends around him one by one.

There was pain, regret, and sadness. Yi Lin felt like she was experiencing those strong emotions all over again.

Called unfamiliar, Yi Lin didn't understand why there was no presence of Ling Yiyi in those familiar scenes.


Was his memory wrong?


Yi Lin remembered what Molly said when she got to know Molly again... Oh no, she thought about it.

"To put it simply, it is assumed that all information about the present, past, and future is actually composed of fragment-like signals in a waveband that is not understood by humans, and exists scattered and irregularly in the universe..."

"Under certain special circumstances, human beings will inadvertently receive this kind of information fragments and reorganize them into pictures in their minds. For ordinary people like you, it will form a 'déjà vu' effect."

"In general, how do you confirm whether you really traveled back to 2121 from 2125...or did you just inadvertently receive information from the future 2125, which had an impact on your 'now' perception? , causing your perception of time to be biased?"

Yi Lin, who was in a trance, suddenly felt that her eyes were full of flowers.

A hoof wrapped like a rice dumpling swung repeatedly in front of Yi Lin's eyes.

Yi Lin slapped the hoof away and said angrily: "Why are you dazzling me in front of me when you have nothing to do?"

The corner of the little fat man's mouth twitched, and he said angrily: "You think I want to shake you off? Don't forget that these babies are the most seriously injured, okay? There are only bones left! Why are you so dazed when you are fine? Are you out of your mind? ? Lao Zhao is calling you over there."

Only then did Yi Lin notice that she was so lost in thought that she didn't hear the sounds around her.

Listening to the noise over there, it seemed that the Chimera's body had finally been dug out.

Yi Lin felt a little guilty, but she still walked forward with a calm expression.

The little fat man originally wanted to join in the fun, but when he thought about his hands becoming like this, he could only shake his head and sigh, and sat down next to the stone statue of Su Xiaosu.

A few minutes later.

Yi Lin walked up to Zhao Yulong.

Zhao Yulong had a strange expression: "Tell me, is this the monster that is more than ten meters long that you said?"

Yi Lin watched the pulled out body carefully.

What was once a good beast now only has a lion's head, a ragged wing, and two legs.

And it's still a very complete separation.

As for other parts, Zhao Yulong dug around and found no other fragmentary parts.

"It's completely rotten!" Zhao Yulong frowned: "What on earth is going on?"

"Didn't I say it? That mysterious friend took action to solve the monster. The scene was very chaotic at the time. I didn't have time to watch the process."

Zhao Yulong frowned deeper.

Seeing that Zhao Yulong seemed to believe it, Yi Lin pointed at her face seriously and said, "You probably know when I became an apostle. Don't you think that my strength can make this monster like this?" ?”

"Well, that makes sense. It seems that it really might be 'him'."

Zhao Yulong said subconsciously.


Yi Lin suddenly noticed something was wrong in Zhao Yulong's expression, and he quickly asked.

"It's just...fuck, why are you asking so quickly? It's nothing, nothing, oh, they're calling me over there! I'll be right back."

Zhao Yulong's expression changed slightly. He, wearing a suit and ties, said hello to the air in the distance, said a random nonsense, and ran away, never to return.


Yi Lin looked at Zhao Yulong's hurried away figure, lowered his head, thoughtfully.

"It turns out that it's not that they believed what I said, but that there really was such a person who inexplicably matched up with my random nonsense? How is it possible? But why didn't Zhao Yulong say anything? Could it be that there is a deeper secret of the special group involved? "

Yi Lin kept an eye on this matter.

Zhao Yulong didn't say anything, but Yi Lin couldn't help him.

Unless Yi Rin has the ability to read minds.

Otherwise, this shameless person would never say it anyway.

"never mind."

Yi Lin shook her head and didn't think much about it for the time being.

After all, he only knew the truth of this matter. Since Zhao Yulong put the pot on someone's head, Yi Lin was eager to do so.

He just wants to develop quietly now and doesn't want to expose his abilities too much.

Keeping a low profile is the way to go.

Although only half of the Chimera's body remained... uh no, a third and a third... no, a quarter.

