Infinity Throne

Chapter 339 This is actually a turn-based game? (2 in 1)

The priest was still talking.

Yi Lin has no time to open the new function, the [God's Gift] panel.

But thinking about it, it should be related to the professional "assassin".

How exactly is this career a match?

Yi Lin was confused.

According to his "perception", two of the five innate skills he currently possesses may be related to "Assassin". But the other three have nothing to do with the "assassins" in my impression.

But it doesn’t matter.

"Assassin" should be pretty good too.

Yi Lin closed her eyes and thought for a while.

Although he lost his memory.

But the word "assassin" seems to be connected by his blood, and there is a mysterious connection that makes him feel very comfortable in his heart.

That’s it!

Yi Lin nodded with satisfaction.

The priest continued to talk.

"You have a great mission on your shoulders."


Yi Lin's heart moved and she inserted the topic tactfully.

"Your Excellency Ouranos." The priest closed his eyes, made a sincere prayer gesture, and said slowly: "The fate of the world is intertwined. Perhaps, we are all standing at the key point of the change of the times."

The corners of Yi Lin's eyes twitched slightly, and she asked patiently: "Can you explain it in more detail?"

"Okay, actually..." The priest let out a long sigh, as if he was holding something back in his heart, and he didn't know whether to say it or not. Finally, after holding it in for a long time, the priest couldn't hold it in any longer and finally told the truth.

"In fact, I do not know."


Yi Lin once again had the urge to kill the priest.

But he may not be able to beat it.

In this kind of game world, it seems that level is everything. Yi Lin's current panel is only level 1, so it might not be easy to kill even the mobs on the roadside.

So Yi Lin endured the impulse, clenched her fists, and said expressionlessly: "Then you said so much..."

"Our church in Labu Town is just a small church. If you want to know more secrets about the 'Mission of the Brave', go to the 'Isita Port' in the north of Labu Town and look for 'Priest Gil'!"


The words just fell.

A shining golden exclamation point suddenly popped up above the old priest's head.

It turned out that I had been talking for a long time and wanted to release a mission!

Yi Lin suddenly realized.

It turns out that the previous lines were all based on procedures.

Yi Lin instantly felt comfortable and casually took over the task above the old priest's head.

[Accept the main mission: The Hero’s Mission! 】

[Current mission goal: Arrive at the ‘Isita Port’ in the north of Rab Town and meet with ‘Priest Gil’. 】

[Task Difficulty: C]

[Task time limit: None. 】

[Task reward: 6000G; EXP+12000. 】


Yi Lin tested it in the small church for a while.

The old priest repeated only those few lines, and it seemed that there were no other lines.

Yi Lin could only leave the church and open the [Task] panel on the way, carefully considering this new task.

"Church, hurry, hurry!"

Right now.

A short, slightly fat man walked towards me.

In his hands, each hand held a sizzling roasted leg of lamb, which he was crazily stuffing into his mouth, making a sizzling sound and splashing meat juices.

The little dwarf passed by Yi Lin like a wind.

Yi Lin frowned.

He glanced back subconsciously.

The little man had already run around the corner and was no longer visible.

Yi Lin didn't care either.

Perhaps it was because the NPC's "hasty" lines just now were too down-to-earth, which made Yi Lin suddenly feel a sense of familiarity.

"This should be the initial main mission."

"But the rewards are also extremely generous. Let's not talk about the gold coin rewards. The experience points alone are as much as 12,000 points. It should be enough to upgrade to several levels."

"However, according to the normal ratio of task difficulty and rewards, this main mission seems very simple, but since it can give so many rewards, the difficulty should be on the way."

"Unless this is a way for the gold-based web game to give away experience in a different way."

As Yi Lin walked, she began to think about the next step.

Think about it.

"Actually, there's no need to rush this main mission."

"There is no time limit anyway. In the game, the best thing to do is to level up first. By the way, you can learn more about the mechanics of the 'game'."

"And those drunkards also mentioned things like 'Kukai' and 'Salvage'. The world view setting of this game world needs further exploration."

After making up her mind, Yi Lin went straight out of the city.

The guards at the door are still guarding the town gates dutifully.

When Yi Lin passed by, she looked calm and raised the weapon on her waist.

