Infinity Throne

Chapter 350 People’s game experiences cannot be generalized

When Yi Lin returned to the village alone, the people in the village expressed surprise and surprise at Yi Lin's safe return, but they all happily held a grand bonfire banquet for the "brave man, dog, and friends" to express their inner joy.

After slaying monsters all the way till now, there are many materials in Yilin's props that can be used for cooking.

The villagers were obviously thinking about the food in his bag, so Yi Lin took out the meat ingredients without checking it and let the villagers go about the banquet.

Yi Lin reached the depths of the Moonlight Forest that night, almost to the edge. When he returned from completing his mission, Ning You, Xiao Chuer, and Li Erpang had already returned to the village, looking confused.

The mission... was completed inexplicably.

Although the upgrade was pleasant, they gathered around and asked Yi Lin about the process of completing the task.

Yi Lin looked into the eyes of several teammates with sincere eyes.

"Don't you think that I can defeat this BOSS by myself?"

Li Erpang curled his lips: "Who the hell knows about you? Now I have a reasonable suspicion that you have used a plug-in."

Ning You chuckled and asked: "Not necessarily. Although this game is very realistic, it is still a game after all. As long as it is a game, there must be loopholes. I think Brother Yi Lin must have discovered a bug that can complete the task. Have you just completed the mission?"

Xiao Chuer's beautiful eyes were filled with sparkles, and she was extremely curious about the way Yi Lin completed the task with her pet.

On the way back, Yi Lin had already thought of the reason.

It was like a powerful NPC suddenly passed by and took away the BOSS... They probably wouldn't believe such a lame excuse.

Yi Lin himself didn’t believe that friends could be made out of nothing, let alone them?

"Actually, have you noticed that the description of this mission describes 'defeating' the BOSS, not 'killing' the BOSS?"

"I noticed that the dog... my pet, was a little weird, so I followed him quietly."

"What I didn't expect was that there was no communication barrier between the dog and the wolf. The dog and the Moonlight Wolf King happily talked about their relationship."

Ah this?

Damn it?

Can it still be like this?

Li Erpang was stunned.

Why do the same "players" have completely different gaming experiences?


I want to complain! complaint! complaint!

This dog carrier is so outrageous!

Can you still complete the task in this way?

Can the gaming experience of ordinary players be guaranteed?

Yi Lin spread her hands: "Actually, every full moon night, this BOSS does not super-evolve, but prepares to give birth. When giving birth, the BOSS's strength is not only not strengthened, but also directly chopped by the plot. That's why it is Hiding and not being able to come out, you just stay in your nest and give birth to your children.”

"Then BOSS's experience..." Li Erpang rubbed his fingers.

"No." Yi Lin said, still a little regretful: "After the dog slept with the Wolf King, the Wolf King became an unattackable friendly NPC."

The corner of Ning's right mouth twitched slightly: "Can you still 'defeat' the BOSS in this way? I've learned, I've learned."

Xiao Chuer also had a strange expression, and she didn't know what she was thinking of.

Li Erpang didn't react for a moment: "Persuasion? How can this be done?"

"It's sleeping clothes."

Yi Lin corrected the typo in Li Erpang's mouth.

"Wait a minute. Which 'Shui'?"

This was when Xiao Chuer finally couldn't stand listening anymore. Against the backdrop of the bonfire, her face turned red and she whispered, "It's... the sleeping 'Sleep'."

"Birds, birds, beasts!"

Li Erpang was heartbroken and scolded the shameless dog.

After a while.

Li Erpang thought of another thing.

"Wait a minute, the size of that dog and the BOSS... ah? Is this the legendary toothpick stirring the vat?"

Yi Lin: "..."

Ning You: "..."

Xiao Chuer: "Bah!"

The next day.

Yi Lin and others were ready to leave.

The villagers bid farewell with tears.

"Sir Brave, come back to the village often!"

The new village chief waved to Yi Lin with a reluctant expression.

"Definitely next time."

Yi Lin promised seriously.

Before leaving.

Yi Lin also told the villagers the truth about the full moon night, and promised that the Moonlight Wolf King would live in peace with the villagers and jointly maintain the peace of the jungle.

The villagers didn't believe it at first.

Even if it is said by a brave man.

After all, this is a bit outrageous.

But when the Moonlight Wolf King and his family walked out of the depths of the woods and affectionately sent back a dog with grass in its mouth and a stern expression, they believed it.

The villagers sighed with emotion: "You are indeed a brave man."

Ning You and Xiao Chuer felt deeper than the villagers: "You really deserve to be the protagonist."

Li Erpang looked at the dog with an expression full of disdain and contempt.


Watching Wang Tiandi return to the team, the shy little she-wolf said goodbye with tears.

Wang Tiandi swung his tail, leaving the little she-wolf with a scumbag-like back. He waved his claws and left without taking away a single cloud.

The adventure in Moonlight Jungle has finally come to an end.

Although the process is a bit confusing, the experience of upgrading when the task is completed is real and there is no ambiguity.

Yi Lin and others rearranged their equipment, purchased medicine, and left the village.