Anyway, there's only a little bit left.

But this is a life that does not exist in this world, and it is of great research value. Zhao Yulong immediately thought of keeping this matter completely sealed and gave everyone a hush-hush order.

Everything about Chimera has become the highest level secret, and no word can be revealed.

Zhao Yulong planned to pack up the remaining parts before dawn and transport them back to the capital.

Although they were traveling at a high speed, all that came were lightweight armed helicopters. But if it's taken apart and packed, it's more than enough to transport back to the capital.

After all, there aren't many left.

There was not much work left to deal with the aftermath. Fortunately, Yi Lin found a room in the school district where there was no one in the middle of the night. After a detailed search, except for a pair of fleshy palms of the little fat man and Su Xiaosu who had turned into a stone statue. , and there were no other casualties.

It is a great blessing among misfortunes that this matter can be handled to the present result.

As for the follow-up.

Whether it's the Shuguang Sect's hand, or the Itai City police's major change, or the remains of the victims in the bust of Buddha, all kinds of things pile up together, which is enough to give Zhao Yulong a headache.

When Yi Lin returned to the little fat man, she found that the little fat man was raising his head in surprise, looking at the high stone statue of Su Xiaosu, and his whole body was twitching.

"Second Fatty, thank you."

After the Chimera was completely destroyed, Su Xiaosu, who was turned into a stone statue after looking at the Chimera, finally began to recover.

Although Su Xiaosu is still a stone statue from the neck down.

But the stone layer on the surface of her body is gradually peeling off from top to bottom, and it should not take long for it to return to its original state.

What's the matter with the little fat man's twitching reaction?

"Ah this? Sister Su, don't get me wrong, it's not what you think. I, at that time, was impulsive, careless, inflated, hasty... In short, this was an accident, really an accident!" The little fat man His speech was incoherent, his words were stammering, and he couldn't understand what he meant.

Hu Sandao appeared out of nowhere, chuckled, and said, "Brother Li was very nervous at that time. He blocked Sister Su with his body. When I said you were dead, he also said..."

"'My wife is not dead yet!' Well, these are Brother Li's exact words."

Damn it?

Li Erpang's back was instantly wet with cold sweat.

After Hu Sandao finished speaking, he waved his hand and turned to leave.

Kill a fat man in ten steps, and leave no trace in a thousand miles. Hello.

No one knows how to break defenses better than him.

"Er Fatty, you are so kind."

Su Xiaosu smiled sweetly.

"What a sin!"

Li Erpang squatted on the ground, hugging his head and crying.

Yi Lin originally didn't want to disturb the reunion of the long-separated couple, but he remembered something, so he walked over to the little fat man, took out a prop card and stuffed it into Li Erpang's hand.

"This was given to me by Sister Su before she was petrified."

With tears in his eyes, Li Erpang took the card indifferently.

It was the [Revival Cross Chain].

Yi Lin said again:

"She was probably thinking that she would use it to save you in case you died. I will give it to you first. It is your husband and wife's joint property anyway. Whether you use it to repair your opponent or use it for other purposes is up to you. Hmm , take care of yourself."

After Yi Lin returned the props to their original owners, she patted Li Erpang on the shoulder and moved away from the couple, leaving them some space to be alone.

Li Erpang originally wanted to say, husband and wife, your sister!

But when he clutched the prop card tightly, he couldn't say the words that were stuck in his throat no matter what.

Yi Lin found a corner and sat down.

Because the atmosphere and environment around him at this moment were so similar to the ending of every trial, Yi Lin actually had the illusion of waiting for her return.

Zhao Yulong wiped his sweat with a slightly excited expression and came over to praise him.

"Well done! Control the impact to a minimum. Although this building is destroyed, as long as there are no casualties, it shouldn't be a big problem to directly report an earthquake. If the existence of this monster is allowed, , if ordinary people see it, it will be difficult to explain it.”

"By the way, there is also a car in your name."

Yi Lin reminded.


Zhao Yulong's expression was startled and he didn't know why.