When the guards saw Yi Lin armed with weapons, they did not stop him. With three parts of envy, three parts of respect, three parts of amazement in their eyes, and one part of deeply hidden regret, they watched Yi Lin walk out of the city gate.


What the hell are you sorry about?

Yi Lin vaguely understood the fan-shaped distribution of emotions in their eyes, and was quite puzzled.

Could it be that I am over-interpreting it?

Before leaving, Yi Rin stopped by the grocery store and bought a map.

The area where Rab Town and Isita Port are located is a place called "Gaia".

It seems to be the name of the entire "continent".

The map is not very detailed, and many areas on the Gaia continent are marked unknown.

But at the very least, the destination of the main mission, Isita Port, is marked on the map.

【Port of Isita】.

[Prosperous commercial center and port city. 】

Simple comments are made above.

Leaving the city, you are surrounded by green mountains and green waters, warm winds, pleasant climate, and a fresh smell blowing into your face.

"To be honest, the style of this game is pretty good."

Yi Lin walked along the road, admired the scenery for a while, and then quickly put his mind away.

Now is not the time to enjoy the scenery.

Yi Lin took a few steps and opened the [props].

The [Props] interface in front of Yi Lin is an 8X8 grid panel.

Each prop only occupies one empty space on the panel.

There are only 64 squares in total. After Yilin borrowed a bunch of novice weapons from the weapon shop, plus the five props he originally brought with him in the [Item Slot], it occupies a total of 13 squares.

"The price of this item is obviously not enough. Will it be necessary to use a large amount of gold coins to expand the 'Item' column later?"

Yi Lin complained and took out a "compass".

Not long after he came to this world, he discovered that he had brought five mysterious props in his [Props] column.

I don’t know what’s going on.

Maybe this is also a benefit for "senior players".

As an elite, isn't it normal for you to have a little something at the beginning?

"Compass" is one of them.

Yi Lin took out the compass.

The compass looked very old, and the translucent glass was covered with indelible dirt. However, through the glass, you can barely see the direction of the pointer.

Not long after Yi Lin took out the compass.

The pointer above was spinning crazily, as if it was broken.

"Sure enough, this is no ordinary compass. It cannot be used in a normal way at all."

After looking at it for a while, Yi Lin saw that the pointer on the compass had no intention of stopping to guide the direction, so she reluctantly put it away.

Although you can't use a "compass" to tell the direction, you can follow the main road and it's not difficult to reach Isita Port.

Yi Lin looked far into the distance and could vaguely see an erected "street sign" beside Fengcha Road in the distance.

Beyond the road lies a complex wilderness overgrown with weeds.

In the place where the weeds are lush, even as high as half a person, there are whizzing and whizzing sounds from time to time. The grass was trembling, as if something was lurking deep in the grass, or it was exercising.

"According to what is said on the map, if you want to reach Isita Port from Rab Town, you must first follow this road, pass through the 'Rabu Basin', pass through the 'Moonlight Jungle', and cross the 'Endless Swamp' before you can reach Isita Hong Kong. It looks like there should be several monster spawning areas with different levels."

Yi Lin combined the unsealed "knowledge" in her mind and after interpreting the map, she quickly figured out the route to Isita Port.

"But I'm not in a hurry to do the main mission."

Yi Lin smiled slightly, put away the map and put it in the [Props] column.

He silently pulled out the simple dagger at his waist from its short sheath.

The small dagger flew flexibly between Yi Lin's fingers, making cool knife flowers.

"It seems that I should be very good at this kind of weapon."

Yi Lin remembered the short knife that was slightly longer than a dagger that could not be used for some unknown reason in the [Items].

"Unfortunately, this one is the wrong size. It's a little short. The one I'm used to should be longer and thicker."

After playing with the Beginner's Dagger in his hand for a while, and using it skillfully, Yi Lin shook his head, with a hint of helplessness on his face.

"Forget it, this is just the beginning. The mobs in the Labu Basin should not be of high level, and they can be dealt with with novice weapons. And from the way I play with the dagger, it can be inferred that I should be a senior assassin. Gamers', very, very, very high-end."

"No matter what monster you encounter, you can kill it with one blow."

"If one knife doesn't work, then use two."

"Anyway, it shouldn't be too strenuous."

"Unless the level gap is too big."

Yi Lin silently speculated on her true character from some details.