Before leaving, Yi Lin looked at the pile of "intermediate crystal energy vials" in the [Props] and couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth.

"Goodbye, brave man!"

Not only did Yi Lin not stop, she walked even faster.

Wait until Yi Lin and others leave quickly.

The grocer in the village suddenly looked sad, pushed his way through the crowd, and cried loudly to the new village chief: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuah, my goods, my goods, are all gone!"


ten minutes later.

The village has disappeared from the sight of several people.

Yi Lin secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that no villagers were chasing him.

There was no way, who made him spend all his money?

Although the method of ravaging the Wolf King was awesome, it came at the cost of a large amount of blue medicine. Last night's battle not only emptied Yilin's energy, but also emptied Yilin's wallet.

Yi Lin stopped and told his teammates his plan.

"What? You want to go back to Rab Town? Why are you going back?"

"I have a hidden mission. You must reach Lv20 before you can do the follow-up. There is no way."

"Hidden mission?"

For some reason, when Li Erpang heard these four words, he always subconsciously thought that Yi Lin was talking nonsense, but he had no evidence.

"Can we pick it up?"

"Probably not, that's the only one."


Yi Lin smiled: "It doesn't matter. My level is low now, and my output is not high. If I act alone, I can get back to Labu Town faster. If there is a group of people, the target will be too big, and it will be easier for monsters to drag me into a 'combat state' , the gain outweighs the loss and wastes precious leveling time.”

"Instead of returning to Rab Town with me, you might as well take a step forward, cross the 'Endless Swamp', and go to Isita Port first. It is marked on the map that Isita Port is a bustling commercial center, and there should be many tasks there. "

After a pause, Yi Lin continued: "After I take over the mission, I will catch up with you as quickly as possible. There is no need to waste your leveling time just for me. Don't forget, we are trapped here now In the game world, we don't know anything about the 'body' situation in reality. If we leave the game one day later, there will be one more variable."

"It makes sense!" After all, Li Erpang is an experienced player and is very familiar with this routine. Almost without thinking, I felt that what Yi Lin said was reasonable and agreed with Yi Lin's arrangement.

Ning You and Xiao Chuer looked at each other.

There's something about that look.

After a moment, Ning You said with a smile: "That's fine. Brother Yi Lin's level far exceeds the level of monsters in the two leveling areas, so safety should not be a problem, so let's take the first step. In Isita Port See."


After Yi Lin left.

After Li Erpang, Wang Tiandi, Ning You, and Xiao Chuer identified the direction, they set off towards the Endless Swamp as quickly as possible.

Li Erpang was carrying the shield with high spirits, and his words and actions showed the aura of "I have the shield in my hand, I have it in the world, just come and beat me up", which made him look extremely awesome.

Ning You and Xiao Chuer quietly trailed a few steps behind.

"Is it okay if we don't follow the 'protagonist'?"

Ning You gently rubbed the hilt of the sword at his waist, with an inexplicable smile on his lips, and lowered his voice: "What are you afraid of? With the main mission here, even the 'protagonist' of this world will definitely arrive at Isita Port. Although they are the natives of this world, we must not underestimate them or think of them as too weak-minded. If we insist on following him, we may arouse the suspicion of the 'protagonist', which is not worth the loss."

"He left in a hurry. He should have received an important hidden mission. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain the reason why he ran back to Novice Village. However, since it is the opportunity of the protagonist, we are too impatient to take action now. Let's observe it first. , a turn-based game, no matter how awesome the protagonist is, it is impossible to defeat a high-level BOSS alone.”

"Besides, don't forget, besides 'us', there are other 'three people' in this world. There is no news for the time being. If I am not wrong, I should be able to meet these three people when I go to Isita Port." "Friends." It would be unfavorable for them to find out too early that we have a good relationship with the 'protagonist'."

Wang Tiandi was walking far ahead, and suddenly his ears pricked up.

Xiao Chuer stared at Ning You silently, noncommittal to Ning You's words.

But suddenly, she asked with a half-smile: "You are not mentally ill, are you?"

Ning You narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "You...guess?"

"The spiritual side of Tangtang actually chose the warrior profession. You are so insidious."

"Haha, who knows."


Yi Lin did not provoke any monsters along the way.

After all, he is already at Level 20. He can kill a kid with one knife. He has no experience and no pleasure. It is unnecessary and not worth it.

He's not Emperor Wang Tian, ​​so wouldn't he be sick if he vents to these cute little monsters?

Using the fastest speed, Yilin returned to the original town of Labu.

Walking on the street, people would mention the legend of the "mysterious thief" from time to time. After all, it had only been a few days.

Yi Lin has been very low-key all the way.

He even deliberately avoided the church. After all, before he left, he didn't leave anything behind that seemed valuable and could be pried or dismantled.

There is no need to touch this bad luck.

Arriving at the corner of Labu Town, the blacksmith shop was still open during business hours, and the sound of clanging iron could be heard from time to time.

The blacksmith, whose face is covered with scars and full of stories, is shirtless and sweating profusely in the house.

"You finally came."

The blacksmith didn't look back.

But a line that seemed to be pretentious came out of his mouth.

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