"Boss! Boss! Something's wrong! Something bad is going to happen!"

At this time.

A field worker wearing a helmet and dirty from the excavation work sprinted towards this direction at a speed of 100 meters, shouting as he ran, and his voice came from far away, and he was very panicked.

"Why are you panicking? You have no psychological quality at all!"

Zhao Yulong scolded him with a straight face, and then asked: "Why are you so flustered?"

The field staff were armed to the point of covering their faces, making it difficult to see their expressions. But he hesitated for a while and didn't know how to explain, so he put the phone in front of Zhao Yulong.

It means... I can't say it, and you may not understand it if I say it. You have to see for yourself.

On the mobile phone, it is the Itai City City Forum.

There is a post above.

There is a "fire" symbol next to the post.

The number of views has actually reached one million levels, and it is increasing rapidly with a frightening trend.

In the post is a video.

"What kind of short video can become so popular? It shouldn't be a little colorful, right? You young people can't do it. You spend all day..."

Halfway through the sentence.

Zhao Yulong, who clicked on the video, suddenly opened his mouth wide, and his mandibular joint clicked, as if he was dislocated.

In the video.

It's a dark night sky.

A fiery red meteor, dragging a long firework, pierced the sky.

And behind the meteor, followed a terrifying monster.

The beast's shadow spreads its wings.

Covering the sky and blocking out the sun.


Others had weird expressions when they saw the video.

Zhao Yulong's mouth seemed like he could fit an egg in without peeling the shell.

Yi Lin quickly raised her head and looked at the sky.

Ah, the night is so beautiful.

He tried to pretend that it had nothing to do with him.

Although I guess I can’t hide it in the end.

After all, the little fat man and others witnessed the scene of Yi Lin floating in the air on Night Dire, and they couldn't fake it.

I can hide it for a while.

I don’t know how much time passed.

Zhao Yulong suddenly roared crazily at the medical team.

"Where are the Orele people!"

"Report to the boss, he's still fainting!"

"Find a way to wake this kid up!"

"Ah this? What if people are like this?"

"Hit him! Woke him up! Hurry up, don't grind!"


In the end, Orele still didn’t wake up.

Zhao Yulong has not yet dehumanized him enough to wake up the unconscious Ou Lele alive.

He called the most professional technical team in the capital overnight to erase this matter from the Internet.

But this kind of spreading speed is not something that Zhao Yulong can erase if he wants.

Although when countless people saw this video, their first reaction was a computer-generated image.

However, a professional immediately posted a message to clarify that there is no trace of post-processing on this video, it is high-definition and uncensored, and it is the real work of experts.

The "Monster Chasing Meteor" incident caused an uproar in Itai City.

It can be called a big earthquake.

Some people even enlarged, reproduced and restored the red meteor, trying to see clearly what the mysterious flying object was.

But because Yi Lin was racing extremely fast at the time and was shrouded in red light, it ended up being nothing.

When Olele woke up, it was already the next day.

Although Zhao Yulong has blocked all relevant posts on the Internet overnight, people who read the posts have deep memories. This weird "abnormality" cannot be easily forgotten.

This incident spread beyond Itai City at a terrifying speed.

The next day, the whole country was shocked.

Zhao Yulong felt very sad.

Why are so many people unable to sleep and browsing the web in the middle of the night?

Are you making trouble?

Is it because life is too comfortable that you are not interested in working?

Are you suffering less severe beatings from society?

This generation of netizens is not very good.

In the past, for the convenience of handling "abnormalities", network areas were deliberately divided into blocks to prevent these "abnormalities" from propagating too quickly.

But this time, it was indeed beyond Zhao Yulong's imagination and terrifyingly fast.

In a short period of time, it is estimated that this matter will be difficult to let go.


The special team, including Zhao Yulong, was extremely busy because of the follow-up to this incident.

The next day.

Itae Central Hospital.

Outside the hospital, police cars were surrounded.

However, these are not the original Itae City police officers.

Because everyone in the Itai City Police Department, headed by Cao Anbang, was suspected of "mental abnormality" and was dismissed, placed in custody, and placed under observation.