"Combined with various overt or covert clues, as well as some of my subconscious habits. I should be an assassin with a kind personality, a well-proportioned figure, and outstanding appearance... a high-end player."

Yi Lin came to a conclusion.

The wilderness is peaceful.

Blue sky, white clouds, green land.

Full of life.

This is a good time to farm monsters and level up.

"Actually, if the 'log out' button didn't light up, it would be pretty good to stay in this kind of game."

Yi Lin said to herself.

But for some reason, when he said this, he felt his chest tightening for no apparent reason.

Yi Lin didn't have time to savor this feeling that seemed to be called "heart-wrenching".

He aimed at a shadow in the grass and activated his talent skill... [Following Like a Shadow].

Using the shadow of the grass, when Yi Lin approached, the other party showed no reaction at all.

When I walked in again, I saw a snake hidden in the rustling grass.

If it were an ordinary snake, then this would be an ordinary encounter.

But this snake has small wings, its belly does not touch the ground, and it floats in mid-air.

【Flame Flying Snake】


This game... is very considerate!

The level of the monster is actually marked.

Yi Lin silently clicked a like.

Although Yi Lin is currently only a pink and cute girl at Level 1.

But he felt that powerful operations could make up for a certain level gap.

Plus he can also sneak attack, so it's not a big problem.

After Yi Lin analyzed it carefully, without saying a word, he raised his dagger and slashed at the flying snake skillfully.

This technique seemed to have been refined thousands of times. When Yi Lin used it, there was no ambiguity at all, and it was very smooth and smooth.

[Sneak attack successful! 】

【-2! 】

On the head of the flaming flying snake, a number representing the deduction of health points popped up.


The flaming flying snake was "heavily injured", and the scarlet snake vomited, spitting and rushed towards Yi Lin.

Yi Lin smiled slightly, twisted her waist, and was about to dodge.

But right now.

A ray of light fell from the sky.

With Yi Lin and the flaming flying snake as the center, it spread into a circle of light about five meters in diameter.

Yi Lin looked up with an indifferent expression.

He suddenly discovered that at the moment the aperture appeared, his feet were out of control and were frozen in place.

Above his and the flaming flying snake's heads, there was a shadow similar to a "scale" floating faintly.

【Enter the battle! 】


[The flaming flying snake is very angry! 】

[The Flaming Flying Snake has launched a normal attack on you! 】



call out!

The flaming flying snake really flew over and hit Yi Lin hard with its head.

A number also appeared on Yi Lin's forehead.

It's obviously an order of magnitude larger than the number on the Flame Flying Snake's forehead.


Yi Lin didn't move.

It's not that he's showing off, it's that he can't move.

[Your turn. 】

Yi Lin was stunned.

A full ten seconds.

Ten seconds later.

Yi Lin felt that deep down in her heart, there was something she really didn't want to say.

"This is actually a turn-based game?"

Yi Rin was shocked.

He didn't expect that a game world that seemed so advanced would actually use such an ancient turn-based system.

Yi Lin screamed inwardly: "Fuck you."

But now there is no room for Yi Lin to continue to do this.

Because now it's his turn.

Under the turn-based system, Yi Lin had a choice before her eyes.





In Yi Lin's UI vision, a 30-second countdown also appeared.

Yi Lin calmed down instantly.

He didn't know why, but the thought of "being cheated" came to his mind.

But who tricked him?

Yi Lin didn't think about it.

After all, he had lost his memory.

But subconsciously, he felt that the "person" who had tricked him should be a very scary existence.

"If I guess correctly, this countdown should be the time limit for selection."

"After all, no matter how turn-based it is, if I don't make a choice and this monster just stays in place, it would be too unreasonable and unscientific."

Yi Lin raised her head.

Directly above the circle of light surrounding him and the monster, a looming shadow of a scale exuded an awe-inspiring and inviolable aura, sacred and solemn.


Yi Lin sneered and directly chose the skill.

【Grasp of Annihilation】!

At the moment when the skill was selected, a flowing light block was quickly outlined around the flaming flying snake, completely encircling the flaming flying snake.

And there are still many places left.

Yi Lin inserted the dagger into her waist and put it away.

His right hand was grasped in the air.


The flames of the explosion completely engulfed the flaming flying snake.

"Explosion is a man's romance!"

Yi Rin said a line out of nowhere.