In order to maintain order, Zhao Yulong could only arrange for a group of elites who had just graduated from the Special Warfare Department with innocent backgrounds to parachute to Itai City to fill the vacancies in the Itai City police force.

As for Zhao Yulong and Yu Meng, they flew Chimera's mutilated body back to the capital overnight and refrigerated it to prevent it from deteriorating.

This will be a precious specimen.

Of course, the matter is over, and Yi Lin doesn't care much about the subsequent handling.

Yi Lin bought a wreath casually.

When he stepped into Itae Central Hospital, all the new police officers with childish faces but firm eyes looked at Yi Rin with due diligence.

Although they don't know exactly what happened.

But overnight, all the police officers in Litai City were cleared out, and they parachuted in. Just thinking about it, everyone knew that something terrible must have happened in this city.

Relevant information on the Internet has been completely blocked.

But they also learned a lot of rumors from various channels.

What kind of red meteor comes to the world...

Monsters are crossing the sky...

The huge giant of light appears and kills the monsters to pieces...

Alien civilization has arrived on earth...

That red meteor is actually a spacecraft of an alien civilization...

——and so on.

The more outrageous the rumor, the more people believe it.

After all, there is video and there is truth.

The original owner who shot that video is said to have been invited to tea, so it is impossible to find out.

"I came to see someone."

After being stopped, Yi Lin was not angry and quickly and secretly showed her identity document.

Zhao Yulong said hello before leaving.

So these people all recognize the IDs of the special group.

Although they don't quite know what the meaning behind this certificate is.

But to them, this mysterious certificate with a black cover means "awesome".

Just be awesome and that's it.

Under the gaze of young faces and envious eyes, Yilin carried a wreath and came to the special care unit.

Unfamiliar nurses were busy in the corridor outside the special ward.

Every nurse has a beautiful face, a curvy figure and nimble steps.

According to Zhao Yulong, these nurses are temporarily deployed by the Capital Military Region Hospital. Each of them has extraordinary skills and has received certain professional training in firearms, fighting, and counter-reconnaissance.

Yi Lin opened the door.

As soon as they entered the door, they heard the quarrel between the little fat man and Ou Lele.

Yi Lin didn't have time to hear the content of the argument.

When they opened the door, Li Erpang and Ou Lele fell silent instantly.

They looked at Yi Lin's expression, which was very strange.

The corners of his mouth and eyes twitched at the same time, as if he was suffering from some disease.

Yi Lin placed the wreath next to the door and said with a smile, "I see you are in good spirits."

O'Lele suddenly raised his cup and took a sip of water. He pointed at the wreath beside the door, his fingers trembling slightly but he didn't say anything.

Li Erpang stared blankly: "By the way, why are you carrying a wreath for nothing?"

"Oh." Yi Lin glanced at the brilliantly blooming wreath, then sat down casually in the room and said, "It's nothing. I wanted to come and see you, but I was too embarrassed to be empty-handed."

"But what you bought was chrysanthemums..."

"has a problem?"

Li Erpang was very angry and laughed back: "Don't tell me, you don't know that the chrysanthemum wreath is used at the memorial service."

"Didn't I find other flowers? It doesn't matter, it's the same. Don't worry about such details."

After Yi Lin finished speaking, she quickly and smoothly changed the subject: "Where is Sister Su?"

Speaking of Su Xiaosu.

Li Erpang immediately had no objection to the wreath, lowered his head and remained silent.

Yi Lin looked at Ou Lele.

O'Lele finally recovered from the shock of the chrysanthemum wreath, and answered for the sad little fat man: "It's in the women's ward next door."

"Is he okay?"

"What can happen?" Ou Lele suddenly remembered something, twisted the corner of his mouth and twisted it again. He tried hard to hold back his laughter, but in the end he failed. He laughed like a pig and said while laughing:

"Hahaha, you don't know, it made me laugh to death last night. Sister Su recovered in the middle of the night and came to this room to find the fat guy. The fat guy was so scared that he lay on the bed and pretended to be dead, motionless. He was so scared that Sister Su was extremely scared. Out of worry, I gave the fat man a standard mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration..."


Yi Lin burst out laughing instantly.

"Shut the fuck up! Do you believe I will beat you up?"

No wonder Li Erpang had such an expression when he heard Sister Su's name.

When Ou Lele heard this, she couldn't hide her smile, but she was unhappy in her heart. She spat back: "You want to beat me Lele with your hands that can't be cut? Do you believe it or not? I'll hack your phone right away." In your name, I will send a 10,000-word true confession to Sister Su, the kind that expresses my desire to get pregnant right where I am!"


Li Erpang was instantly frightened.

Don't even say it.

This kid is definitely capable of doing something like this.

And Sister Su is definitely capable of getting pregnant on the spot.

This move...

It's too, too, too cruel!

Just thinking about this...Pang Li's scalp felt numb and his hands and feet were cold.

Yi Lin crossed her legs and looked at Li Erpang's hooves wrapped into rice dumplings.

"You have no use for that prop?"

Li Erpang gritted his teeth, shook his head quickly, and said with a grimace, "I can't owe Sister Su any more."

Ou Lele stood aside and said, "What are you afraid of? I promise you my life!"

Li Erpang: "..."

Yi Lin laughed, but did not break the little entanglement in Li Erpang's heart.

"It doesn't matter. Just be careful before the next trial and don't let enemies come to you."

"Fart, I, Erpang Li, have always been very righteous and willing to help others. How can I have any enemies?"

"That's right." Yi Lin thought for a while, then glanced at Ou Lele, but did not avoid Ou Lele and said directly: "I have a prop that will allow the three of them to form a team in the next trial. ' form to enter."

"Team up?"

Li Erpang heard this.

The joking expression instantly faded and became very serious.

This is business.

When talking about business, Li Erpang never joked.

This is life and death.

When Ou Lele heard this, he immediately became interested: "What? Can we still form a team for the trial? Do I have a role?"

Yi Lin shook his head: "If the level difference is too big, the difficulty of the trial may rise to the point where it is impossible to pass. For everyone's sake, you'd better not ask."

O'Lele shut herself down instantly.

When Li Erpang raised his head again, his expression was solemn and solemn, with no trace of wretchedness at all.

"what is the benefit?"

Yi Lin chuckled: "No. To be honest, being able to form a team is the biggest benefit, you know."

In the trials of the other world, the relationship between the apostles was too complicated. If three familiar people enter and know the basics, it is equivalent to eliminating two enemies to a certain extent. This is undoubtedly the biggest benefit of the team mode.

Of course, even if you form a team, there is still the possibility of being sold by your teammates.

The relationship between apostles is extremely complex and cannot be generalized.

Li Erpang is the typical kind of person who heals his scars and forgets the pain. Not long ago, he made up his mind to never believe any word Yi Lin said, even a punctuation mark. Only a day later, Li Erpang began to believe in Yi Lin's character again.

"You won't trick me, will you?"

Li Erpang was a little worried.

Yi Lin smiled and said, "Don't worry, you understand me. I never cheat my teammates."

"Then...I'll think about it."

"No problem. But you have to decide as soon as possible, it's about half a month away."

Li Erpang naturally understood that this was the time limit for Yi Lin to enter the next trial.

After talking about this and seeing that the little fat man was fine, Yi Lin was ready to leave.

Before Yi Lin left, Li Erpang suddenly looked nervous and asked quickly: "Hey, wait a minute! Did you just say that there were three people forming a team? Who is the other one?"

Yi Lin told the truth: "I haven't decided yet."

"Then, I have a condition. If you don't agree, I won't team up with you until I die."


"Don't join Brother Su!"

"No problem." Yi Lin smiled with squinted eyes and agreed quickly, with a very decisive tone.

Seeing how happy Yi Lin was, Li Erpang felt relieved and began to weigh the pros and cons of teaming up with Yi Lin to enter the trial.


Ou Lele listened to the conversation between the two with a disdainful expression and whispered.

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