【-56! 】

[Congratulations, you defeated the Flaming Flying Snake! 】

[Get gold coins +3G! 】

[Get experience value +62! 】

[Get ‘Flame Flying Snake Meat’! 】

Instant kill.

The flying snake screamed in agony, its tail raised, its whole body twitched, and it foamed at the mouth. When it completely turned into a stream of light and disappeared, the aperture surrounding Yi Lin and the phantom of the "scale" above her head finally disappeared.

Yi Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

This sudden change made Yi Lin afraid to go deeper into the grass and quickly retreated to the roadside.

I don’t know if it’s due to the game mechanism, but the monsters in the grass, in Yi Lin’s current field of vision, will not run onto the road for no reason and affect traffic.

Yi Lin squatted on the roadside, like a helpless child.

A long, long time.

At some point, a dog squatted on the side of the road.

Yi Lin rubbed her hair: "How come there is such a turn-based gameplay?"

In this case, wouldn't his skillful dagger manipulation skills be useless?

The turn-based system is nothing more than paying attention to the matching of skills, equipment, and props, and using tactics rationally, so that even with a weak hand you can succeed.

"This turn-based system is completely the nemesis of high-end operators."


Yi Lin was very helpless.


Yi Lin raised her head.

In fact, he had already noticed a dog with snow-white hair squatting next to him, and he looked pretty good-looking.

Although this dog's smile looks a bit arrogant. But no matter how arrogant and domineering a dog is, he is still a dog.

Yi Lin confirmed that there was no level prompt on the dog's forehead like a monster, so it was probably not a monster that could be brushed. So Yi Lin ignored it and squatted alone thinking.

But after he finished thinking, the dog was still stuck in the same place, with no intention of leaving, so Yi Lin was ready to interact with the dog.

"Is it some kind of mission?"

"Looking for a lost owner or something?"

"But this is a dog? Looking for its owner, aren't dogs much better than humans?"

Thinking of this, Yi Lin temporarily put aside her entanglement with the "turn system" and asked casually: "The master is lost?"


Gouzi shook his head.


Can you really understand what people are saying?

Should I say, it really deserves to be a game world, is everything possible?

Yi Lin somehow found it difficult to be surprised by the outrageous fact that a dog could understand human speech, ever since he discovered that the combat mechanism of this game world was actually a cheating turn-based system.

It is as if dogs can understand human speech, which is a perfectly normal "common sense cognition".

"Do you have a mission?"

Yi Lin asked again.

When Yi Lin asked a dog for a task straight to the point, Yi Lin looked at the top of the dog's head.

The corner of Gouzi's mouth suddenly tilted, revealing an unpredictable smile very smartly.

Then he shook his head again.

"Then you can go."

Yi Lin waved her hands.


"If it were turn-based, this game wouldn't be played like this."

"I remember that in the grocery store, there were a lot of medicines for restoring mana and health. If you don't find a way to make money and take drugs, it's not that easy to arrive at 'Isita Port' safely. Is this the original difficulty of the mission? ?”

"Moreover, if it were a real game, it would be fine to resurrect after death and continue playing. But in my current state, I shouldn't be able to die. Once I die, there is a high probability that I will not be able to be resurrected."

"It's a bit of a trap."

Yi Lin sighed.

He casually opened the [Attributes] panel, and even though he randomly killed a mob with a talent skill, that skill was...

【Grasp of Annihilation】

[Type] Active, combat, range

[Consumption] 120 crystal energy

[Restriction] Put away weapons

[Effect] Lock a 2X2X2 cubic meter cube space area and produce an explosion of unknown power. The casting distance and blast power are related to "level" and "spirit". There is a certain chance of triggering the "Annihilation" effect, and the triggering chance is related to the lucky attribute.

Although the skills look very awesome.

It can kill the "Flame Flying Snake" which is one level higher than Yi Lin with one shot.

But this is a skill that consumes 120 points of crystal energy.

This shot directly consumed half of Yi Lin's blue bars.

Yi Lin's current blue bar is 255, and she can only use two shots.

He squatted on the side of the road for a long time, and the blue bar representing "Crystal Energy" had no intention of automatically replying.

In other words, there is no way for this blue bar to automatically reply.

Killing a monster consumes half of the blue bars, and the price-performance ratio is really low.

"Wait, maybe..."

Yi Lin thought of the prices in the store and suddenly had a bold idea.

Although the idea was bold, Yi Lin thought about it for a few minutes and felt that the success rate of implementation was high.

"You have to wait until after dark. Let's level up first."

In Yilin's attribute panel, there are only six basic attributes: strength, agility, spirit, will, luck, and charm.

But in order to convert the basic attributes into attack power and defense power, there seems to be a set of calculation formulas hidden inside, which Yi Lin can't figure out just from a single battle.

"Just now, when I used 'Grip of Annihilation' to directly kill the monster, a '-56' prompt popped up on the monster. Does this mean that this monster only has 56 health points, or does it mean that my skills caused it? 56 health points?"

"But no matter what, 56 points of damage can definitely kill a Level 2 mob in seconds."

"According to the turn-based RPG routine in my 'knowledge', this kind of leapfrog killing monsters has a relatively high experience value."

"The 'equipment' on my body now only has a dagger. This ordinary set of clothes has no attribute bonus at all. It is equivalent to using a whiteboard to carry a leapfrog monster. No wonder the snake killed me directly with a normal attack 17 Points of health."

Yi Lin stood up.

He touched the chest that had been hit by the flaming flying snake just now.

Suddenly there was no pain there.

do not know why.

"Does pain recover so quickly in this game?"

Yi Lin suddenly frowned and opened the panel and took a closer look.

"Why is the health value restored, but the crystal energy value is not?"

Only then did he notice that the health points that had been knocked out by the flaming flying snake had been restored to full.

However, the "crystal energy value" is only about half left, with no sign of recovery at all.

Yilin was helpless about this phenomenon.

The game world... Is there a player's manual for reference?

I have to explore everything by myself, isn’t it too tiring?

Yi Lin complained and re-entered the grass.

The dog that had been panting next to Yi Lin with a weird smile, for some reason, followed behind him, wagging its tail.

Does this dog have a mission?

Yi Lin was puzzled.

But for now, this dog showed no other threats except for its weird expression. Yi Lin could only let it go and did not chase the dog away.

Maybe it's some kind of hidden mission?

Don’t you like doing this kind of krypton gold web game?

"Among my five talent skills, in the skill category, 'Follow the Shadow', 'Shadow Kill', and 'Summon Mount Night Dire' all have the attribute of 'map', which should mean that when triggered,' Balance' is also a map skill that can be used before entering the circle battle."

“The remaining ‘Disaster-ridden’ and ‘Grapple of Annihilation’ only have ‘combat’ attributes and cannot be used in non-combat states.”

"When I attacked the flaming flying snake just now, it was in a 'non-combat state' before it discovered me. After I caused damage to the monster, the 'scale' appeared. It seems that the 'combat state' and the 'non-combat state' are ' is determined based on whether the monster finds the 'player'."

While Yilin quickly explored and reasoned about the mechanics of this game world, she activated the map skill and [followed her like a shadow].

After turning it on, Yi Lin, whose presence is reduced by 100%, quietly sneaks in the grass.

Soon, a cute and cute monster appeared in front of him again.



Two round, smooth and glowing blue gelatinous monsters were crouching in the grass with their backs to Yi Lin.

If you don't think about it in certain aspects, the posture of this monster is quite harmless.

"It's a bit hard to deal with a monster that grows like this."

An idea just came to Yi Lin's mind.

The Beginner's dagger in his hand stabbed one of the slimes involuntarily.

It was a righteous backstab.

【-5! 】


At the same level, Yi Lin's backstab damage increased significantly.

A familiar scene soon followed.

The light fell and formed a circle.

But the next scene made Yi Lin stunned for a while.

The slimes enclosed in the circle... turned out to be two lumps.

"How the hell is this considered a monster in the same team?"

Faced with this situation of being obviously bullied in terms of numbers, Yi Lin didn't feel panicked.

After all, his current blue bar is still enough for one shot of [Grasp of Annihilation].

With the goods in hand, Yi Lin didn't panic.

He just felt that Slime's behavior of attacking more and less was a bit unreasonable.

But there is nothing to talk about with monsters.

Yi Lin silently raised her hand, preparing to drop a slime in seconds.

But right now.

[‘Wang Tiandi’ requested to join the team, do you agree? 】

【YES/NO? 】

Yi Lin: "..."

The skill he was about to release was instantly stuck.

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